mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into release-3.13.2
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,8 +51,9 @@
_item hideObjectGlobal false;
_item setPosASL (AGLtoASL _emptyPosAGL);
if ((getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _item) >> "simulation")) == "carx") then {
TRACE_1("re-enabling car damage",_item);
private _simulationType = toLower getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _item >> "simulation");
if (_simulationType in ["carx", "tankx"]) then {
TRACE_1("re-enabling vehicle damage",_item);
[_item, "blockDamage", "ACE_cargo", false] call EFUNC(common,statusEffect_set);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
@ -53,9 +53,3 @@ class Extended_Killed_EventHandlers {
class Extended_DisplayLoad_EventHandlers {
class RscDisplayMission {
ADDON = QUOTE(_this call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_missionDisplayLoad));
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_display"];
_display displayAddEventHandler ["MouseZChanged", {(_this select 1) call FUNC(handleScrollWheel)}];
@ -27,13 +27,16 @@ if (isNil "ACE_maxWeightCarry") then {
// handle waking up dragged unit and falling unconscious while dragging
["ace_unconscious", {_this call FUNC(handleUnconscious)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// display event handler
["MouseZChanged", {_this select 1 call FUNC(handleScrollWheel)}] call CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler;
//@todo Captivity?
//Add Keybind:
["ACE3 Common", QGVAR(drag), (localize LSTRING(DragKeybind)), {
if (!alive ACE_player) exitWith {false};
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotDragging", "isNotCarrying"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// If we are drag/carrying something right now then just drop it:
if (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(isDragging), false]) exitWith {
[ACE_player, ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(draggedObject), objNull]] call FUNC(dropObject);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ _unit setVariable [QGVAR(ReleaseActionID), [
if (_target isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
[localize LSTRING(Drop), "", ""] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
} else {
[localize LSTRING(Drop), "", localize LSTRING(LowerRaise)] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
[localize LSTRING(Drop), "", localize LSTRING(RaiseLowerRotate)] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
// check everything
@ -83,3 +83,6 @@ private _mass = _target getVariable [QGVAR(originalMass), 0];
if (_mass != 0) then {
[QEGVAR(common,setMass), [_target, _mass], _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
// reset temp direction
_target setVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection_temp), nil];
@ -22,30 +22,42 @@ private _unit = ACE_player;
// EH is always assigned. Exit and don't overwrite input if not carrying
if !(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isCarrying), false]) exitWith {false};
// move carried item 15 cm per scroll interval
_scrollAmount = _scrollAmount * 0.15;
private _carriedItem = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(carriedObject), objNull];
//disabled for persons
if (_carriedItem isKindOf "CAManBase") exitWith {false};
private _position = getPosASL _carriedItem;
private _maxHeight = (_unit modelToWorldVisualWorld [0, 0, 0]) select 2;
if !(cba_events_control) then {
// raise/lower
_position set [2, ((_position select 2) + _scrollAmount min (_maxHeight + 1.5)) max _maxHeight];
// move carried item 15 cm per scroll interval
_scrollAmount = _scrollAmount * 0.15;
// move up/down object and reattach at current position
detach _carriedItem;
private _position = getPosASL _carriedItem;
private _maxHeight = (_unit modelToWorldVisualWorld [0, 0, 0]) select 2;
// Uses this method of selecting position because setPosATL did not have immediate effect
private _positionChange = _position vectorDiff (getPosASL _carriedItem);
private _selectionPosition = _unit worldToModel (ASLtoAGL getPosWorld _carriedItem);
_selectionPosition = _selectionPosition vectorAdd _positionChange;
_carriedItem attachTo [_unit, _selectionPosition];
_position set [2, ((_position select 2) + _scrollAmount min (_maxHeight + 1.5)) max _maxHeight];
//reset the carry direction
private _direction = _carriedItem getVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection), 0];
[QEGVAR(common,setDir), [_carriedItem, _direction], _carriedItem] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
// move up/down object and reattach at current position
detach _carriedItem;
// Uses this method of selecting position because setPosATL did not have immediate effect
private _positionChange = _position vectorDiff (getPosASL _carriedItem);
private _selectionPosition = _unit worldToModel (ASLtoAGL getPosWorld _carriedItem);
_selectionPosition = _selectionPosition vectorAdd _positionChange;
_carriedItem attachTo [_unit, _selectionPosition];
//reset the carry direction
private _direction = _carriedItem getVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection_temp), _carriedItem getVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection), 0]];
[QEGVAR(common,setDir), [_carriedItem, _direction], _carriedItem] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
} else {
// rotate
private _direction = _carriedItem getVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection_temp), _carriedItem getVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection), 0]];
_scrollAmount = _scrollAmount * 10;
_direction = _direction + _scrollAmount;
[QEGVAR(common,setDir), [_carriedItem, _direction], _carriedItem] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
_carriedItem setVariable [QGVAR(carryDirection_temp), _direction];
@ -86,21 +86,9 @@
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragging_LowerRaise">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Dragging_RaiseLowerRotate">
<English>Raise/Lower | (Ctrl + Scroll) Rotate</English>
<German>Heben/Senken | (Strg + Scrollen) Drehen</German>
@ -229,7 +229,10 @@ private _enginePosition = _vehicle modelToWorld (_vehicle selectionPosition _eng
if (_position distance _enginePosition < EFFECT_SIZE * 2) then {
_vehicle setHit [_engineSelection, 1];
if ("ace_cookoff" call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded) && {EGVAR(cookoff,enable)}) then {
_vehicle call EFUNC(cookoff,engineFire);
if ("ace_cookoff" call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
private _enabled = _vehicle getVariable [QEGVAR(cookoff,enable), EGVAR(cookoff,enable)];
if (_enabled in [2, true] || {_enabled isEqualTo 1 && {fullCrew [_vehicle, "", false] findIf {isPlayer (_x select 0)} != -1}}) then {
_vehicle call EFUNC(cookoff,engineFire);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* 0: Left click text <STRING>
* 1: Right click text <STRING>
* 2: Scroll text <STRING> (default: "")
* 2: Extra icon/text pairs <ARRAY> (default: [])
* 3: Extra icon/text pairs <ARRAY> (default: [])
* Return Value:
* None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
class Cfg3DEN {
class Attributes {
class Slider;
class GVAR(slider): Slider {
attributeLoad = "params [""_ctrlGroup""];\
private _slider = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 100;\
private _edit = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 101;\
_slider sliderSetPosition _value;\
_edit ctrlSetText (if (_value < 0.1) then {localize ""str_disp_default""} else {[_value, 1, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber});";
attributeSave = "params [""_ctrlGroup""];\
sliderPosition (_ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 100); ";
onLoad = "params [""_ctrlGroup""];\
private _slider = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 100;\
private _edit = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl 101;\
_slider sliderSetRange [0, 10];\
_slider ctrlAddEventHandler [""SliderPosChanged"", {\
params [""_slider""];\
private _edit = (ctrlParentControlsGroup _slider) controlsGroupCtrl 101;\
private _value = sliderPosition _slider;\
_edit ctrlSetText (if (_value < 0.1) then {localize ""str_disp_default""} else {[_value, 1, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber});\
_edit ctrlAddEventHandler [""KillFocus"", {\
params [""_edit""];\
private _slider = (ctrlParentControlsGroup _edit) controlsGroupCtrl 100;\
private _value = ((parseNumber ctrlText _edit) min 10) max 0;\
_slider sliderSetPosition _value;\
_edit ctrlSetText (if (_value < 0.1) then { localize ""str_disp_default"" } else {[_value, 1, 1] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber});\
class Object {
class AttributeCategories {
class ace_attributes {
class Attributes {
class GVAR(threshold) {
property = QUOTE(threshold);
control = QGVAR(slider);
displayName = CSTRING(Eden_threshold_DisplayName);
tooltip = CSTRING(Eden_threshold_Description);
expression = QUOTE(if (_value >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable [ARR_3(QQEGVAR(medical,damageThreshold),_value,true)]});
typeName = "NUMBER";
condition = "objectControllable";
defaultValue = 0;
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class CfgPatches {
#include "ACE_Medical_Injuries.hpp"
#include "CfgEventHandlers.hpp"
#include "CfgAmmo.hpp"
#include "CfgEden.hpp"
class ACE_Extensions {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if (EGVAR(medical,fatalDamageSource) in [0, 2]) then {
if (EGVAR(medical,fatalDamageSource) in [1, 2]) then {
// Sum of trauma to critical areas can be fatal (e.g. many small hits)
private _damageThreshold = if (isPlayer _unit) then { EGVAR(medical,playerDamageThreshold) } else { EGVAR(medical,AIDamageThreshold) };
private _damageThreshold = GET_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD(_unit);
private _headThreshhold = 1.25 * _damageThreshold;
private _bodyThreshhold = 1.5 * _damageThreshold;
@ -30,10 +30,7 @@ _bodyPartDamage params ["_headDamage", "_bodyDamage", "_leftArmDamage", "_rightA
} forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _damageThreshold = [
] select (isPlayer _unit);
private _damageThreshold = GET_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD(_unit);
if ((_headDamage > _damageThreshold / 2) || {_bodyDamage > _damageThreshold} || {(_painLevel >= PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS) && {random 1 < 0.1}}) then {
[QEGVAR(medical,CriticalInjury), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
@ -631,5 +631,15 @@
<Turkish>Ikisinden biri</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_Eden_threshold_DisplayName">
<English>Unit Damage Threshold</English>
<German>Schwelle für Schaden</German>
<French>Seuil de dégâts</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_Damage_Eden_threshold_Description">
<English>Sets the amount of damage a unit can receive before going unconscious. (0 for mission default)</English>
<German>Legt die Höhe des Schadens fest, den eine Einheit erhalten kann, bevor diese ohnmächtig wird. (0 für Misionsnormalwert)</German>
<French>Définit la quantité de dégâts que l'unité peut subir avant de perdre connaissance (ou mourir, si l'option "Somme des traumatismes" est sélectionnée).\n(0 utilise la valeur définie dans la mission.)</French>
@ -179,6 +179,7 @@
#define GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS, []])
#define GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_BANDAGED_WOUNDS, []])
#define GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_STITCHED_WOUNDS, []])
#define GET_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD(unit) (unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,damageThreshold), [EGVAR(medical,AIDamageThreshold),EGVAR(medical,playerDamageThreshold)] select (isPlayer unit)])
// The following function calls are defined here just for consistency
#define GET_BLOOD_LOSS(unit) ([unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,getBloodLoss))
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ GVAR(isSpeedLimiter) = false;
["ACE3 Vehicles", QGVAR(scrollUp), localize LSTRING(IncreaseSpeedLimit), {
if (GVAR(isSpeedLimiter)) then {
GVAR(speedLimit) = round (GVAR(speedLimit) + 1) max 5;
GVAR(speedLimit) = round (GVAR(speedLimit) + GVAR(speedLimiterStep)) max (5 max GVAR(speedLimiterStep));
[["%1: %2", LSTRING(SpeedLimit), GVAR(speedLimit)]] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ GVAR(isSpeedLimiter) = false;
["ACE3 Vehicles", QGVAR(scrollDown), localize LSTRING(DecreaseSpeedLimit), {
if (GVAR(isSpeedLimiter)) then {
GVAR(speedLimit) = round (GVAR(speedLimit) - 1) max 5;
GVAR(speedLimit) = round (GVAR(speedLimit) - GVAR(speedLimiterStep)) max (5 max GVAR(speedLimiterStep));
[["%1: %2", LSTRING(SpeedLimit), GVAR(speedLimit)]] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
@ -19,3 +19,11 @@
true // needs restart
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
[1, 10, 5, 0]
] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
@ -148,5 +148,11 @@
<Italian>Nasconde la voce Espelli dal menu azione. Richiede il riavvio del gioco.</Italian>
<Czech>Schová akci vyskošení z vozidla z akčního menu. Vyžaduje restart hry.</Czech>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_SpeedLimiterStep">
<English>Speed Limiter Step</English>
<German>Schrittgröße des Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzers</German>
<Polish>Przeskok limitera prędkości</Polish>
<French>Pas du limiteur de vitesse</French>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
These are dummy files for p drive to allow building with pboProject (check externals now always enabled) - Normally extracted a3 is still required
Reference in New Issue
Block a user