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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into medical-rewrite
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<p align="center">
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@ -32,12 +32,15 @@ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
// - GVAR updating and initialization -----------------------------------------
["unit", FUNC(handlePlayerChanged), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
private _fnc_showStaminaBar = {
["visibleMap", {
params ["", "_visibleMap"]; // command visibleMap is updated one frame later
private _staminaBarContainer = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(staminaBarContainer), controlNull];
_staminaBarContainer ctrlShow ((!_visibleMap) && {(vehicle ACE_player) == ACE_player});
}, true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["vehicle", {
private _staminaBarContainer = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(staminaBarContainer), controlNull];
_staminaBarContainer ctrlShow ((!visibleMap) && {(vehicle ACE_player) == ACE_player});
["visibleMap", _fnc_showStaminaBar, true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["vehicle", _fnc_showStaminaBar, true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
}, true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
// - Duty factors -------------------------------------------------------------
if (["ACE_Medical"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
<Polish>Współczynnik wydolności</Polish>
<Korean>성능 요인</Korean>
<French>Facteur de performance</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_PerformanceFactor_Description">
<English>Influences the overall performance of all players with no custom factor. Higher means better.</English>
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
<Polish>Wpływa na ogólną wydolność organizmu u wszystkich graczy bez ustawionego niestandardowego współczynnika. Więcej znaczy lepiej.</Polish>
<Korean>모든 성능이 임의로 설정된 값 없이 영향받습니다. 값이 클수록 더 나은 성능을 발휘합니다</Korean>
<French>Influence les performances générales de tous les joueurs sans facteurs personalisés. Une valeur plus élevée implique de meilleures performances.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_PerformanceFactor_EdenDescription">
<English>Influences the overall performance of this unit. Higher means better.</English>
@ -21,6 +23,7 @@
<Polish>Wpływa na ogólną wydolność tej jednostki. Więcej znaczy lepiej.</Polish>
<Korean>모든 성능이 이 단위로 영향을 받습니다. 값이 클수록 더 나은 성능을 발휘합니다</Korean>
<French>Influence les performances générales de cette unité. Une valeur plus élevée implique de meilleures performances.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_RecoveryFactor">
<English>Recovery Factor</English>
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@
<Polish>Współczynnik regeneracji</Polish>
<Korean>회복 요인</Korean>
<French>Facteur de récupération</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_RecoveryFactor_Description">
<English>Changes how fast the player recovers when resting. Higher is faster.</English>
@ -35,6 +39,7 @@
<Polish>Wpływa na czas regeneracji podczas postoju. Więcej znaczy szybciej.</Polish>
<Korean>얼마나 빨리 회복하는지를 바꿉니다. 값이 클수록 더 나은 성능을 발휘합니다</Korean>
<French>Change la vitesse à laquelle les joueurs récupèrent leur endurance lorsqu'ils se reposent. Une valeur plus élevée implique une récupération plus rapide.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_LoadFactor">
<English>Load Factor</English>
@ -42,6 +47,7 @@
<Polish>Współczynnik masy ekwipunku</Polish>
<Korean>부담 요인</Korean>
<French>Facteur d'encombrement</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_LoadFactor_Description">
<English>Increases or decreases how much weight influences the players performance. Zero means equipment weight has no performance influence.</English>
@ -49,6 +55,7 @@
<Polish>Zmniejsza lub zwiększa wpływ ciężaru ekwipunku na wydolność gracza. Zero oznacza kompletny brak wpływu na wydolność.</Polish>
<Korean>플레이어가 무게에 따라 얼마나 영향받는지를 증가시키거나 감소시킵니다. 0의 경우 플레이어가 장비 무게에 영향받지 않습니다.</Korean>
<French>Augmente ou réduit l'influence que le poids à sur les performances des joueurs. Zéro implique que le poids de l'équipement n'a pas d'influence sur les performances.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_TerrainGradientFactor">
<English>Terrain Gradient Factor</English>
@ -56,6 +63,7 @@
<Polish>Współczynnik terenu</Polish>
<Korean>지형 경사도 요인</Korean>
<French>Facteur d'inclinaison du terrain</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_TerrainGradientFactor_Description">
<English>Sets how much steep terrain increases stamina loss. Higher means higher stamina loss.</English>
@ -63,6 +71,7 @@
<Polish>Wpływa na to w jakim stopniu stromy teren wpływa na utratę wytrzymałości. Więcej oznacza szybszą utratę wytrzymałości.</Polish>
<Korean>경사도에 따라 얼마나 피로해지는지를 정합니다. 값이 클수록 더 많은 피로를 유발합니다.</Korean>
<French>Configure l'influence de l'inclinaison du terrain sur la perte d'endurance. Une valeur plus élevée implique une perte d'endurance plus importante.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_Enabled">
@ -70,6 +79,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_Enabled_Description">
<English>Enables/disables Advanced Fatigue.</English>
@ -77,6 +87,7 @@
<Polish>Włącza/wyłącza zaawansowaną wytrzymałość</Polish>
<Korean>고급 피로도 활성화/비활성화</Korean>
<French>Active/désactive la fatigue avancée.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_EnableStaminaBar">
<English>Show stamina bar</English>
@ -84,6 +95,7 @@
<Polish>Pokaż pasek wytrzymałości</Polish>
<Korean>피로도 막대</Korean>
<French>Afficher la barre d'endurance</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Fatigue_EnableStaminaBar_Description">
<English>Shows the stamina bar.</English>
@ -91,6 +103,7 @@
<Polish>Pokazuje pasek wytrzymałości.</Polish>
<Korean>피로도 막대를 보여줍니다.</Korean>
<French>Affiche la barre d'endurance.</French>
@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ GVAR(ammoMagLookup) = call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventhandler;
["visibleMap", {
if (visibleMap && {ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(inHand), false]}) then {
params ["", "_visibleMap"]; // command visibleMap is updated one frame later
if (_visibleMap && {ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(inHand), false]}) then {
[ACE_player, "Opened Map"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode);
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventhandler;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
<Polish>Zaawansowane rzucanie</Polish>
<German>Erweitertes Wurfsystem</German>
<Korean>고급 투척</Korean>
<French>Lancé amélioré</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Module_Description">
<English>Allows changing advanced throwing behaviour.</English>
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
<Polish>Zezwala na zmianę zachowania zaawansowanego trybu rzucania.</Polish>
<German>Erlaubt es, das Verhalten des erweiterten Wurfsystems zu ändern.</German>
<Korean>고급 투척 행위를 허가합니다</Korean>
<French>Permet de changer la configuration du lancé amélioré.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Enable_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Advanced Throwing</English>
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@
<Polish>Aktywuj zaawansowane rzucanie</Polish>
<German>Aktiviere erweitertes Wurfsystem</German>
<Korean>고급 투척 활성화 </Korean>
<French>Active le lancé amélioré</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Enable_Description">
<English>Enables advanced throwing system.</English>
@ -32,6 +35,7 @@
<Polish>Aktywuje system zaawansowanego rzucania.</Polish>
<German>Aktiviert das erweiterte Wurfsystem.</German>
<Korean>고급 투척을 활성화 합니다</Korean>
<French>Active le système de lancé amélioré.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_ShowThrowArc_DisplayName">
<English>Show Throw Arc</English>
@ -40,6 +44,7 @@
<Polish>Pokaż trasę lotu</Polish>
<German>Zeige Wurfbogen</German>
<Korean>투척 궤적 표시</Korean>
<French>Afficher l'arc de lancé</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_ShowThrowArc_Description">
<English>Enables visualization of the throw arc (where throwable will fly).</English>
@ -48,6 +53,7 @@
<Polish>Wyświetla wizualizację trasy przelotu granatu.</Polish>
<German>Aktiviert die Visualisierung des Wurfbogens (wohin das Objekt geworfen werden wird).</German>
<Korean>투척 궤도를 시각화 합니다(투척물이 어디로 갈지)</Korean>
<French>Active la visualisation de l'arc de lancé (où l'objet lancé va atterrir).</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_ShowMouseControls_DisplayName">
<English>Show Throwing Mouse Controls</English>
@ -56,6 +62,7 @@
<Polish>Pokaż podpowiedzi sterowania myszą</Polish>
<German>Zeige Maussteuerung beim Werfen</German>
<Korean>마우스 조작 표시</Korean>
<French>Afficher les contrôles à la souris du lancé</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_ShowMouseControls_Description">
<English>Enables visual cues for mouse controls when throwable is prepared.</English>
@ -64,6 +71,7 @@
<Polish>Wyświetla podpowiedzi sterowania myszą kiedy obiekt miotany jest w ręku.</Polish>
<German>Aktiviert visuelle Hinweise zur Maussteuerung, wenn ein Objekt zum Werfen vorbereitet wird.</German>
<Korean>투척물을 준비시 마우스 조작을 시각화해서 보여줍니다</Korean>
<French>Active les aides visuels pour les controles à la souris lorsqu'un lancé est préparé.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_EnablePickUp_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Throwables Pick Up</English>
@ -72,6 +80,7 @@
<Polish>Zezwól na podnoszenie obiektów miotanych</Polish>
<German>Aktiviere Aufheben von Wurfobjekten</German>
<Korean>투척물 줍기 활성화</Korean>
<French>Active la récupération des objets lancés</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_EnablePickUp_Description">
<English>Enables ability to pick up throwables from the ground.</English>
@ -80,6 +89,7 @@
<Polish>Umożliwia podnoszenie obiektów miotanych z ziemi.</Polish>
<German>Aktiviert die Möglichkeit, geworfene Objekte wieder vom Boden aufzuheben.</German>
<Korean>땅에 떨어진 투척물을 주울 수 있게 해줍니다.</Korean>
<French>Active la capacité de récupérer les objets lancés sur le sol.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_EnablePickUpAttached_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Attached Throwables Pick Up</English>
@ -88,6 +98,7 @@
<Polish>Zezwól na podnoszenie przyczepionych obiektów miotanych</Polish>
<German>Aktiviere erneute Aufnahme befestigter Wurfobjekte</German>
<Korean>부착 투척물 줍기 활성화</Korean>
<French>Active le ramassage d'objets lançables attachés</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_EnablePickUpAttached_Description">
<English>Enables ability to pick up throwables from attached objects.</English>
@ -96,6 +107,7 @@
<Polish>Umożliwia podnoszenie obiektów miotanych przyczepionych do innych obiektów.</Polish>
<German>Aktiviert die Möglichkeit, befestigte Wurfobjekte erneut aufzunehmen.</German>
<Korean>부착된 투척물을 주울 수 있게 해줍니다.</Korean>
<French>Active la capacité à ramasser les objets lançables attaché à d'autres objets.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Prepare">
<English>Prepare/Change Throwable</English>
@ -104,6 +116,7 @@
<Polish>Przygotuj/zmień ob. miotany</Polish>
<German>Wurfobjekt vorbereiten/wechseln</German>
<Korean>투척물 준비/변경</Korean>
<French>Préparer/changer d'objet</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_dropModeHold">
<English>Throwable Drop Mode (Hold)</English>
@ -112,6 +125,7 @@
<Polish>Tryb upuszczania ob. miotanego (przytrzymaj)</Polish>
<German>Wurfobjekt Fallmodus (halten)</German>
<Korean>투척물 떨어뜨리기 모드(꾹눌러서)</Korean>
<French>Mode de lancé de l'objet (Tenir)</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_DropModeToggle">
<English>Throwable Drop Mode (Toggle)</English>
@ -120,6 +134,7 @@
<Polish>Tryb upuszczania ob. miotanego (przełącz)</Polish>
<German>Wurfobjekt Fallmodus (umschalten)</German>
<Korean>투척물 떨어뜨리기 모드(토글)</Korean>
<French>Mode de lancé de l'objet (Basculer)</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Primed">
@ -128,6 +143,7 @@
<German>Scharf gemacht</German>
<Korean>뇌관 작동</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Throw">
@ -136,6 +152,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_ChangeMode">
<English>(Scroll) Change Mode</English>
@ -144,6 +161,7 @@
<Polish>(Kółko m.) zmień tryb</Polish>
<German>(Scrollen) Modus wechseln</German>
<Korean>(마우스 휠) 모드 변경</Korean>
<French>(Molette souris) Changer de mode</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Extend">
<English>(Scroll) Extend</English>
@ -152,6 +170,7 @@
<Polish>(Kółko m.) przedłuż</Polish>
<German>(Scrollen) Erweitern</German>
<Korean>(마우스 휠) 연장</Korean>
<French>(Molette souris) Etendre</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_Cook">
<English>(Click) Cook</English>
@ -160,6 +179,7 @@
<Polish>(Kliknięcie) Odbezpiecz</Polish>
<German>(Klicken) Abkochen</German>
<Korean>(클릭) 예열</Korean>
<French>(Clique) Dégoupiller</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Advanced_Throwing_PickUp">
<English>Pick Up</English>
@ -168,6 +188,7 @@
@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ enableCamShake true;
params ["_newPlayer","_oldPlayer"];
if (alive _newPlayer) then {
[_newPlayer] call FUNC(setName);
[FUNC(setName), [_newPlayer]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
if (alive _oldPlayer) then {
[_oldPlayer] call FUNC(setName);
[FUNC(setName), [_oldPlayer]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
TRACE_3("setName",_unit,alive _unit,name _unit);
if (isNull _unit || {!alive _unit}) exitWith {};
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_wire"];
_wire addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", FUNC(handleDamage)];
_wire addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {call FUNC(handleDamage)}];
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="CookOff">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enable_name">
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<Korean>쿡오프 현상 활성화</Korean>
<Polish>Aktywuj efekty samozapłonu amunicji</Polish>
<French>Activer </French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enable_tooltip">
<English>Enables cook off and related vehicle destruction effects.</English>
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_ammoCookoffDuration_tooltip">
<English>Multiplier for how long cook off lasts [Setting to 0 will disable ammo cookoff]</English>
<French>Active le et les effets de destructions assosicée aux vehicules.</French>
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<Japanese>ドッグ タグ</Japanese>
<French>Plaque d'identification</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dogtags_checkItem">
<English>Check Dog Tag</English>
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
<Japanese>ドッグ タグを見る</Japanese>
<German>Hundemarke prüfen</German>
<Korean>군번줄 확인</Korean>
<French>Vérifier les plaques d'identification</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dogtags_checkDogtag">
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dogtags_takeDogtag">
@ -36,6 +39,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dogtags_takeDogtagSuccess">
<English>Dogtag taken from %1...</English>
@ -45,6 +49,7 @@
<Japanese>%1からドッグ タグを取っている・・・</Japanese>
<German>Hundemarke von %1 genommen ...</German>
<Korean>%1로부터 군번줄을 회수했습니다...</Korean>
<French>Plaque d'identification pris sur %1...</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dogtags_dogtagAlreadyTaken">
<English>Somebody else has already taken the dogtag...</English>
@ -54,6 +59,8 @@
<Japanese>すでに誰かがドッグ タグを取っているようだ・・・</Japanese>
<German>Jemand anderes hat bereits die Hundemarke genommen ...</German>
<Korean>누군가 이미 군번줄을 회수해갔습니다...</Korean>
<French>Quelqu'un d'autre a déjâ pris les plaques d'identification...</French>
@ -882,6 +882,7 @@
<Polish>Flara na linkę</Polish>
<French>Fusée éclairante avec fil de détente</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Explosives_TripFlare_Description">
<English>Type: Tripwire flare - Ignites a non-lethal flare when triggered.<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used on: Ground</English>
@ -890,6 +891,7 @@
<Polish>Typ: Flara na linkę - Wystrzeliwuje nieszkodliwą flarę przy nadepnięciu linki.<br/>Pociski: 1<br/>Używane na: ziemia</Polish>
<German>Typ: Stolperdraht-Leuchtrakete - Schießt bei Auslösung eine nicht-tödliche Leuchtrakete ab.<br />Ladungen: 1<br />Benutzt auf: Boden</German>
<Korean>종류: 조명지뢰 - 작동시 무해한 조명을 사출합니다.<br />장탄수: 1<br />사용처: 지면</Korean>
<French>Type : Fusée éclairante avec fil de détente - Allume une fusée éclairante lorsque déclenché. <br />Coups : 1<br />Utilisé sur : le sol</French>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (GVAR(EnableDebugTrace) && {!isMultiplayer}) then {
if (GVAR(enableDebugTrace) && {!isMultiplayer}) then {
GVAR(traceFrags) = true;
GVAR(autoTrace) = true;
@ -27,4 +27,3 @@ GVAR(cacheRoundsTypesToTrack) = [false] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
[true, true, 30] call FUNC(dev_debugAmmo);
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if (_round in GVAR(blackList)) exitWith {
// Exit on max track
if ((count GVAR(objects)) > GVAR(MaxTrack)) exitWith {};
if ((count GVAR(objects)) > GVAR(maxTrack)) exitWith {};
if (
_gun == ACE_player ||
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _spallCount do {
[ACE_player, _fragment, [1, 0.5, 0, 1]] call FUNC(addTrack);
_spread = 5 + (random 5);
_spallCount = 3 + (random 5);
for "_i" from 1 to _spallCount do {
@ -75,23 +75,18 @@ if (_zIndex < 5) then {
private _explosions = [];
private _blist = _x select 1;
private _avgX = 0;
private _avgY = 0;
private _avgZ = 0;
private _avg = [0, 0, 0];
ADD(_avgX,_x select 0);
ADD(_avgY,_x select 1);
ADD(_avgZ,_x select 2);
_avg = _avg vectorAdd _x;
} forEach _blist;
_c = count _blist;
private _bpos = [_avgX / _c, _avgY / _c, _avgZ / _c];
private _bpos = _avg vectorMultiply (1 / _c);
private _distance = _pos vectorDistance _bpos;
private _hitFactor = 1 - (((_distance / (_indirectHitRange * 4)) min 1) max 0);
// _hitFactor = 1 / (_distance ^ 2);
private _hit = _indirectHit * _hitFactor;
_hit = (floor (_hit / 4)) min 500;
private _hit = (floor (_indirectHit * _hitFactor / 4)) min 500;
SUB(_hit,_hit % 10);
private _range = (floor (_indirectHitRange - (_distance / 4))) min 100;
SUB(_range,_range % 2);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if (isNil "_shouldAdd") then {
_shouldAdd = false;
if (GVAR(SpallEnabled)) exitWith {
if (GVAR(spallEnabled)) exitWith {
//Always want to run whenever spall is enabled?
_shouldAdd = true;
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ if (_warn) then {
INFO_1("Ammo class %1 lacks proper explosive properties definitions for frag!",_shellType);
private _fragPower = (((_m / _c) + _k) ^ - (1 / 2)) * _gC;
_fragPower = _fragPower * 0.8; // Gunery equation is for a non-fragmenting metal, imperical value of 80% represents fragmentation
// Gunery equation is for a non-fragmenting metal, imperical value of 80% represents fragmentation
private _fragPower = 0.8 * (((_m / _c) + _k) ^ - (1 / 2)) * _gC;
private _atlPos = ASLtoATL _lastPos;
private _fragPowerRandom = _fragPower * 0.5;
if ((_atlPos select 2) < 0.5) then {
_lastPos set [2, (_lastPos select 2) + 0.5];
_lastPos vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.5];
// _manObjects = _atlPos nearEntities ["CaManBase", _fragRange];
@ -96,71 +96,68 @@ _fragArcs set [360, 0];
private _doRandom = true;
if (_isArmed && {!(_objects isEqualTo [])}) then {
if (GVAR(ReflectionsEnabled)) then {
if (GVAR(reflectionsEnabled)) then {
[_lastPos, _shellType] call FUNC(doReflections);
//if (random(1) > 0.5) then {
private _target = _x;
if (alive _target) then {
private _boundingBox = boundingBox _target;
(boundingBox _target) params ["_boundingBoxA", "_boundingBoxB"];
private _cubic = ((abs (_boundingBoxA select 0)) + (_boundingBoxB select 0)) * ((abs (_boundingBoxA select 1)) + (_boundingBoxB select 1)) * ((abs (_boundingBoxA select 2)) + (_boundingBoxB select 2));
if (_cubic <= 1) exitWith {};
_doRandom = true;
private _targetVel = velocity _target;
private _targetPos = getPosASL _target;
private _distance = _targetPos distance _lastPos;
private _add = (((_boundingBox select 1) select 2) / 2) + ((((_distance - (_fragpower / 8)) max 0) / _fragPower) * 10);
private _bbX = (abs ((_boundingBox select 0) select 0)) + ((_boundingBox select 1) select 0);
private _bbY = (abs ((_boundingBox select 0) select 1)) + ((_boundingBox select 1) select 1);
private _bbZ = (abs ((_boundingBox select 0) select 2)) + ((_boundingBox select 1) select 2);
private _cubic = _bbX * _bbY * _bbZ;
if (_cubic > 1) then {
_doRandom = true;
private _distance = _targetPos vectorDistance _lastPos;
private _add = ((_boundingBoxB select 2) / 2) + ((((_distance - (_fragpower / 8)) max 0) / _fragPower) * 10);
private _targetVel = velocity _target;
_targetPos = _targetPos vectorAdd [
(_targetVel select 0) * (_distance / _fragPower),
(_targetVel select 1) * (_distance / _fragPower),
_targetPos = _targetPos vectorAdd [
(_targetVel select 0) * (_distance / _fragPower),
(_targetVel select 1) * (_distance / _fragPower),
private _baseVec = _lastPos vectorFromTo _targetPos;
private _baseVec = _lastPos vectorFromTo _targetPos;
private _dir = floor (_baseVec call CBA_fnc_vectDir);
private _currentCount = _fragArcs select _dir;
if (_currentCount < 20) then {
private _count = ceil (random (sqrt (_m / 1000)));
private _vecVar = FRAG_VEC_VAR;
if (!(_target isKindOf "Man")) then {
_vecVar = ((sqrt _cubic) / 2000) + FRAG_VEC_VAR;
if ((crew _target) isEqualTo [] && {_count > 0}) then {
_count = 0 max (_count / 2);
private _dir = floor (_baseVec call CBA_fnc_vectDir);
private _currentCount = RETDEF(_fragArcs select _dir,0);
if (_currentCount < 20) then {
private _count = ceil (random (sqrt (_m / 1000)));
private _vecVar = FRAG_VEC_VAR;
if (!(_target isKindOf "Man")) then {
ADD(_vecVar,(sqrt _cubic) / 2000);
if ((crew _target) isEqualTo [] && {_count > 0}) then {
_count = 0 max (_count / 2);
for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
private _vec = _baseVec vectorDiff [
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar),
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar),
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar)
private _fp = _fragPower - (random (_fragPowerRandom));
private _vel = _vec vectorMultiply _fp;
private _fragType = round (random ((count _fragTypes) - 1));
private _fragObj = (_fragTypes select _fragType) createVehicleLocal [0,0,10000];
// diag_log text format ["fp: %1 %2", _fp, typeOf _fragObj];
_fragObj setPosASL _lastPos;
_fragObj setVectorDir _vec;
_fragObj setVelocity _vel;
if (GVAR(traceFrags)) then {
[ACE_player, _fragObj, [1,0,0,1]] call FUNC(addTrack);
_fragArcs set [_dir, _currentCount];
for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
private _vec = _baseVec vectorDiff [
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar),
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar),
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar)
private _fp = _fragPower - (random (_fragPowerRandom));
private _vel = _vec vectorMultiply _fp;
private _fragType = round (random ((count _fragTypes) - 1));
private _fragObj = (_fragTypes select _fragType) createVehicleLocal [0,0,10000];
// diag_log text format ["fp: %1 %2", _fp, typeOf _fragObj];
_fragObj setPosASL _lastPos;
_fragObj setVectorDir _vec;
_fragObj setVelocity _vel;
if (GVAR(traceFrags)) then {
[ACE_player, _fragObj, [1,0,0,1]] call FUNC(addTrack);
_fragArcs set [_dir, _currentCount];
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ private _gcIndex = [];
private _iter = 0;
private _objectCount = count GVAR(objects);
while {_objectCount > 0 && {_iter < (GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) min _objectCount)}} do {
while {_objectCount > 0 && {_iter < (GVAR(maxTrackPerFrame) min _objectCount)}} do {
if (GVAR(lastIterationIndex) >= _objectCount) then {
GVAR(lastIterationIndex) = 0;
@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ _this set [1, getPosASL _round];
_this set [2, velocity _round];
if (_doSpall) then {
private ["_scale"];
_scale = ((count GVAR(objects)) / GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame)) max 0.1;
private _scale = ((count GVAR(objects)) / GVAR(maxTrackPerFrame)) max 0.1;
[_round, _scale, _spallTrack, _foundObjectHPIds] call FUNC(spallTrack);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
params ["_round"];
if (_round in GVAR(blackList)) then {
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
if (GVAR(tracesStarted)) exitWith {};
GVAR(tracesStarted) = true;
GVAR(traceID) = [FUNC(drawTraces)] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
GVAR(traceID) = [FUNC(drawTraces), 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
<German>(nur SP) Splitter-/Explosions-Debugging</German>
<Czech>(Pouze SP) Vyžaduje restart mise/editoru. Aktivuje vizuální stopování fragmentace a úlomů pouze v režimu jednoho hráče.</Czech>
<Portuguese>(Somente SP) Requer um reinício de missão / editor. Habilita o rastreamento visual de projéteis de fragmentação e estilhaçamento apenas no modo de jogo SP.</Portuguese>
<French>(SP seulement) Requiert un redémarrage de mission ou de l'éditeur. Active les traceurs visuels de fragmentation et d'éclats en mode solo seulement</French>
<French>(SP seulement) Requiert un redémarrage de mission ou de l'éditeur. Active les traceurs visuels de fragmentation et d'éclats en mode solo seulement.</French>
<Hungarian>(Csak SP) Küldetés/Editor újraindítás szükséges. Engedélyezi a repeszek és pattogzó lövedékek vizuális nyomkövetését, csak egyjátékos módok alatt.</Hungarian>
<Russian>(Только для одиночной игры) Требует перезапуска миссии/редактора. Включает визуальные следы от осколков и обломков в режиме одиночной игры.</Russian>
<Italian>(Solo SP) Richiede un restart editor/missione. Abilita il tracciamento visivo di schegge da frammentazione/spalling in modalità Giocatore Singolo.</Italian>
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
<Polish>Efekty gogli</Polish>
<Korean>고글 효과</Korean>
<French>Effets des lunettes</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Goggles_effects_tintOnly">
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Goggles_enabled_tintAndEffects">
<English>Tint + Effects</English>
@ -52,6 +54,8 @@
<Polish>Winieta + Efekty</Polish>
<German>Tönung + Effekte</German>
<French>Teinte + effets</French>
@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
<Japanese>AN-M14 焼夷手榴弾</Japanese>
<Polish>Granat zapalający AN-M14</Polish>
<Korean>AN-M14 소이 수류탄</Korean>
<French>Grenade incendiaire AN-M14</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Incendiary_NameShort">
@ -310,6 +311,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Grenades_Incendiary_Description">
<English>Incendiary grenade used to destroy weapons, ammunition and other equipment.</English>
@ -318,6 +320,7 @@
<Polish>Granat zapalający, używany do niszczenia broni, amunicji i innego sprzętu.</Polish>
<Korean>소이 수류탄은 무기나 탄약 그리고 장비를 파괴할때 쓰입니다.</Korean>
<French>Grenade incendiaire utilisé pour détruire des armes, munitions et autres équipements.</French>
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_Equipment {
class ACE_PutInEarplugs {
displayName = CSTRING(EarPlugs_On);
condition = QUOTE( !([_player] call FUNC(hasEarPlugsIn)) && {'ACE_EarPlugs' in items _player} );
condition = QUOTE(GVAR(EnableCombatDeafness) && {!([_player] call FUNC(hasEarPlugsIn)) && {'ACE_EarPlugs' in items _player}});
exceptions[] = {"isNotInside", "isNotSitting"};
statement = QUOTE( [_player] call FUNC(putInEarPlugs) );
showDisabled = 0;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class ACE_RemoveEarplugs {
displayName = CSTRING(EarPlugs_Off);
condition = QUOTE( [_player] call FUNC(hasEarPlugsIn) );
condition = QUOTE( GVAR(EnableCombatDeafness) && {[_player] call FUNC(hasEarPlugsIn)});
exceptions[] = {"isNotInside", "isNotSitting"};
statement = QUOTE( [_player] call FUNC(removeEarPlugs) );
showDisabled = 0;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ GVAR(lastPlayerVehicle) = objNull;
TRACE_2("removed veh eh",_firedEH,GVAR(lastPlayerVehicle));
if ((!isNull _vehicle) && {_player != _vehicle}) then {
private _firedEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["FiredNear", LINKFUNC(firedNear)];
private _firedEH = _vehicle addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {call FUNC(firedNear)}];
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(firedEH), _firedEH];
GVAR(lastPlayerVehicle) = _vehicle;
TRACE_2("added veh eh",_firedEH,GVAR(lastPlayerVehicle));
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ GVAR(lastPlayerVehicle) = objNull;
// Don't add a new EH if the unit respawned
if ((_player getVariable [QGVAR(firedEH), -1]) == -1) then {
private _firedEH = _player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", LINKFUNC(firedNear)];
private _firedEH = _player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {call FUNC(firedNear)}];
_player setVariable [QGVAR(firedEH), _firedEH];
private _explosionEH = _player addEventHandler ["Explosion", LINKFUNC(explosionNear)];
private _explosionEH = _player addEventHandler ["Explosion", {call FUNC(explosionNear)}];
_player setVariable [QGVAR(explosionEH), _explosionEH];
TRACE_3("added unit eh",_player,_firedEH,_explosionEH);
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
params ["_player"];
if (!GVAR(EnableCombatDeafness)) exitWith {};
// Plugs in inventory, putting them in
_player removeItem "ACE_EarPlugs";
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
params ["_player"];
if (!GVAR(EnableCombatDeafness)) exitWith {};
if !(_player canAdd "ACE_EarPlugs") exitWith { // inventory full
[localize LSTRING(Inventory_Full)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ GVAR(ParsedTextCached) = [];
//Setup text/shadow/size/color settings matrix
[] call FUNC(setupTextColors);
// Install the render EH on the main display
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", DFUNC(render)];
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call FUNC(render)}];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
//Add Actions to Houses:
@ -109,6 +109,22 @@ private _actionsCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _objectType >> "ACE_Actions
TRACE_1("Building ACE_Actions",_objectType);
private _actions = [_actionsCfg, 0] call _recurseFnc;
// ace_interaction_fnc_addPassengerAction expects ACE_MainActions to be first
// Other mods can change the order that configs are added, so we should verify this now and resort if needed
if (_objectType isKindOf "CaManBase") then {
if ((((_actions select 0) select 0) select 0) != "ACE_MainActions") then {
INFO_1("ACE_MainActions not first for man [%1]",_objectType);
private _mainActions = [];
if (((_x select 0) select 0) == "ACE_MainActions") then {
_mainActions = _actions deleteAt _forEachIndex;
} forEach _actions;
if (_mainActions isEqualTo []) exitWith {ERROR_1("ACE_MainActions not found on man [%1]",_objectType);};
_actions = [_mainActions] + _actions; // resort array with ACE_MainActions first
_namespace setVariable [_objectType, _actions];
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// interaction menu
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* Gets effective interaction distance (handles very large vehicles)
* Arguments:
* 0: Player <OBJECT>
* 0: Target Vehicle <OBJECT>
* Return value:
* Distance to interaction point <NUMBER>
* Example:
* [player, cursorObject] call ace_interaction_fnc_getInteractionDistance
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_target"];
TRACE_3("getInteractionDistance",_unit,_target,typeOf _target);
// Handle Man, Crate
if (!((_target isKindOf "Car") || {_target isKindOf "Tank"} || {_target isKindOf "Helicopter"} || {_target isKindOf "Plane"} || {_target isKindOf "Ship_F"})) exitWith {
_unit distance _target
private _unitEyeASL = eyePos _unit;
private _targetModelPos = [_target, _unitEyeASL] call FUNC(getVehiclePosComplex);
private _distance = _unitEyeASL distance (AGLtoASL (_target modelToWorld _targetModelPos));
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<French> Couvre-chefs</French>
<Russian>Головные уборы</Russian>
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
* Author: jaynus
* Cycles fire mode (top/dir)
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_javelin_fnc_cycleFireMode
* Public: No
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
#include "script_component.hpp"
TRACE_1("cycle fire mode", _this);
private _currentShooter = if (ACE_player call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon) then {ACE_player} else {vehicle ACE_player};
private _currentFireMode = _currentShooter getVariable ["ace_missileguidance_attackProfile", "JAV_TOP"];
if (_currentFireMode == "JAV_DIR") then {
_currentFireMode = "JAV_TOP";
} else {
_currentFireMode = "JAV_DIR";
_currentShooter setVariable ["ace_missileguidance_attackProfile", _currentFireMode, false];
@ -18,11 +18,3 @@
[15, [false, false, false]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //Tab Key
["ACE3 Weapons", QGVAR(cycleFireMode), localize LSTRING(CycleFireMode),
{ false },
[ACE_player] call FUNC(cycleFireMode);
[15, [false, true, false]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //Ctrl+Tab Key
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Javelin">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Javelin_LockTarget">
@ -15,19 +15,5 @@
<Japanese>目標を捕捉 (押しっぱ)</Japanese>
<Korean>표적 획득 (누르기)</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Javelin_CycleFireMode">
<English>Cycle Fire Mode</English>
<German>Wechsle Feuermodus</German>
<Russian>Переключение режимов огня</Russian>
<Czech>Přepínání režimů palby</Czech>
<Polish>Przełącz tryb ognia</Polish>
<French>Cycle mode de tir</French>
<Hungarian>Tüzelési mód váltása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Alterna le modalità di fuoco</Italian>
<Spanish>Cambiar modo de disparo</Spanish>
<Portuguese>Alterar Modo de Disparo</Portuguese>
<Korean>발사 방식 순환</Korean>
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@ -7,32 +7,75 @@
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(nearUnits) = [];
GVAR(index) = -1;
GVAR(laserClassesCache) = [] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
GVAR(redLaserUnits) = [];
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) = [];
#include "initKeybinds.sqf"
["ace_settingsInitialized", {
//If not enabled, dont't add draw eventhandler or PFEH (for performance)
if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
// if not enabled, dont't add draw eventhandler or PFEH (for performance)
if !(GVAR(enabled)) exitWith {};
// @todo. Maybe move to common?
// handle RHS / bugged vehicle slots
private _camPosAGL = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0];
if !((_camPosAGL select 0) isEqualType 0) exitWith {};
private _oldNearUnits = GVAR(nearUnits);
GVAR(nearUnits) = call FUNC(getNearUnits);
private _nearUnits = [];
// remove units that moved away
_nearUnits append crew _x;
if (count _nearUnits > 10) exitWith {
_nearUnits resize 10;
GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _x);
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _x);
} forEach (_oldNearUnits - GVAR(nearUnits));
}, 5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
private _fnc_processUnit = {
params ["_unit"];
private _weapon = currentWeapon _unit;
private _laser = [(_unit weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1] param [0, ""];
if (_laser isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
private _laserID = GVAR(laserClassesCache) getVariable _laser;
if (isNil "_laserID") then {
_laserID = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _laser >> "ACE_laserpointer");
GVAR(laserClassesCache) setVariable [_laser, _laserID];
if (_unit isFlashlightOn _weapon) then {
if (_laserID isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
GVAR(redLaserUnits) pushBackUnique _unit;
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _unit);
} forEach nearestObjects [_camPosAGL, ["AllVehicles"], 50]; // when moving this, search also for units inside vehicles. currently breaks the laser in FFV
GVAR(nearUnits) = _nearUnits;
if (_laserID isEqualTo 2) exitWith {
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) pushBackUnique _unit;
GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _unit);
} else {
GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _unit);
GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _unit);
} , 5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// custom scheduler
params ["_fnc_processUnit"];
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
call FUNC(onDraw);
ACE_player call _fnc_processUnit;
GVAR(index) = GVAR(index) + 1;
private _unit = GVAR(nearUnits) param [GVAR(index), objNull];
if (isNull _unit) exitWith {
GVAR(index) = -1;
_unit call _fnc_processUnit;
}, 0.1, _fnc_processUnit] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call FUNC(onDraw)}];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -6,4 +6,11 @@ PREP_RECOMPILE_START;
#include "XEH_PREP.hpp"
["visionMode", {
params ["", "_visionMode"];
GVAR(isIR) = _visionMode isEqualTo 1;
GVAR(isTI) = _visionMode isEqualTo 2;
}] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
ADDON = true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* Author: commy2
* Reports near units.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private _camPosAGL = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0];
// handle RHS / bugged vehicle slots
if !((_camPosAGL select 0) isEqualType 0) exitWith {};
private _nearUnits = [];
_nearUnits append crew _x;
} forEach nearestObjects [_camPosAGL, ["AllVehicles"], MAX_LASER_RANGE];
@ -12,30 +12,17 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private _isIR = currentVisionMode ACE_player;
// no lasers in thermal mode
if !(GVAR(isTI)) then {
private _brightness = 2 - call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
if (_isIR == 2) exitWith {};
// red laser. draw green dot anyway in IR mode
[_x, 100, GVAR(isIR), _brightness] call FUNC(drawLaserpoint);
} count GVAR(redLaserUnits);
_isIR = _isIR == 1;
private _brightness = 2 - call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
private _weapon = currentWeapon _x;
private _laser = (_x weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1;
if (_laser != "") then {
private _cacheName = format [QGVAR(laser_%1), _laser];
private _laserID = missionNamespace getVariable [_cacheName, -1];
if (missionNamespace getVariable [_cacheName, -1] == -1) then {
_laserID = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _laser >> "ACE_laserpointer");
missionNamespace setVariable [_cacheName, _laserID];
if (_laserID > 0 && {_x isFlashlightOn _weapon}) then {
[_x, 100, (_laserID == 2 || _isIR), _brightness] call FUNC(drawLaserpoint);
} count GVAR(nearUnits);
// green laser
[_x, 100, true, _brightness] call FUNC(drawLaserpoint);
} count GVAR(greenLaserUnits);
@ -15,3 +15,5 @@
#include "\z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"
#define MAX_LASER_RANGE 50
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
// MINIMAL required version for the Mod. Components can specify others..
#define REQUIRED_CBA_VERSION {3,1,1}
#define REQUIRED_CBA_VERSION {3,1,2}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#define MAJOR 3
#define MINOR 8
#define PATCHLVL 3
#define BUILD 14
#define MINOR 9
#define PATCHLVL 0
#define BUILD 16
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Markers_MarkerDirection">
<English>Direction: %1°</English>
<German>Drehung: %1°</German>
<French>Direction: %1°</French>
<French>Direction : %1°</French>
<Czech>Směr: %1°</Czech>
<Polish>Kierunek: %1°</Polish>
<Spanish>Dirección: %1°</Spanish>
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
<Korean>방위: %1°</Korean>
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class Cfg3DEN {
class GVAR(isMedicControl): Title {
attributeLoad = "(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) lbsetcursel (((_value + 1) min 3) max 0);";
attributeSave = "(missionnamespace getvariable ['ace_isMedic_temp',0]) - 1;";
attributeLoad = "(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) lbSetCurSel (((_value + 1) min 3) max 0);";
attributeSave = "(lbCurSel (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100)) - 1";
class Controls: Controls {
class Title: Title{};
class Value: ctrlToolbox {
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ class Cfg3DEN {
rows = 1;
columns = 4;
strings[] = {"$STR_3DEN_Attributes_Lock_Default_text", CSTRING(AssignMedicRoles_role_none), CSTRING(AssignMedicRoles_role_medic), CSTRING(AssignMedicRoles_role_doctorShort)};
onToolboxSelChanged = "missionnamespace setvariable ['ace_isMedic_temp',_this select 1];";
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ class Cfg3DEN {
control = QGVAR(isMedicControl);
displayName = CSTRING(AssignMedicRoles_role_DisplayName);
tooltip = CSTRING(Attributes_isMedic_Description);
expression = QUOTE(if (_value != -1) then {_this setVariable [ARR_3(QUOTE(QGVAR(medicClass)),_value, true)];};);
expression = QUOTE(if (_value > -1) then {_this setVariable [ARR_3(QUOTE(QGVAR(medicClass)),_value, true)];};);
typeName = "NUMBER";
condition = "objectBrain";
defaultValue = "-1";
@ -2772,6 +2772,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_TreatmentAction">
@ -3445,7 +3446,7 @@
<German>Wo kann das Erste-Hilfe-Set verwendet werden?</German>
<Czech>Kde může být použita osobní lékárnička (PAK)?</Czech>
<Portuguese>Onde o kit de primeiros socorros pode ser utilizado?</Portuguese>
<French>Où le Kit de Premier Secour peut être utilisé</French>
<French>Où le Kit de Premier Secour peut être utilisé ?</French>
<Hungarian>Hol lehet az elsősegélycsomagot használni?</Hungarian>
<Italian>Dove può essere usato il Kit Pronto Soccorso?</Italian>
@ -3470,7 +3471,7 @@
<German>Wann kann das Erste-Hilfe-Set verwendet werden?</German>
<Czech>Kdy může být použita osobní lékárnička?</Czech>
<Spanish>¿Cuando se puede utilizar el Equipo de primeros auxilios?</Spanish>
<French>Quand peut être utilisé le Kit de Premier Secours</French>
<French>Quand peut être utilisé le Kit de Premier Secours ?</French>
<Polish>Po spełnieniu jakich warunków apteczka osobista może zostać zastosowana na pacjencie?</Polish>
<Hungarian>Mikor lehet az elsősegélycsomagot használni?</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Onde o kit de primeiros socorros pode ser utilizado?</Portuguese>
@ -3712,7 +3713,7 @@
<German>Aufzählung von Einheiten, die als Sanitäter gelten. Werden durch Kommata getrennt.</German>
<Czech>Seznam osob které budou klasifikovány jako zdravotník, oddělené čárkami.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Lista dos nomes das unidades que se classificam como médicos, separados por vírgulas.</Portuguese>
<French>Liste d'unité qui seront listées comme infirmier, séparation par virgule</French>
<French>Liste d'unité qui seront listées comme infirmier, séparation par virgule.</French>
<Hungarian>Azon egységek nevei, melyek orvosként vannak meghatározva, vesszővel elválasztva.</Hungarian>
<Italian>Lista di nomi unità che verranno classificati come medici, separati da virgole.</Italian>
@ -3908,7 +3909,7 @@
<German>Setze medizinische Einrichtung [ACE]</German>
<Czech>Určit zdravotnické zařízení [ACE]</Czech>
<Portuguese>Definir instalação médica [ACE]</Portuguese>
<French>Définir comme équipement médical [ACE]</French>
<French>Définir comme installation médical [ACE]</French>
<Hungarian>Orvosi létesítmény beállítása [ACE]</Hungarian>
<Italian>Imposta Struttura Medica [ACE]</Italian>
<Japanese>医療施設として設定 [ACE]</Japanese>
@ -3922,7 +3923,7 @@
<German>Ist eine medizinische Einrichtung</German>
<Czech>Zdravotnické zařízení</Czech>
<Portuguese>É uma instalação médica</Portuguese>
<French>Est un équipement médical</French>
<French>Est une installation médical</French>
<Hungarian>Orvosi létesítmény-e</Hungarian>
<Italian>E' Struttura Medica</Italian>
@ -3936,7 +3937,7 @@
<German>Definiert ein Objekt als medizinische Einrichtung</German>
<Czech>Registruje objekt jako zdravotnické zařízení</Czech>
<Portuguese>Registra um objeto como instalacão médica</Portuguese>
<French>Enregistrer un objet comme un équipement médical</French>
<French>Enregistrer un objet comme une installation médical</French>
<Hungarian>Egy objektum orvosi létesítményként való regisztrálása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Registra un oggetto come struttura medica</Italian>
@ -3950,7 +3951,7 @@
<German>Definiert ein Objekt als medizinische Einrichtung. Hier werden weitere, tiefgreifende Behandlungen ermöglicht. Kann Fahrzeugen oder Gebäuden zugewiesen werden.</German>
<Czech>Definuje objekt jako zdravotnické zařízení. To umožňuje více pokročilé léčení. Může být použito na budovy nebo na vozidla.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Define um objeto como instalação médica. Isso permite tratamentos mais avançados. Pode ser utilizado em edifícios e veículos.</Portuguese>
<French>Définir un objet comme équipement médical. Cela permet les traitements avancés. Peut être utilisé sur les batiments et les véhicules</French>
<French>Définir un objet comme installation médical. Cela permet les traitements avancés. Peut être utilisé sur les batiments et les véhicules</French>
<Hungarian>Egy objektumot orvosi létesítményként határoz meg. Ez fejlett ellátási lehetőségeket engedélyez. Használható járműveken és épületeken.</Hungarian>
<Italian>Definisce un oggetto come struttura medica. Questo permette cure più avanzate. Può essere usato su edifici e veicoli.</Italian>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="medical_ai">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_medical_ai_enabledFor_OnlyServerAndHC">
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
<Russian>Нур сервера унд HC</Russian>
<Japanese>サーバーと HC のみ</Japanese>
<Polish>Tylko serwer i HC</Polish>
<French>Seulement sur le server ou le HC</French>
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
<German>Wähle Kopf</German>
<Russian>Выбрать голову</Russian>
<Spanish>Seleccionar Cabeza</Spanish>
<French>Selectioner Tête</French>
<French>Selectioner la tête</French>
<Polish>Wybierz głowę</Polish>
<Portuguese>Selecionar Cabeça</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vybrat Hlavu</Czech>
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
<German>Wähle Torso</German>
<Russian>Выбрать торс</Russian>
<Spanish>Seleccionar Torso</Spanish>
<French>Selectioner Torse</French>
<French>Selectioner le torse</French>
<Polish>Wybierz tors</Polish>
<Portuguese>Selecionar Torso</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vybrat Trup</Czech>
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
<German>Wähle linken Arm</German>
<Russian>Выбрать левую руку</Russian>
<Spanish>Seleccionar Brazo Izquierdo</Spanish>
<French>Selectioner Bras Gauche</French>
<French>Selectioner le bras gauche</French>
<Polish>Wybierz lewą rękę</Polish>
<Portuguese>Selecionar Braço Esquerdo</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vybrat Levou ruku</Czech>
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
<German>Wähle rechten Arm</German>
<Russian>Выбрать правую руку</Russian>
<Spanish>Seleccionar Brazo Derecho</Spanish>
<French>Selectioner Bras Droit</French>
<French>Selectioner le bras droit</French>
<Polish>Wybierz prawą rękę</Polish>
<Portuguese>Selecionar Braço Direito</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vybrat Pravou ruku</Czech>
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
<German>Wähle linkes Bein</German>
<Russian>Выбрать левую ногу</Russian>
<Spanish>Seleccionar Pierna Izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Selectioner Jambe Gauche</French>
<French>Selectioner la jambe gauche</French>
<Polish>Wybierz lewą nogę</Polish>
<Portuguese>Selecionar Perna Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vybrat Levou nohu</Czech>
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
<German>Wähle rechtes Bein</German>
<Russian>Выбрать правую ногу</Russian>
<Spanish>Seleccionar Pierna Derecha</Spanish>
<French>Selectioner Jambe Droite</French>
<French>Selectioner la jambe droite</French>
<Polish>Wybierz prawą nogę</Polish>
<Portuguese>Selecionar Perna Direita</Portuguese>
<Czech>Vybrat Pravou nohu</Czech>
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
<German>Linker Arm</German>
<Russian>Левая рука</Russian>
<Spanish>Brazo Izquierdo</Spanish>
<French>Bras Gauche</French>
<French>Bras gauche</French>
<Polish>Lewa ręka</Polish>
<Portuguese>Braço Esquerdo</Portuguese>
<Czech>Levá Ruka</Czech>
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
<German>Rechter Arm</German>
<Russian>Правая рука</Russian>
<Spanish>Brazo Derecho</Spanish>
<French>Bras Droit</French>
<French>Bras droit</French>
<Polish>Prawa ręka</Polish>
<Portuguese>Braço Direito</Portuguese>
<Czech>Pravá Ruka</Czech>
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
<German>Linkes Bein</German>
<Russian>Левая нога</Russian>
<Spanish>Pierna Izquierda</Spanish>
<French>Jambe Gauche</French>
<French>Jambe gauche</French>
<Polish>Lewa noga</Polish>
<Portuguese>Perna Esquerda</Portuguese>
<Czech>Levá Noha</Czech>
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
<German>Rechtes Bein</German>
<Russian>Правая нога</Russian>
<Spanish>Pierna Derecha</Spanish>
<French>Jambe Droite</French>
<French>Jambe droite</French>
<Polish>Prawa noga</Polish>
<Portuguese>Perna Direita</Portuguese>
<Czech>Pravá Noha</Czech>
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
<German>Körperteil: %1</German>
<Russian>Часть тела: %1</Russian>
<Spanish>Parte del cuerpo: %1</Spanish>
<French>Partie du corps: %1</French>
<French>Partie du corps : %1</French>
<Polish>Część ciała: %1</Polish>
<Portuguese>Parte do corpo: %1</Portuguese>
<Czech>Část těla: %1</Czech>
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
<German>Er hat %2 offene Wunden (%1)</German>
<Russian>%2 открытые раны %1</Russian>
<Spanish>Hay %2 Heridas Abiertas %1</Spanish>
<French>Il y a %2 %1 Blessure(s) Ouverte(s)</French>
<French>Il y a %2 %1 blessure(s) ouverte(s)</French>
<Polish>Widzisz otwarte rany w ilości %2 o %1 rozmiarze</Polish>
<Portuguese>Existem %2 ferimentos abertos %1</Portuguese>
<Czech>Jsou zde %2 %1 otevřené rány</Czech>
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
<German>Er hat eine zum Teil offene Wunde (%1)</German>
<Russian>Частично открытая рана %1</Russian>
<Spanish>Hay una herida parcial abierta %1</Spanish>
<French>Il y a une Blessure Patiellement Ouverte %1</French>
<French>Il y a une blessure partiellement ouverte %1</French>
<Polish>Widzisz częściowo otwartą ranę o %1 rozmiarze</Polish>
<Portuguese>Existe um ferimento parcial aberto %1</Portuguese>
<Czech>Je zde částečně %1 otevřená rána</Czech>
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
<German>Er hat %2 verbundene Wunden (%1)</German>
<Russian>%2 перевязанные раны %1</Russian>
<Spanish>Hay %2 Heridas %1 Vendadas</Spanish>
<French>Il y a %2 %1 Blessure(s) Bandée(s)</French>
<French>Il y a %2 %1 blessure(s) bandée(s)</French>
<Polish>Widzisz %2 zabandażowanych ran o %1 rozmiarze</Polish>
<Portuguese>Existem %2 ferimentos %1 tratados</Portuguese>
<Czech>Jsou zde %2 %1 ovázané rány</Czech>
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
<German>Er hat 1 verbundene Wunde (%1)</German>
<Russian>1 перевязанная рана %1</Russian>
<Spanish>Hay 1 Herida Vendada %1</Spanish>
<French>Il y a 1 %1 Blessure Bandée</French>
<French>Il y a 1 %1 blessure bandée</French>
<Polish>Widzisz 1 zabandażowaną ranę o %1 rozmiarze</Polish>
<Portuguese>Existe 1 ferimento %1 tratado</Portuguese>
<Czech>Je zde 1 %1 ovázaná rána</Czech>
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
<German>Er hat eine zum Teil verbundene Wunde (%1)</German>
<Russian>Частично перевязанная рана %1</Russian>
<Spanish>Hay una Herida parcial %1 Vendada</Spanish>
<French>Il y a %1 Blessure Partielment Bandée</French>
<French>Il y a %1 blessure partiellement bandée</French>
<Polish>Widzisz 1 częściowo zabandażowaną ranę o %1 rozmiarze</Polish>
<Portuguese>Existe um ferimento parcial tratado %1</Portuguese>
<Czech>Je zde částěčně %1 ovázaná rána</Czech>
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
<German>hat sehr viel Blut verloren</German>
<Russian>Большая кровопотеря</Russian>
<Spanish>Mucha Sangre perdida</Spanish>
<French>A Perdu Bcp de Sang</French>
<French>A perdu beaucoup de sang</French>
<Polish>Stracił dużo krwi</Polish>
<Portuguese>Perdeu muito sangue</Portuguese>
<Czech>Ztratil hodně krve</Czech>
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
<Polish>Podłącz słuchawki</Polish>
<German>Kopfhörer verbinden</German>
<Korean>헤드폰에 연결</Korean>
<French>Connecter les écouteurs</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_DisconnectHeadphones">
<English>Disconnect Headphones</English>
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
<Polish>Odłącz słuchawki</Polish>
<German>Kopfhörer trennen</German>
<Korean>헤드폰 연결끊기</Korean>
<French>Déconnecter les écouteurs</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_HeadphonesConnected">
<English>Headphones Connected</English>
@ -67,6 +69,7 @@
<Polish>Słuchawki podpięte</Polish>
<German>Kopfhörer verbunden</German>
<Korean>헤드폰 연결됨</Korean>
<French>Écouteurs connectés</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MineDetector_HeadphonesDisconnected">
<English>Headphones Disconnected</English>
@ -76,6 +79,8 @@
<Polish>Słuchawki odpięte</Polish>
<German>Kopfhörer getrennt</German>
<Korean>헤드폰 연결끊김</Korean>
<French>Écouteurs déconnectés</French>
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
[QGVAR(handoff), {_this call FUNC(handleHandoff)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ACE3 Weapons", QGVAR(cycleFireMode), localize LSTRING(CycleFireMode),
[] call FUNC(cycleAttackProfileKeyDown);
[15, [false, true, false]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //Ctrl+Tab Key
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Author: PabstMirror
* Cycles fire mode for any missileGuidance enabled ammo that has multiple attack profiles
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_missileguidance_fnc_cycleAttackProfileKeyDown
* Public: No
// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
#include "script_component.hpp"
TRACE_1("cycle fire mode",_this);
if (!alive ACE_player) exitWith {};
if (!([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotInside"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith))) exitWith {};
private ["_currentShooter", "_currentMagazine"];
if (((vehicle ACE_player) == ACE_player) || {ACE_player call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon}) then {
_currentShooter = ACE_player;
_currentMagazine = currentMagazine ACE_player;
} else {
_currentShooter = vehicle ACE_player;
_currentMagazine = _currentShooter currentMagazineTurret (ACE_player call CBA_fnc_turretPath);
if (_currentMagazine == "") exitWith {TRACE_1("no magazine",_currentMagazine)};
private _ammo = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _currentMagazine >> "ammo");
// Bail if guidance is disabled for this ammo
if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "enabled")) != 1) exitWith {TRACE_1("not enabled",_ammo)};
// Verify ammo has explicity added guidance config (ignore inheritances)
private _configs = configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo), QUOTE(configName _x == QUOTE(QUOTE(ADDON))), false];
if ((count _configs) < 1) exitWith {TRACE_2("not explicity enabled",_ammo,_configs)};
private _attackProfiles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "attackProfiles");
if ((count _attackProfiles) <= 1) exitWith {TRACE_1("no choices for attack profile",_attackProfiles)};
private _currentFireMode = _currentShooter getVariable [QGVAR(attackProfile), "#undefined"];
// Just like onFired, this is case sensitive!
private _index = _attackProfiles find _currentFireMode;
if (_index == -1) then {
_index = _attackProfiles find (getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "defaultAttackProfile"));
_index = (_index + 1) % (count _attackProfiles);
private _nextFireMode = _attackProfiles select _index;
_currentShooter setVariable [QGVAR(attackProfile), _nextFireMode, false];
playSound "ACE_Sound_Click";
if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "showHintOnCycle")) == 1) then {
private _localizedName = getText (configFile >> QGVAR(AttackProfiles) >> _nextFireMode >> "name");
[_localizedName] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -154,5 +154,19 @@
<Italian>Giocatore ed IA</Italian>
<Japanese>プレイヤーと AI</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_MissileGuidance_CycleFireMode">
<English>Cycle Fire Mode</English>
<German>Wechsle Feuermodus</German>
<Russian>Переключение режимов огня</Russian>
<Czech>Přepínání režimů palby</Czech>
<Polish>Przełącz tryb ognia</Polish>
<French>Cycle mode de tir</French>
<Hungarian>Tüzelési mód váltása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Alterna le modalità di fuoco</Italian>
<Spanish>Cambiar modo de disparo</Spanish>
<Portuguese>Alterar Modo de Disparo</Portuguese>
<Korean>발사 방식 순환</Korean>
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ if (_activated && local _logic) then {
private _newPosASL = if (_followPlayers) then {
// Select a target unit at random.
private _targetUnit = selectRandom _allUnits;
AGLtoASL (_targetUnit getPos [random 360, _minimalDistance + random (_maximalDistance - _minimalDistance)]);
AGLtoASL (_targetUnit getPos [_minimalDistance + random (_maximalDistance - _minimalDistance), random 360]);
} else {
AGLtoASL (_logic getPos [random 360, _minimalDistance + random (_maximalDistance - _minimalDistance)]);
AGLtoASL (_logic getPos [_minimalDistance + random (_maximalDistance - _minimalDistance), random 360]);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<French>Poids :</French>
@ -57,4 +57,4 @@
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GVAR(showNamesTime) = -10;
// Statement
GVAR(showNamesTime) = CBA_missionTime;
if (call FUNC(canShow)) then{ call FUNC(doShow); };
// if (call FUNC(canShow)) then{ call FUNC(doShow); }; // This code doesn't work (canShow has a nil / has never worked??)
// Return false so it doesn't block other actions
@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ GVAR(showNamesTime) = -10;
if (_name == QGVAR(showPlayerNames)) then {
call FUNC(updateSettings);
// Reset nametag flag cache on setting change:
ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(flagsCache), nil];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["cba_events_visionModeEvent", {
// Reset nametag flag cache on vision mode change:
ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(flagsCache), nil];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// civilians don't use military ranks
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Author: <N/A>
* Get's flags used for onDraw3D that can be cached
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* [_drawName,_drawRank,_enabledTagsNearby,_enabledTagsCursor,_maxDistance]
* Example:
* call ace_nametags_fnc_getCachedFlags
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
// Determine flags from current settings
private _drawName = true;
private _enabledTagsNearby = false;
private _enabledTagsCursor = false;
switch (GVAR(showPlayerNames)) do {
case 0: {
// Player names Disabled [Note: this should be unreachable as the drawEH will be removed]
_drawName = false;
_enabledTagsNearby = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
case 1: {
// Player names Enabled
_enabledTagsNearby = true;
case 2: {
// Player names Only cursor
_enabledTagsNearby = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
_enabledTagsCursor = true;
case 3: {
// Player names Only Keypress
_enabledTagsNearby = GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2; // non-cached: || _onKeyPressAlphaMax) > 0
case 4: {
// Player names Only Cursor and Keypress
_enabledTagsNearby = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
// non-cached: _enabledTagsCursor = _onKeyPressAlphaMax > 0;
case 5: {
// Fade on border
_enabledTagsNearby = true;
private _ambientBrightness = ((([] call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness)) + ([0, 0.4] select ((currentVisionMode ace_player) != 0))) min 1) max 0;
private _maxDistance = _ambientBrightness * GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance);
[_drawName, GVAR(showPlayerRanks),_enabledTagsNearby,_enabledTagsCursor,_maxDistance]
@ -15,67 +15,33 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_defaultIcon", "_distance", "_alpha", "_icon", "_targets", "_relPos", "_projDist", "_target"];
// Don't show nametags in spectator or if RscDisplayMPInterrupt is open
if ((isNull ACE_player) || {!alive ACE_player} || {!isNull (findDisplay 49)}) exitWith {};
// Determine flags from current settings
private _drawName = true;
private _drawRank = GVAR(showPlayerRanks);
private _enabledTagsNearby = false;
private _enabledTagsCursor = false;
private _onKeyPressAlphaMax = 1;
switch (GVAR(showPlayerNames)) do {
case 0: {
// Player names Disabled
_drawName = false;
_enabledTagsNearby = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
_enabledTagsCursor = false;
case 1: {
// Player names Enabled
_enabledTagsNearby = true;
_enabledTagsCursor = false;
case 2: {
// Player names Only cursor
_enabledTagsNearby = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
_enabledTagsCursor = true;
case 3: {
// Player names Only Keypress
_onKeyPressAlphaMax = 2 + (GVAR(showNamesTime) - CBA_missionTime);
_enabledTagsNearby = (_onKeyPressAlphaMax) > 0 || (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
_enabledTagsCursor = false;
case 4: {
// Player names Only Cursor and Keypress
_onKeyPressAlphaMax = 2 + (GVAR(showNamesTime) - CBA_missionTime);
_enabledTagsNearby = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2);
_enabledTagsCursor = _onKeyPressAlphaMax > 0;
case 5: {
// Fade on border
_enabledTagsNearby = true;
_enabledTagsCursor = false;
private _flags = [[], DFUNC(getCachedFlags), ACE_player, QGVAR(flagsCache), 2] call EFUNC(common,cachedCall);
private _ambientBrightness = ((([] call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness)) + ([0, 0.4] select ((currentVisionMode ace_player) != 0))) min 1) max 0;
private _maxDistance = _ambientBrightness * GVAR(PlayerNamesViewDistance);
_flags params ["_drawName", "_drawRank", "_enabledTagsNearby", "_enabledTagsCursor", "_maxDistance"];
private _onKeyPressAlphaMax = 1;
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 3) then {
_onKeyPressAlphaMax = 2 + (GVAR(showNamesTime) - CBA_missionTime);
_enabledTagsNearby = _enabledTagsNearby || {_onKeyPressAlphaMax > 0}
if (GVAR(showPlayerNames) == 4) then {
_onKeyPressAlphaMax = 2 + (GVAR(showNamesTime) - CBA_missionTime);
_enabledTagsCursor = _onKeyPressAlphaMax > 0;
private _camPosAGL = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0];
if !((_camPosAGL select 0) isEqualType 0) exitWith {}; // handle RHS / bugged vehicle slots
private _camPosASL = AGLtoASL _camPosAGL;
private _vecy = (AGLtoASL positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 1]) vectorDiff _camPosASL;
// Show nametag for the unit behind the cursor or its commander
if (_enabledTagsCursor) then {
_target = cursorTarget;
private _target = cursorTarget;
if !(_target isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
// When cursorTarget is on a vehicle show the nametag for the commander.
if !(_target in allUnitsUAV) then {
@ -92,7 +58,7 @@ if (_enabledTagsCursor) then {
{lineIntersectsSurfaces [_camPosASL, eyePos _target, ACE_player, _target] isEqualTo []} &&
{!isObjectHidden _target}) then {
_distance = ACE_player distance _target;
private _distance = ACE_player distance _target;
private _drawSoundwave = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) > 0) && {[_target] call FUNC(isSpeaking)};
// Alpha:
@ -137,6 +103,9 @@ if (_enabledTagsNearby) then {
private _target = _x;
if !(isNull _target) then {
private _drawSoundwave = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) > 0) && {[_target] call FUNC(isSpeaking)};
if (_enabledTagsCursor && {!_drawSoundwave}) exitWith {}; // (Cursor Only && showSoundWaves==2) - quick exit
private _relPos = (visiblePositionASL _target) vectorDiff _camPosASL;
private _distance = vectorMagnitude _relPos;
@ -152,7 +121,6 @@ if (_enabledTagsNearby) then {
private _drawSoundwave = (GVAR(showSoundWaves) > 0) && {[_target] call FUNC(isSpeaking)};
private _alphaMax = _onKeyPressAlphaMax;
if ((GVAR(showSoundWaves) == 2) && _drawSoundwave) then {
_drawName = _drawSoundwave;
@ -468,6 +468,7 @@
<Polish>Ukryj na brzegach ekranu</Polish>
<Korean>화면 가장자리에서 사라짐</Korean>
<French>Estomper sur les bords de l'écran</French>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
private ["_dummy","_magazineClass"];
params [["_target", objNull, [objNull]], ["_unit", objNull, [objNull]]];
if (GVAR(level) == 0 || {isNull _unit} || {!(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase")} || {!local _unit} || {_target distance _unit > REARM_ACTION_DISTANCE} || {_target getVariable [QGVAR(disabled), false]}) exitWith {false};
if (GVAR(level) == 0 || {isNull _unit} || {!(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase")} || {!local _unit} || {([_unit, _target] call EFUNC(interaction,getInteractionDistance)) > REARM_ACTION_DISTANCE} || {_target getVariable [QGVAR(disabled), false]}) exitWith {false};
_dummy = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(dummy), objNull];
if (isNull _dummy) exitwith {false};
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ params [["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_target", objNull, [objNull]]];
{!(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase")} ||
{!local _unit} ||
{!alive _target} ||
{(_target distance _unit) > REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE} ||
{([_unit, _target] call EFUNC(interaction,getInteractionDistance)) > REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE} ||
{(_target call FUNC(getFuel) == REFUEL_INFINITE_FUEL)})
@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ if (_target isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
!(isNull _nozzle ||
{_engine} ||
{(_target distance _unit) > REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE} ||
{([_unit, _target] call EFUNC(interaction,getInteractionDistance)) > REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE} ||
{!isNull (_target getVariable [QGVAR(nozzle), objNull])})
@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ params [["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_target", objNull, [objNull]]];
private _nozzle = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(nozzle), objNull];
(!isNull _nozzle) &&
{_target distance _unit < REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE} &&
{([_unit, _target] call EFUNC(interaction,getInteractionDistance)) < REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE} &&
{_target == (_nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(source), objNull])}
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ if (isNull _unit ||
{!local _unit} ||
{!alive _target} ||
{!isNull (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(nozzle), objNull])} ||
{(_target distance _unit) > REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE}) exitWith {false};
{([_unit, _target] call EFUNC(interaction,getInteractionDistance)) > REFUEL_ACTION_DISTANCE}) exitWith {false};
!(_target getVariable [QGVAR(isConnected), false]) && {!(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isRefueling), false])}
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class Cfg3DEN {
class GVAR(isEngineerControl): Title {
attributeLoad = "(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) lbsetcursel (((_value + 1) min 3) max 0);";
attributeSave = "(missionnamespace getvariable ['ace_isEng_temp',0]) - 1;";
attributeLoad = "(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) lbSetCurSel (((_value + 1) min 3) max 0);";
attributeSave = "(lbCurSel (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100)) - 1";
class Controls: Controls {
class Title: Title{};
class Value: ctrlToolbox {
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ class Cfg3DEN {
rows = 1;
columns = 4;
strings[] = {"$STR_3DEN_Attributes_Lock_Default_text", CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_none), CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_engineer), CSTRING(AssignEngineerRole_role_specialist)};
onToolboxSelChanged = "missionnamespace setvariable ['ace_isEng_temp',_this select 1];";
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ switch (toLower _mode) do {
[FUNC(handleUnits), 9, _display] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Handle 3D unit icons
GVAR(iconHandler) = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",FUNC(handleIcons)];
GVAR(iconHandler) = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call FUNC(handleIcons)}];
// Populate the help window
private _help = (_display displayCtrl IDC_HELP) controlsGroupCtrl IDC_HELP_LIST;
@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ if (_texture == "") exitWith {
private _tag = "UserTexture1m_F" createVehicle [0,0,0];
private _tag = createSimpleObject ["UserTexture1m_F", _tagPosASL];
_tag setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _texture];
_tag setPosASL _tagPosASL;
_tag setVectorDirAndUp _vectorDirAndUp;
// Throw a global event for mision makers
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_ModuleDesc">
<English>Configure how the tagging system will operate by default.</English>
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
<Polish>Skonfiguruj zachowanie systemu tagowania.</Polish>
<German>Konfiguriert, wie das Markierungssystem standardmäßig funktioniert.</German>
<Korean>뿌리기 시스템의 기본사항을 설정합니다.</Korean>
<French>Configure le fonctionnement par défaut du système de marquage.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_QuickTag">
<English>Quick Tag</English>
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@
<Polish>Szybkie tagowanie</Polish>
<German>Schnelle Markierung</German>
<Korean>빠른 뿌리기</Korean>
<French>Marquage rapide</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_QuickTagDesc">
<English>Action performed on main tag interaction point.</English>
@ -32,6 +35,7 @@
<Polish>Akcja wykonywana na głównym punkcie interakcji tagu.</Polish>
<German>Aktion, die am Haupt-Interaktionspunkt ausgeführt werden soll.</German>
<Korean>이 동작은 상호작용에서 뿌리기를 할 수 있게 해준다</Korean>
<French>Action réalisé au point de marquage principal.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_LastUsed">
<English>Last Used</English>
@ -40,6 +44,7 @@
<Polish>Ostatnio użyte</Polish>
<German>Zuletzt benutzt</German>
<Korean>최근 사용</Korean>
<French>Dernier utilisé</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_RandomX">
<English>Random X</English>
@ -48,6 +53,7 @@
<Polish>Losowy X</Polish>
<German>Zufällig X</German>
<Korean>무작위 X</Korean>
<French>Aléatoire X</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_Random">
@ -56,6 +62,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Tagging_Tag">
@ -63,6 +70,8 @@
@ -179,7 +188,7 @@
<German>Eine Farbsprühdose um Wände zu markieren.</German>
<Spanish>Lata de pintura en aerosol para marcar.</Spanish>
<Polish>Farba w sprayu, służy do oznakowywania terenu.</Polish>
<French>Un spray de peinture pour taguer les murs.</French>
<French>Un spray de peinture pour marquer les murs.</French>
<Italian>Una bomboletta di spay per contrassegnare i muri.</Italian>
<Czech>Plechovka se sprejem k vytváření značek.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Uma lata de tinta spray para marcar paredes.</Portuguese>
@ -189,3 +198,4 @@
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_Disabled">
<English>Cannot modify a forced User Interface element.</English>
<Portuguese>Não é possível modificar um elemento forçado da interface do usuário.</Portuguese>
<French>Impossible de modifier un élément de l'interface utilisateur forcé</French>
<French>Impossible de modifier un élément de l'interface utilisateur forcé.</French>
<Russian>Невозможно изменить зафиксированный элемент пользовательского интерфейса.</Russian>
<Japanese>ユーザー インタフェイス要素は変更できません。</Japanese>
<Polish>Nie można modyfikować wymuszonego elementu interfejsu użytkownika.</Polish>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<Czech>Poskytuje kontrolu na různými aspekty Zeuse.</Czech>
<German>Bietet die Steuerung verschiedener Zeus-Optionen an.</German>
<Portuguese>Proporciona controle sobre diversos aspectos do Zeus.</Portuguese>
<French>Fourni le contrôle des différents aspects de Zeus</French>
<French>Fourni le contrôle des différents aspects de Zeus.</French>
<Hungarian>Különböző beállítási lehetőségeket biztosít a Zeus részeihez.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Позволяет контролировать различные аспекты Зевса.</Russian>
<Italian>Fornisce controllo su vari aspetti di Zeus.</Italian>
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<Czech>Zobrazit globální zprávu když je hráč přiřazen jako Zeus.</Czech>
<German>Zeige globale Popup-Nachrichten wenn ein Spieler zu Zeus wird.</German>
<Portuguese>Mostra uma mensagem popup quando um jogador é atribuido ao Zeus.</Portuguese>
<French>Affiche un message global quand un joueur est assigné en tant que Zeus</French>
<French>Affiche un message global quand un joueur est assigné en tant que Zeus.</French>
<Hungarian>Globális üzeneteket jelez ki, ha egy játékos Zeus-nak lesz beosztva.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Отображает глобальное всплывающее сообщение, когда один из игроков становится Зевсом.</Russian>
<Italian>Mostra messaggi popup globali quando un giocatore viene assegnato come Zeus.</Italian>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<Czech>Přehrát varování (vítr) když Zeus převezmě kontrolu nad jednotkou.</Czech>
<German>Spiele Windgeräusche ab, wenn Zeus eine Einheit steuert.</German>
<Portuguese>Reproduz sons de vento quando uma unidade é remotamente controlada pelo Zeus.</Portuguese>
<French>Joue des bruits de vent quand Zeus controle une unité</French>
<French>Joue des bruits de vent quand Zeus controle une unité.</French>
<Hungarian>Szélhangokat játszik le, ha a Zeus távvezérel egy egységet.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Проигрывает звук ветра каждый раз, когда Зевс вселяется в юнита.</Russian>
<Italian>Esegui rumori di vento quando Zeus controlla un'unità in remoto.</Italian>
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
<Czech>Přehrát varování (rádio) když Zeus použije dělostřelectvo.</Czech>
<German>Spiele eine Radiowarnung ab, wenn Zeus Artillerie verwendet.</German>
<Portuguese>Reproduz uma aviso via rádio quando o Zeus usa um explosivo.</Portuguese>
<French>Joue un son radio quand le Zeus utilise du matériel militaire</French>
<French>Joue un son radio quand le Zeus utilise du matériel militaire.</French>
<Hungarian>Rádiós figyelmeztetés kiadása, ha a Zeus tüzérséget használ.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Проигрывает звук радио каждый раз, когда Зевс использует артиллерию.</Russian>
<Italian>Esegui un messaggio radio quando Zeus usa esplosivi.</Italian>
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
<Czech>Odhalí miny pro spojence a umístnit jejich značku na mapu.</Czech>
<German>Melde Minen gegenüber Verbündeten und platziere entsprechende Kartenmarkierungen.</German>
<Portuguese>Revelar minas para aliados e colocar marcadores no mapa.</Portuguese>
<French>Révéler les mines et placer un marqueur sur la carte</French>
<French>Révéler les mines et placer un marqueur sur la carte.</French>
<Hungarian>Feltárja az aknákat a szövetségeseknek, és jelölőket helyez el a térképen.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Показывает мины союзникам и отмечает их маркерами на карте.</Russian>
<Italian>Rivela mine ad alleati e piazza marcatori in mappa.</Italian>
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleGlobalSetSkill_accuracy_desc">
<English>Changes: aimingAccuracy</English>
<French>Change: aimingAccuracy</French>
<French>Change : aimingAccuracy</French>
<Russian>Изменяет: aimingAccuracy</Russian>
<Czech>Upravuje: aimingAccuracy</Czech>
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleGlobalSetSkill_handling_desc">
<English>Changes: aimingShake, aimingSpeed, reloadSpeed</English>
<French>Change: aimingShake, aimingSpeed, reloadSpeed</French>
<French>Change : aimingShake, aimingSpeed, reloadSpeed</French>
<Russian>Изменяет: aimingShake, aimingSpeed, reloadSpeed</Russian>
<Czech>Upravuje: aimingShake, aimingSpeed, reloadSpeed</Czech>
<Japanese>変更:aimingShake, aimingSpeed, reloadSpeed</Japanese>
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleGlobalSetSkill_spotting">
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleGlobalSetSkill_spotting_desc">
<English>Changes: spotDistance, spotTime</English>
<French>Change: spotDistance, spotTime</French>
<French>Change : spotDistance, spotTime</French>
<Russian>Изменяет: spotDistance, spotTime</Russian>
<Czech>Upravuje: spotDistance, spotTime</Czech>
<Japanese>変更:spotDistance, spotTime</Japanese>
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleGlobalSetSkill_cover">
<English>Seek Cover</English>
<French>Chercher couverture</French>
<French>Chercher des couvertures</French>
<Russian>Поиск укрытий</Russian>
<Czech>Vyhledávat krytí</Czech>
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_ModuleGlobalSetSkill_cover_desc">
<English>Should AI seek cover</English>
<French>L'IA devrait elle chercher couverture</French>
<French>L'IA devrait elle chercher des couvertures</French>
<Russian>Должны ли боты искать укрытия</Russian>
<Czech>AI se bude snažit vyhledávat krytí</Czech>
<Japanese>AI は遮蔽を取るようになります</Japanese>
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_AttributeCargo">
<French>Cargo :</French>
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Zeus_AttributeRadiusInvalid">
<English>Invalid radius entered</English>
<French>rayon invalide entré</French>
<French>Rayon invalide entré</French>
<Russian>Введен неправильный радиус</Russian>
<Czech>Vložen neplatný parametr</Czech>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<p align="center">
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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
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@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ ace:
githubUrl: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3
major: 3
minor: 8
patch: 3
build: 14
minor: 9
patch: 0
build: 16
githubUrl: https://github.com/acemod/ACEX
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ ace:
githubUrl: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3
major: 3
minor: 8
patch: 3
build: 14
minor: 9
patch: 0
build: 16
githubUrl: https://github.com/acemod/ACEX
@ -590,6 +590,15 @@ Event handlers in ACE3 are implemented through the CBA event system (ACE3's own
More information on the [CBA Events System](https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/Custom-Events-System){:target="_blank"} and [CBA Player Events](https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/Player-Events){:target="_blank"} pages.
<div class="panel info">
<h5>Warning about BIS event handlers:</h5>
<p>BIS's event handlers (`addEventHandler`, `addMissionEventHandler`) are slow when passing a large code variable. Use a short code block that calls the function you want.</p>
player addEventHandler ["Fired", FUNC(handleFired)]; // bad
player addEventHandler ["Fired", {call FUNC(handleFired)}]; // good
### 7.4 Hashes
When a key value pair is required, make use of the hash implementation from ACE3.
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
name = "Advanced Combat Environment 3.8.3";
name = "Advanced Combat Environment 3.9.0";
picture = "logo_ace3_ca.paa";
actionName = "GitHub";
action = "https://github.com/acemod/ACE3";
description = "ACE3 - Version 3.8.3";
description = "ACE3 - Version 3.9.0";
logo = "logo_ace3_ca.paa";
logoOver = "logo_ace3_ca.paa";
tooltip = "ACE3";
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
<English>Caliber: 5.7mm<br />Rounds: 50<br />Used in: P90</English>
<German>Kaliber: 5,7mm<br />Patronen: 50<br />Eingesetzt von: P90</German>
<Polish>Kaliber: 5,7mm<br />Pociski: 50<br />Używany w: P90</Polish>
<French>Calibre: 5.7mm<br />Cartouches: 50<br />Utilisé avec: P90</French>
<French>Calibre : 5,7mm<br />Cartouches : 50<br />Utilisé avec : P90</French>
<Spanish>Calibre: 5.7mm<br />Balas: 50<br />Se usa en: P90</Spanish>
<Russian>Калибр: 5,7 мм<br />Патронов: 50<br />Используются с: P90</Russian>
<Italian>Calibro: 5.7mm<br />Munizioni: 50<br />In uso su: P90</Italian>
@ -46,21 +46,42 @@ class CfgWeapons {
ACE_barrelTwist = 195.072;
ACE_barrelLength = 589.28;
class rhs_weap_orsis_Base_F;
class rhs_weap_t5000: rhs_weap_orsis_Base_F { // http://en.orsis.com/production/catalog/19046/
ACE_barrelTwist = 254.0; // 1:10"
ACE_barrelLength = 698.5; // 27.5"
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 2.4;
class rhs_acc_sniper_base;
class rhs_acc_pso1m2: rhs_acc_sniper_base {
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = { 0, 0 };
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = { -10, 10 };
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = {0, 0};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = {-10, 10};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement = 0.5;
ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement = 0.5;
class rhs_acc_pso1m21: rhs_acc_sniper_base {
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = { 0, 0 };
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = { -10, 10 };
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = {0, 0};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = {-10, 10};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement = 0.5;
ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement = 0.5;
class ItemCore;
class InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F;
class rhs_acc_dh520x56: ItemCore { // http://nightvision.ru/catalog/4/item/35
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 4.6;
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = {0, 33};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = {-9, 9};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement = 0.1;
ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement = 0.1;
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class dedal_520 {
discreteDistance[] = {100};
discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
class Launcher_Base_F;
class rhs_weap_rpg7: Launcher_Base_F {
ace_reloadlaunchers_enabled = 1;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class CfgAmmo {
ACE_caliber = 7.823;
ACE_bulletLength = 37.821;
ACE_bulletMass = 14.256;
ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19};
ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2};
ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.310};
ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {};
ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO";
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class APC_Tracked_02_base_F: Tank_F {};
class rhsusf_m113_tank_base: APC_Tracked_02_base_F {
class rhsusf_m113tank_base: APC_Tracked_02_base_F {
EGVAR(refuel,fuelCapacity) = 360;
class Turrets: Turrets {
class MainTurret: MainTurret {
@ -367,7 +367,6 @@ class CfgVehicles {
class rhsusf_m113tank_base: APC_Tracked_02_base_F {};
class rhsusf_m113_usarmy: rhsusf_m113tank_base {};
class rhsusf_m113_usarmy_supply: rhsusf_m113_usarmy {
transportAmmo = 0;
@ -13,16 +13,24 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class rhs_weap_M107_Base_F: GM6_base_F {
ACE_barrelTwist = 381.0;
ACE_barrelLength = 736.6;
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 3.8;
class rhs_weap_XM2010_Base_F: Rifle_Base_F {
ACE_barrelTwist = 254.0;
ACE_barrelLength = 609.6;
ACE_Overheating_dispersion = 0.75;
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 3.6;
class rhs_weap_m24sws: rhs_weap_XM2010_Base_F {
ACE_barrelTwist = 285.75;
ACE_barrelLength = 609.6;
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 1.8;
class rhs_weap_m40a5: rhs_weap_XM2010_Base_F {
ACE_barrelTwist = 304.8; // 1:12"
ACE_barrelLength = 635.0; // 25"
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 2.6;
class arifle_MX_Base_F;
class rhs_weap_m4_Base: arifle_MX_Base_F {
ACE_barrelTwist = 177.8;
@ -75,14 +83,17 @@ class CfgWeapons {
ACE_barrelTwist = 304.8;
ACE_barrelLength = 558.8;
ACE_Overheating_dispersion = 0.75;
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 3.3;
class rhs_weap_sr25: rhs_weap_m14ebrri {
ACE_barrelTwist = 285.75;
ACE_barrelLength = 609.6;
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 3.4;
class rhs_weap_sr25_ec: rhs_weap_sr25 {
ACE_barrelTwist = 285.75;
ACE_barrelLength = 508.0;
ACE_RailHeightAboveBore = 3.4;
class rhs_weap_M590_5RD: Rifle_Base_F {
ACE_barrelTwist = 0.0;
@ -131,8 +142,11 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4: rhsusf_acc_sniper_base {};
class rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4: rhsusf_acc_sniper_base {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 2.4;
class rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4_2: rhsusf_acc_sniper_base {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 3.8;
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class pso1_scope {
@ -142,8 +156,11 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4_2_d: rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4_2 {};
class rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4_2_d: rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4_2 {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 3.8;
class rhsusf_acc_premier: rhsusf_acc_LEUPOLDMK4_2 {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 5.4;
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class pso1_scope {
@ -153,8 +170,11 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class rhsusf_acc_premier_low: rhsusf_acc_premier {};
class rhsusf_acc_premier_low: rhsusf_acc_premier {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 4.0;
class rhsusf_acc_premier_anpvs27: rhsusf_acc_premier {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 5.4;
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class pso1_nvg {
@ -164,6 +184,24 @@ class CfgWeapons {
class rhsusf_acc_M8541: rhsusf_acc_premier { // http://www.schmidtundbender.de/en/products/police-and-military-forces/3-12x50-pm-iilpmtc.html
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 4.0;
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = {0, 22};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = {-6, 6};
ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement = 0.1;
ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement = 0.1;
class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
class OpticsModes {
class Snip {
discreteDistance[] = {100};
discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
class rhsusf_acc_M8541_low: rhsusf_acc_M8541 {
ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 3.0;
// RHS lauchers
class rhs_weap_fgm148: launch_O_Titan_F {
ace_javelin_enabled = 1;
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