mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into testingMG
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,3 +2,13 @@
*.png binary
*.jpg binary
*.paa binary
# Change GitHub language categorization
addons/**/*.cpp linguist-language=SQF
addons/**/*.hpp linguist-language=SQF
optionals/**/*.cpp linguist-language=SQF
optionals/**/*.hpp linguist-language=SQF
# Do not count hemtt includes in language usage stats
include/* linguist-vendored
@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Build
shell: cmd
run: |
cd extensions/build
cd extensions
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && cmake --build .
- name: Upload Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
@ -13,3 +15,4 @@ texHeaders.bin
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Dharma Bellamkonda <dharma.bellamkonda@gmail.com>
Dimaslg <dimaslg@telecable.es>
dixon13 <dixonbegay@gmail.com>
Drill <drill87@gmail.com>
Dudakov aka [OMCB]Kaban <dudakov.s@gmail.com>
Drofseh <drofseh@gmail.com>
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ Hawkins
Head <brobergsebastian@gmail.com>
Hybrid V
john681611 <john681611@hotmail.com>
Karneck <dschultz26@hotmail.com>
Kavinsky <nmunozfernandez@gmail.com>
Keithen <Keithen.Neu@gmail.com>
@ -158,6 +160,7 @@ Toaster <jonathan.pereira@gmail.com>
Tourorist <tourorist@gmail.com>
TyroneMF <TyroneMF@hotmail.com>
Valentin Torikian <valentin.torikian@gmail.com>
@ -167,3 +170,5 @@ xrufix
Zakant <Zakant@gmx.de>
Fyuran <dankemedic@hotmail.com>
dabako <dabako@dabakoworld.de>
Frank <frankplow@protonmail.com>
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class CfgAmmo {
class ACE_Gatling_30mm_Sub_HEI: SubmunitionBullet {
submunitionAmmo = "Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F";
weaponType = "cannon";
submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisccenter", 3};
submunitionConeType[] = {"randomcenter", 3};
submunitionConeAngle = 0.056; // in degrees, 0.055 ~= 0.001 mils minute, but present
model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red.p3d";
triggerTime = 0.005;
@ -388,6 +388,7 @@
<German>Nach Tragelast sortieren</German>
<French>Trier par capacité de chargement</French>
<Spanish>Ordenar por capacidad</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByAccuracyText">
<English>Sort by accuracy</English>
@ -395,6 +396,7 @@
<French>Trier par précision</French>
<Turkish>Isabet doğruluğuna göre sırala</Turkish>
<Spanish>Ordenar por precisión</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByRateOfFireText">
<English>Sort by rate of fire</English>
@ -402,12 +404,14 @@
<French>Trier par cadence de tir</French>
<Turkish>Atış hızına göre sırala</Turkish>
<Spanish>Ordenar por cadencia de tiro</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByMagnificationText">
<English>Sort by magnification</English>
<German>Nach Vergrößerung sortieren</German>
<French>Trier par grossissement</French>
<Spanish>Ordenar por magnificación</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByMagCountText">
<English>Sort by ammo count</English>
@ -415,16 +419,19 @@
<French>Trier par nombre de munitions</French>
<Turkish>Mermi sayısına göre sırala</Turkish>
<Spanish>Ordenar por cantidad de munición</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByProtectionBallistic">
<English>Sort by ballistic protection</English>
<French>Trier par protection balistique</French>
<Spanish>Ordenar por protección balística</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_sortByProtectionExplosive">
<English>Sort by explosive protection</English>
<French>Trier par résistance aux explosifs</French>
<Spanish>Ordenar por protección de explosivos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_buttonShareTooltip">
<English>Share or stop sharing the selected loadout</English>
@ -1380,6 +1387,7 @@
<Russian>Задержка детонации</Russian>
<Polish>Opoźnienie zapalnika</Polish>
<Spanish>Tiempo de espoleta</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Arsenal_DetonatesOnImpact">
<English>Detonates on impact</English>
@ -1388,6 +1396,7 @@
<Russian>Детонация от удара</Russian>
<Polish>Detonuj przy uderzeniu</Polish>
<Spanish>Detona mediante impacto</Spanish>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
weapons[] = {"ACE_artilleryTable"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_interaction"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diag_log text "-------------------------------------------";
INFO("Showing entries with custom configs");
diag_log text "-------------------------------------------";
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// #include "\z\ace\addons\artillerytables\script_component.hpp"
INFO("showing shot info");
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ if (_unit == _attachToVehicle) then { //Self Attachment
[_onAttachText, 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(attached), [[_attachedItem, _itemClassname]], true];
[QGVAR(attached), [_attachedItem, _itemClassname]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
} else {
GVAR(placeAction) = PLACE_WAITING;
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ if (!([_unit, _itemName] call CBA_fnc_canAddItem) && {!_isChemlight}) exitWith {
[LELSTRING(common,Inventory_Full)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
[QGVAR(detaching), [_attachedObject, _itemName]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Add item to inventory (unless it's a chemlight)
if (!_isChemlight) then {
_unit addItem _itemName;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* Approves placement of the lightObject, scans for an appropriate location and attaches
* A player can release the attachObject with it floating in mid-air.
* This will use lineIntersectsSurfaces to scan towards the center of the vehicle to find a collision
* ArmA's collision detection is of couse terrible and often misses collisions (difference between what we see and collision LOD)
* Arma's collision detection is of couse terrible and often misses collisions (difference between what we see and collision LOD)
* So it does multiple scans at slighly different angles
* This is VERY computationaly intensive, but doesn't happen that often.
@ -100,5 +100,6 @@ _unit removeItem _itemClassname;
private _attachList = _attachToVehicle getVariable [QGVAR(attached), []];
_attachList pushBack [_attachedObject, _itemClassname];
_attachToVehicle setVariable [QGVAR(attached), _attachList, true];
[QGVAR(attached), [_attachedObject, _itemClassname]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
[_onAttachText, 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -171,30 +171,30 @@
<Russian>#4 Картечь</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_12Gauge_Pellets_No4_Bird_NameShort">
<English>#7 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>Perdigones #7</Spanish>
<German>#7 Vogelschrot</German>
<Chinese>#7 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>#7 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>#7 バックショット</Japanese>
<English>#4 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>Perdigones #4</Spanish>
<German>#4 Vogelschrot</German>
<Chinese>#4 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>#4 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>#4 バックショット</Japanese>
<French>Grenaille No.4</French>
<Czech>#7 Broky malé</Czech>
<Polish>#7 Śrut Drobny</Polish>
<Turkish>#7 Küçük saçma</Turkish>
<Russian>#7 Дробь</Russian>
<Czech>#4 Broky malé</Czech>
<Polish>#4 Śrut Drobny</Polish>
<Turkish>#4 Küçük saçma</Turkish>
<Russian>#4 Дробь</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_12Gauge_Pellets_No4_Bird_Description">
<English>#7 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>Perdigones #7</Spanish>
<German>#7 Vogelschrot</German>
<Chinese>#7 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>#7 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>#7 バックショット</Japanese>
<English>#4 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>Perdigones #4</Spanish>
<German>#4 Vogelschrot</German>
<Chinese>#4 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>#4 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>#4 バックショット</Japanese>
<French>Grenaille No.4</French>
<Czech>#7 Broky malé - kalibr 2.54 mm</Czech>
<Polish>#7 Śrut Drobny (Birdshot)</Polish>
<Turkish>#7 Küçük saçma</Turkish>
<Russian>#7 Дробь</Russian>
<Czech>#4 Broky malé - kalibr 3.3 mm</Czech>
<Polish>#4 Śrut Drobny (Birdshot)</Polish>
<Turkish>#4 Küçük saçma</Turkish>
<Russian>#4 Дробь</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_2Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck_Name">
<English>12 Gauge 2Rnd #00 Buckshot</English>
@ -281,18 +281,18 @@
<Turkish>12 kalibre 2 mermi #4 İrisaçma</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_2Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No4_Bird_Name">
<English>12 Gauge 2Rnd #7 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>2 Cartuchos de Perdigones Calibre 12 #7</Spanish>
<German>12 Gauge 2Schuss #7 Schrotmunition</German>
<Chinese>12鉛徑 2發 #7 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>12 Gauge 2Rnd #7 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>12 ゲージ 2 発入り #7 バックショット</Japanese>
<English>12 Gauge 2Rnd #4 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>2 Cartuchos de Perdigones Calibre 12 #4</Spanish>
<German>12 Gauge 2Schuss #4 Schrotmunition</German>
<Chinese>12鉛徑 2發 #4 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>12 Gauge 2Rnd #4 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>12 ゲージ 2 発入り #4 バックショット</Japanese>
<French>2 balles cal. 12 Grenaille No.4</French>
<Czech>2x #7 Broky malé (kalibr 2.54 mm)</Czech>
<Polish>12 Gauge 2 naboje #7 Śrut</Polish>
<Portuguese>Chumbo #7 Calibre Doze 2 Tiros</Portuguese>
<Russian>12 Калибр 2 патр. #7 Дробь</Russian>
<Turkish>12 kalibre 2 mermi #5 İrisaçma</Turkish>
<Czech>2x #4 Broky malé (kalibr 3.3 mm)</Czech>
<Polish>12 Gauge 2 naboje #4 Śrut</Polish>
<Portuguese>Chumbo #4 Calibre Doze 2 Tiros</Portuguese>
<Russian>12 Калибр 2 патр. #4 Дробь</Russian>
<Turkish>12 kalibre 2 mermi #4 İrisaçma</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_6Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck_Name">
<English>12 Gauge 6Rnd #00 Buckshot</English>
@ -379,17 +379,17 @@
<Turkish>12 kalibre 6 mermi #4 İrisaçma</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_6Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No4_Bird_Name">
<English>12 Gauge 6Rnd #7 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>6 Cartuchos de Perdigones Calibre 12 #7</Spanish>
<German>12 Gauge 6Schuss #7 Schrotmunition</German>
<Chinese>12鉛徑 6發 #7 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>12 Gauge 6Rnd #7 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>12 ゲージ 6 発入り #7 バックショット</Japanese>
<English>12 Gauge 6Rnd #4 Birdshot</English>
<Spanish>6 Cartuchos de Perdigones Calibre 12 #4</Spanish>
<German>12 Gauge 6Schuss #4 Schrotmunition</German>
<Chinese>12鉛徑 6發 #4 鹿彈</Chinese>
<Italian>12 Gauge 6Rnd #4 Birdshot</Italian>
<Japanese>12 ゲージ 6 発入り #4 バックショット</Japanese>
<French>6 balles cal. 12 Grenaille No.4</French>
<Czech>6x #7 Broky malé (kalibr 2.54 mm)</Czech>
<Polish>12 Gauge 6 naboi #7 Śrut</Polish>
<Russian>12 Калибр 6 патр. #7 Дробь</Russian>
<Turkish>12 kalibre 6 mermi #7 İrisaçma</Turkish>
<Czech>6x #4 Broky malé (kalibr 3.3 mm)</Czech>
<Polish>12 Gauge 6 naboi #4 Śrut</Polish>
<Russian>12 Калибр 6 патр. #4 Дробь</Russian>
<Turkish>12 kalibre 6 mermi #4 İrisaçma</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Ballistics_15Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck_Name">
<English>12 Gauge 15Rnd #00 Buckshot</English>
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* The return value <BOOL>
* Example:
* [player, bob, true] call ACE_captives_fnc_doEscorteCaptive;
* [player, bob, true] call ACE_captives_fnc_doEscortCaptive;
* Public: No
@ -37,10 +37,6 @@
[[_hint, _itemName, _vehicleName], 3.0] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
if (_unloaded) then {
// Invoke listenable event
["ace_cargoUnloaded", [_item, _vehicle]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
// TOOO maybe drag/carry the unloaded item?
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -38,68 +38,67 @@ TRACE_1("",_distBehind);
private _posBehindVehicleAGL = _vehicle modelToWorld [0, _distBehind, -2];
private _itemObject = if (_item isEqualType objNull) then {
detach _item;
private _object = _item;
if (_item isEqualType objNull) then {
detach _object;
// hideObjectGlobal must be executed before setPos to ensure light objects are rendered correctly
// do both on server to ensure they are executed in the correct order
[QGVAR(serverUnload), [_item, _posBehindVehicleAGL]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
[QGVAR(serverUnload), [_object, _posBehindVehicleAGL]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
} else {
private _newItem = createVehicle [_item, _posBehindVehicleAGL, [], 0, "NONE"];
_newItem setPosASL (AGLtoASL _posBehindVehicleAGL);
_object = createVehicle [_item, _posBehindVehicleAGL, [], 0, "NONE"];
_object setPosASL (AGLtoASL _posBehindVehicleAGL);
_itemObject setVelocity ((velocity _vehicle) vectorAdd ((vectorNormalized (vectorDir _vehicle)) vectorMultiply -5));
_object setVelocity ((velocity _vehicle) vectorAdd ((vectorNormalized (vectorDir _vehicle)) vectorMultiply -5));
// open parachute and ir light effect
params ["_item"];
params ["_object"];
if (isNull _item || {getPos _item select 2 < 1}) exitWith {};
if (isNull _object || {getPos _object select 2 < 1}) exitWith {};
private _parachute = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
// cannot use setPos on parachutes without them closing down
_parachute attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
_parachute attachTo [_object, [0,0,0]];
detach _parachute;
private _velocity = velocity _item;
private _velocity = velocity _object;
_item attachTo [_parachute, [0,0,1]];
_object attachTo [_parachute, [0,0,1]];
_parachute setVelocity _velocity;
if ((GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) findIf {_item isKindOf _x}) == -1) then {
if ((GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) findIf {_object isKindOf _x}) == -1) then {
private _light = "Chemlight_yellow" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_light attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
_light attachTo [_object, [0,0,0]];
}, [_itemObject], 0.7] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
}, [_object], 0.7] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
// smoke effect when crate landed
(_this select 0) params ["_item"];
(_this select 0) params ["_object"];
if (isNull _item) exitWith {
if (isNull _object) exitWith {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if (getPos _item select 2 < 1) then {
if ((GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) findIf {_item isKindOf _x}) == -1) then {
if (getPos _object select 2 < 1) then {
if ((GVAR(disableParadropEffectsClasstypes) findIf {_object isKindOf _x}) == -1) then {
private _smoke = "SmokeshellYellow" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_smoke attachTo [_item, [0,0,0]];
_smoke attachTo [_object, [0,0,0]];
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
}, 1, [_itemObject]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
}, 1, [_object]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
if (_showHint) then {
getText (configOf _itemObject >> "displayName"),
getText (configOf _object >> "displayName"),
getText (configOf _vehicle >> "displayName")
@ -107,6 +106,6 @@ if (_showHint) then {
// Invoke listenable event
["ace_cargoUnloaded", [_item, _vehicle, "paradrop"]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
["ace_cargoUnloaded", [_object, _vehicle, "paradrop"]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
@ -47,14 +47,16 @@ private _space = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getCargoSpaceLeft);
private _itemSize = [_item] call FUNC(getSizeItem);
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(space), (_space + _itemSize), true];
if (_item isEqualType objNull) then {
detach _item;
private _object = _item;
if (_object isEqualType objNull) then {
detach _object;
// hideObjectGlobal must be executed before setPos to ensure light objects are rendered correctly
// do both on server to ensure they are executed in the correct order
[QGVAR(serverUnload), [_item, _emptyPosAGL]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
[QGVAR(serverUnload), [_object, _emptyPosAGL]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
} else {
private _newItem = createVehicle [_item, _emptyPosAGL, [], 0, "NONE"];
_newItem setPosASL (AGLtoASL _emptyPosAGL);
_object = createVehicle [_item, _emptyPosAGL, [], 0, "NONE"];
_object setPosASL (AGLtoASL _emptyPosAGL);
// Invoke listenable event
["ace_cargoUnloaded", [_object, _vehicle, "unload"]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ class ACE_Rsc_Control_Base {
#include "ACE_Settings.hpp"
#include "define.hpp"
#include <ProgressScreen.hpp>
#include <HintConfig.hpp>
#include <RscInfoType.hpp>
#include "ProgressScreen.hpp"
#include "HintConfig.hpp"
#include "RscInfoType.hpp"
#include "CompassControl.hpp"
#include "CfgUIGrids.hpp"
@ -1,8 +1,56 @@
class CfgMovesBasic {
class ManActions {
ACE_dragWithPistol = "ace_dragging";
ACE_dragWithRifle = "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AcinPknlMwlkSlowWrflDb_2";
class Actions {
class MoveWithInjuredManDragger;
class MoveWithInjuredManDraggerRfl: MoveWithInjuredManDragger {
Up = "amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon";
class MoveWithInjuredManDraggerPst;
class ACE_MoveWithInjuredManDraggerPst: MoveWithInjuredManDraggerPst {
Default = "ace_dragging_static";
FastB = "ace_dragging";
FastLB = "ace_dragging";
FastRB = "ace_dragging";
grabDrag = "ace_dragging_static";
grabCarry = "Helper_SwitchToCarrynon_pst";
HandGunOn = "ace_dragging_static";
PlayerSlowB = "ace_dragging";
PlayerSlowLB = "ace_dragging";
PlayerSlowRB = "ace_dragging";
PlayerTactB = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDb";
PlayerTactF = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDf";
PlayerTactL = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDl";
PlayerTactLB = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDbl";
PlayerTactLF = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDfl";
PlayerTactR = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDr";
PlayerTactRB = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDbr";
PlayerTactRF = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDfr";
PlayerWalkB = "ace_dragging";
PlayerWalkLB = "ace_dragging";
PlayerWalkRB = "ace_dragging";
released = "ace_dragging_drop";
SlowB = "ace_dragging";
SlowLB = "ace_dragging";
SlowRB = "ace_dragging";
Stop = "ace_dragging_static";
StopRelaxed = "ace_dragging_static";
TactB = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDb";
TactF = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDf";
TactL = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDl";
TactLB = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDbl";
TactLF = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDfl";
TactR = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDr";
TactRB = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDbr";
TactRF = "AmovPknlMtacSrasWpstDfr";
Up = "ace_dragging_static";
WalkB = "ace_dragging";
WalkLB = "ace_dragging";
WalkRB = "ace_dragging";
@ -1,13 +1,127 @@
class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic {
class InjuredMovedBase;
class AgonyBaseRfl;
class StandBase;
class AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AcinPknlMwlkSlowWrflDb_1;
class DraggerBase;
class States {
class AcinPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AcinPercMrunSnonWnonDnon: InjuredMovedBase {
speed = -10; // 1/10
class AinjPfalMstpSnonWrflDnon_carried_Up: AgonyBaseRfl {
speed = -10; // 1/10
class AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon: StandBase {
ConnectTo[] = {
class AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AcinPknlMwlkSlowWrflDb_2: AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AcinPknlMwlkSlowWrflDb_1 {
aiming = "aimingDefault";
aimingBody = "aimingUpDefault";
aimPrecision = 5; // default: 1
class ace_dragging: DraggerBase {
actions = "ace_MoveWithInjuredManDraggerPst";
aiming = "aimingPistol";
aimingBody = "aimingPistol";
aimPrecision = 2; // default: 1
canPullTrigger = 1;
canReload = 0;
ConnectTo[] = {
disableWeapons = 0;
duty = 0.6;
enableBinocular = 0;
file = QPATHTO_T(anim\ace_dragging.rtm);
InterpolateTo[] = {
interpolationSpeed = 5;
limitGunMovement = 0.2;
looped = 1;
showHandGun = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
class ace_dragging_static: ace_dragging {
ConnectTo[] = {
InterpolateTo[] = {
looped = 1;
speed = 0;
class ace_dragging_drop: ace_dragging {
ConnectTo[] = {
file = QPATHTO_T(anim\ace_dragging_drop.rtm);
InterpolateTo[] = {
interpolationSpeed = 5;
looped = 0;
@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ PREP_RECOMPILE_START;
#include "XEH_PREP.hpp"
#include "initSettings.sqf"
ADDON = true;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
class cfgSkeletons {
class OFP2_ManSkeleton {
isDiscrete = 0;
skeletonInherit = "";
skeletonBones[] = {
"camera","Pelvis",// case has changed for arma3
"Head","Neck1", //Head skeleton in hierarchy
//Left upper side
//Right upper side
//Left lower side
//Right lower side
//New facial features arma3 only
};// end of skeleton array
// location of pivot points (local axes) for hierarchical animation
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_interaction"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
authors[] = {"Garth 'L-H' de Wet", "commy2", "PiZZADOX"};
authors[] = {"Garth 'L-H' de Wet", "commy2", "PiZZADOX", "Malbryn"};
url = ECSTRING(main,URL);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2
* Author: commy2, Malbryn
* Drag an object. Called from ace_dragging_fnc_startDrag
* Arguments:
@ -43,18 +43,27 @@ _unit setVariable [QGVAR(isDragging), true, true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(draggedObject), _target, true];
// add drop action
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(ReleaseActionID), [
GVAR(unit) = _unit;
GVAR(releaseActionID) = [0xF1, [false, false, false], {
[GVAR(unit), GVAR(unit) getVariable [QGVAR(draggedObject), objNull]] call FUNC(dropObject);
}, "keydown", "", false, 0] call CBA_fnc_addKeyHandler;
// show mouse hint
["", localize LSTRING(Drop)] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
// block firing
if !(GVAR(dragAndFire)) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(blockFire), [
_unit, "DefaultAction",
{!isNull ((_this select 0) getVariable [QGVAR(draggedObject), objNull])},
{[_this select 0, (_this select 0) getVariable [QGVAR(draggedObject), objNull]] call FUNC(dropObject)}
] call EFUNC(common,addActionEventHandler)];
] call EFUNC(common,addActionEventHandler)];
// add anim changed EH
[_unit, "AnimChanged", FUNC(handleAnimChanged), [_unit]] call CBA_fnc_addBISEventHandler;
// show mouse hint
[localize LSTRING(Drop), ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
// check everything
[FUNC(dragObjectPFH), 0.5, [_unit, _target, CBA_missionTime]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2
* Author: commy2, Malbryn
* Drop a dragged object.
* Arguments:
@ -20,7 +20,12 @@ params ["_unit", "_target"];
// remove drop action
[_unit, "DefaultAction", _unit getVariable [QGVAR(ReleaseActionID), -1]] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
[QGVAR(releaseActionID), "keydown"] call CBA_fnc_removeKeyHandler;
// stop blocking
if !(GVAR(dragAndFire)) then {
[_unit, "DefaultAction", _unit getVariable [QGVAR(blockFire), -1]] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
private _inBuilding = [_unit] call FUNC(isObjectOnObject);
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ TRACE_2("params",_unit,_weapon);
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isDragging), false]) then {
// drop dragged object when selecting a non-primary weapon
if (_weapon != primaryWeapon _unit) then {
// drop dragged object when changing weapon
if (_weapon != _unit getVariable [QGVAR(currentWeapon), ""]) then {
private _draggedObject = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(draggedObject), objNull];
[_unit, _draggedObject] call FUNC(dropObject);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2, PiZZADOX
* Author: commy2, PiZZADOX, Malbryn
* Start the dragging process.
* Arguments:
@ -28,14 +28,34 @@ if (!GETVAR(_target,GVAR(ignoreWeightDrag),false) && {
[localize LSTRING(UnableToDrag)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
// add a primary weapon if the unit has none.
// @todo prevent opening inventory when equipped with a fake weapon
if (primaryWeapon _unit isEqualto "") then {
// Add a primary weapon if the unit has none
if !(GVAR(dragAndFire)) then {
if (primaryWeapon _unit isEqualto "") then {
_unit addWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
} else {
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
} else { // Making sure the unit is holding a primary weapon or handgun
if !(currentWeapon _unit in [primaryWeapon _unit, handgunWeapon _unit]) then {
if (primaryWeapon _unit != "") then {
// Use primary if possible
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
} else {
if (handgunWeapon _unit != "") then {
// Use pistol if unit has no primary
_unit selectWeapon handgunWeapon _unit;
} else {
// Add fake weapon if no weapons besides launcher are available
_unit addWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
// select primary, otherwise the drag animation actions don't work.
_unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
// Save the weapon so we can monitor if it changes
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(currentWeapon), currentWeapon _unit];
[_unit, "blockThrow", "ACE_dragging", true] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
@ -45,7 +65,13 @@ _unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon _unit;
// can't play action that depends on weapon if it was added the same frame
if !(_unit call EFUNC(common,isSwimming)) then {
[_this, "grabDrag"] call EFUNC(common,doGesture);
private _unitWeapon = _this getVariable [QGVAR(currentWeapon), ""];
if (_unitWeapon isKindOf ["Pistol", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) then {
[_this, "ACE_dragWithPistol"] call EFUNC(common,doGesture);
} else {
[_this, "ACE_dragWithRifle"] call EFUNC(common,doGesture);
}, _unit] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[LSTRING(DragAndFire_DisplayName), LSTRING(DragAndFire_Description)],
localize LSTRING(SettingsName),
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
@ -16,5 +16,5 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#define DRAG_ANIMATIONS ["amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_acinpknlmwlkslowwrfldb_2", "amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_acinpknlmwlksnonwpstdb_2", "amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_acinpknlmwlksnonwnondb_2", "acinpknlmstpsraswrfldnon", "acinpknlmstpsnonwpstdnon", "acinpknlmstpsnonwnondnon", "acinpknlmwlksraswrfldb", "acinpknlmwlksnonwnondb"]
#define DRAG_ANIMATIONS ["amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_acinpknlmwlkslowwrfldb_2", "amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_acinpknlmwlksnonwpstdb_2", "amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_acinpknlmwlksnonwnondb_2", "acinpknlmstpsraswrfldnon", "acinpknlmstpsnonwpstdnon", "acinpknlmstpsnonwnondnon", "acinpknlmwlksraswrfldb", "acinpknlmwlksnonwnondb", "ace_dragging", "ace_dragging_static", "ace_dragging_drop"]
#define CARRY_ANIMATIONS ["acinpercmstpsnonwnondnon", "acinpknlmstpsnonwnondnon_acinpercmrunsnonwnondnon"]
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
<Polish>Nieś/Puść objekt</Polish>
<Turkish>Objeyi Taşı/Bırak</Turkish>
<Spanish>Arrastrar/Soltar Objeto</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragging_UnableToDrag">
<English>Item too heavy</English>
@ -103,6 +104,31 @@
<Russian>Поднять/Опустить | (Ctrl + Скролл) Крутить</Russian>
<Polish>Wyżej/niżej | (Ctrl + Kółko myszy) obracanie</Polish>
<Turkish>Yükselt/Alçalt | (Ctrl + Tekerlek) Döndür</Turkish>
<Spanish>Subir/Bajar | (Ctrl + Scroll) Rotar</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragging_SettingsName">
<English>ACE Dragging</English>
<French>ACE Traînage d'objets et d'unités</French>
<German>ACE Ziehen</German>
<Hungarian>ACE Húzás</Hungarian>
<Russian>ACE Перетаскивание</Russian>
<Spanish>ACE Arrastrar</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragging_DragAndFire_DisplayName">
<English>Allow firing while dragging</English>
<French>Arme utilisable durant le traînage</French>
<German>Schießen während des Ziehens erlauben</German>
<Hungarian>Húzás közbeni tüzelés engedélyezése</Hungarian>
<Russian>Стрельба во время перетаскивания</Russian>
<Spanish>Permitir disparar mientras se arrastra</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragging_DragAndFire_Description">
<English>Allow the player to fire their gun while dragging.</English>
<French>Cette option permet aux joueurs de faire usage de leur arme pendant qu'ils traînent un objet ou une unité.\nL'arme secondaire est utilisée si le joueur en est équipé.</French>
<German>Erlaubt dem Spieler während des Ziehens das Abfeuern der Waffe.</German>
<Hungarian>Húzás közben a játékos elsütheti a fegyverét.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Позволяет игроку стрелять во время перетаскивания</Russian>
<Spanish>Permite al jugador disparar mientras está arrastrando.</Spanish>
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
units[] = {"ace_dragon_staticAssembled"};
weapons[] = {"ace_dragon_super","ace_dragon_sight"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_hot","ace_csw"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
<Polish>[CSW] M47 Super-Dragon</Polish>
<Turkish>[CSW] M47 Super-Dragon</Turkish>
<Russian>[CSW] M47 Super-Dragon</Russian>
<Spanish>[CSW] M47 Super-Dragon</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragon_dragonName">
<English>M47 Super-Dragon</English>
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
<Polish>M47 Super-Dragon</Polish>
<Turkish>M47 Super-Dragon</Turkish>
<Russian>M47 Super-Dragon</Russian>
<Spanish>M47 Super-Dragon</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragon_attachSight">
<English>Attach Sight</English>
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
<Czech>Připojit puškohled</Czech>
<Polish>Dołącz Optykę</Polish>
<Russian>Прикрепить прицел</Russian>
<Spanish>Acoplar visor</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragon_detachSight">
<English>Detach Sight</English>
@ -50,6 +53,7 @@
<Czech>Odpojit puškohled</Czech>
<Polish>Odczep Optykę</Polish>
<Russian>Открепить прицел</Russian>
<Spanish>Desacoplar visor</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragon_sightName">
<English>SU-36/P Daysight</English>
@ -63,6 +67,7 @@
<Polish>SU-36/P Celownik dzienny</Polish>
<Turkish>SU-36/P Daysight</Turkish>
<Russian>SU-36/P Дневной</Russian>
<Spanish>Visor diurno SU-36/P</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragon_sightDescription">
<English>A light, cheap sight used for daytime operations. Contains the guidance computer for the whole system</English>
@ -75,6 +80,7 @@
<Czech>Lehký a levný puškohled pro použití za denního světla. Obsahuje navigační počítač pro celý systém.</Czech>
<Polish>Lekki, tani celownik używany do działania w trakcie dnia. Zawiera komputer naprowadząjący dla całego systemu</Polish>
<Russian>Легкий дешёвый прицел, используемый для дневных операций. Содержит компьютер для всей системы</Russian>
<Spanish>Un visor ligero y barato utilizado en operaciones diurnas. Contiene el ordenador de guiado para todo el sistema.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragon_dragonDescription">
<English>A Wire-Guided SACLOS missile with a unique flight characteristic</English>
@ -87,6 +93,7 @@
<Czech>Drátem naváděná SACLOS raketa s unikátními letovými vlastnostmi</Czech>
<Polish>Naprowadzany przewodowo rakietowy pocisk SACLOS o unikalnej charakterystyce lotu</Polish>
<Russian>Ракета SACLOS с проводным наведением с уникальной характеристикой полета</Russian>
<Spanish>Misil SACLOS guiado por hilo con una característica de vuelo única.</Spanish>
@ -1048,6 +1048,7 @@
<Portuguese>Tripwire (Sinalizador)</Portuguese>
<Czech>Světlice na nástražném drátu</Czech>
<Spanish>Bengala con cable trampa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TripFlare_Description">
<English>Type: Tripwire flare - Ignites a non-lethal flare when triggered.<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used on: Ground</English>
@ -1062,6 +1063,7 @@
<Chinese>類型: 絆線閃光地雷 - 觸發後產生非致命性的強光.<br />發數: 1<br />使用於: 地面</Chinese>
<Portuguese>Tipo: Flare de Tripwire - Acende um sinalizador não letal quando acionado.<br/>Usos: 1<br/>Usado em: Chão</Portuguese>
<Czech>Typ: Světlice na nástražném drátu - Zapálí světlici při aktivaci.<br/>Pouze 1 použití<br/>Použít na zem</Czech>
<Spanish>Tipo: Bengala con cable trampa - Enciende una bengala no letal cuando es activado.<br />Rondas: 1<br />Usado en: Tierra</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_statExploRange">
<English>Explosive range</English>
@ -1076,6 +1078,7 @@
<Portuguese>Alcance do explosivo</Portuguese>
<Czech>Dosah exploze</Czech>
<Turkish>Patlayıcı menzili</Turkish>
<Spanish>Alcance explosivo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_ExplosiveTimer">
<English>Explosive Timer</English>
@ -1089,6 +1092,7 @@
<Czech>Časovač exploze</Czech>
<Turkish>Patlayıcı Zamanlayıcı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Temporizador de explosivo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_IsEOD_DisplayName">
<English>Is EOD</English>
@ -1100,6 +1104,7 @@
<Czech>Je specilista na výbušniny (EOD)</Czech>
<Polish>Jest EOD</Polish>
<Spanish>¿Es EOD?</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_IsEOD_Description">
<English>Controls whether the unit is an explosive specialist.</English>
@ -1111,36 +1116,43 @@
<Czech>Určuje jestli je jednotka specialista na výbušniny.</Czech>
<Polish>Kontroluje, czy jednostka jest specjalistą od materiałów wybuchowych.</Polish>
<Russian>Определяет, является ли юнит сапёром.</Russian>
<Spanish>Controla si la unidad es un especialista en explosivos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMin_DisplayName">
<English>Minimum Time</English>
<French>Durée minimale</French>
<Spanish>Tiempo mínimo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMax_DisplayName">
<English>Maximum Time</English>
<French>Durée maximale</French>
<Spanish>Tiempo máximo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerDefault_DisplayName">
<English>Default Time</English>
<French>Durée par défaut</French>
<Spanish>Tiempo por defecto</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMin_Description">
<English>Minimum time value (in seconds) for the explosive timer.</English>
<French>Définit la durée minimale paramétrable sur le minuteur.</French>
<Japanese>起爆タイマーの最低時間 (秒) を設定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo mínimo (en segundos) para el temporizador del explosivo.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMax_Description">
<English>Maximum time value (in seconds) for the explosive timer.</English>
<French>Définit la durée maximale paramétrable sur le minuteur.</French>
<Japanese>起爆タイマーの最長時間 (秒) を設定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo máximo (en segundos) para el temporizador del explosivo.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerDefault_Description">
<English>Default time value (in seconds) for the explosive timer.</English>
<French>Définit la durée paramétrée par défaut sur le minuteur.</French>
<Japanese>起爆タイマーの標準時間 (秒) を設定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo por defecto (en segundos) para el temporizador del explosivo.</Spanish>
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
units[] = {"ACE_fastropingSupplyCrate"};
weapons[] = {"ACE_rope12","ACE_rope15","ACE_rope18","ACE_rope27","ACE_rope36"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_interaction"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
<Korean>패스트 로프를 놓음</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes12">
<English>Deploy 12m ropes</English>
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
<Russian>ACE Перегрузки</Russian>
<Japanese>ACE G フォース</Japanese>
<Turkish>ACE G-Kuvveti</Turkish>
<Spanish>ACE Fuerza G</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_GForces_enabledFor_displayName">
<English>Gforces Effects</English>
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
<Russian>Коэффициент перегрузки</Russian>
<Japanese>G 効果係数</Japanese>
<Turkish>G-Kuvvet Katsayısı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Coeficiente de Fuerza G</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_GForces_Coefficient_Description">
<English>Controls strength of G-Force affecting players.</English>
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
<Russian>Определяет силу перегрузок, влияющих на игроков.</Russian>
<Japanese>G 効果がプレイヤーに与える影響量を設定できます。</Japanese>
<Turkish>Oyuncuları etkileyen G-Force'un gücünü kontrol eder.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Controla la intensidad de fuerza G que afecta a los jugadores.</Spanish>
@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
<Portuguese>Granada de Luz CTS 7290 9-Explosões</Portuguese>
<Turkish>CTS 7290 9- Flaş Bombası</Turkish>
<Russian>CTS 7290-9 Светошумовая граната</Russian>
<Spanish>Granada aturdidora CTS 7290 9-explosiones</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_CTS9_NameShort">
<English>CTS 7290-9</English>
@ -402,6 +403,7 @@
<Portuguese>Granada Incendiária AN-M14</Portuguese>
<Czech>AN-M14 zápalný granát</Czech>
<Turkish>AN-M14 Yangın Bombası</Turkish>
<Spanish>Granada incendiaria AN-M14</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Incendiary_NameShort">
@ -417,6 +419,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Incendiary_Description">
<English>Incendiary grenade used to destroy weapons, ammunition and other equipment.</English>
@ -432,6 +435,7 @@
<Portuguese>Granada Incendiária utilizada para destruir armas, munições e outros equipamentos.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Zápalný granát používaný ke zničení zbraní, munice a další výbavy.</Czech>
<Turkish>Yangın bombaları, cephaneleri ve diğer teçhizatı yok etmek için kullanılır</Turkish>
<Spanish>Granada incendiaria utilizada para destruir armamento, municiones y otros equipamientos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_parachute_flare_description">
<English>Type: Star Parachute Flare</English>
@ -445,6 +449,7 @@
<French>Type : Fusée éclairante à parachute</French>
<Czech>Typ: Světlice s padákem</Czech>
<Turkish>Tür: Yıldız Paraşüt Fişeği</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tipo: Bengala de paracaidas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_40mm_flare_white">
<English>M583 Illumination Flare (White)</English>
@ -458,6 +463,7 @@
<French>M583 Fusée éclairante (Blanche)</French>
<Czech>M583 Světlice (Bílá)</Czech>
<Turkish>M583 Aydınlatma Fişeği (Beyaz)</Turkish>
<Spanish>M583 Bengala de iluminación (Blanca)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_40mm_flare_red">
<English>M662 Illumination Flare (Red)</English>
@ -471,6 +477,7 @@
<French>M662 Fusée éclairante (Rouge)</French>
<Czech>M662 Světlice (Červená)</Czech>
<Turkish>M662 Aydınlatma Fişeği (Kırmızı)</Turkish>
<Spanish>M662 Bengala de iluminación (Roja)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_40mm_flare_green">
<English>M661 Illumination Flare (Green)</English>
@ -484,6 +491,7 @@
<French>M661 Fusée éclairante (Verte)</French>
<Czech>M661 Světlice (Zelená)</Czech>
<Turkish>M661 Aydınlatma Fişeği (Yeşil)</Turkish>
<Spanish>M661 Bengala de iluminación (Verde)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_parachute_flare_ir_description">
<English>Type: Parachute IR Flare</English>
@ -497,6 +505,7 @@
<French>Type : Fusée IR à parachute</French>
<Czech>Typ: Infračervená světlice s padákem</Czech>
<Turkish>Tip : Paraşüt IR Flare</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tipo: Bengala infrarroja de paracaidas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_40mm_flare_ir">
<English>M992 Illumination IR Flare</English>
@ -510,41 +519,49 @@
<French>M992 Fusée IR</French>
<Czech>M992 Infračervená světlice</Czech>
<Turkish>M992 Illumination IR Flare</Turkish>
<Spanish>M992 Bengala de iluminación infrarroja</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag_Throwable">
<English>Explosive Satchel (Throwable)</English>
<French>Charge en sacoche (lançable)</French>
<Japanese>梱包爆薬 (投てき仕様)</Japanese>
<Spanish>Carga de mochila explosiva (Lanzable)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_SatchelCharge_Description">
<English>Type: Charge<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used on: Things that need to die</English>
<French>Type : Charge<br />Munitions : 1<br />Application : à balancer sur des trucs qui doivent mourir</French>
<Japanese>種類: 爆薬<br />弾数: 1<br />次で使用: 破壊すべき物に</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tipo: Carga<br />Unidades: 1<br />Usada: Cosas que necesitan morir</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_SatchelCharge_LibText">
<English>An explosive satchel that is throwable. 7 second fixed fuse</English>
<French>Charge explosive lançable. Détonation après 7 secondes.</French>
<Japanese>投げられる梱包爆薬。起爆までの時間は 7 秒間</Japanese>
<Spanish>Carga de mochila explosiva que se puede lanzar. Espoleta fija de 7 segundos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_DemoCharge_Remote_Mag_Throwable">
<English>Explosive Charge (Throwable)</English>
<French>Charge explosive (lançable)</French>
<Japanese>爆薬ブロック (投てき仕様)</Japanese>
<Spanish>Carga explosiva (Lanzable)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_DemoCharge_LibText">
<English>An explosive charge that is throwable. 7 second fixed fuse</English>
<French>Bloc explosif lançable. Détonation après 7 secondes.</French>
<Japanese>投げられる爆薬ブロック。起爆までの時間は 7 秒間</Japanese>
<Spanish>Carga explosiva que se puede lanzar. Espoleta fija de 7 segundos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Convert_Fuse">
<English>Convert to short fuse</English>
<French>Appliquer une mèche</French>
<Spanish>Convertir a espoleta corta</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Remove_Fuse">
<English>Remove short fuse</English>
<French>Retirer la mèche</French>
<Spanish>Quitar espoleta corta</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Settings_DisplayName">
<English>ACE Grenades</English>
@ -566,11 +583,13 @@
<English>Allow Explosive Conversion</English>
<French>Autoriser les mèches (charges lançables)</French>
<Spanish>Permitir conversión de explosivos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_convertExplosives_Description">
<English>Allow converting explosives to throwables</English>
<French>Cette option permet de rendre les charges explosives lançables, à la manière des grenades.\nPour celà, ouvrir l'inventaire et double-cliquer sur les charges, afin de leur appliquer une mèche.\nLa mèche peut se retirer en suivant la même procédure.</French>
<Spanish>Permitir convertir explosivos a lanzables</Spanish>
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
<French>Échanger les armes</French>
<Turkish>Silah çantasında silah değişimi</Turkish>
<Spanish>Intercambiar arma en funda de arma</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Gunbag_SwapGunbagEnabled_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Weapon Swap</English>
@ -80,6 +81,7 @@
<French>Activer l'échange d'arme</French>
<Turkish>Silah Değiştirmeyi Etkinleştir</Turkish>
<Spanish>Habilitar cambio de arma</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Gunbag_SwapGunbagEnabled_Description">
<English>Allows interaction to directly swap the primary weapon and stored weapon.</English>
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
<French>Active le menu d'interaction personnelle permettant d'échanger directement l'arme primaire et l'arme rangée dans la housse.</French>
<Turkish>Etkileşimin doğrudan birincil silahı ve depolanan silahı değiştirmesine izin verir.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Permitir interacción para intercambiar el arma principal y el arma guardada.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Gunbag_OffGunbag">
<English>Get weapon out of gunbag</English>
@ -285,6 +285,7 @@
<Russian>Защита слуха</Russian>
<Portuguese>Proteção Auditiva</Portuguese>
<Czech>Ochrana sluchu</Czech>
<Spanish>Protección auditiva</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_statHearingLowerVolume">
<English>Volume muffling</English>
@ -298,6 +299,7 @@
<Russian>Глушение звука</Russian>
<Portuguese>Abafamento de Volume</Portuguese>
<Czech>Snížení hlasitosti</Czech>
<Spanish>Atenuación de volumen</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_earplugsVolume_DisplayName">
<English>Earplugs Volume</English>
@ -311,6 +313,7 @@
<Portuguese>Volume do Protetor Auricular</Portuguese>
<French>Volume bouchons anti bruit</French>
<Czech>Hlasitost se špunty</Czech>
<Spanish>Volumen de protectores auditivos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_earplugsVolume_Description">
<English>Volume when using earplugs.</English>
@ -324,6 +327,7 @@
<Portuguese>Volume quando estiver utilizando um Protetor Auricular</Portuguese>
<French>Volume audio perçu par les joueurs portant des bouchons anti bruit.</French>
<Czech>Hlasitost při používání špuntů do uší.</Czech>
<Spanish>Volumen cuando se utilizan protectores auditivos.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_unconsciousnessVolume_DisplayName">
<English>Unconscious Volume</English>
@ -337,6 +341,7 @@
<Portuguese>Volume Inconsciente</Portuguese>
<French>Volume inconscience</French>
<Czech>Hlasitost při ztrátě vědomí</Czech>
<Spanish>Volumen inconsciente</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_unconsciousnessVolume_Description">
<English>Volume when unconscious.</English>
@ -350,6 +355,7 @@
<Portuguese>Volume enquanto inconsciente</Portuguese>
<French>Volume perçu par les joueurs inconscients.</French>
<Czech>Hlasitost během ztráty vědomí.</Czech>
<Spanish>Volumen durante la inconsciencia.</Spanish>
@ -19,12 +19,15 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hellfire_KDescriptionShort">
<English>Semi-active laser homing missile with high explosive anti-tank warhead</English>
<Spanish>Misil de guiado láser semi-activo con cabeza de alto explosivo anti-tanque</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hellfire_LDescriptionShort">
<English>Millimeter-wave radar guided missile with high explosive anti-tank warhead</English>
<Spanish>Misil guiado por radar de onda milimétrica con cabeza de alto explosivo anti-tanque</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hellfire_NDescriptionShort">
<English>Semi-active laser homing missile with metal augmented charge anti-personnel warhead</English>
<Spanish>Misil guiado por láser semi-activo con cabeza de carga de metal aumentada anti-persona</Spanish>
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
[format ["ACE %1", LLSTRING(Category_InteractionMenu)], LLSTRING(Category_InteractionMenu)],
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
@ -493,11 +493,13 @@
<English>Consolidate single child actions</English>
<Russian>Объединять с единственным дочерним действием</Russian>
<Spanish>Consolidar acciones hijo únicas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_consolidateSingleChild_Description">
<English>Combines parent action with only one child action together.</English>
<Russian>Объединять родительское действие с единственным дочерним действием в одно.</Russian>
<Spanish>Combina acciones padre con una única accion hijo de forma conjunta</Spanish>
@ -1207,16 +1207,19 @@
<English>Attach %1</English>
<Russian>Установить %1</Russian>
<Japanese>%1 を取り付け</Japanese>
<Spanish>Acoplar %1</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interaction_weaponAttachmentsDetach">
<English>Detach %1</English>
<Russian>Снять %1</Russian>
<Japanese>%1 を外す</Japanese>
<Spanish>Desacoplar %1</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interaction_weaponAttachments_Description">
<English>Enables attach/detach weapon attachment actions for current weapon.</English>
<Russian>Включает действия Установить/Снять для приспособлений текущего оружия.</Russian>
<Spanish>Activar acciones de acoplar/desacoplar accesorios para el arma actual.</Spanish>
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<French>Remplissage des chargeurs</French>
<Czech>Přepáskování zásobníků</Czech>
<Turkish>Şarjör Yeniden Doldurma</Turkish>
<Spanish>Reempaquetado de cargadores</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MagazineRepack_timePerAmmo">
<English>Time per round</English>
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
<French>Temps par cartouche</French>
<Czech>Čas na náboj</Czech>
<Turkish>Süre başına mermi</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tiempo por cartucho</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MagazineRepack_timePerMagazine">
<English>Time per magazine</English>
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
<French>Temps par chargeur</French>
<Czech>Čas na zásobník</Czech>
<Turkish>Süre başına şarjör</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tiempo por cargador</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MagazineRepack_timePerBeltLink">
<English>Time per belt link</English>
@ -59,6 +62,7 @@
<Portuguese>Tempo por carregador de cinto</Portuguese>
<French>Temps par bande</French>
<Czech>Čas na článek pásu</Czech>
<Spanish>Tiempo por enganche de cinta</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MagazineRepack_RepackMagazines">
<English>Repack Magazines</English>
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class RscDisplayMainMap {
class objects {
class Compass: RscObject {
scale = 0.7;
zoomDuration = 0;
zoomDuration = 0.1; // 0 (instant transition) breaks Arma saving position/size
@ -524,6 +524,7 @@
<Russian>Отключить BFT</Russian>
<Portuguese>Desativar BFT</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vypnout sledování přátelských jednotek (BFT).</Czech>
<Spanish>Desabilitar BFT</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_disableBFT_description">
<English>Always disable Blue Force Tracking for this group.</English>
@ -538,6 +539,7 @@
<Russian>Всегда отключать Blue Force Tracking для этой группы</Russian>
<Portuguese>Sempre desativar Rastreio Blue Force (BFT) para esse grupo.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vždy vypne sledování přátelských jednotek (BFT) pro tuto skupinu.</Czech>
<Spanish>Deshabilitar siempre Blue Force Tracking para este grupo.</Spanish>
@ -271,57 +271,68 @@
<Polish>Pokazuj jedynie sojusznicze gesty</Polish>
<French>Afficher uniquement le pointage des alliés</French>
<Spanish>Mostrar sólo gestos de aliados</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_onlyShowFriendlys_description">
<English>Shows only Gestures from Units that are from the same side or a Friendly side.</English>
<Russian>Показывать жесты только от игроков союзной стороны.</Russian>
<French>Affiche uniquement les pointages effectués par des unités qui sont du même camp, ou d'un camp allié.</French>
<Spanish>Muestra únicamente gestos de las unidades que son del mismo bando o de un bando aliado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_maxRangeCamera_displayName">
<English>Max range Camera</English>
<French>Portée de la caméra</French>
<Spanish>Máximo alcance de cámara</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_maxRangeCamera_description">
<English>Max range between a Camera and players to show the map gesture indicator</English>
<French>Définit le rayon au-delà duquel une caméra ne verra plus l'indicateur de pointage des autres joueurs.</French>
<Japanese>プレイヤーが行うマップ ジェスチャーをカメラから確認できる最大範囲を設定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Máxima distancia entre una cámara y los jugadores para mostrar el indicador de gestos en mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_allowSpectator_displayName">
<English>Allow Spectator</English>
<French>Autoriser les spectateurs</French>
<Spanish>Permitir espectador</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_allowSpectator_description">
<English>Allows Spectator to See Map Gestures</English>
<French>Permet aux spectateurs de voir le pointage des autres joueurs.</French>
<Japanese>スペクテイターからマップ ジェスチャーを表示できるようにします。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Permitir al espectador ver los gestos de mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_allowCurator_displayName">
<English>Allow Curator</English>
<French>Autoriser les curateurs</French>
<Spanish>Permitir Curador</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_allowCurator_description">
<English>Allows Curator to See Map Gestures</English>
<French>Permet aux curateurs de voir le pointage des autres joueurs.</French>
<Japanese>キュレーターからマップ ジェスチャーを表示できるようにします。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Permitir al Curador ver los gestos de mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_briefingMode_displayName">
<English>Briefing Mode</English>
<French>Visibilité lors du briefing</French>
<Japanese>ブリーフィング モード</Japanese>
<Spanish>Modo de briefing</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_briefingMode_description">
<English>What player can see what</English>
<French>Définit quels pointages les joueurs peuvent voir lors du briefing.</French>
<Spanish>Qué puede ver cada jugador</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_briefingMode_Disabled">
<French>Pointage désactivé</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_briefingMode_Group">
@ -351,6 +362,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Map_Gestures_briefingMode_All">
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
<Portuguese>Tecla para girar Ferramentas de Mapa</Portuguese>
<Czech>Klávesa pro otáčení pomůcky k mapě</Czech>
<Turkish>Harita Aracının Yönünü Değiştirme Tuşu</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tecla para rotar herramientas de mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MapTools_rotateModifierKey_description">
<English>Modifier key to allow rotating map tools</English>
@ -217,6 +218,7 @@
<Portuguese>Tecla de Modificador para permitir girar as ferramentas de mapa</Portuguese>
<Czech>Klávesa která umožnuje otáčení pomůcky k mapě</Czech>
<Turkish>Dönen harita araçlarına izin veren değiştirici tuş</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tecla modificadora para permitir rotar herramientas de mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MapTools_drawStraightLines_displayName">
<English>Draw straight lines with maptools</English>
@ -232,6 +234,7 @@
<Portuguese>Desenhar linhas retas com as ferramentas de mapa</Portuguese>
<Czech>Kreslit rovné čáry s pomůckou k mapě</Czech>
<Turkish>Maptools ile düz çizgiler çizme</Turkish>
<Spanish>Dibujar línea recta con las herramientas de mapa</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MapTools_drawStraightLines_description">
<English>Draw on the edge of maptools to draw straight lines. Note: Must hover at midpoint to delete.</English>
@ -247,6 +250,7 @@
<Portuguese>Desenhe no canto da ferramenta de mapa para desenhar linhas retas. Observação: Sobreponha o meio com o mouse para deletar.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povolit kreslení rovných čar při kreslení na okraji pomůcky k mapě. Poznámka: Pro smazání musíte mít kurzor nad středem čáry.</Czech>
<Turkish>Düz çizgiler çizmek için maptools'un kenarına çizin. Not: Silmek için orta noktada fareyle üzerine gelmeniz gerekir.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Dibujar sobre el borde de las herramientas de mapa para dibujar líneas rectas. Nota: Debe situarse en el punto intermedio para eliminarla.</Spanish>
@ -35,5 +35,11 @@ class RscDisplayInsertMarker {
class MarkerAngleText: RscText {
class MarkerScale: RscXSliderH {
class MarkerScaleText: RscText {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ PREP(onLBSelChangedChannel);
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ if (isMultiplayer && {!isServer} && {hasInterface}) then {
GVAR(mapDisplaysWithDrawEHs) = [];
GVAR(currentMarkerPosition) = [];
GVAR(currentMarkerAngle) = 0;
GVAR(currentMarkerScale) = 1;
GVAR(currentMarkerColorConfigName) = "";
GVAR(currentMarkerConfigName) = "";
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
private _aceColorLB = _display displayctrl IDC_ACE_INSERT_MARKER_COLOR;
private _aceAngleSlider = _display displayctrl IDC_ACE_INSERT_MARKER_ANGLE;
private _aceAngleSliderText = _display displayctrl IDC_ACE_INSERT_MARKER_ANGLE_TEXT;
private _aceScaleSlider = _display displayctrl IDC_ACE_INSERT_MARKER_SCALE;
private _aceScaleSliderText = _display displayctrl IDC_ACE_INSERT_MARKER_SCALE_TEXT;
private _mapDisplay = displayParent _display;
if (isNull _mapDisplay) exitWith {ERROR("No Map");};
@ -103,7 +105,8 @@
private _pos = ctrlposition _text;
_pos params ["_posX", "_posY", "_posW", "_posH"];
_posX = _posX + 0.01;
_posY = _posY min ((safeZoneH + safeZoneY) - (8 * _posH + 8 * BORDER)); //prevent buttons being placed below bottom edge of screen
_posY = _posY min ((safeZoneH + safeZoneY) - (11 * _posH + 11 * BORDER)); //prevent buttons being placed below bottom edge of screen
_pos set [0, _posX];
_pos set [1, _posY];
_text ctrlSetPosition _pos;
@ -118,9 +121,9 @@
//--- Description
_pos set [1, _posY - 1 * _posH];
if (GVAR(timestampEnabled)) then {
_pos set [3,7 * _posH + 7 * BORDER];
_pos set [3,9 * _posH + 9 * BORDER];
} else {
_pos set [3,6 * _posH + 6 * BORDER];
_pos set [3,10 * _posH + 10 * BORDER];
_description ctrlEnable false;
_description ctrlSetPosition _pos;
@ -187,16 +190,28 @@
_aceAngleSliderText ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_aceAngleSliderText ctrlCommit 0;
//--- Scale
_pos set [1, _posY + 5 * _posH + 6 * BORDER + _timestampOffset];
_pos set [2, _posW];
_aceScaleSlider ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_aceScaleSlider ctrlCommit 0;
//--- Scale Text
_pos set [1, _posY + 6 * _posH + 7 * BORDER + _timestampOffset];
_pos set [2, _posW];
_aceScaleSliderText ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_aceScaleSliderText ctrlCommit 0;
private _offsetButtons = 0;
if (isMultiplayer) then {
_pos set [1,_posY + 5 * _posH + 7 * BORDER + _timestampOffset];
_pos set [1,_posY + 7 * _posH + 9 * BORDER + _timestampOffset];
_pos set [3,_posH];
_descriptionChannel ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t size='0.8'>%1:</t>", localize "str_a3_cfgvehicles_modulerespawnposition_f_arguments_marker_0"];
_descriptionChannel ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_descriptionChannel ctrlCommit 0;
_pos set [1,_posY + 6 * _posH + 7 * BORDER + _timestampOffset];
_pos set [1,_posY + 8 * _posH + 9 * BORDER + _timestampOffset];
_pos set [3,_posH];
_channel ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_channel ctrlCommit 0;
@ -235,11 +250,11 @@
_channel ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged", {_this call FUNC(onLBSelChangedChannel)}];
_offsetButtons = 7 * _posH + 8 * BORDER;
_offsetButtons = 9 * _posH + 10 * BORDER;
} else {
_descriptionChannel ctrlShow false;
_channel ctrlShow false;
_offsetButtons = 5 * _posH + 7 * BORDER;
_offsetButtons = 7 * _posH + 9 * BORDER;
//--- ButtonOK
@ -321,4 +336,20 @@
//Update now and add eventHandler:
[_aceAngleSlider, _curSelAngle] call FUNC(onSliderPosChangedAngle);
_aceAngleSlider ctrlAddEventHandler ["SliderPosChanged", {_this call FUNC(onSliderPosChangedAngle)}];
// init marker scale slider
_aceScaleSlider sliderSetRange [0.5, 2.0];
if !(GVAR(editingMarker) isEqualTo "") then {
//get the original scale
GVAR(currentMarkerScale) = (markerSize GVAR(editingMarker)) param [0, 1];
private _curSelScale = GETGVAR(currentMarkerScale,1);
_aceScaleSlider sliderSetPosition _curSelScale;
//Update now and add eventHandler:
[_aceScaleSlider, _curSelScale] call FUNC(onSliderPosChangedScale);
_aceScaleSlider ctrlAddEventHandler ["SliderPosChanged", {_this call FUNC(onSliderPosChangedScale)}];
}, _this] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Draws the current temp marker. Allows rotation.
* Draws the current temp marker. Allows rotation and scale.
* Arguments:
* 0: TheMap <Control>
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ if (GVAR(currentMarkerConfigName) == "" || {GVAR(currentMarkerColorConfigName) =
ERROR("Bad Data");
private _sizeX = 1;
private _sizeY = 1;
private _sizeX = GVAR(currentMarkerScale);
private _sizeY = GVAR(currentMarkerScale);
private _textureConfig = configFile >> "CfgMarkers" >> GVAR(currentMarkerConfigName);
private _texture = getText (_textureConfig >> "icon");
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: frankplow
* Applies scale from on slider position change.
* Arguments:
* 0: Slider (idc 1420) <CONTROL>
* 1: Slider Data (scale: 0.5...2.0) <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [slider, 1.5] call ace_markers_fnc_onSliderPosChangedScale
* Public: No
params ["_ctrl", "_data"];
private _scale = _data * 100;
_scale = round _scale;
_scale = _scale / 100;
((ctrlParent _ctrl) displayCtrl IDC_ACE_INSERT_MARKER_SCALE_TEXT) ctrlSetText format [localize LSTRING(MarkerScale), _scale];
GVAR(currentMarkerScale) = _data;
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ if (_closeNum isEqualTo 1) then {
]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ TRACE_2("params",_allMapMarkers,_allMapMarkersProperties);
if (_index != -1) then {
private _data = _allMapMarkersProperties select _index;
_data params ["_markerClassname", "_colorClassname", "_pos", "_dir"];
_data params ["_markerClassname", "_colorClassname", "_pos", "_dir", "_scale"];
private _config = (configfile >> "CfgMarkers") >> _markerClassname;
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ TRACE_2("params",_allMapMarkers,_allMapMarkersProperties);
_x setMarkerPosLocal _pos;
_x setMarkerDirLocal _dir;
_x setMarkerSizeLocal [_scale, _scale];
} count allMapMarkers;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
params ["_marker", "_data"];
_data params ["_markerClassname", "_colorClassname", "_pos", "_dir"];
_data params ["_markerClassname", "_colorClassname", "_pos", "_dir", "_scale"];
private _config = configfile >> "CfgMarkers" >> _markerClassname;
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ _marker setMarkerColorLocal configName _config;
_marker setMarkerPosLocal _pos;
_marker setMarkerDirLocal _dir;
_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [_scale, _scale];
// save properties on server machine for JIP, marker editing ready
if (isMultiplayer && {isServer}) then {
@ -38,3 +38,5 @@
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Markers">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MarkerScale">
<English>Scale: %1</English>
<Spanish>Escala: %1</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MarkerDirection">
<English>Direction: %1°</English>
<German>Drehung: %1°</German>
@ -32,6 +36,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction">
<English>Allow moving markers for</English>
@ -46,6 +51,7 @@
<Portuguese>Permitir que movam marcadores</Portuguese>
<French>Permettre le déplacement des marqueurs pour</French>
<Czech>Povolit pohyb se značkami pro</Czech>
<Spanish>Permitir marcadores en movimiento para</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_Description">
<English>Restricts which players are able to move markers while holding the Alt key.</English>
@ -61,6 +67,7 @@
<French>Définit quels joueurs peuvent déplacer des marqueurs en maintenant la touche Alt enfoncée.</French>
<Czech>Omezuje kdo může pohybovat se značkami při podržení klávesy Alt.</Czech>
<Turkish>Alt tuşunu basılı tutarken hangi işaretçilerin hareket edebileceğini sınırlar.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Reestringir qué jugadores son capaces de mover los marcadores manteniendo pulsada la tecla Alt.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_Nobody">
@ -76,6 +83,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_All">
<English>All players</English>
@ -91,6 +99,7 @@
<French>Tous les joueurs</French>
<Czech>Všichni hráči</Czech>
<Turkish>Bütün Oyuncular</Turkish>
<Spanish>Todos los jugadores</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_Admins">
@ -106,6 +115,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_GroupLeaders">
<English>Group leaders</English>
@ -121,6 +131,7 @@
<French>Chefs de groupe</French>
<Czech>Velitelé jednotek</Czech>
<Turkish>Grup Liderleri</Turkish>
<Spanish>Líderes de grupo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_GroupLeadersAndAdmins">
<English>Group leaders and Admins</English>
@ -136,6 +147,7 @@
<French>Chefs de groupe et Admins</French>
<Czech>Velitelé jednotek a Administrátoři</Czech>
<Turkish>Grup Liderleri Ve Adminler</Turkish>
<Spanish>Líderes de grupo y administradores</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MoveRestriction_Owner">
@ -149,76 +161,91 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampEnabled">
<English>Allow Timestamps</English>
<French>Permettre l'horodatage</French>
<Spanish>Permitir marcas de tiempo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampEnabledDescription">
<English>Whether to allow timestamps to be automatically applied to markers</English>
<French>Active une interface permettant d'apposer un horodatage sur les marqueurs.</French>
<Spanish>Permitir que las marcas de tiempo sean automáticamente aplicadas a los marcadores</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_Timestamp">
<Spanish>Marca de tiempo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampTooltipNoWatch">
<English>Watch Required</English>
<French>Une montre est requise.</French>
<Spanish>Reloj requerido</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampFormat">
<English>Timestamp Format</English>
<French>Horodatage - Format</French>
<Spanish>Formato de marca de tiempo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampFormatDescription0">
<English>Changes the timestamp format</English>
<French>Modifie le format de l'horodatage.</French>
<Spanish>Cambia el formato de marca de tiempo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampFormatDescription1">
<English>"HH" - Hour</English>
<French>"HH" - Heures</French>
<Japanese>"HH" - 時間</Japanese>
<Spanish>"HH" - Hora</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampFormatDescription2">
<English>"MM" - Minute</English>
<French>"MM" - Minutes</French>
<Japanese>"MM" - 分</Japanese>
<Spanish>"MM" - Minuto</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampFormatDescription3">
<English>"SS" - Seconds</English>
<French>"SS" - Secondes</French>
<Japanese>"SS" - 秒</Japanese>
<Spanish>"SS" - Segundos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampFormatDescription4">
<English>"MM" - Milliseconds</English>
<French>"MS" - Millisecondes</French>
<Japanese>"MM" - ミリ秒</Japanese>
<Spanish>"MM" - Milisegundos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampHourFormat">
<English>Timestamp Hour Format</English>
<French>Horodatage - Système horaire</French>
<Spanish>Formato de hora de marca de tiempo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampHourFormat24">
<English>24-Hour Clock</English>
<French>Format 24 heures</French>
<Japanese>24 時間表記</Japanese>
<Spanish>Reloj 24-Horas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampHourFormat12">
<English>12-Hour Clock</English>
<French>Format 12 heures</French>
<Japanese>12 時間表記</Japanese>
<Spanish>Reloj 12-Horas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_TimestampHourFormatDescription">
<English>Changes timestamp to use either 24-hour or 12-hour clock format</English>
<French>Permet de choisir le système d'horodatage souhaité, au format 12 ou 24 heures.</French>
<Japanese>タイムスタンプの時刻を 24 時間か 12 時間表記のどちらかに変更できます。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Cambia que la marca de tiempo sea en formato de reloj 24-horas o 12-horas</Spanish>
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
<French>AGM-65L Maverick, Missile Air-Sol à Guidage Laser</French>
<Czech>AGM-65 Maverick L, Laserem naváděná střela vzduch-země</Czech>
<Turkish>AGM-65 Maverick L, Laser Guided Anti-Ground-Missile</Turkish>
<Spanish>AGM-65 Maverick L, Misil Aire-Tierra guiado por Láser</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_l_mag_x1">
<English>AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</English>
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
<French>1x AGM-65L Maverick [ACE]</French>
<Czech>AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Czech>
<Turkish>AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Turkish>
<Spanish>AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_l_mag_x2">
<English>2x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</English>
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
<French>2x AGM-65L Maverick [ACE]</French>
<Czech>2x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Czech>
<Turkish>2x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Turkish>
<Spanish>2x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_l_mag_x3">
<English>3x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</English>
@ -61,9 +64,11 @@
<French>3x AGM-65L Maverick [ACE]</French>
<Czech>3x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Czech>
<Turkish>3x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Turkish>
<Spanish>3x AGM-65 Maverick L [ACE]</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_l_mag_short">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_kh25ml_mag_descr">
<English>Kh-25ML, Laser Guided Air-to-Ground-Missile</English>
@ -79,6 +84,7 @@
<French>Kh-25ML, Missile Air-Sol à Guidage Laser</French>
<Czech>Kh-25ML, Laserem naváděná střela vzduch-země</Czech>
<Turkish>Kh-25ML, Laser Guided Air-to-Ground-Missile</Turkish>
<Spanish>Kh-25ML, Misil Aire-Tierra guiado por Láser</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_kh25ml_mag_x1">
<English>1x Kh-25ML [ACE]</English>
@ -94,6 +100,7 @@
<French>1x Kh-25ML [ACE]</French>
<Czech>1x Kh-25ML [ACE]</Czech>
<Turkish>1x Kh-25ML [ACE]</Turkish>
<Spanish>1x Kh-25ML [ACE]</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_d">
<English>AGM-65 Maverick D</English>
@ -132,6 +139,7 @@
<French>AGM-65L Maverick</French>
<Czech>AGM-65 Maverick L</Czech>
<Turkish>AGM-65 Maverick L</Turkish>
<Spanish>AGM-65 Maverick L</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Maverick_kh25ml">
@ -147,6 +155,7 @@
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
<Czech>Zvýšení pravděpodobnosti probuzení s Epinefrinem</Czech>
<Russian>Увеличение шанса очнуться от адреналина</Russian>
<Turkish>Epinefrin Uyanma Şansı Artışı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Aumento de probabilidad de despertarse por epinefrina</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_spontaneousWakeUpEpinephrineBoost_Description">
<English>Increases how often spontaneous wake up checks happen when patient has Epinephrine in their system.</English>
@ -200,6 +201,7 @@
<French>Les attelles guérissent les fractures, mais empêchent de courir</French>
<Turkish>Ateller İyileştirir, Ama Koşu Yapamaz</Turkish>
<Spanish>Las férulas sanan, pero no pueden trotar</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_FractureChance_DisplayName">
<English>Fracture Chance</English>
@ -210,6 +212,7 @@
<Russian>Шанс перелома</Russian>
<Polish>Szansa na złamanie</Polish>
<Turkish>Kırılma Şansı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Probabilidad de fractura</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_FractureChance_Description">
<English>The probability of a fracture causing wound resulting in a fracture.</English>
@ -220,6 +223,7 @@
<Russian>Вероятность перелома при получении соответствующих ран.</Russian>
<Polish>Prawdopodobieństwo złamania kości w wyniku rany mogącej powodować złamania.</Polish>
<Turkish>Yaraya neden olan bir kırığın kırılma olasılığı.</Turkish>
<Spanish>La probabilidad de que una herida que pueda provocar una fractura, provoque una fractura.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_MedicalSettings_enableFor_DisplayName">
<English>Enabled for</English>
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//pragma SKIP_COMPILE - Inline file
GVAR(stateMachine) = [{call EFUNC(common,getLocalUnits)}, true] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_create;
// Add states [statemachine, onState, onStateEntered, onStateLeaving, name]
@ -122,9 +122,11 @@ private _bodyPartVisParams = [_unit, false, false, false, false]; // params arra
_critialDamage = true;
if ([_unit, _bodyPartNToAdd, _bodyPartDamage, _woundDamage] call FUNC(determineIfFatal)) then {
if (!isPlayer _unit || {random 1 < EGVAR(medical,deathChance)}) then {
TRACE_1("determineIfFatal returned true",_woundDamage);
[QEGVAR(medical,FatalInjury), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
systemChat format["%1, damage: %2, peneration: %3, bleeding: %4, pain: %5", _bodyPart, _woundDamage toFixed 2, _woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD, _bleeding toFixed 3, _pain toFixed 3];
@ -33,3 +33,21 @@
[0, 1, 0.1, 2, true],
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
[LSTRING(deathChance_DisplayName), LSTRING(deathChance_Description)],
[0, 1, 1, 2, true],
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
[LSTRING(EnableVehicleCrashes_DisplayName), LSTRING(EnableVehicleCrashes_Description)],
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
@ -676,6 +676,7 @@
<Russian>Порог урона</Russian>
<Polish>Próg obrażeń jednostki</Polish>
<Turkish>Birim Hasar Katsayısı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Umbral de daño de unidad</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_Eden_threshold_Description">
<English>Sets the amount of damage a unit can receive before going unconscious. (0 for mission default)</English>
@ -686,16 +687,35 @@
<Russian>Устанавливает количество урона, которое может получить юнит перед тем, как потерять сознание. (0 для значения миссии)</Russian>
<Polish>Ustawia próg obrażeń jakie może otrzymać jednostka przed utratą przytomności. (0 jako ustawienie domyślne misji)</Polish>
<Turkish>Bilinçsiz duruma geçmeden önce bir birimin alabileceği hasar miktarını ayarlar. (Görev varsayılanı için 0)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Determina la cantidad de daño que puede recibir una unidad antes de quedar inconsciente (0 para predeterminado de misión)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_PainUnconsciousChance_DisplayName">
<English>Pain Unconscious Chance</English>
<Polish>Szansa na nieprzytomność przez ból</Polish>
<Spanish>Probabilidad de inconsciencia por dolor</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_PainUnconsciousChance_Description">
<English>The probability of a person falling unconscious when their pain is above the tolerance threshold upon receiving damage.</English>
<Polish>Szansa że osoba straci przytomność gdy jej ból jest powyżej tolerowalnego progu podczas otrzymywania obrażeń.</Polish>
<Spanish>La probabilidad de que una persona caiga inconsciente cuando su dolor está por encima del umbral al haber recibido daño.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_DeathChance_DisplayName">
<English>Fatal Injury Death Chance</English>
<Spanish>Probabilidad de muerte por herida fatal</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_DeathChance_Description">
<English>The chance of dying to a fatal injury.</English>
<Spanish>La probabilidad de morir a causa de una herida fatal.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_EnableVehicleCrashes_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Vehicle Crash Damage</English>
<Spanish>Activar daño por accidente de vehículo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_EnableVehicleCrashes_Description">
<English>Controls whether crew receives damage from vehicle collisions.</English>
<Spanish>Controla si la tripulación recibe daño debido a colisiones en vehículo.</Spanish>
@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ if (
// It does fire the EH multiple times, but this seems to scale with the intensity of the crash
private _vehicle = vehicle _unit;
if (
_hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural" &&
EGVAR(medical,enableVehicleCrashes) &&
{_hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural"} &&
{_ammo isEqualTo ""} &&
{_vehicle != _unit} &&
{vectorMagnitude (velocity _vehicle) > 5}
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ _unit setUnconscious _isUnconscious;
if (_isUnconscious) then {
// eject from static weapon
if (vehicle _unit isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then {
if (vehicle _unit isKindOf "StaticWeapon" && {!(vehicle _unit isKindOf "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_crewed_base_F")}) then {
TRACE_2("ejecting from static weapon",_unit,vehicle _unit);
[_unit] call EFUNC(common,unloadPerson);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ private _distance = if (_type == "hit") then {
} else {
[10, 15, 20] select _severity;
private _targets = allPlayers inAreaArray [getPosWorld _unit, _distance, _distance, 0, false, _distance];
private _targets = allPlayers inAreaArray [ASLToAGL getPosASL _unit, _distance, _distance, 0, false, _distance];
if (_targets isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
// Handle timeout
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
<Czech>Efekt pro nízké množství krve</Czech>
<Polish>Efekt po utracie znacznej ilości krwi</Polish>
<Turkish>Düşük Kan Efekt Türü</Turkish>
<Spanish>Tipo de efecto por volumen bajo de sangre</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_BloodVolumeEffectType_Description">
<English>Selects the used low blood volume effect type.</English>
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@
<Czech>Nastavuje který efekt pro nízké množství krve bude používán.</Czech>
<Polish>Wybiera efekt ktory będzie pokazywany po utracie znacznej ilości krwi.</Polish>
<Turkish>Kullanılan düşük kan hacmi efekt türünü seçer.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Selecciona el tipo de efecto a causa de un volumen bajo de sangre.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_BloodVolumeEffectType_colorCorrection">
<English>Color Fading</English>
@ -130,6 +132,7 @@
<Czech>Ztráta barev</Czech>
<Polish>Zanikanie kolorów</Polish>
<Turkish>Renk Soldurma</Turkish>
<Spanish>Atenuación del color</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_BloodVolumeEffectType_icon">
@ -139,6 +142,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_BloodVolumeEffectType_both">
<English>Icon + Color Fading</English>
@ -148,6 +152,7 @@
<Czech>Ikona + Ztráta barev</Czech>
<Polish>Ikona + Zanikanie kolorów</Polish>
<Turkish>Simge + Renk Soldurma</Turkish>
<Spanish>Icono + Atenuación del color</Spanish>
<Container name="Settings">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Feedback_enableScreams_DisplayName">
@ -193,11 +193,13 @@
<English>Show Triage Level in Interaction Menu</English>
<French>Couleur de triage dans le menu d'interaction</French>
<Japanese>インタラクションにトリアージ レベル表示</Japanese>
<Spanish>Mostrar nivel de triado en menú de interacción</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_InteractionMenuShowTriage_Description">
<English>Shows the patient's triage level by changing the color of the main and medical menu actions.</English>
<French>Modifie la couleur du menu d'interactions et du sous-menu médical en fonction de la fiche de triage du patient.</French>
<Japanese>メニューと医療メニューの色を変更し、患者のトリアージ レベルを表示します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Mostrar el nivel de triado en el paciente cambiando el color de acciones de menú principales y médicas </Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_GUI_Medical">
@ -1118,6 +1120,7 @@
<Turkish>Hasta Bilgileri</Turkish>
<Spanish>Información de paciente</Spanish>
@ -149,12 +149,14 @@
<German>Ausbluten im Herzstillstand</German>
<French>Saignement durant l'arrêt cardiaque</French>
<Spanish>Desangrado durante parada cardíaca</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Statemachine_CardiacArrestBleedout_Description">
<English>Controls whether a person can die in cardiac arrest by blood loss before the cardiac arrest time runs out.</English>
<German>Legt fest, ob man während des Herzstillstands durch Blutverlust sterben kann, auch wenn die Überlebenszeit im Herzstillstand noch nicht ausgelaufen ist.</German>
<French>Définit si un joueur en arrêt cardiaque peut mourir par exsanguination, avant que la durée de l'arrêt cardiaque définie ci-dessus ne soit écoulée.</French>
<Spanish>COntrola si una persona puede morir en parada cardíaca por causa de pérdida de sangre antes de que se termine el contador de parada cardíaca</Spanish>
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
units[] = {"ACE_fieldDressingItem","ACE_packingBandageItem","ACE_elasticBandageItem","ACE_tourniquetItem","ACE_splintItem","ACE_morphineItem","ACE_adenosineItem","ACE_epinephrineItem","ACE_plasmaIVItem","ACE_bloodIVItem","ACE_salineIVItem","ACE_quikClotItem","ACE_personalAidKitItem","ACE_surgicalKitItem","ACE_bodyBagItem","ACE_medicalSupplyCrate","ACE_medicalSupplyCrate_advanced"};
weapons[] = {"ACE_fieldDressing","ACE_packingBandage","ACE_elasticBandage","ACE_tourniquet","ACE_splint","ACE_morphine","ACE_adenosine","ACE_epinephrine","ACE_plasmaIV","ACE_plasmaIV_500","ACE_plasmaIV_250","ACE_bloodIV","ACE_bloodIV_500","ACE_bloodIV_250","ACE_salineIV","ACE_salineIV_500","ACE_salineIV_250","ACE_quikclot","ACE_personalAidKit","ACE_surgicalKit","ACE_bodyBag"};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_medical_status", "ace_medical_damage", "ace_apl"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
<Italian>Medicazione avanzata</Italian>
<Polish>Zaawansowane leki</Polish>
<Turkish>Gelişmiş Ilaç</Turkish>
<Spanish>Medicación avanzada</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_AdvancedMedication_Description">
<English>Enables extended, more in-depth medication handling. Also, enables the use of Adenosine.</English>
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
<Italian>Abilita una gestione della medicazione più estesa e approfondita. Permette inoltre l'utilizzo dell'Adenosina.</Italian>
<German>Ermöglicht erweiterte, mehr tiefgründigere Anwendung von Medikationen. Ebenso ermöglicht es die Benutzung von Adenosin.</German>
<Polish>Pozwala na zaawansowane uzycie leków. Pozwala na używanie Adenozyny.</Polish>
<Spanish>Habilita el manejo de la medicación más avanzada y en profundidad. Tambien permite el uso de Adenosina.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_AdvancedBandages_DisplayName">
<English>Advanced Bandages</English>
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@
<Russian>Включено и может открыться заново</Russian>
<Polish>Aktywne & możliwe ponowne otwarcie</Polish>
<Turkish>Etkinleştirildi ve Yeniden Açılabilir</Turkish>
<Spanish>Habilitada y pueden reabrirse</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_WoundReopenChance_DisplayName">
<English>Wound Reopening Coefficient</English>
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@
<Polish>Współczynnik ponownego otwierania ran</Polish>
<Turkish>Yara Yeniden Açılma Katsayısı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Coeficiente de reapertura de heridas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_WoundReopenChance_Description">
<English>Coefficient for controlling the wound reopening chance. The final reopening chance is determined by multiplying this value with the specific reopening chance for the wound type and bandage used.</English>
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
<Polish>Współczynnik kontroluje szanse na ponowne otworzenie rany. Końcowa szansa na otworzenie jest ustalana przez pomnożenie tej wartości z wartością szansy na otworzenie rany dla typu rany oraz typu bandaża.</Polish>
<Turkish>Yaranın yeniden açılma şansını kontrol etme katsayısı. Son yeniden açılma şansı, bu değerin kullanılan yara tipi ve bandaj için spesifik yeniden açılma şansı ile çarpılmasıyla belirlenir.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Coeficiente que controla la probabilidad de reapertura de heridas. La probabilidad final de reapertura de heridas queda determinada multiplicando este valor por la probabilidad específica del tipo de herida y venda usada.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_ClearTraumaAfterBandage_DisplayName">
<English>Clear Trauma After Bandage</English>
@ -255,59 +260,69 @@
<English>Autoinjector Treatment Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - Auto-injecteurs</French>
<Spanish>Tiempo de tratamiento de autoinyección</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeAutoinjector_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to administer medication using an autoinjector.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à l'administration d'une substance auto-injectable (en secondes).</French>
<Japanese>注射器の使用に掛かる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo, en segundos, requerido para administrar medicación utilizando un autoinyectador.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeTourniquet_DisplayName">
<English>Tourniquet Treatment Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - Garrots</French>
<Spanish>Tiempo de tratamiento de torniquete</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeTourniquet_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to apply/remove a tourniquet.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à l'application ou au retrait d'un garrot (en secondes).</French>
<German>Zeit in Sekunden, die benötigt wird, um ein Tourniquet anzuwenden.</German>
<Japanese>止血帯の使用/排除に掛かる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo, en segundos, requerido para aplicar/quitar un torniquete.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeIV_DisplayName">
<English>IV Bag Treatment Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - IVs</French>
<German>IV Beutelbehandlungszeit</German>
<Spanish>Tiempo de tratamiento de bolsa de IV</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeIV_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to administer an IV bag.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à la pose d'une perfusion IV (en secondes).</French>
<German>Zeit in Sekunden, die benötigt wird, um einen Infusionsbeutel aufzutragen.</German>
<Japanese>点滴の投与に掛かる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo, en segundos, requerido para administrar una bolsa de IV.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeSplint_DisplayName">
<English>Splint Treatment Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - Attelles</French>
<Spanish>TIempo de tratamiento de férula</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeSplint_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to apply a splint.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à l'application d'une attelle (en secondes).</French>
<German>Zeit in Sekunden, die zum Anbringen einer Schiene benötigt wird.</German>
<Japanese>添え木の使用に掛かる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>TIempo, en segundos, requerido para aplicar una férula.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeBodyBag_DisplayName">
<English>Body Bag Use Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - Housses mortuaires</French>
<German>Anwendungszeit für Leichensack</German>
<Spanish>TIempo de uso de bolsa para cuerpos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeBodyBag_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to put a patient in a body bag.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à la mise en housse d'un corps (en secondes).</French>
<German>Zeit in Sekunden, die benötigt wird, um einen Leichensack aufzutragen.</German>
<Japanese>死体袋の使用に掛かる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo, en segundos, requerido para poner a un paciente en una bolsa para cuerpos.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_MedicEpinephrine_DisplayName">
<English>Allow Epinephrine</English>
@ -470,6 +485,7 @@
<Czech>Samo-použití osobní lékárničky (PAK)</Czech>
<Russian>Использование аптечки на себе</Russian>
<Turkish>Kendi PAK Kullanımı</Turkish>
<Spanish>Usar EPA sobre uno mismo</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_AllowSelfPAK_Description">
<English>Enables the use of PAKs to heal oneself.</English>
@ -482,6 +498,7 @@
<Czech>Umožňuje použít osobní lékárničku (PAK) na sama sebe.</Czech>
<Russian>Позволяют использовать аптечку на себе в одиночку.</Russian>
<Turkish>Kendini iyileştirmek için PAK'ların kullanılmasını sağlar.</Turkish>
<Spanish>Habilita el uso de EPA para curarse a uno mismo.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TimeCoefficientPAK_DisplayName">
<English>Time Coefficient PAK</English>
@ -623,11 +640,13 @@
<English>Wound Stitch Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - Sutures</French>
<Spanish>Tiempo de sutura de herida</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_WoundStitchTime_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to stitch a single wound.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à la suture d'une plaie (en secondes).</French>
<Japanese>縫合に掛かる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo, en segundos, requerido para suturar una única herida.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_AllowSelfIV_DisplayName">
<English>Self IV Transfusion</English>
@ -659,11 +678,13 @@
<English>Allow Unconscious Body Bag</English>
<French>Housse mortuaire - Autoriser patients inconscients</French>
<Spanish>Permitir bolsa para cuerpos inconsciente</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_AllowBodyBagUnconscious_Description">
<English>Enables placing an unconscious patient in a body bag.</English>
<French>Active la possibilité de placer des patients inconscients dans les housses mortuaires.\nAttention : le cas échéant cela provoquera la mort du patient.</French>
<Spanish>Permitir colocar a un paciente inconsciente en una bolsa para cuerpos.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_MedicIV_DisplayName">
<English>Allow IV Transfusion</English>
@ -674,6 +695,7 @@
<Japanese>IV 輸血の制限</Japanese>
<Czech>Povolit IV transfuzi</Czech>
<Russian>Разрешить переливание IV группы крови</Russian>
<Spanish>Permitir transfusión de IV</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_MedicIV_Description">
<English>Training level required to transfuse IVs.</English>
@ -684,14 +706,17 @@
<Japanese>IV 輸血を行うのに訓練済レベルを要求とします。</Japanese>
<Czech>Úroveň výcviku nutná pro IV transfuzi.</Czech>
<Russian>Уровень навыка требуемый для переливания крови IV группы.</Russian>
<Spanish>Nivel de capacitación requerido para transfusiones de IV.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_LocationIV_DisplayName">
<English>Locations IV Transfusion</English>
<Japanese>IV 輸血の場所制限</Japanese>
<Spanish>Ubicación para transfusiones IV</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_LocationIV_Description">
<English>Controls where IV transfusions can be performed.</English>
<Japanese>IV 輸血を行える場所を決定できます。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Controla dónde pueden ser realizadas las transfusiones IV.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_ConvertItems_DisplayName">
<English>Convert Vanilla Items</English>
@ -919,11 +944,13 @@
<English>CPR Treatment Time</English>
<French>Durée d'interaction - RCP</French>
<Japanese>CPR の動作時間</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo de tratamiento de RCP</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_TreatmentTimeCPR_Description">
<English>Time, in seconds, required to perform CPR on a patient.</English>
<French>Définit le temps nécessaire à la mise en œuvre d'une RCP (en secondes).</French>
<Japanese>心肺蘇生にかかる時間 (秒) を決定します。</Japanese>
<Spanish>Tiempo, en segundos, requerido para realizar RCP en un paciente.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Treatment_HolsterRequired_DisplayName">
<English>Holster Required</English>
@ -4385,6 +4412,7 @@
<English>The body twitched and may not be dead!</English>
<French>L'unité a bougé et n'est peut-être pas morte !</French>
<Spanish>¡El cuerpo se retorció y puede que no esté muerto!</Spanish>
@ -17,6 +17,22 @@ private _closeCode = {
[(localize LSTRING(itemName)), QPATHTOF(images\microDAGR_item.paa), _conditonCode, _toggleCode, _closeCode] call EFUNC(common,deviceKeyRegisterNew);
// Mode keybinds:
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(previousMode), LLSTRING(previousMode), {
private _newMode = GVAR(currentApplicationPage) - 1;
if (_newMode < APP_MODE_INFODISPLAY) then {
_newMode = APP_MODE_SETUP;
[_newMode] call FUNC(saveCurrentAndSetNewMode);
}, ""] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind;
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(nextMode), LLSTRING(nextMode), {
private _newMode = GVAR(currentApplicationPage) + 1;
if (_newMode > APP_MODE_SETUP) then {
[_newMode] call FUNC(saveCurrentAndSetNewMode);
}, ""] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind;
//Add Eventhandler:
[QEGVAR(vector,rangefinderData), {_this call FUNC(recieveRangefinderData)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ params ["_newMode"];
private _display = uiNamespace getVariable [[QGVAR(RscTitleDisplay), QGVAR(DialogDisplay)] select (GVAR(currentShowMode) == DISPLAY_MODE_DIALOG), displayNull];
if (isNull _display) exitWith {ERROR("No Display");};
if (isNull _display) exitWith {LOG("No Display");};
if (GVAR(currentApplicationPage) == 2) then {
private _theMap = [_display displayCtrl IDC_MAPDETAILS, _display displayCtrl IDC_MAPPLAIN] select (!GVAR(mapShowTexture));
@ -584,5 +584,13 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_previousMode">
<English>MicroDAGR - Previous Mode</English>
<Spanish>MicroDAGR - Modo anterior</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_nextMode">
<English>MicroDAGR - Next Mode</English>
<Spanish>MicroDAGR - Modo siguiente</Spanish>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Tweaks the Nk6 Mortar system.
Tweaks the Mk6 Mortar system.
## Maintainers
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "CfgFactionClasses.hpp"
#include "CfgVehicles.hpp"
#include <RscTitles.hpp>
#include "RscTitles.hpp"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2, esteldunedain
* Author: commy2, esteldunedain, Drift_91
* Draw the nametag and rank icon.
* Arguments:
@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ _fnc_parameters = {
if (_drawSoundwave) then {
_icon = format [QPATHTOF(UI\soundwave%1.paa), floor random 10];
} else {
if (_drawRank && {rank _target != ""}) then {
if (_drawRank) then {
_icon = _target getVariable "ace_nametags_rankIcon";
if (isNil "_icon" && {rank _target != ""}) then {
_icon = GVAR(factionRanks) getVariable (_target getVariable [QGVAR(faction), faction _target]);
if (!isNil "_icon") then {
_icon = _icon param [ALL_RANKS find rank _target, ""];
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ _fnc_parameters = {
//Set Text:
private _name = if (_drawName) then {
@ -27,23 +27,63 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class ACE_NVG_Gen1: NVGoggles_OPFOR {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen1);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen1_black);
GVAR(generation) = 1;
class ACE_NVG_Gen1_Brown: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen1_brown);
GVAR(generation) = 1;
class ACE_NVG_Gen1_Green: NVGoggles_INDEP {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen1_green);
GVAR(generation) = 1;
class ACE_NVG_Gen2_Black: NVGoggles_OPFOR {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen2_black);
GVAR(generation) = 2;
class ACE_NVG_Gen2_Brown: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen2_brown);
GVAR(generation) = 2;
class ACE_NVG_Gen2: NVGoggles_INDEP {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen2);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen2_green);
GVAR(generation) = 2;
class ACE_NVG_Gen4_Black: NVGoggles_OPFOR {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen4_black);
GVAR(generation) = 4;
class ACE_NVG_Gen4: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen4);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen4_brown);
GVAR(generation) = 4;
class ACE_NVG_Gen4_Green: NVGoggles_INDEP {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Gen4_green);
GVAR(generation) = 4;
class ACE_NVG_Wide_Black: NVGoggles_OPFOR {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = QPATHTOF(models\ACE_nvg_wide_optics);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Wide_black);
class ACE_NVG_Wide: NVGoggles {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = QPATHTOF(models\ACE_nvg_wide_optics);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_FullScreen);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Wide_brown);
class ACE_NVG_Wide_Green: NVGoggles_INDEP {
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
modelOptics = QPATHTOF(models\ACE_nvg_wide_optics);
displayName = CSTRING(NVG_Wide_green);
@ -4,7 +4,21 @@ class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {"ACE_NVG_Gen1", "ACE_NVG_Gen2", /*"ACE_NVG_Gen3",*/ "ACE_NVG_Gen4", "ACE_NVG_Wide"};
weapons[] = {
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_common"};
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
@ -16,39 +16,23 @@
<Turkish>ACE Gece Görüşü</Turkish>
<Spanish>ACE visión nocturna</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen1">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen1)</English>
<Czech>Noktovizor (Gen1)</Czech>
<French>JVN (Gen1)</French>
<German>NS-Brille (1. Gen.)</German>
<Italian>Occhiali notturni (Gen1)</Italian>
<Polish>Gogle noktowizyjne (Gen1)</Polish>
<Portuguese>Óculos de visão noturna (Gen1)</Portuguese>
<Russian>ПНВ (Gen1)</Russian>
<Spanish>Gafas de visión nocturna (Gen1)</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Éjjellátó szemüveg (1. Gen.)</Hungarian>
<Japanese>暗視装置 (第1世代)</Japanese>
<Korean>야투경 (1세대)</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>夜视镜 (初代)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>夜視鏡 (初代)</Chinese>
<Turkish>GG Gözlüğü (1. Jen)</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen1_brown">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen1, Brown)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen2">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen2)</English>
<Czech>Noktovizor (Gen2)</Czech>
<French>JVN (Gen2)</French>
<German>NS-Brille (2. Gen.)</German>
<Italian>Occhiali notturni (Gen2)</Italian>
<Polish>Gogle noktowizyjne (Gen2)</Polish>
<Portuguese>Óculos de visão noturna (Gen2)</Portuguese>
<Russian>ПНВ (Gen2)</Russian>
<Spanish>Gafas de visión nocturna (Gen2)</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Éjjellátó szemüveg (2. Gen.)</Hungarian>
<Japanese>暗視装置 (第2世代)</Japanese>
<Korean>야투경 (2세대)</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>夜视镜 (二代)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>夜視鏡 (二代)</Chinese>
<Turkish>GG Gözlüğü (2. Jen)</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen1_black">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen1, Black)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen1_green">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen1, Green)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen2_brown">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen2, Brown)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen2_black">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen2, Black)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen2_green">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen2, Green)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen3">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen3)</English>
@ -118,39 +102,23 @@
<Chinese>夜視鏡 (三代, 黑色)</Chinese>
<Turkish>GG Gözlüğü (3. Jen Siyah)</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen4">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen4)</English>
<Czech>Noktovizor (Gen4)</Czech>
<French>JVN (Gen4)</French>
<German>NS-Brille (4. Gen.)</German>
<Italian>Occhiali notturni (Gen4)</Italian>
<Polish>Gogle noktowizyjne (Gen4)</Polish>
<Portuguese>Óculos de visão noturna (Gen4)</Portuguese>
<Russian>ПНВ (Gen4)</Russian>
<Spanish>Gafas de visión nocturna (Gen4)</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Éjjellátó szemüveg (4. Gen.)</Hungarian>
<Japanese>暗視装置 (第4世代)</Japanese>
<Korean>야투경 (4세대)</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>夜视镜 (四代)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>夜視鏡 (四代)</Chinese>
<Turkish>GG Gözlüğü (4. Jen)</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen4_brown">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen4, Brown)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_FullScreen">
<English>NV Goggles (Wide)</English>
<German>NS-Brille (Weitwinkel)</German>
<Spanish>Gafas de visión nocturna (Panorámicas)</Spanish>
<Polish>Gogle noktowizyjne (panoramiczne)</Polish>
<Czech>Noktovizor (Širokoúhlý)</Czech>
<Russian>ПНВ (Широкоугольный)</Russian>
<French>JVN (Large)</French>
<Hungarian>Éjjellátó szemüveg (széles látószögű)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Óculos de visão noturna (Panorâmico)</Portuguese>
<Italian>Occhiali notturni (Larghi)</Italian>
<Japanese>暗視装置 (ワイド)</Japanese>
<Korean>야투경 (넓음)</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>夜视镜 (宽版)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>夜視鏡 (寬版)</Chinese>
<Turkish>GG Gözlüğü (Geniş)</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen4_black">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen4, Black)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Gen4_green">
<English>NV Goggles (Gen4, Green)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Wide_brown">
<English>NV Goggles (Wide, Brown)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Wide_black">
<English>NV Goggles (Wide, Black)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVG_Wide_green">
<English>NV Goggles (Wide, Green)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_NightVision_NVGBrightness">
<English>Brightness: %1</English>
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<Portuguese>Coeficiente de Distância de Sobrepressão</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Túlnyomás-távolság együtthatója</Hungarian>
<Czech>Koeficient vzdálenosti přetlaku</Czech>
<Spanish>Coeficiente de distancia de sobrepresión</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Overpressure_distanceCoefficient_toolTip">
<English>Scales the overpressure effect [Default: 1]</English>
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
<Portuguese>Escala o efeito de sobrepressão [Padrão: 1]</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Állítja a túlnyomás hatását [Alapértelmezett: 1]</Hungarian>
<Czech>Nastavuje jak velký je efekt přetlaku [Standard: 1]</Czech>
<Spanish>Escala el efecto de sobrepresión [Predeterminado: 1]</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Overpressure_statBackblastRange">
<English>Backblast range</English>
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@
<Hungarian>Utóhatás távolsága</Hungarian>
<French>Portée du backblast</French>
<Czech>Dosah zpětné tlakové vlny (backblast)</Czech>
<Spanish>Alcance del cono de fuego</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Overpressure_statBackblastAngle">
<English>Backblast angle</English>
@ -58,6 +61,7 @@
<Hungarian>Utóhatás aránya</Hungarian>
<French>Angle du backblast</French>
<Czech>Úhel zpětné tlakové vlny (backblast)</Czech>
<Spanish>Ángulo del cono de fuego</Spanish>
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
GVAR(failureDelay) = 2;
class ParachuteWest: ParachuteBase {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@ -38,3 +38,5 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
// Don't show vanilla speed and height when in expert mode
["ace_infoDisplayChanged", {_this call FUNC(handleInfoDisplayChanged)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["vehicle", {_this call FUNC(handleFailureChance)}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
@ -18,4 +18,13 @@ PREP_RECOMPILE_END;
{[QGVAR(hideAltimeter), _this, false] call EFUNC(common,cbaSettings_settingChanged)}
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
["ACE Uncategorized", localize "str_dn_parachute"],
[0, 1, 0, 2, true],
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
ADDON = true;
@ -4,16 +4,20 @@
* Perform the cut parachute action (move unit out and delete)
* Arguments:
* 0: Object <OBJECT>
* 0: Player <OBJECT>
* 1: Parachute <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, vehicle player] call FUNC(cutParachute);
* [player, vehicle player] call ace_parachute_fnc_cutParachute;
* Public: No
params ["_unit", "_parachute"];
TRACE_2("cutParachute", _unit, _parachute);
playSound3d ["A3\Sounds_F\characters\parachute\parachute_landing.wss", _unit];
_unit action ["GetOut", _parachute];
deleteVehicle _parachute;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: JoramD
* Handles percentage chance parachute failure.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Vehicle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, vehicle player] call ace_parachute_fnc_handleFailureChance
* Public: No
params ["_unit", "_vehicle"];
if !(_vehicle isKindOf "ParachuteBase") exitWith {};
if (random 1 < GVAR(failureChance)) then {
private _failureDelay = getNumber (configOf _vehicle >> QGVAR(failureDelay));
[FUNC(cutParachute), [_unit, _vehicle], _failureDelay] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
@ -133,5 +133,8 @@
<Spanish>Oculta la altitud y la velocidad que se muestran en caída libre o en paracaídas.</Spanish>
<Turkish>Serbest düşme veya paraşütle atlama sırasında gösterilen yüksekliği ve hızı gizler.</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Parachute_FailureChance">
<English>Parachute Failure Chance</English>
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<Portuguese>LOADOUT DA AERONAVE</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_LoadoutsFor">
<English>Loadouts for %1</English>
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
<Russian>Оснащение %1</Russian>
<Portuguese>Loadouts para %1</Portuguese>
<Czech>Sady výzbroje pro %1</Czech>
<Spanish>Armamento para %1</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_ConfigurePylons">
<English>Configure Pylons</English>
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@
<Russian>Настройка Пилонов</Russian>
<Portuguese>Configurar Pylons</Portuguese>
<Czech>Nastavit pylony</Czech>
<Spanish>Configurar pilones</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_Category_Pylons">
<English>ACE Pylons</English>
@ -56,6 +59,7 @@
<Russian>ACE Пилоны</Russian>
<Portuguese>ACE Pylons</Portuguese>
<Czech>ACE Pylony</Czech>
<Spanish>ACE Pilones</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_Empty">
@ -71,6 +75,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_BannerText">
<English>Pylons that are colored red will have to be manually rearmed.</English>
@ -85,6 +90,7 @@
<Russian>Пилоны, окрашенные красным, должны быть переоборудованы вручную</Russian>
<Portuguese>Pylons que estão coloridos de vermelho, precisarão ser rearmados manualmente.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Pylony označené červeně budou muset být manuálně přezbrojeny.</Czech>
<Spanish>Pilones de color rojo deben ser rearmados manualmente.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_InUse">
<English>%1 is already configuring this aircraft!</English>
@ -99,6 +105,7 @@
<Russian>%1 уже настраивает эту авиатехнику!</Russian>
<Portuguese>%1 já está configurando essa aeronave!</Portuguese>
<Czech>%1 už nastavuje výzbroj tohoto letadla!</Czech>
<Spanish>%1 ya está configurando esta aeronave!</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_ReplacingPylon">
<English>Replacing pylon %1 out of %2...</English>
@ -113,6 +120,7 @@
<Russian>Замена пилона %1 из %2...</Russian>
<Portuguese>Substituindo pylon %1 de %2...</Portuguese>
<Czech>Nahrazuji pylon %1 z %2...</Czech>
<Spanish>Reemplazando pilón %1 de %2...</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_Stopped">
<English>Stopped at pylon %1!</English>
@ -127,6 +135,7 @@
<Russian>Остановлено на пилоне %1!</Russian>
<Portuguese>Parado no pylon %1!</Portuguese>
<Czech>Přerušeno na pylonu %1!</Czech>
<Spanish>Parado en pilón %1!</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_TooFar">
<English>Vehicle too far</English>
@ -141,6 +150,7 @@
<Russian>Техника слишком далеко</Russian>
<Portuguese>Veículo muito longe</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vozidlo je příliš daleko</Czech>
<Spanish>Vehículo demasiado alejado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledForZeus">
<English>Enable Pylons Menu for Zeus</English>
@ -154,6 +164,7 @@
<Russian>Активировать Меню пилонов для Зевса</Russian>
<Portuguese>Ativar Menu de Pylon para Zeus</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povolit menu s pylony pro Zeuse</Czech>
<Spanish>Habilitar menú de pilones para Zeus</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledForZeus_description">
<English>Enables use of the zeus module.</English>
@ -167,6 +178,7 @@
<Russian>Позволяет использовать модуль Зевса</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permite usar o módulo de Zeus</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povoluje použití daného Zeus modulu.</Czech>
<Spanish>Habilita el uso del módulo de Zeus.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledFromAmmoTrucks">
<English>Enable Pylons Menu from Ammo Trucks</English>
@ -180,6 +192,7 @@
<Russian>Меню пилонов из грузовика боеприпасов</Russian>
<Portuguese>Ativar Menu de Pylons de Caminhões de Munição</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povolit menu s pylony z muničních náklaďáků.</Czech>
<Spanish>Habilitar menú de pilones desde camiones de munición</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledFromAmmoTrucks_description">
<English>Enables use of pylons menu from ammo trucks.</English>
@ -193,6 +206,7 @@
<Russian>Позволяет использовать меню пилонов из грузовика с боеприпасами</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permite abrir o menu de pylons através de veículos de munição.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povoluje použití menu na nastavení pylonů z náklaďáků s municí.</Czech>
<Spanish>Habilita el uso del menú de pilones desde camiones de munición.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_AircraftDoesntHavePylons">
<English>This aircraft doesn't have pylons</English>
@ -206,6 +220,7 @@
<Russian>Эта авиатехника не имеет пилонов</Russian>
<Portuguese>Essa aeronave não possui pylons</Portuguese>
<Czech>Toto letadlo nemá pylony</Czech>
<Spanish>Esta aeronave no tiene pilones</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_ConfigurePylonsDisabledForZeus">
<English>Configure pylons module is disabled for zeus</English>
@ -219,6 +234,7 @@
<Russian>Модуль Настройка пилонов отключен для Zeus</Russian>
<Portuguese>O Módulo de configurar pylons está desativado para o Zeus</Portuguese>
<Czech>Nastavení pylonů je vypnuto pro Zeuse</Czech>
<Spanish>La configuración del módulo de pilones está deshabilitada para Zeus</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RearmNewPylons">
<English>Rearm New Pylons</English>
@ -233,6 +249,7 @@
<Russian>Перевооружать новые пилоны</Russian>
<Portuguese>Rearmar novos pylons</Portuguese>
<Czech>Přezbrojit nové pylony</Czech>
<Spanish>Rearmar nuevos pilones</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RearmNewPylons_description">
<English>Automatically rearm new pylons from the nearest rearm vehicle.</English>
@ -247,6 +264,7 @@
<Russian>Автоматически перевооружать новые пилоны из ближайшей техники с боеприпасами</Russian>
<Portuguese>Automaticamente rearmas novos pylons com o veículo de munição mais próximo</Portuguese>
<Czech>Automaticky přezbrojit nové pylony z nejbližšího vozidla s municí.</Czech>
<Spanish>Rearma automáticamente nuevos pilones desde el vehículo de rearme más cercano.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_TimePerPylon">
<English>Time Per Pylon</English>
@ -261,6 +279,7 @@
<Russian>Время на пилон</Russian>
<Portuguese>Tempo por pylon</Portuguese>
<Czech>Čas na pylon</Czech>
<Spanish>Tiempo por pilón</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_TimePerPylon_description">
<English>The time it takes to replace each pylon (in seconds).</English>
@ -275,6 +294,7 @@
<Russian>Время для замены каждого пилона (в секундах)</Russian>
<Portuguese>O tempo necessário para substituir cada pylon (em segundos)</Portuguese>
<Czech>Udává čas jaký trvá nahrazení každého pylonu (ve vteřinách).</Czech>
<Spanish>El tiempo que lleva reemplazar cada pilón (en segundos).</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_SearchDistance">
<English>Search Distance</English>
@ -289,6 +309,7 @@
<Russian>Дальность поиска</Russian>
<Portuguese>Distância de procura</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vzdálenost hledání munice</Czech>
<Spanish>Distancia de búsqueda</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_SearchDistance_description">
<English>The distance an aircraft needs to be from a rearm vehicle.</English>
@ -303,6 +324,7 @@
<Russian>Дальность от авиатехники до грузовика (пункта) с боеприпасами</Russian>
<Portuguese>A distância que a aeronave precisa estar de um veículo de munições.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Maximální vzdálenost ze které je možné letadlo přezbrojit s vozidlem s municí.</Czech>
<Spanish>La distancia a la que debe estar una aeronave de un vehículo de rearme.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireEngineer">
<English>Require Engineer</English>
@ -317,6 +339,7 @@
<Russian>Требуется Инженер</Russian>
<Portuguese>Requer um engenheiro</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vyžadovat Inženýra</Czech>
<Spanish>Requerir Ingeniero</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireEngineer_description">
<English>Require an engineer.</English>
@ -331,6 +354,7 @@
<Russian>Требуется роль Инженера</Russian>
<Portuguese>É necessário uma unidade definida como engenheiro para interagir com pylons.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vyžaduje, aby hráč byl Inženýr.</Czech>
<Spanish>Requerir un Ingeniero.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireToolkit">
<English>Require Toolkit</English>
@ -345,6 +369,7 @@
<Russian>Требуется Набор инструментов</Russian>
<Portuguese>Requer Kit de Ferramentas</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vyžadovat sadu nářadí (toolkit).</Czech>
<Spanish>Requerir Kit de herramientas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireToolkit_description">
<English>Require a toolkit in inventory.</English>
@ -359,6 +384,7 @@
<Russian>Требуется наличие Набора инструментов в инвентаре</Russian>
<Portuguese>Requer um Kit de Ferramentas no inventário.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vyžaduje, aby hráč měl ve svém inventáři sadu nářadí (toolkit).</Czech>
<Spanish>Requiere un Kit de herramientas en el inventario</Spanish>
@ -1328,6 +1328,7 @@
<French>M183 Charge de démolition (lançable)</French>
<Japanese>M183 梱包爆薬 (投てき仕様)</Japanese>
<Turkish>M183 Demolition Charge (Throwable)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Carga de demolición M183 (Lanzable)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_DemoCharge_Name">
<English>M112 Demolition Block</English>
@ -1351,6 +1352,7 @@
<French>M112 Bloc de démolition (lançable)</French>
<Japanese>M112 爆薬ブロック (投てき仕様)</Japanese>
<Turkish>M112 Demolition Charge (Throwable)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Bloque de demolición M112 (Lanzable)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_HandGrenade_Name">
<English>M67 Fragmentation Grenade</English>
@ -3494,6 +3496,7 @@
<French>Polaris DAGOR (XM312)</French>
<Czech>Polaris DAGOR (XM312)</Czech>
<Turkish>Polaris DAGOR (XM312)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Polaris DAGOR (XM312)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_lsv_01_at">
<English>Polaris DAGOR (Mini-Spike AT)</English>
@ -3508,6 +3511,7 @@
<French>Polaris DAGOR (Mini-Spike AC)</French>
<Czech>Polaris DAGOR (Mini-Spike AT)</Czech>
<Turkish>Polaris DAGOR (Mini-Spike AT)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Polaris DAGOR (Mini-Spike AT)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_lsv_01_unarmed">
<English>Polaris DAGOR</English>
@ -3522,6 +3526,7 @@
<French>Polaris DAGOR</French>
<Czech>Polaris DAGOR</Czech>
<Turkish>Polaris DAGOR</Turkish>
<Spanish>Polaris DAGOR</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_lsv_01_light">
<English>Polaris DAGOR (light)</English>
@ -3536,6 +3541,7 @@
<French>Polaris DAGOR (léger)</French>
<Czech>Polaris DAGOR (lehký)</Czech>
<Turkish>Polaris DAGOR (light)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Polaris DAGOR (ligero)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_lsv_02_armed">
<English>LSV Mk. II (M134)</English>
@ -3550,6 +3556,7 @@
<French>LSV Mk. II (M134)</French>
<Czech>LSV Mk. II (M134)</Czech>
<Turkish>LSV Mk. II (M134)</Turkish>
<Spanish>LSV Mk. II (M134)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_lsv_02_at">
<English>LSV Mk. II (Metis-M)</English>
@ -3564,6 +3571,7 @@
<French>LSV Mk. II (Metis-M)</French>
<Czech>LSV Mk. II (Metis-M)</Czech>
<Turkish>LSV Mk. II (Metis-M)</Turkish>
<Spanish>LSV Mk. II (Metis-M)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_lsv_02_unarmed">
<English>LSV Mk. II</English>
@ -3578,6 +3586,7 @@
<French>LSV Mk. II</French>
<Czech>LSV Mk. II</Czech>
<Turkish>LSV Mk. II</Turkish>
<Spanish>LSV Mk. II</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_afv_wheeled_01">
<English>Rooikat 120</English>
@ -3592,6 +3601,7 @@
<French>Rooikat 120</French>
<Czech>Rooikat 120</Czech>
<Turkish>Rooikat 120</Turkish>
<Spanish>Rooikat 120</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_afv_wheeled_01_up">
<English>Rooikat 120 UP</English>
@ -3606,6 +3616,7 @@
<French>Rooikat 120 UP</French>
<Czech>Rooikat 120 UP</Czech>
<Turkish>Rooikat 120 UP</Turkish>
<Spanish>Rooikat 120 UP</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_MBT_04_cannon">
<English>T-14 Armata</English>
@ -3620,6 +3631,7 @@
<French>T-14 Armata</French>
<Czech>T-14 Armata</Czech>
<Turkish>T-14 Armata</Turkish>
<Spanish>T-14 Armata</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_MBT_04_command">
<English>T-14K Armata</English>
@ -3634,6 +3646,7 @@
<French>T-14K Armata</French>
<Czech>T-14K Armata</Czech>
<Turkish>T-14K Armata</Turkish>
<Spanish>T-14K Armata</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_LT_01_AA">
<English>Wiesel 2 Ozelot (AA)</English>
@ -3648,6 +3661,7 @@
<French>Wiesel 2 Ozelot (AA)</French>
<Czech>Wiesel 2 Ozelot (AA)</Czech>
<Turkish>Wiesel 2 Ozelot (AA)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Wiesel 2 Ozelot (AA)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_LT_01_AT">
<English>Wiesel 2 (ATGM)</English>
@ -3662,6 +3676,7 @@
<French>Wiesel 2 (ATGM)</French>
<Czech>Wiesel 2 (ATGM)</Czech>
<Turkish>Wiesel 2 (ATGM)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Wiesel 2 (ATGM)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_LT_01_cannon">
<English>Wiesel 2 (MK20)</English>
@ -3676,6 +3691,7 @@
<French>Wiesel 2 (MK20)</French>
<Czech>Wiesel 2 (MK20)</Czech>
<Turkish>Wiesel 2 (MK20)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Wiesel 2 (MK20)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_LT_01_scout">
<English>Wiesel 2 RFCV (Radar)</English>
@ -3690,6 +3706,7 @@
<French>Wiesel 2 RFCV (Radar)</French>
<Czech>Wiesel 2 RFCV (Radar)</Czech>
<Turkish>Wiesel 2 RFCV (Radar)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Wiesel 2 RFCV (Radar)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_hamr">
<English>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR</English>
@ -3704,6 +3721,7 @@
<French>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR</French>
<Czech>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR</Czech>
<Turkish>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR</Turkish>
<Spanish>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_hamr_khk">
<English>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (Khaki)</English>
@ -3718,6 +3736,7 @@
<French>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (Kaki)</French>
<Czech>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (Khaki)</Czech>
<Turkish>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (Haki)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_hamr_2d">
<English>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (2D)</English>
@ -3732,6 +3751,7 @@
<French>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (2D)</French>
<Czech>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (2D)</Czech>
<Turkish>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (2D)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Leupold Mark 4 HAMR (2D)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_arco">
<English>ELCAN SpecterOS (Tan)</English>
@ -3746,6 +3766,7 @@
<French>ELCAN SpecterOS (Tan)</French>
<Czech>ELCAN SpecterOS (Žlutohnědá)</Czech>
<Turkish>ELCAN SpecterOS (Tan)</Turkish>
<Spanish>ELCAN SpecterOS (Tan)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_arco_blk">
<English>ELCAN SpecterOS (Black)</English>
@ -3760,6 +3781,7 @@
<French>ELCAN SpecterOS (Noire)</French>
<Czech>ELCAN SpecterOS (Černá)</Czech>
<Turkish>ELCAN SpecterOS (Siyah)</Turkish>
<Spanish>ELCAN SpecterOS (Negra)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_arco_ghex">
<English>ELCAN SpecterOS (Green Hex)</English>
@ -3773,6 +3795,7 @@
<French>ELCAN SpecterOS (Hex Verte)</French>
<Czech>ELCAN SpecterOS (Zelený Hex)</Czech>
<Turkish>ELCAN SpecterOS (Yeşil Hex)</Turkish>
<Spanish>ELCAN SpecterOS (Verde Hex)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_arco_2d">
<English>ELCAN SpecterOS (2D)</English>
@ -3787,6 +3810,7 @@
<French>ELCAN SpecterOS (2D)</French>
<Czech>ELCAN SpecterOS (2D)</Czech>
<Turkish>ELCAN SpecterOS (2D)</Turkish>
<Spanish>ELCAN SpecterOS (2D)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_erco_blk">
<English>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Black)</English>
@ -3801,6 +3825,7 @@
<French>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Noire)</French>
<Czech>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Černá)</Czech>
<Turkish>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Siyah)</Turkish>
<Spanish>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Negra)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_erco_khk">
<English>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Khaki)</English>
@ -3815,6 +3840,7 @@
<French>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Kaki)</French>
<Czech>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Khaki)</Czech>
<Turkish>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Haki)</Turkish>
<Spanish>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_erco_snd">
<English>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Sand)</English>
@ -3829,6 +3855,7 @@
<French>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Beige)</French>
<Czech>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Písková)</Czech>
<Turkish>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Kum)</Turkish>
<Spanish>SIG BRAVO4 / ROMEO3 (Arena)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_lrps">
<English>Nightforce NXS</English>
@ -3842,6 +3869,7 @@
<French>Nightforce NXS</French>
<Czech>Nightforce NXS</Czech>
<Turkish>Nightforce NXS</Turkish>
<Spanish>Nightforce NXS</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_lrps_ghex">
<English>Nightforce NXS (Green Hex)</English>
@ -3855,6 +3883,7 @@
<French>Nightforce NXS (Hex Verte)</French>
<Czech>Nightforce NXS (Zelený Hex)</Czech>
<Turkish>Nightforce NXS (Yeşil Hex)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Nightforce NXS (Verde Hex)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_lrps_tna">
<English>Nightforce NXS (Jungle)</English>
@ -3869,6 +3898,7 @@
<French>Nightforce NXS (Jungle)</French>
<Czech>Nightforce NXS (Džungle)</Czech>
<Turkish>Nightforce NXS (Orman)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Nightforce NXS (Jungla)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_lrps_2d">
<English>Nightforce NXS (2D)</English>
@ -3882,6 +3912,7 @@
<French>Nightforce NXS (2D)</French>
<Czech>Nightforce NXS (2D)</Czech>
<Turkish>Nightforce NXS (2D)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Nightforce NXS (2D)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ams">
<English>US Optics MR-10 (Black)</English>
@ -3895,6 +3926,7 @@
<French>US Optics MR-10 (Noire)</French>
<Czech>US Optics MR-10 (Černá)</Czech>
<Turkish>US Optics MR-10 (Siyah)</Turkish>
<Spanish>US Optics MR-10 (Negra)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ams_khk">
<English>US Optics MR-10 (Khaki)</English>
@ -3908,6 +3940,7 @@
<French>US Optics MR-10 (Kaki)</French>
<Czech>US Optics MR-10 (Khaki)</Czech>
<Turkish>US Optics MR-10 (Haki)</Turkish>
<Spanish>US Optics MR-10 (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ams_snd">
<English>US Optics MR-10 (Sand)</English>
@ -3921,6 +3954,7 @@
<French>US Optics MR-10 (Beige)</French>
<Czech>US Optics MR-10 (Písková)</Czech>
<Turkish>US Optics MR-10 (Kum)</Turkish>
<Spanish>US Optics MR-10 (Arena)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_khs_blk">
<English>KAHLES Helia (Black)</English>
@ -3934,6 +3968,7 @@
<French>KAHLES Helia (Noire)</French>
<Czech>KAHLES Helia (Černá)</Czech>
<Turkish>KAHLES Helia (Siyah)</Turkish>
<Spanish>KAHLES Helia (Negra)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_khs_hex">
<English>KAHLES Helia (Hex)</English>
@ -3947,6 +3982,7 @@
<French>KAHLES Helia (Hex)</French>
<Czech>KAHLES Helia (Hex)</Czech>
<Turkish>KAHLES Helia (Hex)</Turkish>
<Spanish>KAHLES Helia (Hex)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_khs_old">
<English>KAHLES Helia (Old)</English>
@ -3960,6 +3996,7 @@
<French>KAHLES Helia (Usée)</French>
<Czech>KAHLES Helia (Stará)</Czech>
<Turkish>KAHLES Helia (Eski)</Turkish>
<Spanish>KAHLES Helia (Vieja)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_khs_tan">
<English>KAHLES Helia (Tan)</English>
@ -3973,6 +4010,7 @@
<French>KAHLES Helia (Tan)</French>
<Czech>KAHLES Helia (Žlutohnědá)</Czech>
<Turkish>KAHLES Helia (Tan)</Turkish>
<Spanish>KAHLES Helia (Tan)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_dms">
<English>Burris XTR II</English>
@ -3986,6 +4024,7 @@
<French>Burris XTR II</French>
<Czech>Burris XTR II</Czech>
<Turkish>Burris XTR II</Turkish>
<Spanish>Burris XTR II</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_dms_ghex">
<English>Burris XTR II (Green Hex)</English>
@ -3999,6 +4038,7 @@
<French>Burris XTR II (Hex Verte)</French>
<Czech>Burris XTR II (Zelený Hex)</Czech>
<Turkish>Burris XTR II (Yeşil Hex)</Turkish>
<Spanish>Burris XTR II (Verde Hex)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_holosight">
<English>EOTech XPS3 (Tan)</English>
@ -4013,6 +4053,7 @@
<French>EOTech XPS3 (Tan)</French>
<Czech>EOTech XPS3 (Žlutohnědá)</Czech>
<Turkish>EOTech XPS3 (Tan)</Turkish>
<Spanish>EOTech XPS3 (Tan)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_holosight_blk">
<English>EOTech XPS3 (Black)</English>
@ -4027,6 +4068,7 @@
<French>EOTech XPS3 (Noire)</French>
<Czech>EOTech XPS3 (Černá)</Czech>
<Turkish>EOTech XPS3 (Siyah)</Turkish>
<Spanish>EOTech XPS3 (Negra)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_holosight_khk">
<English>EOTech XPS3 (Khaki)</English>
@ -4041,6 +4083,7 @@
<French>EOTech XPS3 (Kaki)</French>
<Czech>EOTech XPS3 (Khaki)</Czech>
<Turkish>EOTech XPS3 (Haki)</Turkish>
<Spanish>EOTech XPS3 (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_holosight_smg">
<English>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Tan)</English>
@ -4055,6 +4098,7 @@
<French>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Tan)</French>
<Czech>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Žlutohnědá)</Czech>
<Turkish>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Tan)</Turkish>
<Spanish>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Tan)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_holosight_smg_blk">
<English>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Black)</English>
@ -4069,6 +4113,7 @@
<French>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Noire)</French>
<Czech>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Černá)</Czech>
<Turkish>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Siyah)</Turkish>
<Spanish>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Negra)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_holosight_smg_khk">
<English>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Khaki)</English>
@ -4083,6 +4128,7 @@
<French>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Kaki)</French>
<Czech>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Khaki)</Czech>
<Turkish>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Hakii)</Turkish>
<Spanish>EOTech XPS3 SMG (Caqui)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_mrco">
<English>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2</English>
@ -4096,6 +4142,7 @@
<French>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2</French>
<Czech>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2</Czech>
<Turkish>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2</Turkish>
<Spanish>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_mrco_2d">
<English>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 (2D)</English>
@ -4109,6 +4156,7 @@
<French>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 (2D)</French>
<Czech>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 (2D)</Czech>
<Turkish>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 (2D)</Turkish>
<Spanish>IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 (2D)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_Yorris">
<English>Burris FastFire 2</English>
@ -4122,6 +4170,7 @@
<French>Burris FastFire 2</French>
<Czech>Burris FastFire 2</Czech>
<Turkish>Burris FastFire 2</Turkish>
<Spanish>Burris FastFire 2</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ACO">
<English>C-More Railway (Red)</English>
@ -4136,6 +4185,7 @@
<French>C-More Railway (Rouge)</French>
<Czech>C-More Railway (Červený)</Czech>
<Turkish>C-More Railway (Kırmızı)</Turkish>
<Spanish>C-More Railway (Roja)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ACO_grn">
<English>C-More Railway (Green)</English>
@ -4150,6 +4200,7 @@
<French>C-More Railway (Verte)</French>
<Czech>C-More Railway (Zelený)</Czech>
<Turkish>C-More Railway (Yeşil)</Turkish>
<Spanish>C-More Railway (Verde)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ACO_smg">
<English>C-More Railway SMG (Red)</English>
@ -4164,6 +4215,7 @@
<French>C-More Railway SMG (Rouge)</French>
<Czech>C-More Railway SMG (Červený)</Czech>
<Turkish>C-More Railway SMG (Kırmızı)</Turkish>
<Spanish>C-More Railway SMG (Roja)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_optic_ACO_grn_smg">
<English>C-More Railway SMG (Green)</English>
@ -4178,6 +4230,7 @@
<French>C-More Railway SMG (Verte)</French>
<Czech>C-More Railway SMG (Zelený)</Czech>
<Turkish>C-More Railway SMG (Yeşil)</Turkish>
<Spanish>C-More Railway SMG (Verde)</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_RealisticNames_P90_TR_Black_Name">
<English>P90 TR (Black)</English>
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<Portuguese>Mira Telescópica</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_enabled_displayName">
<English>Enable ACE Scope adjustment</English>
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
<Russian>Включить настройку прицелов ACE</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permitir ajustes de Mira do ACE</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povolit ACE náměr puškohledů</Czech>
<Spanish>Activar ACE Ajuste de visores</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_enabled_description">
<English>Enable adjustment turrets on high powered scopes</English>
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
<Russian>Включает регулировочные барабанчики ввода поправок на прицелах с высокой кратностью</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permite que as Miras Telescópicas sejam ajustadas com ACE</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povolí náměr puškohledů pomocí komínků optiky na seřízení zameřovacího kříže u kompatibilních puškohledů.</Czech>
<Spanish>Activar torretas de ajuste en visores de muchos aumentos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets_displayName">
<English>Force adjustment turrets</English>
@ -57,6 +60,7 @@
<Russian>Включить регулировку ненастроенных прицелов</Russian>
<Portuguese>Força ajustes ACE para Miras</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vynutit použití komínků</Czech>
<Spanish>Forzar torretas de ajuste</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets_description">
<English>Force usage of adjustment turrets on high powered scopes</English>
@ -71,6 +75,7 @@
<Russian>Принудительно использовать барабанчики ввода поправок для ненастроенных прицелов с высокой кратностью</Russian>
<Portuguese>Força o uso dos controles de ajuste de Mira do ACE em Miras Telescópicas</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vynutí používání komínků u puškohledů.</Czech>
<Spanish>Forzar uso de torretas de ajuste en visores de muchos aumentos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_correctZeroing_displayName">
<English>Correct zeroing</English>
@ -85,6 +90,7 @@
<Russian>Корректировать пристрелку</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corrigir Zeramento</Portuguese>
<Czech>Opravit náměr</Czech>
<Spanish>Corregir la homogeneidad</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_correctZeroing_description">
<English>Corrects the zeroing of all small arms sights</English>
@ -99,6 +105,7 @@
<Russian>Позволяет корректировать пристрелку для всех прицелов стрелкового оружия</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corrige o Zeramento de todas as miras de armas pequenas. (Zeroing)</Portuguese>
<Czech>Opravuje náměr mířidel všech ručních zbraní</Czech>
<Spanish>Corrige la homogeneidad de los visores de armas cortas</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_overwriteZeroRange_displayName">
<English>Overwrite zero distance</English>
@ -113,6 +120,7 @@
<Russian>Перезаписать дальность пристрелки</Russian>
<Portuguese>Sobrepor distância zero</Portuguese>
<Czech>Přepsat vzdálenost náměru</Czech>
<Spanish>Sobreescribe la distancia de homogeneizado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_overwriteZeroRange_Description">
<English>Uses the 'defaultZeroRange' setting to overwrite the zero range of high power scopes</English>
@ -127,6 +135,7 @@
<Russian>Использует настройку 'defaultZeroRange' для перенастройки дальности пристрелки прицелов с высокой кратностью</Russian>
<Portuguese>Utiliza a configuração 'Distância Zero Padrão' para sobrepor a distância zero de Miras Telescópicas</Portuguese>
<Czech>Používá nastavení 'defaultZeroRange' na přepsání vzdálenosti náměru pro puškohledy</Czech>
<Spanish>Utiliza el parámetro 'defaultZeroRange' para sobreescribir la distancia de homogeneizado en los visores de muchos aumentos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_defaultZeroRange_displayName">
<English>Default zero distance</English>
@ -141,6 +150,7 @@
<Russian>Дальность пристрелки по умолчанию</Russian>
<Portuguese>Distância Zero Padrão</Portuguese>
<Czech>Standardní vzdálenost náměru</Czech>
<Spanish>Distancia de homogeneizado por defecto</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_defaultZeroRange_description">
<English>High powered scopes will be zeroed at this distance</English>
@ -155,6 +165,7 @@
<Russian>Дальность, на которую будут пристреляны прицелы с высокой кратностью</Russian>
<Portuguese>Miras Telescópicas serão zeradas nessa distância</Portuguese>
<Czech>Puškohledy budou naměřené na tuto vzdálenost</Czech>
<Spanish>Visores con muchos aumentos serán homogeneizados por este parámetro</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature_displayName">
<English>Reference temperature</English>
@ -169,6 +180,7 @@
<Russian>Референсная температура</Russian>
<Portuguese>Temperatura de Referência</Portuguese>
<Czech>Referenční teplota</Czech>
<Spanish>Temperatura de referencia</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature_description">
<English>Temperature at which the scope was zeroed</English>
@ -183,6 +195,7 @@
<Russian>Температура, при которой выполнена пристрелка прицела</Russian>
<Portuguese>Temperatura na qual a mira foi zerada.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Teplota za které byl puškohled naměřen</Czech>
<Spanish>Temperatura a la que el visor ha sido homogeneizado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure_displayName">
<English>Reference barometric pressure</English>
@ -197,6 +210,7 @@
<Russian>Референсное давление</Russian>
<Portuguese>Pressão Barométrica de Referência</Portuguese>
<Czech>Referenční barometrický tlak</Czech>
<Spanish>Referencia de presión barométrica</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure_description">
<English>Barometric pressure at which the scope was zeroed</English>
@ -211,6 +225,7 @@
<Russian>Давление, при котором выполнена пристрелка прицела</Russian>
<Portuguese>Pressão Barométrica de quando a mira foi zerada.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Barometrický tlak za kterého byl puškohled naměřen</Czech>
<Spanish>Presión barométrica a la que el visor ha sido homogeneizado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity_displayName">
<English>Reference humidity</English>
@ -225,6 +240,7 @@
<Russian>Референсная влажность</Russian>
<Portuguese>Humidade de Referência</Portuguese>
<Czech>Referenční vlhkost vzduchu</Czech>
<Spanish>Humedad de referencia</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity_description">
<English>Humidity at which the scope was zeroed</English>
@ -239,6 +255,7 @@
<Russian>Влажность, при которой выполнена пристрелка прицела</Russian>
<Portuguese>Humidade na qual a mira foi zerada.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vlhkost vzduchu za které byl puškohled naměřen</Czech>
<Spanish>Humedad a la cual el visor ha sido homogeneizado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude_displayName">
<English>Deduce pressure from altitude</English>
@ -253,6 +270,7 @@
<Russian>Просчитать давление из высоты</Russian>
<Portuguese>Deduzir pressão pela altitude</Portuguese>
<Czech>Snížit tlak podle nadmořské výšky</Czech>
<Spanish>Deducir presión de la altitud</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude_description">
<English>Deduce the barometric pressure from the terrain altitude</English>
@ -267,6 +285,7 @@
<Russian>Давление определяется по высоте</Russian>
<Portuguese>Deduz a pressão barométrica pela altitude do terreno.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Snížit barometrický tlak podle současné nadmořské výšky terénu</Czech>
<Spanish>Deduce la presión barométrica de la altura del terreno</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_useLegacyUI_displayName">
<English>Use legacy UI</English>
@ -281,6 +300,7 @@
<Portuguese>Usar Interface Antiga</Portuguese>
<French>Utiliser l'ancienne IU</French>
<Czech>Používat staré UI</Czech>
<Spanish>Utilizar interfaz antigua</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_useLegacyUI_description">
<English>Displays elevation and windage with signed numbers</English>
@ -295,6 +315,7 @@
<Portuguese>Exibir elevação e vento com número sinalizados.</Portuguese>
<French>Affiche les valeurs de hausse et de dérive avec des nombres signés.</French>
<Czech>Zobrazovat elevaci a vítr s znaménky plus a mínus.</Czech>
<Spanish>Muestra la elevación y el viento con números positivos y negativos</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_simplifiedZeroing_displayName">
<English>Simplified zeroing</English>
@ -309,6 +330,7 @@
<Portuguese>Zeramento Simplificado</Portuguese>
<French>Zérotage simplifié</French>
<Czech>Zjednodušené naměřování</Czech>
<Spanish>Homogeneizado simplificado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_simplifiedZeroing_description">
<English>Replicates the vanilla zeroing system for riflescopes.</English>
@ -323,6 +345,7 @@
<Portuguese>Imita o sistema de zeramento vanilla para miras de rifle.</Portuguese>
<French>Reproduit le système de zérotage vanilla pour les lunettes.</French>
<Czech>Replikuje systém naměřování puškohledů ze základní hry.</Czech>
<Spanish>Replica en los visores el sistema de homogeneizado de vanilla</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_AdjustUpMinor">
<English>Minor adjustment up</English>
@ -481,6 +504,7 @@
<Portuguese>Resetar Ajuste Zero</Portuguese>
<French>Réinitialiser le réglage du zéro</French>
<Czech>Reset vynulování</Czech>
<Spanish>Restaurar ajuste de homogeneizado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_Description">
<English>This module adds windage and elevation adjustment turrets on high power rifle scopes.</English>
@ -495,6 +519,7 @@
<Russian>Этот модуль добавляет барабанчики ввода горизонтальных и вертикальных поправок для прицелов с высокой кратностью</Russian>
<Portuguese>Esse módulo implementa vento e elevação para os ajustes de miras telescópicas.</Portuguese>
<Czech>Tento modul přidává korekci zaměrovacího kříže puškohledů pro vítr a výšku.</Czech>
<Spanish>Este módulo añade torretas de ajuste de viento y elevación en visores con muchos aumentos.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_DisplayAdjustmentDown">
@ -510,6 +535,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_DisplayAdjustmentLeft">
@ -525,6 +551,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_DisplayAdjustmentRight">
@ -540,6 +567,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_statHorizontalLimits">
<English>Horizontal limits</English>
@ -552,6 +580,7 @@
<Portuguese>Limite Horizontal</Portuguese>
<French>Limites horizontales</French>
<Czech>Horizontální limity</Czech>
<Spanish>Límites horizontales</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Scopes_statVerticalLimits">
<English>Vertical limits</English>
@ -564,6 +593,7 @@
<Portuguese>Limite Vertical</Portuguese>
<French>Limites verticales</French>
<Czech>Vertikální limity</Czech>
<Spanish>Límites verticales</Spanish>
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@
<Russian>Установить имя</Russian>
<Portuguese>Definir Nome</Portuguese>
<Czech>Jméno setu</Czech>
<Spanish>Definir nombre</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_SetName_Description">
<English>Name that will be used for main interaction entry (to distinguish multiple slideshows). Default: "Slides"</English>
@ -192,6 +193,7 @@
<Russian>Имя, которое будет использоваться для основных взаимодействий (для различения нескольких слайдов). По умолчанию: «Slides»</Russian>
<Portuguese>Nome que será usado para a entrada principal de interação (para separar vários slideshows). Padrão: "Slides"</Portuguese>
<Czech>Jméno, které bude použito pro hlavní interakci (pro rozlišení více prezentací). Standard: Snímky</Czech>
<Spanish>Nombre usado para la entrada principal de interacción (para distinguir entre diferentes diapositivas). Por defecto: "Diapositivas"</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Duration_DisplayName">
<English>Slide Duration</English>
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_Settings_DisplayName">
<English>ACE Spectator</English>
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
<Portuguese>ACE Espectador</Portuguese>
<Czech>ACE Divák</Czech>
<Turkish>ACE Izleyici</Turkish>
<Spanish>ACE Espectador</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_Settings_Description">
<English>Configure how the spectator system will operate by default.</English>
@ -60,6 +62,7 @@
<Portuguese>IA Ativado</Portuguese>
<Czech>AI povoleno</Czech>
<Turkish>AI Etkin</Turkish>
<Spanish>IA Activada</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_ai_Description">
<English>Make AI viewable in spectator</English>
@ -74,6 +77,7 @@
<Russian>Сделать ИИ видимыми в режиме зрителя</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permite que IA seja visivel no espectador</Portuguese>
<Czech>Umožňuje sledovat AI v módu diváka</Czech>
<Spanish>Permitir ver a la IA en espectador</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_modes_DisplayName">
<English>Camera modes</English>
@ -212,6 +216,7 @@
<Italian>Distanza massima per seguire</Italian>
<Czech>Maximální vzdálenost sledování objektu</Czech>
<Polish>Maksymalna odległość śledzenia</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia máxima de seguimiento</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_MaxFollowDistance_Description">
<English>Maximum distance the follow camera can be from the target</English>
@ -224,6 +229,7 @@
<French>Distance maximale à laquelle la caméra de suivi peut se trouver par rapport à la cible.</French>
<Czech>Maximální vzdálenost při které může kamera sledovat cíl</Czech>
<Polish>Maksymalna odległość na jakiej kamera może podążać od celu</Polish>
<Spanish>Distancia máxima que la cámara de seguimiento puede estar del objetivo</Spanish>
<!-- Interface strings -->
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_TooltipEngineer">
@ -321,6 +327,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_uiProjectiles">
@ -336,6 +343,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_nextUnit">
<English>Next Unit</English>
@ -383,6 +391,7 @@
<Portuguese>Modo de Visão</Portuguese>
<Czech>Režim sledování</Czech>
<Turkish>Görüş Modu</Turkish>
<Spanish>Modo de visión</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Spectator_camSlow">
<English>Slow Speed</English>
@ -398,6 +407,7 @@
<Portuguese>Velocidade Lenta</Portuguese>
<Czech>Pomalá rychlost</Czech>
<Turkish>Yavaş Hız</Turkish>
<Spanish>Velocidad lenta</Spanish>
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<Czech>Přepnout jednotky</Czech>
<French>Changement de camp</French>
<Turkish>Birlik Değiştir</Turkish>
<Spanish>Cambiar unidades</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_SwitchUnits_SwitchedUnit">
<English>Switched unit</English>
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@
<Portuguese>Habilita troca de time</Portuguese>
<Russian>Включить смену стороны</Russian>
<Spanish>Habilitar cambio de bando</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_SwitchUnits_SwitchToWest_DisplayName">
<English>Switch to West?</English>
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
class CfgPatches {
class ADDON {
units[] = {};
units[] = {"ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack"};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = REQUIRED_VERSION;
requiredAddons[] = {"ace_apl", "ace_interaction"};
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_ModuleDesc">
<English>Configure how the tagging system will operate by default.</English>
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
<Portuguese>Configura como o sistema de Marcação funcionará como padrão. (Tagging)</Portuguese>
<Czech>Nakonfigurujte, jak bude systém značkování ve výchozím nastavení fungovat.</Czech>
<Spanish>Configura cómo funciona el sistema de marcado por defecto.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_QuickTag">
<English>Spray Paint - Quick Tag</English>
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@
<Portuguese>Lata de Tinta - Marcação Rápida</Portuguese>
<Czech>Stříkací barva - Rychlá značka</Czech>
<Turkish>Sprey Boya- Hızlı Işaretleme</Turkish>
<Spanish>Pintada con spray - Marcado rápido</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_QuickTagDesc">
<English>Action performed on main tag interaction point.</English>
@ -58,6 +61,7 @@
<Portuguese>Ação executada no ponto principal de marcação</Portuguese>
<Czech>Akce prováděná v hlavním bodě značky interakce.</Czech>
<Spanish>Acción realizada en el punto de interacción de marcado principal.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_LastUsed">
<English>Last Used</English>
@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
<Portuguese>Último usado</Portuguese>
<Czech>Naposledy použitý</Czech>
<Turkish>Son Kullanan</Turkish>
<Spanish>Último usado</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_RandomX">
<English>Random X</English>
@ -88,6 +93,7 @@
<Portuguese>Aleatório X</Portuguese>
<Czech>Náhodné X</Czech>
<Turkish>Rasgele X</Turkish>
<Spanish>Aleatorio X</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_Random">
@ -103,6 +109,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_Tag">
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