use liters for blood volume variable (#4537)

* use liters for blood volume variable

* blood volume unit vitals

* move IV transufsion rate macro to blood config

* add comment explaining why 6.0 were chosen

* simplify lost some/much blood macros
This commit is contained in:
commy2 2016-10-11 20:19:55 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent ed6688c899
commit d781890ee1
14 changed files with 36 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ private _tourniquets = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(tourniquets), [0,0,0,0,0,0]];
_totalBloodLoss = _totalBloodLoss + ((_x select 4) * (_x select 3));
} forEach (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(internalWounds), []]);
_totalBloodLoss * ((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bleedingCoefficient), GVAR(bleedingCoefficient)]) max 0);
_totalBloodLoss * ((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bleedingCoefficient), GVAR(bleedingCoefficient)]) max 0) * DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME / 100;

View File

@ -14,16 +14,9 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
IV Change per second calculation:
250ml should take 60 seconds to fill. 250/60 = 4.166.
Basic medical is 10x (will take 6 seconds for 250ml)
#define IV_CHANGE_PER_SECOND ([41.66, 4.166] select (GVAR(level) >= 2))
params ["_unit", "_syncValues"];
private _bloodVolume = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100];
private _bloodVolume = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME];
private _bloodVolumeChange = -([_unit] call FUNC(getBloodLoss));
if (!isNil {_unit getVariable QGVAR(ivBags)}) then {
@ -33,7 +26,7 @@ if (!isNil {_unit getVariable QGVAR(ivBags)}) then {
_x params ["_bagVolumeRemaining"];
private _bagChange = IV_CHANGE_PER_SECOND min _bagVolumeRemaining; // absolute value of the change in miliLiters
_bagVolumeRemaining = _bagVolumeRemaining - _bagChange;
_bloodVolumeChange = _bloodVolumeChange + (_bagChange / 70); // ((bag change in ml) / (body total:7000ml)) out of 100 percent
_bloodVolumeChange = _bloodVolumeChange + _bagChange;
if (_bagVolumeRemaining < 0.01) then {
} else {

View File

@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
params ["_unit"];
((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100])/MODIFIER_CARDIAC_OUTPUT) + ((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 80])/80-1);
((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME]) / MODIFIER_CARDIAC_OUTPUT) + ((_unit getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 80]) / 80 - 1);

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if (!(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(inCardiacArrest),false])) then {
_adjustment = _adjustment - [ObjNull];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(heartRateAdjustments), _adjustment];
private _bloodVolume = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100];
private _bloodVolume = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME];
if (_bloodVolume > 75) then {
if (_bloodLoss > 0.0) then {
if (_bloodLoss < 0.5) then {

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if (!local _unit) exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 80], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), [80, 120]], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME], true];
systemChat format["handling state default for unit: %1", _this];

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if (!local _unit) exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 80], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), [80, 120]], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME], true];
[_unit, CBA_missionTime - _lastTime] call FUNC(handleUnitVitals);

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ if (!local _unit) exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 80], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), [80, 120]], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME], true];
private _startTime = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(reviveStartTime), 0];

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if (!local _unit) exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 80], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodPressure), [80, 120]], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100], true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME], true];
[_unit, CBA_missionTime - _lastTime] call FUNC(handleUnitVitals);

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_interval"];
@ -23,27 +22,24 @@ if (_syncValues) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(lastMomentValuesSynced), CBA_missionTime];
private _bloodVolume = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100]) + ([_unit, _syncValues] call FUNC(getBloodVolumeChange));
private _bloodVolume = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME]) + ([_unit, _syncValues] call FUNC(getBloodVolumeChange));
_bloodVolume = _bloodVolume max 0;
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), _bloodVolume, _syncValues];
// Set variables for synchronizing information across the net
if (_bloodVolume < 100) then {
if (_bloodVolume < 90) then {
TRACE_4("ACE_DEBUG",_bloodVolume,_unit getVariable QGVAR(hasLostBlood),_syncValues,_unit);
if (_bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_HAS_LOST_SOME) then {
if (_bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_HAS_LOST_MUCH) then {
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] != 2) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 2, true];
} else {
TRACE_4("ACE_DEBUG", _bloodVolume,_unit getVariable QGVAR(hasLostBlood),_syncValues,_unit);
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] != 1) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 1, true];
} else {
TRACE_4("ACE_DEBUG",_bloodVolume,_unit getVariable QGVAR(hasLostBlood),_syncValues,_unit);
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] != 0) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0, true];
@ -76,12 +72,12 @@ if (_painStatus > (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(painSuppress), 0])) then {
if (_bloodVolume < 30) exitWith {
if (_bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_DEAD) exitWith {
[_unit] call FUNC(setDead);
if ([_unit] call EFUNC(common,isAwake)) then {
if (_bloodVolume < 60) then {
if (_bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_UNCONSCIOUS) then {
if (random(1) > 0.9) then {
[_unit, true, 15 + random(20)] call FUNC(setUnconscious);
@ -129,7 +125,7 @@ if (GVAR(level) >= 2) then {
_bloodPressure params ["_bloodPressureL", "_bloodPressureH"];
if (!(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(inCardiacArrest),false])) then {
if (_heartRate < 10 || _bloodPressureH < 30 || _bloodVolume < 20) then {
if (_heartRate < 10 || _bloodPressureH < 30 || _bloodVolume < BLOOD_VOLUME_CARDIAC_ARREST) then {
[_unit, true, 10+ random(20)] call FUNC(setUnconscious); // safety check to ensure unconsciousness for units if they are not dead already.

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if (damage _unit > 0) then {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(pain), 0, true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100, true];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME, true];
_unit setVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false, true]; // TODO this is done based on state
// tourniquets

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@ -14,3 +14,19 @@
#define GET_NUMBER(config,default) (if (isNumber (config)) then {getNumber (config)} else {default})
#define GET_STRING(config,default) (if (isText (config)) then {getText (config)} else {default})
#define GET_ARRAY(config,default) (if (isArray (config)) then {getArray (config)} else {default})
// --- blood
// 0.077 l/kg * 80kg = 6.16l
#define DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME 6.0 // in liters
#define BLOOD_VOLUME_HAS_LOST_SOME 5.900 // lost 100ml
#define BLOOD_VOLUME_HAS_LOST_MUCH 5.500 // lost 500ml
#define BLOOD_VOLUME_UNCONSCIOUS 3.6 // in liters
#define BLOOD_VOLUME_DEAD 1.8 // in liters
#define BLOOD_VOLUME_CARDIAC_ARREST 1.2 // in liters
// IV Change per second calculation:
// 250ml should take 60 seconds to fill. 250/60 = 4.166.
// Basic medical is 10x (will take 6 seconds for 250ml)
#define IV_CHANGE_PER_SECOND ([41.66, 4.166] select (GVAR(level) >= 2))

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@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ private _bloodAdded = switch (true) do {
private _blood = ((_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), 100]) + _bloodAdded) min 100;
private _blood = ((_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME]) + _bloodAdded) min DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME;
_target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), _blood, true];

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ params ["_caller", "_target"];
if (alive _target) exitWith {
_target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,pain), 0, true];
_target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,morphine), 0, true];
_target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), 100, true];
_target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME, true];
// tourniquets
_target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,tourniquets), [0,0,0,0,0,0], true];

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@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
params ["_target", "_treatmentClassname"];
private _bloodVolume = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), 100];
private _bloodVolume = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume), DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME];
if (_bloodVolume >= 100) exitWith {};
if (_bloodVolume >= DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME) exitWith {};
// Find the proper attributes for the used IV
private _config = (configFile >> "ace_medical_treatment" >> "IV");