Merge pull request #186 from acemod/repair

add repair PBO, fix #185
This commit is contained in:
Glowbal 2015-08-15 17:36:31 +02:00
commit bac1a8fce4
59 changed files with 3048 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ PREP(addCanInteractWithCondition);

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Loops through a string and filters out object names/variables to assign a value for given variable.
* Used by moduleAssign* within various parts of the ACE3 project.
* Arguments:
* 0: list <STRING>
* 1: variableName <STRING>
* 2: value <ANY>
* 3: Global <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_splittedList", "_nilCheckPassedList"];
params ["_list", "_variable", "_setting", "_global"];
if (typeName _list == "STRING") then {
_splittedList = [_list, ","] call BIS_fnc_splitString;
_nilCheckPassedList = "";
_x = [_x] call FUNC(stringRemoveWhiteSpace);
if !(isnil _x) then {
if (_nilCheckPassedList == "") then {
_nilCheckPassedList = _x;
} else {
_nilCheckPassedList = _nilCheckPassedList + ","+ _x;
}foreach _splittedList;
_list = [] call compile format["[%1]",_nilCheckPassedList];
if (!isnil "_x") then {
if (typeName _x == typeName objNull) then {
if (local _x) then {
_x setvariable [_variable, _setting, _global];
}foreach _list;

View File

@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(initObject));
class ACE_RepairItem_Base {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(initObject));
class Extended_Killed_EventHandlers {

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@ -83,4 +83,18 @@ class CfgVehicles {
GVAR(canCarry) = 0;
GVAR(canDrag) = 0;
class ACE_RepairItem_Base: ThingX {};
class ACE_Track: ACE_RepairItem_Base {
GVAR(canCarry) = 1;
GVAR(carryPosition[]) = {0,1,1};
GVAR(carryDirection) = 0;
class ACE_Wheel: ACE_RepairItem_Base {
GVAR(canCarry) = 1;
GVAR(carryPosition[]) = {0,1,1};
GVAR(carryDirection) = 0;

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@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class StaticMGWeapon: StaticWeapon {};
class HMG_01_base_F: StaticMGWeapon {};
class HMG_01_high_base_F: HMG_01_base_F {
@ -557,14 +557,14 @@ class CfgVehicles {
position = "[-0.172852,0.164063,-0.476091]";
class AA_01_base_F: StaticMGWeapon {
class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
class ACE_MainActions: ACE_MainActions {
position = "[0,0.515869,-0.200671]";
class AT_01_base_F: StaticMGWeapon {
class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
class ACE_MainActions: ACE_MainActions {
@ -592,4 +592,16 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_SelfActions {};
class ACE_RepairItem_Base: thingX {
class ACE_Actions {
class ACE_MainActions {
displayName = CSTRING(MainAction);
selection = "";
distance = 2;
condition = "true";
class ACE_SelfActions {};

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
class ACE_Settings {
class GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair) {
displayName = CSTRING(SettingDisplayTextName);
description = CSTRING(SettingDisplayTextDesc);
typeName = "BOOL";
isClientSettable = 1;
value = 1;
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair) {
displayName = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Repair_name);
description = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Repair_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 1;
values[] = {CSTRING(engineerSetting_anyone), CSTRING(engineerSetting_EngineerOnly), CSTRING(engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly)};
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel) {
displayName = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Wheel_name);
description = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Wheel_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 0;
values[] = {CSTRING(engineerSetting_anyone), CSTRING(engineerSetting_EngineerOnly), CSTRING(engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly)};
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(repairDamageThreshold) {
displayName = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_name);
description = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 0.6;
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer) {
displayName = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer_name);
description = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 0.4;
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(consumeItem_ToolKit) {
displayName = CSTRING(consumeItem_ToolKit_name);
description = CSTRING(consumeItem_ToolKit_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 1;
values[] = {ECSTRING(common,No), ECSTRING(common,Yes)};
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(fullRepairLocation) {
displayName = CSTRING(fullRepairLocation);
description = CSTRING(fullRepairLocation_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 2;
values[] = {CSTRING(useAnywhere), CSTRING(repairVehicleOnly), CSTRING(repairFacilityOnly), CSTRING(vehicleAndFacility), ECSTRING(common,Disabled)};
category = CSTRING(categoryName);
class GVAR(engineerSetting_fullRepair) {
displayName = CSTRING(engineerSetting_fullRepair_name);
description = CSTRING(engineerSetting_fullRepair_description);
typeName = "SCALAR";
value = 3;
values[] = {CSTRING(engineerSetting_anyone), CSTRING(engineerSetting_EngineerOnly), CSTRING(engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly)};
category = CSTRING(categoryName);

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
class ACE_Repair {
class Actions {
class ReplaceWheel {
displayName = CSTRING(ReplaceWheel);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(ReplacingWheel);
locations[] = {"All"};
requiredEngineer = QGVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel);
repairingTime = 10;
repairingTimeSelfCoef = 1;
items[] = {"ToolKit"};
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canReplaceWheel));
itemConsumed = 0;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doReplaceWheel));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
animationCaller = "Acts_carFixingWheel";
animationCallerProne = "Acts_carFixingWheel";
animationCallerSelf = "Acts_carFixingWheel";
animationCallerSelfProne = "Acts_carFixingWheel";
litter[] = {};
class RemoveWheel: ReplaceWheel {
displayName = CSTRING(RemoveWheel);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(RemovingWheel);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canRemoveWheel));
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doRemoveWheel));
class MiscRepair: ReplaceWheel {
displayName = CSTRING(Repairing); // let's make empty string an auto generated string
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(RepairingHitPoint);
condition = QUOTE((_target getHitPointDamage _hitPoint) > ([_caller] call FUNC(getPostRepairDamage)));
requiredEngineer = 0;
repairingTime = 15;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doRepair));
class RepairTrack: MiscRepair {
displayName = CSTRING(Repairing);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(RepairingHitPoint);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canRepairTrack));
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doRepairTrack));
requiredEngineer = QGVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel);
class RemoveTrack: MiscRepair {
displayName = CSTRING(RemoveTrack);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(RemovingTrack);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canRemoveTrack));
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doRemoveTrack));
requiredEngineer = QGVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel);
class ReplaceTrack: RemoveTrack {
displayName = CSTRING(ReplaceTrack);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(ReplacingTrack);
condition = QUOTE(call FUNC(canReplaceTrack));
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doReplaceTrack));
requiredEngineer = QGVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel);
class FullRepair: MiscRepair {
displayName = CSTRING(fullRepair);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(fullyRepairing);
requiredEngineer = QGVAR(engineerSetting_fullRepair);
repairLocations[] = {QGVAR(fullRepairLocation)};
repairingTime = 30;
condition = "damage (_this select 1) > 0";
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(call FUNC(doFullRepair));

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit));
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit));
class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
class Car {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(addRepairActions));
class Tank {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(addRepairActions));
class Helicopter {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(addRepairActions));
class Plane {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(addRepairActions));
class Ship_F {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(_this call DFUNC(addRepairActions));

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class CfgVehicleClasses {
class GVAR(items) {
displayName = "ACE";

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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
class ACE_Actions { \
class ACE_MainActions { \
class GVAR(Repair) { \
displayName = CSTRING(Repair); \
condition = "true"; \
statement = ""; \
runOnHover = 1; \
showDisabled = 0; \
priority = 2; \
icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa"; \
distance = 4; \
}; \
}; \
class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Module;
// @todo localization for all the modules
class ACE_moduleRepairSettings: ACE_Module {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(moduleName);
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\Icon_Module_Repair_ca.paa)); //@todo
category = "ACE";
function = QUOTE(DFUNC(moduleRepairSettings));
functionPriority = 1;
isGlobal = 1;
isTriggerActivated = 0;
author = ECSTRING(Common,ACETeam);
class Arguments {
class engineerSetting_Repair {
displayName = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Repair_name);
description = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Repair_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class anyone { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_anyone); value = 0; };
class Engineer { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_EngineerOnly); value = 1; default = 1; };
class Special { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly); value = 2; };
class engineerSetting_Wheel {
displayName = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Wheel_name);
description = CSTRING(enginerSetting_Wheel_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class anyone { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_anyone); value = 0; default = 1; };
class Engineer { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_EngineerOnly); value = 1; };
class Special { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly); value = 2; };
class repairDamageThreshold {
displayName = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_name);
description = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 0.6;
class repairDamageThreshold_Engineer {
displayName = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer_name);
description = CSTRING(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 0.4;
class consumeItem_ToolKit {
displayName = CSTRING(consumeItem_ToolKit_name);
description = CSTRING(consumeItem_ToolKit_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class keep { name = ECSTRING(common,No); value = 0; default = 1; };
class remove { name = ECSTRING(common,Yes); value = 1; };
class fullRepairLocation {
displayName = CSTRING(fullRepairLocation);
description = CSTRING(fullRepairLocation_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class anywhere { name = CSTRING(useAnywhere); value = 0; };
class vehicle { name = CSTRING(repairVehicleOnly); value = 1; };
class facility { name = CSTRING(repairFacilityOnly); value = 2; default = 1; };
class vehicleAndFacility { name = CSTRING(vehicleAndFacility); value = 3; };
class disabled { name = ECSTRING(common,Disabled); value = 4;};
class engineerSetting_fullRepair {
displayName = CSTRING(engineerSetting_fullRepair_name);
description = CSTRING(engineerSetting_fullRepair_description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class anyone { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_anyone); value = 0; };
class Engineer { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_EngineerOnly); value = 1; };
class Special { name = CSTRING(engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly); value = 2; default = 1;};
class ModuleDescription {
description = CSTRING(moduleDescription);
sync[] = {};
class Module_F;
class ACE_moduleAssignEngineerRoles: Module_F {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_Module_DisplayName);
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\Icon_Module_Repair_ca.paa));
category = "ACE";
function = QUOTE(DFUNC(moduleAssignEngineer));
functionPriority = 10;
isGlobal = 2;
isTriggerActivated = 0;
isDisposable = 0;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
class Arguments {
class EnableList {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_EnableList_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_EnableList_Description);
defaultValue = "";
typeName = "STRING";
class role {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_Description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class none {
name = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_none);
value = 0;
class medic {
name = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_engineer);
value = 1;
default = 1;
class doctor {
name = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_specialist);
value = 2;
class ModuleDescription {
description = CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_Module_Description);
sync[] = {};
class ACE_moduleAssignRepairVehicle: Module_F {
scope = 2;
displayName = CSTRING(AssignRepairVehicle_Module_DisplayName);
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\Icon_Module_Repair_ca.paa));
category = "ACE";
function = QUOTE(DFUNC(moduleAssignRepairVehicle));
functionPriority = 10;
isGlobal = 2;
isTriggerActivated = 0;
isDisposable = 0;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
class Arguments {
class EnableList {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignRepairVehicle_EnableList_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(AssignRepairVehicle_EnableList_Description);
defaultValue = "";
typeName = "STRING";
class role {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignRepairVehicle_role_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(AssignRepairVehicle_role_Description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class none {
name = ECSTRING(common,No);
value = 0;
class isVehicle {
name = ECSTRING(common,Yes);
value = 1;
default = 1;
class ModuleDescription {
description = CSTRING(AssignRepairVehicle_Module_Description);
sync[] = {};
class ACE_moduleAssignRepairFacility: ACE_moduleAssignRepairVehicle {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignRepairFacility_Module_DisplayName);
function = QUOTE(DFUNC(moduleAssignRepairFacility));
class Arguments {
class EnableList {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignRepairFacility_EnableList_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(AssignRepairFacility_EnableList_Description);
defaultValue = "";
typeName = "STRING";
class role {
displayName = CSTRING(AssignRepairFacility_role_DisplayName);
description = CSTRING(AssignRepairFacility_role_Description);
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values {
class none {
name = ECSTRING(common,No);
value = 0;
class isFacility {
name = ECSTRING(common,Yes);
value = 1;
default = 1;
class ModuleDescription {
description = CSTRING(AssignRepairFacility_Module_Description);
sync[] = {};
class LandVehicle;
class Car: LandVehicle {
class ACE_Cargo {
class Cargo {
class ACE_Wheel {
type = "ACE_Wheel";
amount = 1;
class Tank: LandVehicle {
class Air;
class Helicopter: Air {
class Plane: Air {
class Ship;
class Ship_F: Ship {
class thingX;
class ACE_RepairItem_Base: thingX {
icon = "iconObject_circle";
mapSize = 0.7;
accuracy = 0.2;
vehicleClass = QGVAR(items);
destrType = "DesturctNo";
class ACE_Track: ACE_RepairItem_Base {
ace_cargo_size = 2;
ace_cargo_canLoad = 1;
author = "Hawkins";
scope = 2;
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_track.p3d));
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Repair_SpareTrack";
class ACE_Wheel: ACE_RepairItem_Base {
ace_cargo_size = 1;
ace_cargo_canLoad = 1;
author = "Hawkins";
scope = 2;
model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\ace_wheel.p3d));
displayName = "$STR_ACE_Repair_SpareWheel";
picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\tire_ca.paa));
// disable vanilla repair
// "getNumber (_x >> ""transportRepair"") > 0" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
class Slingload_01_Base_F;
class B_Slingload_01_Repair_F: Slingload_01_Base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class Heli_Transport_04_base_F;
class O_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F: Heli_Transport_04_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F;
class Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_repair_F: Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F;
class B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F: B_APC_Tracked_01_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class Offroad_01_base_F;
class Offroad_01_repair_base_F: Offroad_01_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class B_Truck_01_mover_F;
class B_Truck_01_Repair_F: B_Truck_01_mover_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class B_Truck_01_fuel_F: B_Truck_01_mover_F { // the fuel hemet apparently can repair. GJ BI
transportRepair = 0;
class Truck_02_base_F;
class Truck_02_box_base_F: Truck_02_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;
class Truck_02_engineeral_base_F: Truck_02_box_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 0;
class Truck_03_base_F;
class O_Truck_03_repair_F: Truck_03_base_F {
GVAR(canRepair) = 1;
transportRepair = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
["setVehicleDamage", {_this call FUNC(setDamage)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["setVehicleHitPointDamage", {_this call FUNC(setHitPointDamage)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
// wheels
["setWheelHitPointDamage", {(_this select 0) setHitPointDamage [_this select 1, _this select 2]}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
ADDON = false;
ADDON = true;

addons/repair/config.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {"ACE_Wheel", "ACE_Track"};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common","ace_interact_menu"};
author[] = {"commy2", "Glowbal"};
authorUrl = "";
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicleClasses.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "ACE_repair.hpp"
class CfgActions {
class None;
class Repair: None {
show = 0;
class RepairVehicle: None {
show = 0;

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#define _ARMA_
class StageTI
texture = "a3\data_f\default_ti_ca.paa";
ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0};
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};
specular[] = {0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998,0.0099999998};
specularPower = 500;
PixelShaderID = "Super";
VertexShaderID = "Super";
class Stage1
texture = "z\ace\addons\repair\data\trailObjects_nohq.paa";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage2
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage3
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage4
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage5
texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0.6,1,1,SMDI)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage6
texture = "#(ai,64,64,1)fresnelGlass(2)";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};
class Stage7
useWorldEnvMap = "true";
texture = "a3\data_f\env_land_ca.paa";
uvSource = "tex";
class uvTransform
aside[] = {1,0,0};
up[] = {0,1,0};
dir[] = {0,0,1};
pos[] = {0,0,0};

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called from init eventhandler. Checks if the vehicles class already has the actions initialized. Otherwise add all available repair options.
* Arguments:
* 0: vehicle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define TRACK_HITPOINTS ["HitLTrack", "HitRTrack"]
params ["_vehicle"];
TRACE_1("params", _vehicle);
private ["_type", "_initializedClasses"];
_type = typeOf _vehicle;
_initializedClasses = GETMVAR(GVAR(initializedClasses),[]);
// do nothing if the class is already initialized
if (_type in _initializedClasses) exitWith {};
// get all hitpoints
private "_hitPoints";
_hitPoints = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitPointsWithSelections) select 0;
// get hitpoints of wheels with their selections
private ["_wheelHitPointsWithSelections", "_wheelHitPoints", "_wheelHitPointSelections"];
_wheelHitPointsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getWheelHitPointsWithSelections);
_wheelHitPoints = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 0;
_wheelHitPointSelections = _wheelHitPointsWithSelections select 1;
// add repair events to this vehicle class
if (_x in _wheelHitPoints) then {
// add wheel repair action
private ["_icon", "_selection"];
_icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\tire_ca.paa));
_icon = "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa";
// textDefault = "<img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa' size='1.8' shadow=2 />";
_selection = _wheelHitPointSelections select (_wheelHitPoints find _x);
private ["_name", "_text", "_condition", "_statement"];
// remove wheel action
_name = format ["Remove_%1", _x];
_text = localize "STR_ACE_Repair_RemoveWheel";
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "RemoveWheel"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "RemoveWheel"] call DFUNC(repair)};
private "_action";
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x], _selection, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
// replace wheel action
_name = format ["Replace_%1", _x];
_text = localize LSTRING(ReplaceWheel);
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "ReplaceWheel"] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, "ReplaceWheel"] call DFUNC(repair)};
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x], _selection, 2] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
} else {
// exit if the hitpoint is in the blacklist, e.g. glasses
if (_x in IGNORED_HITPOINTS) exitWith {};
// exit if the hitpoint is virtual
if (isText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "depends")) exitWith {};
// add misc repair action
private ["_name", "_text", "_icon", "_selection", "_condition", "_statement"];
_name = format ["Repair_%1", _x];
_text = format ["STR_ACE_Repair_%1", _x];
if (isLocalized _text) then {
_text = format [localize LSTRING(RepairHitpoint), localize _text];
} else {
_text = format [localize LSTRING(RepairHitpoint), _x];
_icon = "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa";
_selection = "";
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, _this select 2 select 1] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, _this select 2 select 1] call DFUNC(repair)};
if (_x in TRACK_HITPOINTS) then {
if (_x == "HitLTrack") then {
_selection = [-1.75, 0, -1.75];
} else {
_selection = [1.75, 0, -1.75];
private "_action";
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x, "RepairTrack"], _selection, 4] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, [], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
} else {
private "_action";
_action = [_name, _text, _icon, _statement, _condition, {}, [_x, "MiscRepair"], _selection, 4] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", QGVAR(Repair)], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
} forEach _hitPoints;
private ["_action", "_condition", "_statement"];
_condition = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, _this select 2 select 1] call DFUNC(canRepair)};
_statement = {[_this select 1, _this select 0, _this select 2 select 0, _this select 2 select 1] call DFUNC(repair)};
_action = [QGVAR(fullRepair), localize LSTRING(fullRepair), "A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\repair_ca.paa", _statement, _condition, {}, ["", "fullRepair"], "", 4] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
[_type, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", QGVAR(Repair)], _action] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
// set class as initialized
_initializedClasses pushBack _type;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* Author: commy2
* Check if the unit can remove given wheel of the vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing <OBJECT>
* 1: vehicle to repair <OBJECT>
* 2: Selected hitpoint <STRING>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_target", "_hitPoint"];
alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage _hitPoint < 1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* Author: commy2
* Check if the unit can remove given wheel of the vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing <OBJECT>
* 1: vehicle to repair <OBJECT>
* 2: Selected hitpoint <STRING>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_target", "_hitPoint"];
alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage _hitPoint < 1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if the repair action can be performed.
* Arguments:
* 0: The caller <OBJECT>
* 1: The target <OBJECT>
* 2: Selection name <STRING>
* 3: ACE_Engineeral_Treatments Classname <STRING>
* ReturnValue:
* Can Treat <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_caller", "_target", "_hitPoint", "_className"];
private ["_config", "_engineerRequired", "_items", "_locations", "_return", "_condition", "_vehicleStateCondition"];
_config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Repair" >> "Actions" >> _className);
if !(isClass _config) exitwith {false}; // or go for a default?
if(isEngineOn _target) exitwith {false};
_engineerRequired = if (isNumber (_config >> "requiredEngineer")) then {
getNumber (_config >> "requiredEngineer");
} else {
// Check for required class
if (isText (_config >> "requiredEngineer")) exitwith {
missionNamespace getvariable [(getText (_config >> "requiredEngineer")), 0];
if !([_caller, _engineerRequired] call FUNC(isEngineer)) exitwith {false};
_items = getArray (_config >> "items");
if (count _items > 0 && {!([_caller, _items] call FUNC(hasItems))}) exitwith {false};
_return = true;
if (getText (_config >> "condition") != "") then {
_condition = getText (_config >> "condition");
if (isnil _condition) then {
_condition = compile _condition;
} else {
_condition = missionNamespace getvariable _condition;
if (typeName _condition == "BOOL") then {
_return = _condition;
} else {
_return = [_caller, _target, _hitPoint, _className] call _condition;
if (!_return) exitwith {false};
_vehicleStateCondition = if (isText(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition")) then {
missionNamespace getvariable [getText(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition"), 0]
} else {
getNumber(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition")
// if (_vehicleStateCondition == 1 && {!([_target] call FUNC(isInStableCondition))}) exitwith {false};
_locations = getArray (_config >> "repairLocations");
if ("All" in _locations) exitwith {true};
private ["_repairFacility", "_repairVeh"];
_repairFacility = {([_caller] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility)) || ([_target] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility))};
_repairVeh = {([_caller] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle)) || ([_target] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle))};
if (_x == "field") exitwith {_return = true;};
if (_x == "RepairFacility" && _repairFacility) exitwith {_return = true;};
if (_x == "RepairVehicle" && _repairVeh) exitwith {_return = true;};
if !(isnil _x) exitwith {
private "_val";
_val = missionNamespace getvariable _x;
if (typeName _val == "SCALAR") then {
_return = switch (_val) do {
case 0: {true};
case 1: _repairVeh;
case 2: _repairFacility;
case 3: {{call _repairFacility || call _repairVeh}};
_return = call _return;
} forEach _locations;
_return && alive _target;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Author: commy2
* Check if the unit can replace given wheel of the vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing (Object)
* 1: vehicle to repair (Object)
* 2: Selected hitpoint (String)
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_target", "_hitPoint", ["_wheel",false]];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
if (typeName _wheel == "OBJECT") then {
// not near interpret as objNull
if !(_wheel in nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Track"], 5]) then {
_wheel = objNull;
} else {
_wheel = objNull;
if ([_unit, _x, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {
_wheel = _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Track"], 5];
if (isNull _wheel || damage _wheel >= 1) exitWith {false};
alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage _hitPoint > 0}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Author: commy2
* Check if the unit can replace given wheel of the vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing (Object)
* 1: vehicle to repair (Object)
* 2: Selected hitpoint (String)
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_target", "_hitPoint", ["_wheel",false]];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
if (typeName _wheel == "OBJECT") then {
// not near interpret as objNull
if !(_wheel in nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Track"], 5]) then {
_wheel = objNull;
} else {
_wheel = objNull;
if ([_unit, _x, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {
_wheel = _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Track"], 5];
if (isNull _wheel) exitWith {false};
alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage _hitPoint >= 1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Author: commy2
* Check if the unit can replace given wheel of the vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing (Object)
* 1: vehicle to repair (Object)
* 2: Selected hitpoint (String)
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_target", "_hitPoint", ["_wheel",false]];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
//if !([_unit, _target, _hitpoint, "ReplaceWheel"] call FUNC(canRepair)) exitwith {false};
//if !([_unit, _target, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
//if !([_unit, GVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel)] call FUNC(isEngineer)) exitWith {false};
// check for a near wheel
if (typeName _wheel == "OBJECT") then {
// not near interpret as objNull
if !(_wheel in nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Wheel"], 5]) then {
_wheel = objNull;
} else {
_wheel = objNull;
if ([_unit, _x, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {
_wheel = _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Wheel"], 5];
if (isNull _wheel) exitWith {false};
alive _target && {_target getHitPointDamage _hitPoint >= 1}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* Stuff from progress bar.
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint"];
_vehicle setDamage 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* Stuff from progress bar.
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint"];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
// get current hitpoint damage
private "_hitPointDamage";
_hitPointDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
// can't remove destroyed or already removed wheel
if (_hitPointDamage >= 1) exitWith {};
// don't die by spawning / moving the wheel
["fixCollision", _unit] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
// spawn wheel
private "_wheel";
_wheel = ["ACE_Track", getPosASL _unit] call FUNC(spawnObject);
_wheel setdamage _hitPointDamage;
// raise event to set the new hitpoint damage
["setWheelHitPointDamage", _vehicle, [_vehicle, _hitPoint, 1]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// display text message if enabled
if (GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair)) then {
[localize LSTRING(RemovedTrack)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* Stuff from progress bar.
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint"];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
// get current hitpoint damage
private "_hitPointDamage";
_hitPointDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
// can't remove destroyed or already removed wheel
if (_hitPointDamage >= 1) exitWith {};
// don't die by spawning / moving the wheel
["fixCollision", _unit] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
// spawn wheel
private "_wheel";
_wheel = ["ACE_Wheel", getPosASL _unit] call FUNC(spawnObject);
_wheel setdamage _hitPointDamage;
// raise event to set the new hitpoint damage
["setWheelHitPointDamage", _vehicle, [_vehicle, _hitPoint, 1]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// display text message if enabled
if (GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair)) then {
[localize LSTRING(RemovedWheel)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* 0: Stuff from progress bar. <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint"];
// get current hitpoint damage
private "_hitPointDamage";
_hitPointDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
_hitPointDamage = _hitPointDamage - 0.5;
// don't use negative values for damage
_hitPointDamage = _hitPointDamage max ([_unit] call FUNC(getPostRepairDamage));
// raise event to set the new hitpoint damage
["setVehicleHitPointDamage", _vehicle, [_vehicle, _hitPoint, _hitPointDamage]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// display text message if enabled
if (GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair)) then {
private "_text";
_text = format ["STR_ACE_Repair_%1", _hitPoint];
if (isLocalized _text) then {
_text = format [localize ([LSTRING(RepairedHitPointFully), LSTRING(RepairedHitPointPartially)] select (_hitPointDamage > 0)), localize _text];
} else {
_text = localize ([LSTRING(RepairedFully), LSTRING(RepairedPartially)] select (_hitPointDamage > 0));
[_text] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* 0: Stuff from progress bar. <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint", "_classname"];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
private ["_hitPointDamage", "_newDamage", "_wheel"];
_wheel = objNull;
if ([_unit, _x, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {
_wheel = _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Track"], 5];
if (isNull _wheel) exitwith {};
// get current hitpoint damage
_hitPointDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
_newDamage = (1 - (damage _wheel)) / 4; // require 4 tracks to fully replace one side
// can't replace a destroyed wheel
if ((damage _wheel) >= 1) exitWith {};
// don't die by spawning / moving the wheel
_hitPointDamage = (_hitPointDamage - _newDamage) min 0;
deleteVehicle _wheel;
// raise event to set the new hitpoint damage
["setWheelHitPointDamage", _vehicle, [_vehicle, _hitPoint, _hitPointDamage]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// display text message if enabled
if (GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair)) then {
[LSTRING(ReplacedTrack)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* 0: Stuff from progress bar. <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint", "_classname"];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
private["_hitPointDamage", "_wheel"];
_wheel = objNull;
if ([_unit, _x, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {
_wheel = _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Track"], 5];
if (isNull _wheel) exitwith {};
// get current hitpoint damage
_hitPointDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
// can't replace not destroyed wheel
if (_hitPointDamage < 1) exitWith {};
// don't die by spawning / moving the wheel
_hitPointDamage = damage _wheel;
// can't replace a destroyed wheel
if (_hitPointDamage >= 1) exitWith {};
deleteVehicle _wheel;
// raise event to set the new hitpoint damage
["setWheelHitPointDamage", _vehicle, [_vehicle, _hitPoint, _hitPointDamage]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// display text message if enabled
if (GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair)) then {
[LSTRING(ReplacedTrack)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Author: commy2
* Called by repair action / progress bar. Raise events to set the new hitpoint damage.
* Arguments:
* 0: Stuff from progress bar. <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint", "_classname"];
// TODO [_unit, _wheel] call EFUNC(common,claim); on start of action
private ["_hitPointDamage", "_wheel"];
_wheel = objNull;
if ([_unit, _x, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {
_wheel = _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["ACE_Wheel"], 5];
if (isNull _wheel) exitwith {};
// get current hitpoint damage
_hitPointDamage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
// can't replace not destroyed wheel
if (_hitPointDamage < 1) exitWith {};
// don't die by spawning / moving the wheel
_hitPointDamage = damage _wheel;
// can't replace a destroyed wheel
if (_hitPointDamage >= 1) exitWith {};
deleteVehicle _wheel;
// raise event to set the new hitpoint damage
["setWheelHitPointDamage", _vehicle, [_vehicle, _hitPoint, _hitPointDamage]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
// display text message if enabled
if (GVAR(DisplayTextOnRepair)) then {
[LSTRING(ReplacedWheel)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// by comm2
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
// TODO when near repair station, full repair?
if (([_unit] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility) || {[_unit] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle)})) exitwith {0};
if ([_unit, GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair) + 1] call FUNC(isEngineer)) exitWith {GVAR(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer)};
if ([_unit, GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair)] call FUNC(isEngineer)) exitWith {GVAR(repairDamageThreshold)};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Author: commy2
* Returns the wheel hitpoints and their selections.
* Arguments:
* 0: A vehicle <Object>
* Return Value:
* Wheel positions in model coordinates. <Array>
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_vehicle"];
// get the vehicles wheel config
private "_wheels";
_wheels = configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "Wheels";
// exit with nothing if the vehicle has no wheels class
if !(isClass _wheels) exitWith {[[],[]]};
// get all wheels and read selections from config
private ["_selections", "_bones"];
_wheels = "true" configClasses _wheels;
_selections = [];
_bones = [];
_selections pushBack getText (_x >> "center");
private "_bone";
_bone = getText (_x >> "boneName");
_bone = toArray _bone;
_bone resize count "wheel_X_Y"; // this is a requirement for physx. Should work for all addon vehicles.
_bone = toString _bone;
_bones pushBack _bone;
} forEach _wheels;
// get hitpoints with their fire geometry selections
private ["_hitPointsWithSelections", "_hitPoints", "_hitPointSelections"];
_hitPointsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitPointsWithSelections);
_hitPoints = _hitPointsWithSelections select 0;
_hitPointSelections = _hitPointsWithSelections select 1;
// assign hitpoints to correct wheel selection by comparing bone name and fire geometry selection
private ["_wheelHitPoints", "_wheelHitPointSelections"];
_wheelHitPoints = [];
_wheelHitPointSelections = [];
private "_bone";
_bone = _x;
private "_index";
_index = -1;
if (_bone != "" && {_x find _bone == 0}) exitWith { // same as above. Requirement for physx.
_index = _forEachIndex;
} forEach _hitPointSelections;
if (_index != -1) then {
_wheelHitPoints pushBack (_hitPoints select _index);
_wheelHitPointSelections pushBack (_selections select _forEachIndex);
} forEach _bones;
[_wheelHitPoints, _wheelHitPointSelections]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if the engineer has all items.
* Arguments:
* 0: Engineer <OBJECT>
* 1: Patient <OBJECT>
* 2: Items <ARRAY<STRING>>
* ReturnValue:
* Has the items <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_engineer", "_items"];
private ["_return"];
_return = true;
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY" && {({[_engineer, _x] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)} count _x == 0)}) exitwith {
_return = false;
if (typeName _x == "STRING" && {!([_engineer, _x] call EFUNC(common,hasItem))}) exitwith {
_return = false;
} forEach _items;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* Author: Glowbal, KoffeinFlummi, commy2
* Check if a unit is any engineer class
* Arguments:
* 0: The Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Class <NUMBER> <OPTIONAL>
* ReturnValue:
* Is in of engineer class <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", ["_engineerN", 1]];
private ["_class"];
_class = _unit getVariable ["ACE_IsEngineer", getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _unit >> "engineer")];
// This if statement is here for copmatability with the common variant of isEngineer, which requires a bool.
// We cannot move this function to common because we require the GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair), which only makes sense to include in the repair module.
if (typeName _class == "BOOL") then {_class = 1};
_class >= (_engineerN min GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Checks if a unit is in a repair facility
* Arguments:
* 0: The Unit <OBJECT>
* ReturnValue:
* Is inside a repair facility <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_object"];
private ["_position","_objects","_isInBuilding","_repairFacility"];
_position = getPosASL _object;
_isInBuilding = false;
_repairFacility = [];
_objects = (lineIntersectsWith [_object modelToWorldVisual [0, 0, (_position select 2)], _object modelToWorldVisual [0, 0, (_position select 2) +10], _object]);
if (((typeOf _x) in _repairFacility) || (_x getVariable ["ACE_isRepairFacility",0]) > 0) exitwith {
_isInBuilding = true;
} forEach _objects;
if (!_isInBuilding) then {
_objects = position _object nearObjects 7.5;
if (((typeOf _x) in _repairFacility) || (_x getVariable ["ACE_isRepairFacility",0]) > 0) exitwith {
_isInBuilding = true;
} forEach _objects;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Author: KoffeinFlummi
* Checks if a unit is in a engineeral vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: unit to be checked <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Is unit in engineeral vehicle? <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
private ["_nearObjects", "_return"];
_nearObjects = nearestObjects [_unit, ["Air","LandVehicle"], 20];
_return = false;
if ([_x] call FUNC(isRepairVehicle)) exitwith {_return = true;};
} forEach _nearObjects;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if vehicle is a engineeral vehicle
* Arguments:
* 0: The Vehicle <OBJECT>
* ReturnValue:
* Is in of engineer class <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_vehicle"];
if (_vehicle isKindOf "CAManBase") exitwith {false};
((_vehicle getVariable ["ACE_isRepairVehicle", getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> QGVAR(canRepair))]) > 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Assign an engineer role to a unit
* Arguments:
* 0: The module logic <LOGIC>
* 1: units <ARRAY>
* 2: activated <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_logic"];
if (!isNull _logic) then {
private ["_list", "_setting"];
_list = _logic getvariable ["EnableList",""];
_setting = _logic getvariable ["role",0];
[_list, "ACE_IsEngineer", _setting, true] call EFUNC(common,assignObjectsInList);
[synchronizedObjects _logic, "ACE_IsEngineer", _setting, true] call EFUNC(common,assignObjectsInList);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Assign an repair facility
* Arguments:
* 0: The module logic <LOGIC>
* 1: units <ARRAY>
* 2: activated <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_logic"];
if (!isNull _logic) then {
private ["_list", "_setting"];
_list = _logic getvariable ["EnableList",""];
_setting = _logic getvariable ["role",0];
[_list, "ACE_isRepairFacility", _setting, true] call EFUNC(common,assignObjectsInList);
[synchronizedObjects _logic, "ACE_isRepairFacility", _setting, true] call EFUNC(common,assignObjectsInList);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Assign an repair vehicle
* Arguments:
* 0: The module logic <LOGIC>
* 1: units <ARRAY>
* 2: activated <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_logic"];
if (!isNull _logic) then {
private ["_list", "_setting"];
_list = _logic getvariable ["EnableList",""];
_setting = _logic getvariable ["role",0];
[_list, "ACE_isRepairVehicle", _setting, true] call EFUNC(common,assignObjectsInList);
[synchronizedObjects _logic, "ACE_isRepairVehicle", _setting, true] call EFUNC(common,assignObjectsInList);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Author: commy2
* Module for adjusting the repair damage settings
* Arguments:
* 0: The module logic <LOGIC>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_logic"];
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
[_logic, QGVAR(engineerSetting_Repair), "engineerSetting_Repair"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(engineerSetting_Wheel), "engineerSetting_Wheel"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(consumeItem_ToolKit), "consumeItem_ToolKit"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(repairDamageThreshold), "repairDamageThreshold"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(repairDamageThreshold_Engineer), "repairDamageThreshold_Engineer"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(fullRepairLocation), "fullRepairLocation"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
[_logic, QGVAR(engineerSetting_fullRepair), "engineerSetting_fullRepair"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
diag_log text "[ACE]: Repair Module Initialized.";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Author: commy2
* Used to normalize dependant hitpoints. May overwrite some global variables that are named like hitpoints or "Total" though...
* Arguments:
* 0: A local vehicle with hitpoints. <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_vehicle"];
// can't execute all commands if the vehicle isn't local. exit here.
if !(local _vehicle) exitWith {};
private ["_hitPoints", "_config"];
_hitPoints = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitPoints);
_config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "HitPoints";
// define global variables. Needed to parse the depends config entries. Also find dependent hitpoints.
private ["_dependentHitPoints", "_dependentHitPointScripts"];
_dependentHitPoints = [];
_dependentHitPointScripts = [];
Total = damage _vehicle;
missionNamespace setVariable [_x, _vehicle getHitPointDamage _x];
if (isText (_config >> _x >> "depends")) then {
_dependentHitPoints pushBack _x;
_dependentHitPointScripts pushBack compile getText (_config >> _x >> "depends");
} forEach _hitPoints;
// apply normalized damage to all dependand hitpoints
private "_damage";
_damage = call (_dependentHitPointScripts select _forEachIndex);
_vehicle setHitPointDamage [_x, _damage];
} forEach _dependentHitPoints;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
* Author: Glowbal, KoffeinFlummi
* Starts the repair process
* Arguments:
* 0: The engineer <OBJECT>
* 1: The patient <OBJECT>
* 2: SelectionName <STRING>
* 3: repair classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Succesful repair started <BOOL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_caller", "_target", "_hitPoint", "_className"];
private["_callbackProgress", "_callerAnim", "_calller", "_condition", "_config", "_consumeItems", "_displayText", "_engineerRequired", "_iconDisplayed", "_items", "_locations", "_repairTime", "_repairTimeConfig", "_return", "_usersOfItems", "_vehicleStateCondition", "_wpn"];
_config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Repair" >> "Actions" >> _className);
if !(isClass _config) exitwith {false}; // or go for a default?
_engineerRequired = if (isNumber (_config >> "requiredEngineer")) then {
getNumber (_config >> "requiredEngineer");
} else {
// Check for required class
if (isText (_config >> "requiredEngineer")) exitwith {
missionNamespace getvariable [(getText (_config >> "requiredEngineer")), 0];
if !([_caller, _engineerRequired] call FUNC(isEngineer)) exitwith {false};
if (isEngineOn _target) exitwith {false};
_items = getArray (_config >> "items");
if (count _items > 0 && {!([_caller, _items] call FUNC(hasItems))}) exitwith {false};
_return = true;
if (getText (_config >> "condition") != "") then {
_condition = getText (_config >> "condition");
if (isnil _condition) then {
_condition = compile _condition;
} else {
_condition = missionNamespace getvariable _condition;
if (typeName _condition == "BOOL") then {
_return = _condition;
} else {
_return = [_caller, _target, _hitPoint, _className] call _condition;
if (!_return) exitwith {false};
_vehicleStateCondition = if (isText(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition")) then {
missionNamespace getvariable [getText(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition"), 0]
} else {
getNumber(_config >> "vehicleStateCondition")
// if (_vehicleStateCondition == 1 && {!([_target] call FUNC(isInStableCondition))}) exitwith {false};
_locations = getArray (_config >> "repairLocations");
if ("All" in _locations) exitwith {true};
private ["_repairFacility", "_repairVeh"];
_repairFacility = {([_caller] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility)) || ([_target] call FUNC(isInRepairFacility))};
_repairVeh = {([_caller] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle)) || ([_target] call FUNC(isNearRepairVehicle))};
if (_x == "field") exitwith {_return = true;};
if (_x == "RepairFacility" && _repairFacility) exitwith {_return = true;};
if (_x == "RepairVehicle" && _repairVeh) exitwith {_return = true;};
if !(isnil _x) exitwith {
private "_val";
_val = missionNamespace getvariable _x;
if (typeName _val == "SCALAR") then {
_return = switch (_val) do {
case 0: {true};
case 1: _repairVeh;
case 2: _repairFacility;
case 3: {{call _repairFacility || call _repairVeh}};
_return = call _return;
} forEach _locations;
if !(_return && alive _target) exitwith {false};
_consumeItems = if (isNumber (_config >> "itemConsumed")) then {
getNumber (_config >> "itemConsumed");
} else {
// Check for required class
if (isText (_config >> "itemConsumed")) exitwith {
missionNamespace getvariable [(getText (_config >> "itemConsumed")), 0];
_usersOfItems = [];
if (_consumeItems > 0) then {
_usersOfItems = ([_caller, _target, _items] call FUNC(useItems)) select 1;
// Parse the config for the progress callback
_callbackProgress = getText (_config >> "callbackProgress");
if (_callbackProgress == "") then {
_callbackProgress = "true";
if (isNil _callbackProgress) then {
_callbackProgress = compile _callbackProgress;
} else {
_callbackProgress = missionNamespace getvariable _callbackProgress;
// Player Animation
_callerAnim = [getText (_config >> "animationCaller"), getText (_config >> "animationCallerProne")] select (stance _caller == "PRONE");
_caller setvariable [QGVAR(selectedWeaponOnrepair), currentWeapon _caller];
// Cannot use secondairy weapon for animation
if (currentWeapon _caller == secondaryWeapon _caller) then {
_caller selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _caller);
_wpn = ["non", "rfl", "pst"] select (1 + ([primaryWeapon _caller, handgunWeapon _caller] find (currentWeapon _caller)));
_callerAnim = [_callerAnim, "[wpn]", _wpn] call CBA_fnc_replace;
if (vehicle _caller == _caller && {_callerAnim != ""}) then {
if (primaryWeapon _caller == "") then {
_caller addWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (currentWeapon _caller == "") then {
_caller selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _caller); // unit always has a primary weapon here
if (stance _caller == "STAND") then {
_caller setvariable [QGVAR(repairPrevAnimCaller), "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"];
} else {
_caller setvariable [QGVAR(repairPrevAnimCaller), animationState _caller];
[_caller, _callerAnim] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
//Get repair time
_repairTime = if (isNumber (_config >> "repairingTime")) then {
getNumber (_config >> "repairingTime");
} else {
if (isText (_config >> "repairingTime")) exitwith {
_repairTimeConfig = getText(_config >> "repairingTime");
if (isnil _repairTimeConfig) then {
_repairTimeConfig = compile _repairTimeConfig;
} else {
_repairTimeConfig = missionNamespace getvariable _repairTimeConfig;
if (typeName _repairTimeConfig == "SCALAR") exitwith {
[_caller, _target, _hitPoint, _className] call _repairTimeConfig;
private ["_text", "_processText"];
_processText = getText (_config >> "displayNameProgress");
_text = format ["STR_ACE_Repair_%1", _hitPoint];
if (isLocalized _text) then {
_text = format [_processText, localize _text];
} else {
_text = _processText;
// Start repair
[_caller, _target, _hitPoint, _className, _items, _usersOfItems],
] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);
// Display Icon
_iconDisplayed = getText (_config >> "actionIconPath");
if (_iconDisplayed != "") then {
[QGVAR(repairActionIcon), true, _iconDisplayed, [1,1,1,1], getNumber(_config >> "actionIconDisplayTime")] call EFUNC(common,displayIcon);
// handle display of text/hints
_displayText = "";
if (_target != _caller) then {
_displayText = getText(_config >> "displayTextOther");
} else {
_displayText = getText(_config >> "displayTextSelf");
if (_displayText != "") then {
["displayTextStructured", [_caller], [[_displayText, [_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName), [_target] call EFUNC(common,getName)], 1.5, _caller]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Author: commy2
* Start a repair action and open progress bar.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit that does the repairing (Object)
* 1: vehicle to repair (Object)
* 2: Selected hitpoint (String)
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_hitPoint"];
// exit if not a valid hitpoint
if !(_hitPoint in ([_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitPoints))) exitWith {};
// calculate time to fully repair the hitpoint
private ["_damage", "_time"];
_damage = _vehicle getHitPointDamage _hitPoint;
_time = (5 + 10 * _damage) * ([1.5, 1] select ([_unit, GVAR(engineerSetting_Repair) + 1] call FUNC(isEngineer)));
// get string of the hitpoint
private "_text";
_text = format ["STR_ACE_Repair_%1", _hitPoint];
if (isLocalized _text) then {
_text = format [localize LSTRING(RepairingHitPoint), localize _text];
} else {
_text = localize LSTRING(Repairing);
// open the loading bar
[_time, [_unit, _vehicle, _hitPoint], {_this call DFUNC(doRepair)}, {_this call DFUNC(doRepair)}, _text, {(_this select 0) call DFUNC(canRepair)}, []] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);
// do animation
[_unit] call EFUNC(common,goKneeling);
// @todo play sound

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Author: KoffeinFlummi, Glowbal
* Callback when the repair fails
* Arguments:
* 0: The engineer <OBJECT>
* 1: The patient <OBJECT>
* 2: SelectionName <STRING>
* 3: Treatment classname <STRING>
* 4: Items available <ARRAY<STRING>>
* Return Value:
* nil
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_args"];
_args params ["_caller", "_target","_selectionName","_className","","_usersOfItems"];
private ["_config","_callback", "_usersOfItems", "_weaponSelect"];
if (primaryWeapon _caller == "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon") then {
_caller removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (vehicle _caller == _caller) then {
[_caller, _caller getvariable [QGVAR(repairPrevAnimCaller), ""], 2] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
_caller setvariable [QGVAR(repairPrevAnimCaller), nil];
_weaponSelect = (_caller getvariable [QGVAR(selectedWeaponOnrepair), ""]);
if (_weaponSelect != "") then {
_caller selectWeapon _weaponSelect;
} else {
_caller action ["SwitchWeapon", _caller, _caller, 99];
(_x select 0) addItem (_x select 1);
} forEach _usersOfItems;
// Record specific callback
_config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Repair" >> "Actions" >> _className);
_callback = getText (_config >> "callbackFailure");
if (isNil _callback) then {
_callback = compile _callback;
} else {
_callback = missionNamespace getvariable _callback;
_args call _callback;
// _args call FUNC(createLitter);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* Author: KoffeinFlummi, Glowbal
* Callback when the repair is completed
* Arguments:
* 0: The engineer <OBJECT>
* 1: The patient <OBJECT>
* 2: SelectionName <STRING>
* 3: Treatment classname <STRING>
* 4: Items available <ARRAY<STRING>>
* Return Value:
* nil
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_args"];
_args params ["_caller", "_target","_selectionName","_className"];
private ["_config","_callback", "_weaponSelect"];
if (primaryWeapon _caller == "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon") then {
_caller removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (vehicle _caller == _caller) then {
[_caller, _caller getvariable [QGVAR(repairPrevAnimCaller), ""], 2] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
_caller setvariable [QGVAR(repairPrevAnimCaller), nil];
_weaponSelect = (_caller getvariable [QGVAR(selectedWeaponOnrepair), ""]);
if (_weaponSelect != "") then {
_caller selectWeapon _weaponSelect;
} else {
_caller action ["SwitchWeapon", _caller, _caller, 99];
// Record specific callback
_config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Repair" >> "Actions" >> _className);
_callback = getText (_config >> "callbackSuccess");
if (isNil _callback) then {
_callback = compile _callback;
} else {
_callback = missionNamespace getvariable _callback;
_args call _callback;
// _args call FUNC(createLitter);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Author: commy2
* Sets the structural damage of a vehicle without altering the hitPoints. Requires local vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: vehicle to damage <OBJECT>
* 1: Total damage <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_vehicle", "_damage"];
// can't execute all commands if the vehicle isn't local. exit here.
if !(local _vehicle) exitWith {};
// save array with damage values of all hitpoints
private ["_hitPoints", "_hitPointDamages"];
_hitPoints = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitpoints);
_hitPointDamages = [];
_hitPointDamages set [_forEachIndex, _vehicle getHitPointDamage _x];
} forEach _hitPoints;
// set damage of the vehicle
_vehicle setDamage _damage;
// restore original hitpoint damage values
_vehicle setHitPointDamage [_x, _hitPointDamages select _forEachIndex];
} forEach _hitPoints;
// normalize hitpoints
[_vehicle] call FUNC(normalizeHitPoints);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Author: commy2
* Set the hitpoint damage and change the structural damage acordingly. Requires local vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: vehicle
* 1: hitpoint
* 2: damage
* Return Value:
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_vehicle", "_hitPoint", "_hitPointDamage"];
// can't execute all commands if the vehicle isn't local. exit here.
if !(local _vehicle) exitWith {};
// get all valid hitpoints
private ["_hitPoints", "_hitPointsWithSelections"];
_hitPoints = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitpoints);
_hitPointsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitpointsWithSelections) select 0;
// exit if the hitpoint is not valid
if !(_hitPoint in _hitPoints) exitWith {systemChat format["NOT A VALID HITPOINT: %1",_hitpoint]};
// save array with damage values of all hitpoints
private "_hitPointDamages";
_hitPointDamages = [];
_hitPointDamages set [_forEachIndex, (_vehicle getHitPointDamage _x)];
} forEach _hitPoints;
// save structural damage and sum of hitpoint damages
private ["_damageOld", "_hitPointDamageSumOld"];
_damageOld = damage _vehicle;
_hitPointDamageSumOld = 0;
if (!(_x in IGNORED_HITPOINTS) && {!isText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "depends")}) then {
_hitPointDamageSumOld = _hitPointDamageSumOld + (_hitPointDamages select (_hitPoints find _x));
} forEach _hitPointsWithSelections;
// set new damage in array
_hitPointDamages set [_hitPoints find _hitPoint, _hitPointDamage];
// save sum of new hitpoint damages
private "_hitPointDamageSumNew";
_hitPointDamageSumNew = 0;
if (!(_x in IGNORED_HITPOINTS) && {!isText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "depends")}) then {
_hitPointDamageSumNew = _hitPointDamageSumNew + (_hitPointDamages select (_hitPoints find _x));
} forEach _hitPointsWithSelections;
// calculate new strctural damage
private "_damageNew";
_damageNew = _hitPointDamageSumNew / count _hitPoints;
if (_hitPointDamageSumOld > 0) then {
_damageNew = _damageOld * (_hitPointDamageSumNew / _hitPointDamageSumOld);
// set new structural damage value
_vehicle setDamage _damageNew;
// set the new damage for that hit point
_vehicle setHitPointDamage [_x, _hitPointDamages select _forEachIndex];
} forEach _hitPoints;
// normalize hitpoints
// [_vehicle] call FUNC(normalizeHitPoints);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_item", "_position", ["_damage", 0]];
// randomized end position
_position = _position vectorAdd [1 - random 2, 1 - random 2, 0];
_item = createVehicle [_item, _position, [], 0, "NONE"];
_item setPosASL _position;
["fixCollision", _item] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
["fixPosition", _item] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
_item setDamage _damage;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Use Equipment if any is available.
* Arguments:
* 0: Engineer <OBJECT>
* 2: Item <STRING>
* ReturnValue:
* <NIL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_engineer", "_item"];
if ([_engineer, _item] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)) exitwith {
[[_engineer, _item], QUOTE(EFUNC(common,useItem)), _engineer] call EFUNC(common,execRemoteFnc); /* TODO Replace by event system */
[true, _engineer];
[false, objNull];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Author: Glowbal
* Use Equipment items if any is available.
* Arguments:
* 0: Engineer <OBJECT>
* 1: Items <ARRAY<STRING>>
* ReturnValue:
* <NIL>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_engineer", "_items"];
private ["_itemUsedInfo", "_itemsUsedBy"];
_itemsUsedBy = [];
// handle a one of type use item
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") then {
_itemUsedInfo = [_engineer, _x] call FUNC(useItem);
if (_itemUsedInfo select 0) exitwith { _itemsUsedBy pushback [(_itemUsedInfo select 1), _x]};
} forEach _x;
// handle required item
if (typeName _x == "STRING") then {
_itemUsedInfo = [_engineer, _x] call FUNC(useItem);
if (_itemUsedInfo select 0) exitwith { _itemsUsedBy pushback [(_itemUsedInfo select 1), _x]};
} forEach _items;
[count _items == count _itemsUsedBy, _itemsUsedBy];

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\repair\script_component.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#define COMPONENT repair
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#define IGNORED_HITPOINTS ["HitGlass1","HitGlass2","HitGlass3","HitGlass4","HitGlass5","HitGlass6","HitGlass7","HitGlass8","HitGlass9","HitGlass10","HitGlass11","HitGlass12","HitGlass13","HitGlass14","HitGlass15","HitRGlass","HitLGlass"]
// #define TRACK_HITPOINTS ["HitLTrack", "HitRTrack"];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Edited with tabler - 2014-12-21 -->
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="repair">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_SpareTrack">
<English>Spare Track</English>
<Spanish>Cadena de repuesto</Spanish>
<French>Chenille de réserve</French>
<Polish>Zapasowa gąsienica</Polish>
<Czech>Náhradní pásy</Czech>
<Portuguese>Lagarta Reserva</Portuguese>
<Italian>Cingolo di scorta</Italian>
<Hungarian>Pót lánctalp</Hungarian>
<Russian>Запасная гусеница</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_SpareWheel">
<English>Spare Wheel</English>
<Spanish>Rueda de repuesto</Spanish>
<French>Roue de secours</French>
<Polish>Zapasowe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Náhradní Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Reserva</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota di scorta</Italian>
<Russian>Запасное колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_ReplaceWheel">
<English>Change Wheel</English>
<German>Reifen wechseln</German>
<Spanish>Cambiar rueda</Spanish>
<French>Changer Roue</French>
<Polish>Wymień koło</Polish>
<Czech>Vyměňit kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Trocar Roda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Sostituisci la ruota</Italian>
<Hungarian>Kerék cseréje</Hungarian>
<Russian>Поменять колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_ReplacingWheel">
<English>Replacing Wheel ...</English>
<German>Ersetze Reifen ...</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_ReplacedWheel">
<English>Wheel replaced</English>
<German>Reifen ersetzt</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RemoveWheel">
<English>Remove Wheel</English>
<German>Reifen entfernen</German>
<Spanish>Quitar rueda</Spanish>
<French>Démonter Roue</French>
<Polish>Zdejmij koło</Polish>
<Czech>Odstranit Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Remover Roda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Rimuovi la ruota</Italian>
<Hungarian>Kerék leszerelése</Hungarian>
<Russian>Снять колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RemovingWheel">
<English>Removing Wheel ...</English>
<German>Entferne Reifen ...</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RemovedWheel">
<English>Wheel removed</English>
<German>Reifen entfernt</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_ReplaceTrack">
<English>Change Track</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_ReplacingTrack">
<English>Replacing Track ...</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_ReplacedTrack">
<English>Track replaced</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RemoveTrack">
<English>Remove Track</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RemovingTrack">
<English>Removing Track ...</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RemovedTrack">
<English>Track removed</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_fullRepair">
<English>Full Repair</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_fullyRepairing">
<English>Repairing Vehicle ...</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_fullRepairLocation">
<English>Full Repair Locations</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_fullRepairLocation_description">
<English>At what locations can a vehicle be fully repaired?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair_name">
<English>Allow Full Repair</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair_description">
<English>Who can perform a full repair on a vehicle?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RepairHitpoint">
<English>Repair %1</English>
<German>Reparieren %1</German>
<Spanish>Reparación %1</Spanish>
<French>Réparer %1</French>
<Polish>Napraw %1</Polish>
<Czech>Opravit %1</Czech>
<Portuguese>Reparar %1</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ripara %1</Italian>
<Hungarian>Szerelés %1</Hungarian>
<Russian>Ремонт %1</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_Repair">
<English>Repair &gt;&gt;</English>
<German>Reparieren &gt;&gt;</German>
<Spanish>Reparación &gt;&gt;</Spanish>
<French>Réparer &gt;&gt;</French>
<Polish>Napraw &gt;&gt;</Polish>
<Czech>Opravit &gt;&gt;</Czech>
<Portuguese>Reparar &gt;&gt;</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ripara &gt;&gt;</Italian>
<Hungarian>Szerelés &gt;&gt;</Hungarian>
<Russian>Ремонт &gt;&gt;</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_SettingDisplayTextName">
<English>Display text on repair</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_SettingDisplayTextDesc">
<English>Display a notification whenever you repair a vehicle</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_Repairing">
<English>Repairing ...</English>
<German>Reparieren ...</German>
<Spanish>Reparando ...</Spanish>
<French>Réparation ...</French>
<Czech>Opravuji ...</Czech>
<Portuguese>Reparando ...</Portuguese>
<Italian>Sto riparando ...</Italian>
<Hungarian>javítása ...</Hungarian>
<Russian>Ремонтируем ...</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RepairingHitPoint">
<English>Repairing %1 ...</English>
<German>Reparieren %1 ...</German>
<Spanish>Reparando %1 ...</Spanish>
<French>Réparation %1 ...</French>
<Polish>Naprawianie %1...</Polish>
<Czech>Opravuji %1 ...</Czech>
<Portuguese>Reparando %1 ...</Portuguese>
<Italian>Sto riparando %1 ...</Italian>
<Hungarian>%1 javítása ...</Hungarian>
<Russian>Ремонтируем %1 ...</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_Repaired">
<English>Repaired %1</English>
<German>%1 repariert</German>
<Spanish>Reparado %1</Spanish>
<French>%1 réparé(e)</French>
<Polish>Naprawiono %1</Polish>
<Czech>Opraveno - %1</Czech>
<Portuguese>Reparado %1</Portuguese>
<Italian>%1 Riparata/o</Italian>
<Hungarian>%1 megjavítva</Hungarian>
<Russian>%1 отремонтирован</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RepairedFully">
<English>Fully repaired part</English>
<German>Bauteil vollständig repariert</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RepairedPartially">
<English>Partially repaired %1</English>
<German>Bauteil teilweise repariert</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RepairedHitPointFully">
<English>Fully repaired %1</English>
<German>%1 vollständig repariert</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_RepairedHitPointPartially">
<English>Partially repaired %1</English>
<German>%1 teilweise repariert</German>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitBody">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitHull">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitEngine">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitFuel">
<English>Fuel Tank</English>
<Polish>Zbiornik paliwa</Polish>
<Czech>Palivová nádrž</Czech>
<Portuguese>Tanque de Combustível</Portuguese>
<Russian>Топливный бак</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitTurret">
<English>Main Turret</English>
<Spanish>Torreta príncipal</Spanish>
<Czech>Hlavní Věž</Czech>
<Portuguese>Torre principal</Portuguese>
<Italian>Torretta principale</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGun">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitLTrack">
<English>Left Track</English>
<German>Linke Kette</German>
<Spanish>Cadena izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Chenille gauche</French>
<Polish>Lewa gąsienica</Polish>
<Czech>Levý Pás</Czech>
<Portuguese>Lagarta Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Cingolo sinistro</Italian>
<Hungarian>Bal lánctalp</Hungarian>
<Russian>Левую гусеницу</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitRTrack">
<English>Right Track</English>
<German>Rechte Kette</German>
<Spanish>Cadena derecha</Spanish>
<French>Chenille droite</French>
<Polish>Prawa gąsienica</Polish>
<Czech>Pravý Pás</Czech>
<Portuguese>Lagarta Direita</Portuguese>
<Italian>Cingolo destro</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jobb lánctalp</Hungarian>
<Russian>Правую гусеницу</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitLFWheel">
<English>Left Front Wheel</English>
<German>Linkes Vorderrad</German>
<Spanish>Rueda frontal izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Roue avant-gauche</French>
<Polish>Przednie lewe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Levé přední Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Dianteira Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota frontale sinistra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Bal első kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Левое переднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitRFWheel">
<English>Right Front Wheel</English>
<German>Rechtes Vorderrad</German>
<Spanish>Rueda frontal derecha</Spanish>
<French>Roue avant-droite</French>
<Polish>Przednie prawe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Pravé přední Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Dianteira Direita</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota frontale destra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jobb első kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Правое переднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitLF2Wheel">
<English>Second Left Front Wheel</English>
<German>Zweites linkes Vorderrad</German>
<Spanish>Segunda rueda frontal izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Deuxième roue avant-gauche</French>
<Polish>Drugie przednie lewe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Druhé Levé přední Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Segunda Roda Dianteira Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Seconda ruota frontale sinistra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Második bal első kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Второе переднее левое колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitRF2Wheel">
<English>Second Right Front Wheel</English>
<German>Zweites rechtes Vorderrad</German>
<Spanish>Segunda rueda frontal derecha</Spanish>
<French>Deuxième roue avant-droite</French>
<Polish>Drugie przednie prawe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Druhé Pravé přední Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Segunda Roda Dianteira Direita</Portuguese>
<Italian>Seconda ruota frontale destra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Második jobb hátsó kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Второе правое переднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitLMWheel">
<English>Left Middle Wheel</English>
<German>Linkes mittleres Rad</German>
<Spanish>Rueda central izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Roue centre-gauche</French>
<Polish>Środkowe lewe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Levé prostřední Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Intermediária Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota centrale sinistra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Bal középső kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Левое среднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitRMWheel">
<English>Right Middle Wheel</English>
<German>Rechtes mittleres Rad</German>
<Spanish>Rueda central derecha</Spanish>
<French>Roue centre-droite</French>
<Polish>Środkowe prawe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Pravé prostřední Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Intermediária Direita</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota centrale destra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jobb középső kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Правое среднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitLBWheel">
<English>Left Rear Wheel</English>
<German>Linkes Hinterrad</German>
<Spanish>Rueda trasera izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Roue arrière-gauche</French>
<Polish>Tylnie lewe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Levé zadní Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Traseira Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota posteriore sinistra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Bal hátsó kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Левое заднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitRBWheel">
<English>Right Rear Wheel</English>
<German>Rechtes Hinterrad</German>
<Spanish>Rueda trasera derecha</Spanish>
<French>Roue arrière-droite</French>
<Polish>Tylnie prawe koło</Polish>
<Czech>Pravé zadní Kolo</Czech>
<Portuguese>Roda Traseira Direita</Portuguese>
<Italian>Ruota posteriore destra</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jobb hátsó kerék</Hungarian>
<Russian>Правое заднее колесо</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitAvionics">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitHRotor">
<English>Main Rotor</English>
<Spanish>Rotor principal</Spanish>
<French>Rotor principal</French>
<Polish>Główny rotor</Polish>
<Czech>Hlavní Rotor</Czech>
<Portuguese>Rotor Principal</Portuguese>
<Italian>Rotore principale</Italian>
<Russian>Несущий винт</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitVRotor">
<English>Tail Rotor</English>
<Spanish>Rotor de cola</Spanish>
<French>Rotor anticouple</French>
<Polish>Tylni rotor</Polish>
<Czech>Zadní Rotor</Czech>
<Portuguese>Rotor de Cauda</Portuguese>
<Italian>Rotore di coda</Italian>
<Russian>Рулевой винт</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitWinch">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitRGlass">
<English>Glass (right)</English>
<German>Scheibe (rechts)</German>
<Spanish>Ventana (derecha)</Spanish>
<French>Vitre (droite)</French>
<Polish>Szyba (prawa)</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo (pravé)</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro (à direita)</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro destro</Italian>
<Hungarian>Jobb szélvédő</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло (справа)</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitLGlass">
<English>Glass (left)</English>
<German>Scheibe (links)</German>
<Spanish>Ventana (izquierda)</Spanish>
<French>Vitre (gauche)</French>
<Polish>Szyba (lewa)</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo (pravé)</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro (à esquerda)</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro sinistro</Italian>
<Hungarian>Bal szélvédő</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло (слава)</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGlass1">
<English>Glass 1</English>
<German>Scheibe 1</German>
<Spanish>Ventana 1</Spanish>
<French>Vitre 1</French>
<Polish>Szyba 1</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo 1</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro 1</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro 1</Italian>
<Hungarian>Üveg 1</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло 1</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGlass2">
<English>Glass 2</English>
<German>Scheibe 2</German>
<Spanish>Ventana 2</Spanish>
<French>Vitre 2</French>
<Polish>Szyba 2</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo 2</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro 2</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro 2</Italian>
<Hungarian>Üveg 2</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло 2</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGlass3">
<English>Glass 3</English>
<German>Scheibe 3</German>
<Spanish>Ventana 3</Spanish>
<French>Vitre 3</French>
<Polish>Szyba 3</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo 3</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro 3</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro 3</Italian>
<Hungarian>Üveg 3</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло 3</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGlass4">
<English>Glass 4</English>
<German>Scheibe 4</German>
<Spanish>Ventana 4</Spanish>
<French>Vitre 4</French>
<Polish>Szyba 4</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo 4</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro 4</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro 4</Italian>
<Hungarian>Üveg 4</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло 4</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGlass5">
<English>Glass 5</English>
<German>Scheibe 5</German>
<Spanish>Ventana 5</Spanish>
<French>Vitre 5</French>
<Polish>Szyba 5</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo 5</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro 5</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro 5</Italian>
<Hungarian>Üveg 5</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло 5</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_HitGlass6">
<English>Glass 6</English>
<German>Scheibe 6</German>
<Spanish>Ventana 6</Spanish>
<French>Vitre 6</French>
<Polish>Szyba 6</Polish>
<Czech>Sklo 6</Czech>
<Portuguese>Vidro 6</Portuguese>
<Italian>Vetro 6</Italian>
<Hungarian>Üveg 6</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стекло 6</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_moduleName">
<English>Repair Settings</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_moduleDescription">
<English>Provides a repair system for all types of vehicles.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_engineerSetting_anyone">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_engineerSetting_EngineerOnly">
<English>Engineer only</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_engineerSetting_RepairSpecialistOnly">
<English>Repair Specialist only</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_enginerSetting_Wheel_name">
<English>Allow Wheel</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_enginerSetting_Wheel_description">
<English>Who can remove and replace wheels?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_enginerSetting_Repair_name">
<English>Allow Repair</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_enginerSetting_Repair_description">
<English>Who can perform repair actions?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_repairDamageThreshold_name">
<English>Repair Threshold</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_repairDamageThreshold_description">
<English>What is the maximum damage that can be repaired with a toolkit?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_repairDamageThreshold_Engineer_name">
<English>Repair Threshold (Engineer)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_repairDamageThreshold_Engineer_description">
<English>What is the maximum damage that can be repaired by an engineer?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_consumeItem_ToolKit_name">
<English>Remove toolkit on use</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_consumeItem_ToolKit_description">
<English>Should the toolkit be removed on usage?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_useAnywhere">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_repairVehicleOnly">
<English>Repair Vehicle only</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_repairFacilityOnly">
<English>Repair Facility only</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_vehicleAndFacility">
<English>Repair Facility or Vehicle</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_Module_DisplayName">
<English>Assign Engineer</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_EnableList_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_EnableList_Description">
<English>List of unit names that will be classified as engineer, separated by commas.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_role_DisplayName">
<English>Is Engineer</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_role_Description">
<English>Select the engineering skill level of the unit</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_role_none">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_role_engineer">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_role_specialist">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignEngineerRole_Module_Description">
<English>Assign one or multiple units as an engineer</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairVehicle_Module_DisplayName">
<English>Assign Repair Vehicle</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairVehicle_EnableList_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairVehicle_EnableList_Description">
<English>List of vehicles that will be classified as repair vehicle, separated by commas.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairVehicle_role_DisplayName">
<English>Is Repair Vehicle</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairVehicle_role_Description">
<English>Is the vehicle classified as a repair vehicle?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairVehicle_Module_Description">
<English>Assign one or multiple vehicles as a repair vehicle</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairFacility_Module_DisplayName">
<English>Assign Repair Facility</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairFacility_EnableList_DisplayName">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairFacility_EnableList_Description">
<English>List of objects that will be classified as repair Facility, separated by commas.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairFacility_role_DisplayName">
<English>Is Repair Facility</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairFacility_role_Description">
<English>Is the object classified as a repair Facility?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_AssignRepairFacility_Module_Description">
<English>Assign one or multiple objects as a repair Facility</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Repair_categoryName">
<English>Vehicle Repair</English>

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Binary file not shown.