Merge pull request #2685 from acemod/340removeactionsondead

remove check ammo action on destroyed static weapons
This commit is contained in:
commy2 2015-10-06 19:36:19 +02:00
commit 9c22052871

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Check if the player can check the ammo of the target.
* Argument:
* 0: Player <OBJECT>
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Target <OBJECT>
* Return value:
@ -16,22 +16,24 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_magazineType", "_magazineCfg"];
params ["", "_target"];
// Return true for static weapons if they have been fired once, @todo 1.40 this work-around doesn't work anymore
if (_target isKindOf "StaticWeapon") exitWith {
if (currentMagazine _target != "") exitWith {true};
private ["_magazines","_found"];
_magazines = magazinesAmmoFull _target;
_found = false;
// no check ammo action on destroyed static weapons
if (!alive _target) exitWith {false};
local _found = false;
if (_x select 2) exitWith {
_found = true;
} forEach _magazines;
} count magazinesAmmoFull _target;
@ -42,9 +44,7 @@ if !(_target isKindOf "CAManBase") exitWith {false};
if (currentWeapon _target == "") exitWith {false};
// Check if their current magazine is a belt
_magazineType = currentMagazine _target;
_magazineCfg = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineType;
if (getNumber (_magazineCfg >> "ACE_isBelt") == 1) exitWith {true};
if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> currentMagazine _target >> "ACE_isBelt") == 1) exitWith {true};
// Check for rocket launchers
if (currentWeapon _target == secondaryWeapon _target) exitWith {true};