diff --git a/addons/medical/functions/fnc_handleDamage_advanced.sqf b/addons/medical/functions/fnc_handleDamage_advanced.sqf index 33b1d3f7ee..86aa5b0e33 100644 --- a/addons/medical/functions/fnc_handleDamage_advanced.sqf +++ b/addons/medical/functions/fnc_handleDamage_advanced.sqf @@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ * 2: Amount Of Damage * 3: Shooter * 4: Projectile - * 5: Current damage to be returned - * 6: Type of Damage + * 5: Hit part index of the hit point + * 6: Current damage to be returned + * + * //On 1.63 dev: + * 6: Shooter? + * 7: Current damage to be returned * * Return Value: * None @@ -22,6 +26,11 @@ private ["_typeOfProjectile", "_part", "_damageBodyParts", "_hitPoints"]; params ["_unit", "_selectionName", "_amountOfDamage", "_sourceOfDamage", "_typeOfProjectile", "_hitPointNumber", "_newDamage"]; +//Temp fix for 1.63 handleDamage changes +if (_newDamage isEqualType objNull) then { + _newDamage = _this select 7; +}; + _part = [_selectionName] call FUNC(selectionNameToNumber); if (_part < 0) exitWith {};