Do spall exits for time 90% of the time (round hits multiple walls) and should exit on "hitting ground since no spalling is generated

This commit is contained in:
lambdatiger 2024-03-02 22:29:41 -06:00
parent 4c905fed42
commit 9c6a919bb9

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@ -17,19 +17,19 @@
#define GLUE(g1,g2) g1##g2
if (CBA_missionTime < GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime)) exitWith {
TRACE_2("time exit",CBA_missionTime,GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime));
params ["_projectile", "_objectHit", "_lastPosASL", "_lastVelocity", "_surfaceNorm", "_surfaceType", "_ammo", "_shotParents", "_vectorUp"];
if (CBA_missionTime < GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime) ||
{_lastPosASL isEqualTo [0,0,0]} ||
{_ammo isEqualTo ""} ||
if (_ammo == "" ||
{_objectHit isKindOf "CAManBase"}) exitWith {
TRACE_4("invalid round or hit",CBA_missionTime,GVAR(nextSpallAllowTime),_objectHit,_lastPosASL);
private _material = [_surfaceType] call FUNC(getMaterialInfo);
if (_material == "ground") then {
if (_material == "ground") exitWith {
systemChat "ground spall";
@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ private _vel = if (alive _projectile) then {
[0, 0, 0]
private _velocityChange = 0 max (vectorMagnitude _lastVelocity - vectorMagnitude _vel);
private _speedChange = 0 max (vectorMagnitude _lastVelocity - vectorMagnitude _vel);
* This is all fudge factor since real spalling is too complex for calculation.
* There are two terms. The first is from round impact, taking a quasi scale
* of sqrt(2)/50 * round caliber * srqt(change in speed). The second term is
* explosive * indirect hit, for any explosive contribution
private _spallPower = (ACE_FRAG_ROUND_COEF * _caliber * sqrt _velocityChange + _explosive * _indirectHit) * GVAR(spallIntensity);
TRACE_3("found speed",_velocityChange,_caliber,_spallPower);
private _spallPower = (ACE_FRAG_SPALL_CALIBER_COEF * _caliber * sqrt _speedChange + _explosive * _indirectHit) * GVAR(spallIntensity);
TRACE_3("found speed",_speedChange,_caliber,_spallPower);
if (_spallPower < 2) exitWith {
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ private _spallSpawner = createVehicle [
_spallSpawner setVectorDirandUp [_lastVelocityNorm, _vectorUp];
_spallSpawner setVelocity (_lastVelocityNorm vectorMultiply (_velocityChange * ACE_FRAG_SPALL_VELOCITY_INHERIT_COEFF));
_spallSpawner setVelocityModelSpace [0, _speedChange * ACE_FRAG_SPALL_VELOCITY_INHERIT_COEFF, 0];
_spallSpawner setShotParents _shotParents;