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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Guidance timing per FPS fixes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,16 +26,18 @@ if( ((ASLtoATL _projectilePos) select 2) < 140 && _distanceToShooter < 50) then
_addHeight = _addHeight vectorAdd [0,0,_distanceToTarget];
} else {
// If we are below the target, increase the climbing arc
if((_projectilePos select 2) < (_seekerTargetPos select 2) + 140 && _distanceToTarget > 100) then {
if((_projectilePos select 2) < (_seekerTargetPos select 2) + 140 && _distanceToTarget > 140) then {
_addHeight = _addHeight vectorAdd [0,0, ((_seekerTargetPos select 2) - (_projectilePos select 2))+50];
// Handle arcing terminal low for high decent
if( (_projectilePos select 2) > (_seekerTargetPos select 2) && _distanceToTarget < 140) then {
_addHeight = [0,0,0];
_addHeight = _addHeight vectorDiff [0,0, ((_projectilePos select 2) - (_seekerTargetPos select 2)) * 0.5];
} else {
if((_projectilePos select 2) > (_seekerTargetPos select 2) && _distanceToTarget > 140) then {
_addHeight = [0,0,0];
_addHeight = _addHeight vectorAdd [0,0, ((_projectilePos select 2) - (_seekerTargetPos select 2)) * 0.02];
@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ _seekerParams = _args select 3;
_stateParams = _args select 4;
_lastRunTime = _stateParams select 0;
_runtimeDelta = diag_tickTime - _lastRunTime;
_adjustTime = 1/accTime;
_adjustTime = _adjustTime * (_runtimeDelta / TIMESTEP_FACTOR);
TRACE_4("Adjust timing", 1/accTime, _adjustTime, _runtimeDelta, (_runtimeDelta / TIMESTEP_FACTOR) );
_config = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "ACE_MissileGuidance";
@ -33,8 +37,8 @@ if(!isNil "_seekerTargetPos") then {
_profileAdjustedTargetPos = [_seekerTargetPos,_args] call FUNC(doAttackProfile);
_minDeflection = _flightParams select 0;
_maxDeflection = _flightParams select 1;
_minDeflection = ((_flightParams select 0) - ((_flightParams select 0) * _adjustTime)) max 0;
_maxDeflection = (_flightParams select 1) * _adjustTime;
_incDeflection = _flightParams select 2;
_yVec = vectorDir _projectile;
@ -72,15 +76,12 @@ if(!isNil "_seekerTargetPos") then {
if(accTime > 0) then {
private["_adjustTime", "_outVector", "_vectorTo"];
_adjustTime = 1/accTime;
_adjustTime = _adjustTime * (_runtimeDelta / TIMESTEP_FACTOR);
TRACE_4("Adjust timing", 1/accTime, _adjustTime, _runtimeDelta, (_runtimeDelta / TIMESTEP_FACTOR) );
private["_outVector", "_vectorTo"];
// @TODO: Apply velocity multiplier to yaw/pitch. Basically, it can adjust faster at lower speeds
//_adjustDeflection = (vectorMagnitude velocity _projectile);
_outVector = [_projectile, [_xVec, _yVec, _zVec], [_yaw, _adjustTime, _pitch]] call EFUNC(common,translateToModelSpace);
_outVector = [_projectile, [_xVec, _yVec, _zVec], [_yaw, 1, _pitch]] call EFUNC(common,translateToModelSpace);
_vectorTo = _projectilePos vectorFromTo _outVector;
_projectile setVectorDirAndUp [_vectorTo, vectorUp _projectile];
Reference in New Issue
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