mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Color Sliders
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
ADDON = false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* fnc_addClientSideColor.sqf
* @Descr: N/A
* @Author: PabstMirror
* @Arguments: []
* @Return:
* @PublicAPI: false
#include "script_component.hpp"
GVAR(clientSideColors) pushBack [_name, _localizedName, _localizedDescription, [], _defaultValue];
//Get the current setting from profile (or default) and set it:
_currentValue = [MENU_TAB_COLORS, _name, _defaultValue] call FUNC(loadFromProfile);
[MENU_TAB_COLORS, _name, _currentValue] call FUNC(updateSetting);
@ -9,25 +9,22 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_settingsMenu", "_optionSelected", "_onChangeCode", "_selectedSetting", "_nameOfSetting"];
private ["_settingsMenu", "_rightDropDownIndex", "_onChangeCode", "_settingIndex", "_settingIndex"];
_settingsMenu = uiNamespace getVariable 'ACE_settingsMenu';
_optionSelected = lbCurSel 400;
_selectedSetting = lbCurSel 200;
if (_optionSelected < 0) then {_optionSelected = 0;};
_settingIndex = lbCurSel 200; //Index of left list
_rightDropDownIndex = lbCurSel 400; //Index of right drop down
if (_rightDropDownIndex < 0) then {_rightDropDownIndex = 0;};
switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do {
if (_selectedSetting > (count GVAR(clientSideOptions))) then {
_selectedSetting = (count GVAR(clientSideOptions)) - 1;
if ((_settingIndex >= 0) && (_settingIndex < (count GVAR(clientSideOptions)))) then {
_settingIndex = (GVAR(clientSideOptions) select _settingIndex) select 0;
[MENU_TAB_OPTIONS, _settingIndex, _rightDropDownIndex] call FUNC(updateSetting);
if (_selectedSetting < 0) then {
_selectedSetting = 0;
_nameOfSetting = (GVAR(clientSideOptions) select _selectedSetting) select 0;
[MENU_TAB_OPTIONS, _nameOfSetting, _optionSelected] call FUNC(updateSetting);
[false] call FUNC(settingsMenuUpdateList);
@ -9,40 +9,20 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
systemChat format ["slide %1", _this];
_slider = _this select 0;
_pos = _this select 1;
_idc = ctrlIDC _slider;
_index = _idc % 4; //[410, 411, 412, 413];
_settingsMenu = uiNamespace getVariable 'ACE_settingsMenu';
_optionSelected = lbCurSel 400;
// switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do {
// case (MENU_TAB_COLORS): {
// if (_selectedSetting > (count GVAR(clientSideColors))) then {
// _selectedSetting = (count GVAR(clientSideColors)) - 1;
// };
// if (_selectedSetting < 0) then {
// _selectedSetting = 0;
// };
// _nameOfSetting = (GVAR(clientSideColors) select _selectedSetting) select 0;
// [MENU_TAB_COLORS, _nameOfSetting, _optionSelected] call FUNC(updateSetting);
// [false] call FUNC(settingsMenuUpdateList);
// };
// };
// private ["_settingsMenu", "_optionSelected", "_onChangeCode", "_selectedSetting", "_nameOfSetting"];
// _selectedSetting = lbCurSel 200;
// if (_optionSelected < 0) then {_optionSelected = 0;};
private ["_newColor", "_settingIndex"];
_newColor = [];
_newColor pushBack (sliderPosition _x);
} forEach [410, 411, 412, 413];
_settingIndex = lbCurSel 200;
switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do {
if ((_settingIndex >= 0) && (_settingIndex < (count GVAR(clientSideColors)))) then {
_settingIndex = (GVAR(clientSideColors) select _settingIndex) select 0;
[MENU_TAB_COLORS, _settingIndex, _newColor] call FUNC(updateSetting);
[false] call FUNC(settingsMenuUpdateList);
@ -11,27 +11,21 @@
private ["_type", "_collection", "_default", "_lastSelected"];
_type = _x;
_collection = [];
switch (_type) do {
case (MENU_TAB_OPTIONS): {_collection = GVAR(clientSideOptions);};
case (MENU_TAB_COLORS): {_collection = GVAR(clientSideColors);};
_name = _x select 0;
_default = _x select 5;
systemChat format ["Reseting %1 to %2", _name, _default];
[_type, _name, _default] call FUNC(updateSetting);
} forEach _collection;
_name = _x select 0;
_default = _x select 5;
[MENU_TAB_OPTIONS, _name, _default] call FUNC(updateSetting);
} forEach GVAR(clientSideOptions);
_name = _x select 0;
_default = _x select 4;
[MENU_TAB_COLORS, _name, _default] call FUNC(updateSetting);
} forEach GVAR(clientSideColors);
_lastSelected = lbCurSel 200;
[GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)] call FUNC(onListBoxShowSelectionChanged);
if (_lastSelected != -1) then {
lbSetCurSel [200, _lastSelected];
lbSetCurSel [200, _lastSelected];
@ -12,26 +12,27 @@
private ["_nameSelected", "_saved"];
_typeString = "";
_collection = [];
switch (_type) do {
_typeString = "option";
_collection = GVAR(clientSideOptions);
_nameSelected = _x select 0;
if (_nameSelected == _name) exitwith {
profileNamespace setvariable [(format ["ace_option_%1", _name]), (_x select 4)];
_saved = true;
systemChat str [(format ["ace_option_%1", _name]), (_x select 4)];
}foreach GVAR(clientSideOptions);
_typeString = "color";
_collection = [];
_nameSelected = _x select 0;
if (_nameSelected == _name) exitwith {
profileNamespace setvariable [(format ["ace_color_%1", _name]), (_x select 3)];
_saved = true;
systemChat str [(format ["ace_color_%1", _name]), (_x select 3)];
}foreach GVAR(clientSideColors);
_saved = false;
_nameSelected = _x select 0;
if (_nameSelected == _name) exitwith {
profileNamespace setvariable [(format ["ace_%1_%2", _typeString, _name]), (_x select 4)];
_saved = true;
}foreach GVAR(clientSideOptions);
@ -17,19 +17,20 @@ _ctrlList = _settingsMenu displayCtrl 200;
_collection = switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do {
case MENU_TAB_OPTIONS: {GVAR(clientSideOptions)};
case MENU_TAB_COLORS: {GVAR(clientSideColors)};
default {[]};
if (count _collection > 0) then {
_selectedSetting = (lbCurSel _ctrlList);
if (_selectedSetting > (count _collection)) then {
_selectedSetting = count _collection - 1;
_settingIndex = (lbCurSel _ctrlList);
if (_settingIndex > (count _collection)) then {
_settingIndex = count _collection - 1;
if (_selectedSetting < 0) exitwith {
_selectedSetting = 0;
if (_settingIndex < 0) exitwith {
_settingIndex = 0;
_setting = _collection select _selectedSetting;
_setting = _collection select _settingIndex;
_entryName = _setting select 0;
_localizedName = _setting select 1;
@ -38,57 +39,29 @@ if (count _collection > 0) then {
if (_localizedName == "") then {_localizedName = _entryName;};
(_settingsMenu displayCtrl 250) ctrlSetText _localizedName;
(_settingsMenu displayCtrl 251) ctrlSetText _localizedDescription;
(_settingsMenu displayCtrl 300) ctrlSetText _entryName;
switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do {
_possibleValues = _setting select 3;
_settingsValue = _setting select 4;
lbClear 400;
_settingsText = (_possibleValues select _settingsValue); // expecting: value [[any, TEXT (DESCRIPTION)]]
(_settingsMenu displayCtrl 300) ctrlSetText _entryName;
lbAdd [400, _x];
} foreach _possibleValues;
{ lbAdd [400, _x]; } foreach _possibleValues;
(_settingsMenu displayCtrl 400) lbSetCurSel _settingsValue;
_currentColor = _setting select 3;
systemChat format ["here %1", _currentColor];
systemChat str [_x, (_currentColor select _forEachIndex)];
sliderSetPosition [_x, (_currentColor select _forEachIndex)];
} forEach [410, 411, 412, 413];
// if (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab) != MENU_TAB_OPTIONS) then {
// _keybinding = _setting select 1;
// _keyCode = _keybinding select 0;
// _shiftPressed = _keybinding select 1;
// _ctrlPressed = _keybinding select 2;
// _altPressed = _keybinding select 3;
// _keyBindingText = keyName _keyCode;
// if (_keyBindingText == '""') then {
// _keyBindingText = "No key assigned";
// };
// (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 300) ctrlSetText ("Key: " + _keyBindingText);
// lbClear 400;
// lbadd [400, "No"];
// lbadd [400, "Yes"];
// lbadd [400, "Ignore"];
// (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 400) lbSetCurSel _shiftPressed;
// (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 401) lbSetCurSel _ctrlPressed;
// (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 402) lbSetCurSel _altPressed;
// } else {
// _possibleValues = _setting select 1;
// _settingsValue = _setting select 2;
// lbClear 400;
// _settingsText = (_possibleValues select _settingsValue); // expecting: value [[any, TEXT (DESCRIPTION)]]
// (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 300) ctrlSetText ("Setting: " + _settingsText);
// {
// lbAdd [400, _x];
// } foreach _possibleValues;
// (_settingsMenu displayCtrl 400) lbSetCurSel _settingsValue;
// };
@ -26,7 +26,21 @@ case (MENU_TAB_OPTIONS): {
_ctrlList lbadd (_settingsText);
}foreach GVAR(clientSideOptions);
_color = +(_x select 3);
_color set [_forEachIndex, ((round (_x * 100))/100)];
} forEach _color;
_settingsColor = str _color;
_ctrlList lbadd (_x select 1);
_ctrlList lbadd (_settingsColor);
_ctrlList lnbSetColor [[_forEachIndex, 1], (_x select 3)];
}foreach GVAR(clientSideColors);
if (_updateKeyView) then {
systemChat "Hare";
[] call FUNC(settingsMenuUpdateKeyView);
@ -11,26 +11,30 @@
private ["_changed", "_collection"];
private ["_changed"];
_changed = false;
_collection = [];
switch (_type) do {
case (MENU_TAB_OPTIONS): {_collection = GVAR(clientSideOptions);};
case (MENU_TAB_COLORS): {_collection = GVAR(clientSideColors);};
systemChat format ["%1: %2", _name, count _collection];
if ((_x select 0) == _name) then {
if (!((_x select 4) isEqualTo _newValue)) then {
_changed = true;
_x set [4, _newValue]; //Change current Value
if ((_x select 0) == _name) then {
if (!((_x select 4) isEqualTo _newValue)) then {
_changed = true;
_x set [4, _newValue];
} foreach GVAR(clientSideOptions);
} foreach _collection;
if (((_x select 0) == _name) && {!((_x select 3) isEqualTo _newValue)}) then {
_changed = true;
_x set [3, _newValue];
} foreach GVAR(clientSideColors);
systemChat format ["%1: %2", _name, _changed];
@ -190,29 +190,31 @@ class ACE_settingsMenu {
class sliderBar1: RscXSliderH {
idc = 410;
x = "31.1 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX + (safezoneW - ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2))/2)";
x = "28.1 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX + (safezoneW - ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2))/2)";
y = "7.3 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY + (safezoneH - (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2))/2)";
w = "7 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)";
w = "10 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)";
h = "0.75 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)";
onSliderPosChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSliderPosChanged));
color[] = {1,0,0,0.4};
colorActive[] = {1,0,0,1};
class sliderBar2: sliderBar1 {
idc = 411;
y = "8.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY + (safezoneH - (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2))/2)";
h = "0.75 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)";
onSliderPosChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSliderPosChanged));
color[] = {0,1,0,0.4};
colorActive[] = {0,1,0,1};
class sliderBar3: sliderBar1 {
idc = 412;
y = "9.1 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY + (safezoneH - (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2))/2)";
h = "0.75 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)";
onSliderPosChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSliderPosChanged));
color[] = {0,0,1,0.4};
colorActive[] = {0,0,1,1};
class sliderBar4: sliderBar1 {
idc = 413;
y = "10 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY + (safezoneH - (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2))/2)";
h = "0.75 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)";
onSliderPosChanged = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(onSliderPosChanged));
color[] = {1,1,1,0.4};
colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
@ -260,15 +262,13 @@ class ACE_settingsMenu {
text = "Fix Animation";
x = "7.5 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX + (safezoneW - ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2))/2)";
// action = "if ([player] call ACE_fnc_canInteract && {animationState player == 'deadState' || animationState player == 'unconscious'} && {(vehicle player == player)}) then { [player, 'amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon'] call ACE_fnc_broadcastAnim; };";
action = "hint 'todo???'";
class action_reset: actionClose {
idc = 1100;
text = "Reset All";
x = "7.5 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX + (safezoneW - ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2))/2)";
y = "22.3 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY + (safezoneH - (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2))/2)";
w = "6 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)";
h = "1 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)";
x = "14 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX + (safezoneW - ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2))/2)";
action = QUOTE([] call FUNC(resetSettings));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user