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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Add: Unloading and fix full vehicle
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,24 +40,32 @@ if (_item isEqualType objNull) then {
if (
(_vehicle canVehicleCargo _item) isEqualTo [false, true] && // Could be loaded if _vehicle was empty
{_vehicleCargo findIf {
!(_x in _loaded) &&
!(_x in _loaded) && // Don't use ViV if ViV was used outside of ACE Cargo
!(typeOf _x isEqualTo "CargoNet_01_box_F")
} isEqualTo -1} // Don't use ViV if ViV was used outside of ACE Cargo
} isEqualTo -1}
) then {
private _cargoBox = createVehicle ["CargoNet_01_box_F", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
if ((_vehicle canVehicleCargo _cargoBox) select 1) then {
while {!(_vehicle setVehicleCargo _cargoBox)} do { // Move ViV cargo to ACE Cargo
private _cargoNet = createVehicle ["CargoNet_01_box_F", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
if ((_vehicle canVehicleCargo _cargoNet) select 1) then {
while {!(_vehicle setVehicleCargo _cargoNet)} do { // Move ViV cargo to ACE Cargo
private _itemViV = _vehicleCargo deleteAt 0;
if !(objNull setVehicleCargo _itemViV) exitWith {deleteVehicle _cargoBox;};
if (typeOf _itemViV isEqualTo "CargoNet_01_box_F") exitWith { // The vehicle is already full of "CargoNet_01_box_F")
deleteVehicle _cargoNet;
_item setVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), _itemViV, true];
if !(objNull setVehicleCargo _itemViV) exitWith {deleteVehicle _cargoNet;};
_itemViV attachTo [_vehicle,[0,0,-100]];
_itemViV setVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), _cargoNet, true];
_itemViV attachTo [_vehicle, [0,0,-100]];
[QEGVAR(common,hideObjectGlobal), [_itemViV, true]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
// Some objects below water will take damage over time and eventualy become "water logged" and unfixable (because of negative z attach)
[_itemViV, "blockDamage", "ACE_cargo", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
if !(isNull _cargoNet) then {
_item setVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), _cargoNet, true];
} else {
deleteVehicle _cargoBox;
deleteVehicle _cargoNet;
_item attachTo [_vehicle, [0,0,-100]];
@ -48,14 +48,23 @@ private _itemSize = [_item] call FUNC(getSizeItem);
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(space), (_space + _itemSize), true];
if (_item isEqualType objNull) then {
if (isVehicleCargo _item) then {
objNull setVehicleCargo _item;
_item setPosASL (AGLtoASL _emptyPosAGL);
} else {
if (isNull isVehicleCargo _item) then {
detach _item;
// hideObjectGlobal must be executed before setPos to ensure light objects are rendered correctly
// do both on server to ensure they are executed in the correct order
[QGVAR(serverUnload), [_item, _emptyPosAGL]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _cargoNet = _item getVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), objNull];
if !(isNull _cargoNet) then {
private _itemsRemaining = _loaded select {_x getVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), objNull] isEqualTo _cargoNet};
if (_itemsRemaining isEqualTo []) then {
objNull setVehicleCargo _cargoNet;
deleteVehicle _cargoNet;
} else {
objNull setVehicleCargo _item;
_item setPosASL (AGLtoASL _emptyPosAGL);
} else {
private _newItem = createVehicle [_item, _emptyPosAGL, [], 0, "NONE"];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user