make tweaks for PLOS movement path

This commit is contained in:
Bailey 2023-01-20 19:58:22 -07:00
parent 01ac87da34
commit d1f57911e9
3 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
* Public: No
// arbitrary constant
params ["_args", "_timestep", "_seekerTargetPos", "_profileAdjustedTargetPos", "_targetData", "_navigationParams"];
_args params ["_firedEH"];
_firedEH params ["","","","","","","_projectile"];
_navigationParams params ["_yawChange", "_pitchChange", "_lastPitch", "_lastYaw", "_initialPitch"];
_navigationParams params ["_yawChange", "_pitchChange", "_lastPitch", "_lastYaw", "_initialPitch", "_pitchUp"];
// for some reason we need to double this. I don't know why, but it just works
_pitchChange = _pitchChange * 2;
_yawChange = _yawChange * 2;
// for some reason we need to multiply this. I don't know why, but it just works
_pitchChange = _pitchChange * 1.5;
_yawChange = _yawChange * 1.5;
((velocity _projectile) call CBA_fnc_vect2polar) params ["", "_currentYaw", "_currentPitch"];
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ private _pitchModifier = if (_pitchChange == 0) then {
abs (_pitchRate / _pitchChange)
private _desiredPitchChange = (_pitchChange - _pitchRate) * PROPORTIONALITY_CONSTANT * _pitchModifier;
_desiredPitchChange = _desiredPitchChange + (_initialPitch - _currentPitch) * PROPORTIONALITY_CONSTANT * _pitchModifier;
_desiredPitchChange = _desiredPitchChange + _pitchUp * (_initialPitch - _currentPitch) * PROPORTIONALITY_CONSTANT * _pitchModifier;
private _yawRate = if (_timestep == 0) then {

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@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ if (_shooter == ACE_player) then {
// Limit Max Deflection
_yawChange = -10 max _yawChange min 10;
_pitchChange = -10 max _pitchChange min 10;
//_yawChange = -10 max _yawChange min 10;
//_pitchChange = -10 max _pitchChange min 10;
((velocity _projectile) call CBA_fnc_vect2polar) params ["", "_currentYaw", "_currentPitch"];
((ACE_player weaponDirection (currentWeapon ACE_player)) call CBA_fnc_vect2Polar) params ["", "_yaw", "_pitch"];

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* Public: No
#define PITCH_UP_TIME 1
#define PITCH_UP_TIME 0.5
params ["", "_args", "_seekerStateParams", "", "", "_targetData"];
_args params ["_firedEH", "_launchParams", "", "_seekerParams", "_stateParams"];