Merge pull request #2813 from acemod/medical-hitpoints-fix

Add method to deal with new hitpoints
This commit is contained in:
Glowbal 2015-11-02 20:20:23 +01:00
commit ac22ca3637
3 changed files with 45 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ PREP(setDead);

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@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ TRACE_3("ACE_DEBUG: HandleDamage",_selection,_damage,_unit);
if (_selection == "hands") exitWith {_unit getHit "hands"};
if (_selection == "legs") exitWith {_unit getHit "legs"};
// Deal with the new hitpoint and selection names introduced with Arma v1.50 and later.
// This will convert new selection names into selection names that the medical system understands
// TODO This should be cleaned up when we revisit the medical system at a later stage
// and instead we should deal with the new hitpoints directly
_selection = [_selection] call FUNC(translateSelections);
_this set [1, _selection]; // ensure that the parameters are set correctly
// If the damage is being weird, we just tell it to fuck off. Ignore: "hands", "legs", "?"
if (_selection != "" && {!(_selection in GVAR(SELECTIONS))}) exitWith {0}; //@todo "neck", "pelvis", "spine1", "spine2", "spine3"

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Translate selection names into medical usable hit selection names.
* Aims to deal with the new hitpoint system introduced in Arma3 v1.50 and later.
* Arguments:
* 0: selection name <STRING>
* Return Value:
* translated selection name <STRING>
* Example:
* ["pelvis"] call ace_medical_fnc_translateSelections
* Returns "body"
* Public: No
#define HEAD_SELECTIONS ["face_hub", "neck", "head"]
#define TORSO_SELECTIONS ["pelvis", "spine1", "spine2", "spine3", "body"]
#define L_ARM_SELECTIONS ["hand_l"]
#define R_ARM_SELECTIONS ["hand_r"]
#define L_LEG_SELECTIONS ["leg_l"]
#define R_LEG_SELECTIONS ["leg_r"]
params ["_selection"];
if (_selection in HEAD_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"head"};
if (_selection in TORSO_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"body"};
// Not necessary unless we get more hitpoints variants in an next arma update
/*if (_selection in L_ARM_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"hand_l"};
if (_selection in R_ARM_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"hand_r"};
if (_selection in L_LEG_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"leg_l"};
if (_selection in R_LEG_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"leg_r"};*/