Merge pull request #1293 from acemod/nametagFireteamColors

Add assignedTeam color propagation to nametags from the leader
This commit is contained in:
jaynus 2015-05-19 09:19:48 -07:00
commit c4393862aa

View File

@ -22,6 +22,41 @@ GVAR(ShowNamesTime) = -10;
[29, [false, false, false]], false] call cba_fnc_addKeybind; //LeftControl Key
// Monitor the assigned teams, and propegate them appropriately for the player
// This allows for assigned team colors to match across the entire group
private["_leader", "_playerIsLeader", "_unitTeam"];
if (!(isNull ACE_player) && { alive ACE_player } ) then {
_leader = leader (group ACE_player);
_playerIsLeader = false;
if(alive _leader) then {
if(_leader == ACE_player) then {
_playerIsLeader = true;
if (_playerIsLeader) then {
if(alive _x) then {
_unitTeam = _x getVariable [QGVAR(teamAssignment),"MAIN"];
if (_unitTeam != assignedTeam _x) then {
_x setVariable [QGVAR(teamAssignment), assignedTeam _x,true];
} forEach units (group ACE_player);
} else {
if(alive _x) then {
_unitTeam = _x getVariable [QGVAR(teamAssignment),"MAIN"];
if (_unitTeam != assignedTeam _x) then {
_x assignTeam _unitTeam;
} forEach units (group ACE_player);
}, 5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Draw handle
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {_this call FUNC(onDraw3d);}];