stuff in to merge folder

This commit is contained in:
commy2 2015-03-20 19:56:39 +01:00
parent a146be57f2
commit 955506dbe8
34 changed files with 794 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// TMR: Optics initialization and functions
// (C) 2013 Ryan Schultz. See LICENSE.
// Request a resource layer from the game engine.
AGM_Optics_scopeRSC = ["AGM_Optics_Scope"] call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
// Set global variables
AGM_Optics_inScope = false; // Is the scope up?
AGM_Optics_currentOptic = ""; // What optic is attached right now?
0 = 0 spawn {
waituntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)};
[] call AGM_Optics_fnc_initScope;
// PiP technique by BadBenson
AGM_Optics_Camera = "camera" camCreate (positioncameratoworld [0,0,0]);
AGM_Optics_Camera camSetFov 0.7;
AGM_Optics_Camera camSetTarget player;
AGM_Optics_Camera camCommit 1;
"agm_optics_rendertarget0" setPiPEffect [2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]];
AGM_Optics_Camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK","agm_optics_rendertarget0"];
waitUntil {[] call AGM_Optics_fnc_mainLoop; False};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
class CfgPatches {
class AGM_Optics {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.60;
requiredAddons[] = {AGM_Core};
version = 0.1;
author[] = {"Taosenai"};
authorUrl = "";
class CfgFunctions {
class AGM_Optics {
class AGM_Optics {
file = "AGM_Optics\functions";
class firedEH;
class hideScope;
class initScope;
class mainLoop;
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class AGM_Optics {
clientInit = "call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers '\AGM_Optics\clientInit.sqf'";
class Extended_FiredBIS_EventHandlers {
class CAManBase {
class AGM_Optics {
clientFiredBIS = "_this call AGM_Optics_fnc_firedEH;";
class CfgOpticsEffect {
class AGM_OpticsRadBlur1 {
type = "radialblur";
params[] = {0.015, 0, 0.14, 0.2};
priority = 950;
class CfgWeapons {
class ItemCore;
class InventoryItem_Base_F;
class InventoryMuzzleItem_Base_F;
class InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F;
class optic_Hamr : ItemCore {
displayName = "HAMR 4x";
descriptionShort = "High Accuracy Multi-Range Optic<br />Magnification: 4x<br />Reticle: CM-RW 6.5mm";
scope = 2;
weaponInfoType = "AGM_RscWeapon";
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 1;
AGM_Optics_reticle = "\AGM_Optics\data\hamr\hamr-reticle65_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "\AGM_Optics\data\hamr\hamr-reticle65Illum_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_body = "\AGM_Optics\data\hamr\hamr-body_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "\AGM_Optics\data\hamr\hamr-bodyNight_ca.paa";
model = "\A3\weapons_f\acc\acco_hamr_F";
class ItemInfo : InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
mass = 4;
optics = 1;
optictype = 1;
rmbhint = "HAMR";
modeloptics = "\AGM_Optics\agm_optics_pip.p3d";
class OpticsModes {
class Hamr2Collimator {
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 0;
opticsID = 1;
useModelOptics = 0;
opticsppeffects[] = {};
opticsFlare = 0;
opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0;
opticsZoomMin = 0.375;
opticsZoomMax = 1;
opticsZoomInit = 0.75;
memoryPointCamera = "eye";
visionMode[] = {};
distanceZoomMin = 300;
distanceZoomMax = 300;
class Hamr2Scope {
cameradir = "";
distanceZoomMin = 300;
distanceZoomMax = 300;
memorypointcamera = "opticView";
opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0;
opticsdisplayname = "IHAMR";
opticsflare = 1;
opticsid = 2;
opticsppeffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera2", "OpticsBlur1", "AGM_OpticsRadBlur1"};
opticszoominit = 0.0872664626;
opticszoommax = 0.0872664626;
opticszoommin = 0.0872664626;
discretefov[] = {0.0872664626};
discreteinitindex = 0;
usemodeloptics = 1;
modeloptics = "\AGM_Optics\agm_optics_pip.p3d";
visionmode[] = {"Normal", "NVG"};
class optic_Arco : ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Advanced Rifle Combat Optic<br />Magnification: 4x<br />Reticle: SpecterDR 6.5mm";
displayname = "ARCO 4x";
picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Data\UI\gear_acco_Arco_CA.paa";
scope = 2;
weaponInfoType = "AGM_RscWeapon";
model = "\A3\weapons_f\acc\acco_Arco_F";
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 1;
AGM_Optics_reticle = "\AGM_Optics\data\arco\arco-reticle65_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "\AGM_Optics\data\arco\arco-reticle65Illum_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_body = "\AGM_Optics\data\arco\arco-body_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "\AGM_Optics\data\arco\arco-bodyNight_ca.paa";
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
mass = 4;
optics = 1;
optictype = 1;
rmbhint = "ARCO";
class OpticsModes {
class ARCO2collimator {
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 0;
cameradir = "";
distancezoommax = 300;
distancezoommin = 300;
memorypointcamera = "eye";
opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0;
opticsdisplayname = "CQB";
opticsflare = 0;
opticsid = 1;
opticsppeffects[] = {};
opticszoominit = 0.75;
opticszoommax = 1.1;
opticszoommin = 0.375;
usemodeloptics = 0;
visionmode[] = {};
class ARCO2scope: ARCO2collimator {
cameradir = "";
distanceZoomMin = 300;
distanceZoomMax = 300;
memorypointcamera = "opticView";
opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0;
opticsdisplayname = "ARCO";
opticsflare = 1;
opticsid = 2;
opticsppeffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera2", "OpticsBlur1", "AGM_OpticsRadBlur1"};
opticszoominit = 0.0872664626; // 0.0872664626 rad = 5 degrees
opticszoommax = 0.0872664626; // SpecterDR 4x is 6 degrees
opticszoommin = 0.0872664626; // Scope graphic in game covers 1 degree
discretefov[] = {0.0872664626};
discreteinitindex = 0;
usemodeloptics = 1;
modeloptics = "\AGM_Optics\data\AGM_Optics_reticle90.p3d";
visionmode[] = {"Normal"};
class optic_MRCO : ItemCore {
displayName = "MRCO 1x/4x";
descriptionShort = "Medium Range Combat Optic<br />Magnification: 1x/4x<br />Reticle: Pitbull Gen II 5.56mm";
scope = 2;
weaponInfoType = "AGM_RscWeapon";
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 1;
AGM_Optics_reticle = "\AGM_Optics\data\mrco\mrco-reticle556_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "\AGM_Optics\data\mrco\mrco-reticle556Illum_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_body = "\AGM_Optics\data\mrco\mrco-body_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "\AGM_Optics\data\mrco\mrco-bodyNight_ca.paa";
class ItemInfo : InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
opticType = 1;
mass = 4;
optics = 1;
modelOptics = "\A3\Weapons_f_beta\acc\reticle_MRCO_F";
class OpticsModes {
class MRCOcq {
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 0;
opticsID = 1;
useModelOptics = 0;
opticsPPEffects[] = {};
opticsFlare = 0;
opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0;
opticsZoomMin = 0.375;
opticsZoomMax = 1;
opticsZoomInit = 0.75;
memoryPointCamera = "eye";
visionMode[] = {};
distanceZoomMin = 100;
distanceZoomMax = 100;
class MRCOscope {
cameradir = "";
distanceZoomMin = 300;
distanceZoomMax = 300;
memorypointcamera = "eye";
opticsdisableperipherialvision = 0;
opticsdisplayname = "MRCO";
opticsflare = 1;
opticsid = 2;
opticsppeffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera2", "OpticsBlur2", "AGM_OpticsRadBlur1"};
opticszoominit = 0.0872664626;
opticszoommax = 0.0872664626;
opticszoommin = 0.0872664626;
discretefov[] = {0.0872664626};
discreteinitindex = 0;
usemodeloptics = 1;
modeloptics = "\AGM_Optics\data\AGM_Optics_reticle90.p3d";
visionmode[] = {"Normal"};
class optic_Nightstalker : ItemCore {
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class NCTALKEP {};
class Iron : NCTALKEP {
opticsppeffects[] = {}; // Fix Arma 3 bug
class optic_SOS: ItemCore {
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
modelOptics = "\AGM_Optics\agm_optics_pip.p3d";
class OpticsModes {
class Snip {
visionMode[] = {"Normal","TI","NVG"};
thermalMode[] = {5,6};
opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","radblur"};
modelOptics[] = {"\AGM_Optics\agm_optics_pip.p3d","\AGM_Optics\agm_optics_pip.p3d"};
class optic_DMS : ItemCore {
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class Snip {};
class Iron : Snip {
opticsppeffects[] = {}; // Fix Arma 3 bug
class optic_LRPS : ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Nightforce NXS Riflescope<br />Magnification: 5.5-22x";
displayname = "NXS 5.5-22x";
weaponinfotype = "AGM_RscWeapon";
AGM_Optics_enhanced = 1;
AGM_Optics_reticle = "\AGM_Optics\data\sos\sos-reticleMLR_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "\AGM_Optics\data\sos\sos-reticleMLRIllum_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_body = "\AGM_Optics\data\sos\sos-body_ca.paa";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "\AGM_Optics\data\sos\sos-bodyNight_ca.paa";
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
modeloptics = "\AGM_Optics\data\AGM_Optics_reticle90.p3d";
weaponinfotype = "RscWeaponRangeZeroingFOV";
opticType = 2; // Sniper optics
class OpticsModes {
// Based on Nightforce NXS 5.5-22 scope
class Snip {
cameradir = "";
discretedistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300};
discretedistanceinitindex = 0;
discreteinitindex = 0;
distancezoommax = 2300;
distancezoommin = 100;
memorypointcamera = "opticView";
modeloptics = "\AGM_Optics\data\AGM_Optics_reticle90.p3d";
opticsdisableperipherialvision = 1;
opticsdisplayname = "SOS";
opticsflare = 1;
opticsid = 1;
opticsppeffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1", "AGM_OpticsRadBlur1"};
// How to determine opticszoom
// First do the basic math based on the listed FOV of the scope to
// get a baseline FOV
// 0.1 meter at 100 meters = 1 mrad
// 5.5x FOV -- 5.3 m at 100 m = 53 mrad
// = 0.053 rad = 3.037 deg FOV
// 22x FOV -- 1.4 m at 100m = 14 mrad
// = 0.014 rad = 0.802 deg
// The FOV you give the engine is based on a rather larger scope outline, so we
// have to do this extra work ourselves.
// At 1680x1050
// The width of a TMR optic viewfield is 864px
// The engine viewport width (which is what the below FOV is based on) is 980
// (864/980) = (FOV to give engine / true FOV of optic)
// 864/980 * 0.053 = 0.04673
// 864/980 * 0.014 = 0.01234
// Measured experimentally, these values seem quite right.
// Certainly they're close enough after you account for pixel density, etc.
opticszoominit = 0.01234;
opticszoommax = 0.04673;
opticszoommin = 0.01234;
discretefov[] = {};
usemodeloptics = 1;
visionmode[] = {"Normal"};
class optic_Yorris : ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Burris FastFire II Red Dot Sight<br />Magnification: 1x";
displayname = "FastFire II";
class optic_MRD : ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Eotech MRDS Red Dot Sight<br />Magnification: 1x";
displayname = "MRDS";
class optic_Holosight : ItemCore {
descriptionshort = "Eotech XPS3 Holographic Sight<br />Magnification: 1x";
displayname = "XPS3 Holo";
class RscOpticsText;
class RscOpticsValue;
class RscInGameUI {
class RscUnitInfo;
class RscWeaponZeroing;
class AGM_RscWeapon : RscWeaponZeroing {
idd = -1;
controls[] = {"CA_Zeroing", "CA_FOVMode"};
onLoad ="with uiNameSpace do { AGM_OpticsIGUI = _this select 0 }";
class CA_FOVMode : RscOpticsValue {
idc = 154;
style = 2;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 0;
h = 0;
class RscTitles {
class AGM_Optics_Scope {
idd = -1;
onLoad = "with uiNameSpace do { AGM_Optics_Scope = _this select 0 };";
onUnload = "";
movingEnable = 1;
duration = 10000;
controls[] = {"Reticle", "ReticleNight", "BodyNight", "Body"};
class Reticle {
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0, 0};
colorText[] = {1,1,1, 1};
fade = 0;
font = "PuristaMedium";
h = SafeZoneH;
idc = 1;
lineSpacing = 1.0;
movingEnable = 1;
size = 0;
sizeEx = 1;
style = 48;
text = "";
type = 0;
w = SafeZoneWAbs / ((getResolution select 0) / (getResolution select 1));
x = (SafeZoneXAbs + SafeZoneWAbs/2 - (SafeZoneWAbs / ((getResolution select 0) / (getResolution select 1)))/2);
y = SafeZoneY;
class ReticleNight : Reticle {
idc = 2;
text = "";
class Body : Reticle {
idc = 6;
text = "";
x = (SafeZoneXAbs + SafeZoneWAbs/2 - (SafeZoneWAbs / ((getResolution select 0) / (getResolution select 1))));
y = SafeZoneY - (SafeZoneH/2);
w = SafeZoneWAbs / ((getResolution select 0) / (getResolution select 1)) * 2;
h = SafeZoneH * 2;
class BodyNight : Body {
idc = 5;
text = "";
class PreloadTextures {
class CfgWeapons {
class optic_hamr {
AGM_Optics_body= "*";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticle = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "*";
class optic_arco {
AGM_Optics_body= "*";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticle = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "*";
class optic_mrco {
AGM_Optics_body= "*";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticle = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "*";
class optic_LRPS {
AGM_Optics_body= "*";
AGM_Optics_bodyNight = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticle = "*";
AGM_Optics_reticleIllum = "*";

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
class Stage1
class uvTransform

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Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
* Original Author: Taosenai
* Adapted By: KoffeinFlummi
* Animates the scope when firing.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit
* 1: Weapon
* 2: Muzzle
* 3: Mode
* 4: Ammo
* 5: Magazine
* 6: Projectile
* Return Value:
* None
if (_this select 0 != AGM_player) exitwith {}; // Sanity check
0 = _this spawn {
_weaponType = _this select 1;
_config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponType;
_scope = uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope";
// @todo
_recoilMulti = getNumber (_config >> "tmr_smallarms_recoil_shakeMultiplier"); // Will be 0 if undefined
if (_recoilMulti == 0) then {
_recoilMulti = 1;
if (_recoilMulti > 2.6) then {
_recoilMulti = 2.6; // Don't get too high
// Reduce the reticle movement as the player drops into lower, supported stances.
_detectStance = (player selectionPosition "Neck" select 2);
if (_detectStance < 1.3) then {
_recoilMulti = _recoilMulti - 0.10;
if (_detectStance < 0.7) then {
_recoilMulti = _recoilMulti - 0.20;
// Reduce reticle movement if the player is rested (tmr_autorest).
if (player getVariable ["tmr_autorest_rested", false]) then {
_recoilMulti = _recoilMulti - 0.20;
// Reduce reticle movement if the player is deployed (tmr_autorest).
if (player getVariable ["tmr_autorest_deployed", false]) then {
_recoilMulti = _recoilMulti - 0.30;
_recoilMulti = 1;
// @endtodo
// Constants which determine how the scope recoils
_recoilScope = 0.03 * _recoilMulti + random 0.0015;
_recoilRing = 0.03 * _recoilMulti + random 0.0015;
_randomScopeShiftX = 0.005 * _recoilMulti - random 0.011;
_randomReticleShiftX = 0.0036 * _recoilMulti + random 0.0045; // Always tend up and right;
_randomReticleShiftY = -0.0046 * _recoilMulti - random 0.0055;
// Center everything
// getResolution select 4 should return the aspect ratio, but it's totally wrong
// for triple head displays. We'll compute it manually.
_aspectRatio = (getResolution select 0) / (getResolution select 1);
_reticleX = (SafeZoneXAbs + SafeZoneWAbs/2 - (SafeZoneWAbs / _aspectRatio)/2);
_reticleY = SafeZoneY;
_reticleW = SafeZoneWAbs / _aspectRatio;
_reticleH = SafeZoneH;
// Reticle
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetPosition [_reticleX, _reticleY, _reticleW, _reticleH];
// Reticle night (illum)
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetPosition [_reticleX, _reticleY, _reticleW, _reticleH];
_bodyX = (SafeZoneXAbs + SafeZoneWAbs/2 - (SafeZoneWAbs / _aspectRatio));
_bodyY = SafeZoneY - (SafeZoneH/2);
_bodyW = SafeZoneWAbs / _aspectRatio * 2;
_bodyH = SafeZoneH * 2;
// Body night
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetPosition [_bodyX, _bodyY, _bodyW, _bodyH];
// Body
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetPosition [_bodyX, _bodyY, _bodyW, _bodyH];
_centerDelay = 0.01;
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit _centerDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit _centerDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlCommit _centerDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlCommit _centerDelay;
// Create and commit recoil effect
// Move reticle
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetPosition [_reticleX - (_recoilScope/2) + _randomReticleShiftX, _reticleY - (_recoilScope/2) + _randomReticleShiftY, _reticleW + _recoilScope, _reticleH + _recoilScope];
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetPosition [_reticleX - (_recoilScope/2) + _randomReticleShiftX, _reticleY - (_recoilScope/2) + _randomReticleShiftY, _reticleW + _recoilScope, _reticleH + _recoilScope];
// Move body
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetPosition [_bodyX - (_recoilScope/2) + _randomScopeShiftX, _bodyY - (_recoilScope/2), _bodyW + _recoilScope, _bodyH + _recoilScope];
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetPosition [_bodyX - (_recoilScope/2) + _randomScopeShiftX, _bodyY - (_recoilScope/2), _bodyW + _recoilScope, _bodyH + _recoilScope];
_recoilDelay = 0.036;
_fa = false;
_cwm = currentWeaponMode player;
if (_cwm == "FullAuto" || _cwm == "manual" || _cwm == "Burst") then {
_recoilDelay = getNumber (_config >> _cwm >> "reloadTime")/2.2;
_fa = true;
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit _recoilDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit _recoilDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlCommit _recoilDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlCommit _recoilDelay;
waituntil {sleep 0.01; ctrlCommitted (_scope displayCtrl 6)};
// Bring them all back
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetPosition [_reticleX, _reticleY, _reticleW, _reticleH];
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetPosition [_reticleX, _reticleY, _reticleW, _reticleH];
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetPosition [_bodyX, _bodyY, _bodyW, _bodyH];
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetPosition [_bodyX, _bodyY, _bodyW, _bodyH];
_recenterDelay = 0.09;
if (_fa) then {
_recenterDelay = getNumber (_config >> _cwm >> "reloadTime")/2.2;
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit _recenterDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit _recenterDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlCommit _recenterDelay;
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlCommit _recenterDelay;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Original Author: Taosenai
* Adapted By: KoffeinFlummi
* Hides the scope.
private ["_scope"];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit 0;
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit 0;
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 5) ctrlCommit 0;
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 6) ctrlCommit 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Original Author: Taosenai
* Adapted By: KoffeinFlummi
* Initializes the scope resources.
private ["_display"];
// Make sure we only cutRsc when the resource isn't already available
if (isNil {uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope"} or {isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope")}) exitWith {
AGM_Optics_scopeRSC cutRsc ["AGM_Optics_Scope","PLAIN",0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0];
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit 0;
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit 0;
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 5) ctrlCommit 0;
((uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope") displayCtrl 6) ctrlCommit 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* Original Author: Taosenai
* Adapted By: KoffeinFlummi
* Monitors the RscInGameUI and displays the overlays when needed.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
if !(cameraOn == AGM_player && {alive AGM_player} && {!visibleMap} && {ctrlShown ((uinamespace getVariable "AGM_OpticsIGUI") displayCtrl 154)}) exitWith {
// Failed the state check, hide the scope if it's up
if (AGM_Optics_inScope) then {
// Hide the scope
AGM_Optics_inScope = false;
AGM_Optics_inScope_FOV = ([] call cba_fnc_getFOV) select 0;
[] call AGM_Optics_fnc_hideScope;
AGM_Optics_Camera setposATL (positioncameratoworld [0,0,0.4]);
AGM_Optics_Camera camPrepareTarget (positioncameratoworld [0,0,50]);
AGM_Optics_Camera camCommitPrepared 0;
if (cameraView == "Gunner") then {
AGM_Optics_Camera camsetFOV 0.7;
AGM_Optics_Camera camcommit 0;
} else {
AGM_Optics_Camera camsetFOV 0.01;
AGM_Optics_Camera camcommit 0;
private ["_optic", "_scope"];
// Get the name of the attached optic
_optic = (primaryWeaponItems AGM_player) select 2;
_scope = uiNameSpace getVariable "AGM_Optics_Scope";
// Init the scope (if needed)
[] call AGM_Optics_fnc_initScope;
// Check if the optic has changed since we last drew it
_doUpdateAllLayers = false;
if (AGM_Optics_currentOptic != _optic) then {
AGM_Optics_currentOptic = _optic;
_doUpdateAllLayers = true;
// Check if Splendid Camera, unit switch, etc. has blanked out our displays for no good reason (grrr)
if (ctrlText (_scope displayCtrl 1) == "") then {
_doUpdateAllLayers = true;
// Draw the correct layers (don't show them)
if (_doUpdateAllLayers) then {
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetText getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _optic >> "AGM_Optics_reticle");
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetText getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _optic >> "AGM_Optics_reticleIllum");
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetText getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _optic >> "AGM_Optics_bodyNight");
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetText getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _optic >> "AGM_Optics_body");
// Stop processing if already in the scope view and FOV hasn't changed
if (AGM_Optics_inScope) exitwith {};
// Mark that we're in enhanced scope view
AGM_Optics_inScope = true;
// Calculate lighting
_lighting = sunOrMoon; // 1 is day, 0 is night
_nightOpacity = 1;
_dayOpacity = (0 max moonIntensity * (1 - (0 max overcast)))/5;
if (_lighting == 1) then {
_nightOpacity = 0;
_dayOpacity = 1;
// Apply lighting and make layers visible
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,_nightOpacity];
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,_nightOpacity];
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,_dayOpacity];
(_scope displayCtrl 1) ctrlCommit 0;
(_scope displayCtrl 2) ctrlCommit 0;
(_scope displayCtrl 5) ctrlCommit 0;
(_scope displayCtrl 6) ctrlCommit 0;