mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into commonCleanupX
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ before_script:
- pip install pygithub3
- python3 tools/deploy.py
- python3 tools/sqf_validator.py
- secure: "KcJQbknBOdC5lA4nFGKPXVRVIGLDXDRzC8XkHuXJCE9pIR/wbxbkvx8fHKcC6SC9eHgzneC3+o4m4+CjIbVvIwDgslRbJ8Y59i90ncONmdoRx1HUYHwuYWVZm9HJFjCsIbrEqhSyyKS+PB3WZVOLbErtNHsgS8f43PTh5Ujg7Vg="
@ -31,4 +31,6 @@ if (_nearestVehicle isKindOf "Cargo_Base_F" || isNull _nearestVehicle) then {
if (isNull _nearestVehicle) exitWith {false};
if ((locked _nearestVehicle) >= 2) exitWith {false};
[_object, _nearestVehicle] call FUNC(canLoadItemIn)
@ -140,4 +140,10 @@ class CfgVehicles {
isBicycle = 1;
class Bag_Base;
class ACE_FakeBackpack: Bag_Base {
scope = 1;
maximumLoad = 1E6;
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
// PFHs
//Singe PFEH to handle execNextFrame and waitAndExec:
//Singe PFEH to handle execNextFrame, waitAndExec and waitUntilAndExec:
private "_entry";
private ["_entry", "_deleted"];
//Handle the waitAndExec array:
while {!(GVAR(waitAndExecArray) isEqualTo []) && {GVAR(waitAndExecArray) select 0 select 0 <= ACE_Time}} do {
@ -27,6 +27,18 @@
GVAR(nextFrameBufferA) = GVAR(nextFrameBufferB);
GVAR(nextFrameBufferB) = [];
GVAR(nextFrameNo) = diag_frameno + 1;
//Handle the waitUntilAndExec array:
_deleted = 0;
// if condition is satisifed call statement
if ((_x select 2) call (_x select 0)) then {
// make sure to delete the correct handle when multiple conditions are met in one frame
GVAR(waitUntilAndExecArray) deleteAt (_forEachIndex - _deleted);
_deleted = _deleted + 1;
(_x select 2) call (_x select 1);
} forEach GVAR(waitUntilAndExecArray);
}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
@ -146,8 +146,10 @@ PREP(resetAllDefaults);
@ -181,6 +183,7 @@ PREP(unmuteUnit);
@ -220,6 +223,10 @@ PREP(getDoorTurrets);
// missing inventory commands
// ACE_Debug
@ -282,11 +289,12 @@ PREP(hashListPush);
GVAR(syncedEvents) = HASH_CREATE;
//GVARS for execNextFrame and waitAndExec
//GVARS for execNextFrame and waitAndExec and waitUntilAndExecute
GVAR(waitAndExecArray) = [];
GVAR(nextFrameNo) = diag_frameno;
GVAR(nextFrameBufferA) = [];
GVAR(nextFrameBufferB) = [];
GVAR(waitUntilAndExecArray) = [];
GVAR(settingsInitFinished) = false;
GVAR(runAtSettingsInitialized) = [];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Author: commy2
* Returns the magazine of the units rangefinder.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Magazine of the units binocular <STRING>
* Example:
* [player] call ace_common_fnc_binocularMagazine
* Public: Yes
* Note: Doesn't work on dead units
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
private ["_binocular", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_magazine"];
_binocular = binocular _unit;
if (_binocular == "") exitWith {""};
_muzzle = currentMuzzle _unit;
_mode = currentWeaponMode _unit;
_unit selectWeapon _binocular;
// didn't select the binocular (unit probably dead or not local). function won't work. quit with empty string
if (currentWeapon _unit != _binocular) exitWith {""};
_magazine = currentMagazine _unit;
[_unit, _muzzle, _mode] call FUNC(selectWeaponMode);
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ private ["_backpackObject", "_holder"];
_backpackObject = backpackContainer _unit;
_unit addBackpack "Bag_Base";
_unit addBackpack "ACE_FakeBackpack";
removeBackpack _unit;
objectParent _backpackObject // return
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
* 16: Handgun Magazines <ARRAY>
* 17: Assigned Items (map, compass, watch, etc.) <ARRAY>
* 18: Binoculars <STRING>
* 19: Binocular Magazine (E.g. Laserbatteries) <STRING>
* Public: Yes
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ if (isNull _unit) exitWith {[
"", ["","","",""], [],
"", ["","","",""], [],
@ -57,5 +59,6 @@ if (isNull _unit) exitWith {[
secondaryWeapon _unit, secondaryWeaponItems _unit, secondaryWeaponMagazine _unit,
handgunWeapon _unit, handgunItems _unit, handgunMagazine _unit,
assignedItems _unit,
binocular _unit
binocular _unit,
[_unit] call FUNC(binocularMagazine)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Author: commy2
* Removes the magazine of the units rangefinder.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player] call ace_common_fnc_removeBinocularMagazine
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
private ["_binocular", "_selectBinocular"];
_binocular = binocular _unit;
_selectBinocular = currentWeapon _unit == _binocular;
_unit addWeapon _binocular;
if (_selectBinocular) then {
_unit selectWeapon _binocular;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* Author: commy2
* Unit selects given muzzle and weapon mode.
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <OBJECT>
* 1: weapon or Muzzle <STRING>
* 2: weapon Mode <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Successful? <BOOL>
* Example:
* [player, primaryWeapon player, "FullAuto"] call ace_common_fnc_selectWeaponMode
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_muzzle", "_mode"];
local _index = 0;
while {
_index < 100 && {currentMuzzle _unit != _muzzle || {currentWeaponMode _unit != _mode}}
} do {
_unit action ["SwitchWeapon", _unit, _unit, _index];
_index = _index + 1;
_index < 100 // return
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* Author: bux578, commy2
* Applies gear to unit.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: All Gear based on return value of ACE_common_fnc_getAllGear <ARRAY>
* 2: Remove all attachments from weapons? (default: false) <BOOL>
* 3: Remove all items from prefilled backpacks? (default: false) <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, gear_array, true, true] call ace_common_fnc_setAllGear
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_allGear", ["_clearAttachments", false], ["_clearBackpack", false]];
// remove all starting gear of a player
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeGoggles _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
_allGear params [
"_headgear", "_goggles",
"_uniform", "_uniformitems",
"_vest", "_vestitems",
"_backpack", "_backpackitems",
"_primaryweapon", "_primaryweaponitems", "_primaryweaponmagazine",
"_secondaryweapon", "_secondaryweaponitems", "_secondaryweaponmagazine",
"_handgunweapon", "_handgunweaponitems", "_handgunweaponmagazine",
// start restoring the items
if (_headgear != "") then {_unit addHeadgear _headgear};
if (_goggles != "") then {_unit addGoggles _goggles};
// ensure all weapons being loaded
_unit addBackpack "ACE_FakeBackpack";
// primaryWeapon
if (_primaryweapon != "") then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} count _primaryweaponmagazine;
_unit addWeapon _primaryweapon;
if (_clearAttachments) then {
removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _unit;
if (_x != "") then {
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _x;
} count _primaryweaponitems;
// secondaryWeapon
if (_secondaryweapon != "") then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} count _secondaryweaponmagazine;
_unit addWeapon _secondaryweapon;
if (_clearAttachments) then {
//removeAllSecondaryWeaponItems _unit;
_unit removeSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
} count secondaryWeaponItems _unit;
if (_x != "") then {
_unit addSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
} count _secondaryweaponitems;
// handgun
if (_handgunweapon != "") then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} count _handgunweaponmagazine;
_unit addWeapon _handgunweapon;
if (_clearAttachments) then {
removeAllHandgunItems _unit;
if (_x != "") then {
_unit addHandgunItem _x;
} count _handgunweaponitems;
// binocular
_unit addWeapon _binocular;
_unit addMagazine _binocularmagazine;
// done with dummy backpack. now remove
removeBackpack _unit;
// uniform
if (_uniform != "") then {
_unit forceAddUniform _uniform;
_unit addItemToUniform _x;
} count _uniformitems;
// vest
if (_vest != "") then {
_unit addVest _vest;
_unit addItemToVest _x;
} count _vestitems;
// backpack
if (_backpack != "") then {
_unit addBackpack _backpack;
if (_clearBackpack) then {
local _backpackObject = unitBackpack _unit;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _backpackObject;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _backpackObject;
clearItemCargoGlobal _backpackObject;
_unit addItemToBackpack _x;
} count _backpackitems;
// assigned items
_assignedItems deleteAt (_assignedItems find _binocular);
_unit linkItem _x;
} count _assignedItems;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Author: joko // Jonas
* Executes a code once with after the Condition is True, using a PFH
* Argument:
* 0: Condition <CODE>
* 1: Code to execute <CODE>
* 2: Parameters to run the code with <ARRAY,ANY,NIL>
* Return value:
* None
* Example:
* [{(_this select 0) == vehicle (_this select 0)}, {(_this select 0) setDamage 1;}, [ACE_player]] call ace_common_fnc_waitAndExecute
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
GVAR(waitUntilAndExecArray) pushBack _this;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if (isClass _config && {getText (_config >> "ACE_UsedTube") != ""} && {getNumber
_unit removeMagazines _magazine;
if (backpack _unit == "") then {
_unit addBackpack "Bag_Base";
_unit addBackpack "ACE_FakeBackpack";
_unit removeWeapon _launcher;
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_didAdd = _magazine in (magazines _unit);
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ if (_target getvariable[QGVAR(hasLostBlood), 0] > 0) then {
_genericMessages pushback LSTRING(noBloodloss);
if (_target getvariable[QGVAR(hasPain), false]) then {
_genericMessages pushback LSTRING(inPain);
} else {
_genericMessages pushback LSTRING(noPain);
if (alive _target) then {
if (_target getvariable[QGVAR(hasPain), false]) then {
_genericMessages pushback LSTRING(inPain);
} else {
_genericMessages pushback LSTRING(noPain);
["displayTextStructured", [_caller], [_genericMessages, 3.0, _caller]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ _amount = 1;
private "_info";
_info = _log select _foreachIndex;
_info set [1,(_info select 1) + 1];
_info set [2, ACE_time];
_info set [2, ACE_gameTime];
_log set [_foreachIndex, _info];
_amount = (_info select 1);
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ _amount = 1;
} foreach _log;
if (!_inList) then {
_log pushback [_newItem, 1, ACE_time];
_log pushback [_newItem, 1, ACE_gameTime];
_unit setvariable [QGVAR(triageCard), _log, true];
["Medical_onItemAddedToTriageCard", [_unit, _newItem, _amount]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);
@ -94,12 +94,79 @@ if (_impact > 0 && {GVAR(enableAdvancedWounds)}) then {
[_target, _impact, _part, _mostEffectiveSpot, _mostEffectiveInjury, _bandage] call FUNC(handleBandageOpening);
// If all wounds have been bandaged, we will reset all damage to 0, so the unit is not showing any blood on the model anymore.
if (GVAR(healHitPointAfterAdvBandage) && {{(_x select 2) == _part && {((_x select 4) * (_x select 3)) > 0}}count _openWounds == 0}) then {
_hitSelections = ["head", "body", "hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"];
_hitPoints = ["HitHead", "HitBody", "HitLeftArm", "HitRightArm", "HitLeftLeg", "HitRightLeg"];
_point = _hitPoints select (_hitSelections find _selectionName);
_target setHitPointDamage [_point, 0];
// If all wounds to a body part have been bandaged, reset damage to that body part to zero
// so that the body part functions normally and blood is removed from the uniform.
// Arma combines left and right arms into a single body part (HitHands), same with left and right legs (HitLegs).
// Arms are actually hands.
if (GVAR(healHitPointAfterAdvBandage)) then {
private["_currentWounds", "_headWounds", "_bodyWounds", "_legsWounds", "_armWounds"];
// Get the list of the wounds the target is currently suffering from.
_currentWounds = _target getVariable [QGVAR(openWounds), []];
// Tally of unbandaged wounds to each body part.
_headWounds = 0;
_bodyWounds = 0;
_legsWounds = 0;
_armWounds = 0;
// Loop through all current wounds and add up the number of unbandaged wounds on each body part.
_x params ["", "", "_bodyPart", "_numOpenWounds", "_bloodLoss"];
// Use switch/case for early termination if wounded limb is found before all six are checked.
// Number of wounds multiplied by blood loss will return zero for a fully
// bandaged body part, not incrementing the wound counter; or it will return
// some other number which will increment the wound counter.
switch (_bodyPart) do {
// Head
case 0: {
_headWounds = _headWounds + (_numOpenWounds * _bloodLoss);
// Body
case 1: {
_bodyWounds = _bodyWounds + (_numOpenWounds * _bloodLoss);
// Left Arm
case 2: {
_armWounds = _armWounds + (_numOpenWounds * _bloodLoss);
// Right Arm
case 3: {
_armWounds = _armWounds + (_numOpenWounds * _bloodLoss);
// Left Leg
case 4: {
_legsWounds = _legsWounds + (_numOpenWounds * _bloodLoss);
// Right Leg
case 5: {
_legsWounds = _legsWounds + (_numOpenWounds * _bloodLoss);
} forEach _currentWounds;
// Any body part that has no wounds is healed to full health
if (_headWounds == 0) then {
_target setHitPointDamage ["hitHead", 0.0];
if (_bodyWounds == 0) then {
_target setHitPointDamage ["hitBody", 0.0];
if (_armWounds == 0) then {
_target setHitPointDamage ["hitHands", 0.0];
if (_legsWounds == 0) then {
_target setHitPointDamage ["hitLegs", 0.0];
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if (_name isEqualTo "triage") exitwith {
_message = localize _message;
_triageCardTexts pushback format["%1x - %2 (%3m)", _amount, _message, round((ACE_time - _time) / 60)];
_triageCardTexts pushback format["%1x - %2 (%3m)", _amount, _message, round((ACE_gameTime - _time) / 60)];
} count _log;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if (ACE_player == _unit) then {
if (GVAR(SavePreDeathGear)) then {
GVAR(unitGear) = [_unit] call EFUNC(common,getAllGear);
GVAR(unitGear) pushBack [currentWeapon _unit, currentMuzzle _unit, currentWeaponMode _unit];
GVAR(unitGear) append [currentWeapon _unit, currentMuzzle _unit, currentWeaponMode _unit];
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ _position set [2, 0];
_rallypoint setPosATL _position;
_unit reveal _rallypoint;
_rallypoint setVariable [QGVAR(markerDate), format ["%1:%2", date select 3, date select 4], true];
_rallypoint setVariable [QGVAR(markerDate), [dayTime, "HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString, true];
["rallypointMoved", [_rallypoint, _side, _position]] call EFUNC(common,globalEvent);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Author: bux578
* Author: bux578, commy2
* Restores previously saved gear.
* Arguments:
@ -10,150 +10,16 @@
* None
* Example:
* [ACE_Player, stored_allGear] call ace_respawn_fnc_restoreGear
* [ACE_Player, stored_allGear, active_weapon_muzzle_and_mode] call ace_respawn_fnc_restoreGear
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_allGear"];
params ["_unit", "_allGear", "_activeWeaponAndMuzzle"];
// remove all starting gear of a player
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeGoggles _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
_allGear params [
"_headgear", "_goggles",
"_uniform", "_uniformitems",
"_vest", "_vestitems",
"_backpack", "_backpackitems",
"_primaryweapon", "_primaryweaponitems", "_primaryweaponmagazine",
"_secondaryweapon", "_secondaryweaponitems", "_secondaryweaponmagazine",
"_handgunweapon", "_handgunweaponitems", "_handgunweaponmagazine",
"_assigneditems", "_binocular",
// start restoring the items
if (_headgear != "") then {_unit addHeadgear _headgear};
if (_goggles != "") then {_unit addGoggles _goggles};
if (_uniform != "") then {_unit forceAddUniform _uniform};
if (_vest != "") then {_unit addVest _vest};
_unit addItemToUniform _x;
} count _uniformitems;
_unit addItemToVest _x;
} count _vestitems;
private "_flagRemoveDummyBag";
if (format ["%1", _backpack] != "") then {
_unit addBackpack _backpack;
// make sure the backpack is empty. Some bags are prefilled by config
private "_backpackObject";
_backpackObject = unitBackpack _unit;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _backpackObject;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _backpackObject;
clearItemCargoGlobal _backpackObject;
_unit addItemToBackpack _x;
} count _backpackitems;
_flagRemoveDummyBag = false;
} else {
// dummy backpack to ensure mags being loaded
_unit addBackpack "Bag_Base";
_flagRemoveDummyBag = true;
// primaryWeapon
if ((_primaryweapon != "") && {_primaryweapon != "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon"}) then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} count _primaryweaponmagazine;
_unit addWeapon _primaryweapon;
if (_x != "") then {
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _x;
} count _primaryweaponitems;
// secondaryWeapon
if (_secondaryweapon != "") then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} count _secondaryweaponmagazine;
_unit addWeapon _secondaryweapon;
if (_x != "") then {
_unit addSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
} count _secondaryweaponitems;
// handgun
if (_handgunweapon != "") then {
_unit addMagazine _x;
} count _handgunweaponmagazine;
_unit addWeapon _handgunweapon;
if (_x != "") then {
_unit addHandgunItem _x;
} count _handgunweaponitems;
// remove dummy bagpack
if (_flagRemoveDummyBag) then {
removeBackpack _unit;
_assignedItems deleteAt (_assignedItems find _binocular);
// items
{_unit linkItem _x; false} count _assignedItems;
_unit addWeapon _binocular;
// reload Laserdesignator
// we assume that if the unit had a Laserdesignator it probably had batteries for it
if ("Laserdesignator" in assignedItems _unit) then {
_unit selectWeapon "Laserdesignator";
if (currentMagazine _unit == "") then {
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries";
// restore all gear
[_unit, _allGear, true, true] call EFUNC(common,setAllGear);
// restore the last active weapon, muzzle and weaponMode
_activeWeaponAndMuzzle params ["_activeWeapon", "_activeMuzzle", "_activeWeaponMode"];
@ -171,8 +37,7 @@ if (
if (currentWeapon _unit != "") then {
private "_index";
_index = 0;
local _index = 0;
while {
_index < 100 && {currentWeaponMode _unit != _activeWeaponMode}
Binary file not shown.
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
* 2: relativeHumidity - value between 0.0 and 1.0 <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: density of air - kg * m^(-3) <NUMBER>
* density of air - kg * m^(-3) <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_temperature", "_pressure", "_relativeHumidity"];
_pressure = _pressure * 100; // hPa to Pa
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
* Calculates the barometric pressure based on altitude and weather
* Arguments:
* 0: altitude - meters <NUMBER>
* altitude - meters <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: barometric pressure - hPA <NUMBER>
* barometric pressure - hPA <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* 2: relativeHumidity - value between 0.0 and 1.0 <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: dew point <NUMBER>
* dew point <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#define __b 17.67
#define __c 243.5
params ["_t", "_rh"];
if (_rh == 0) exitWith { CELSIUS(0) };
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
* Arguments:
* 0: temperature - degrees celcius <NUMBER>
* 2: relativeHumidity - value between 0.0 and 1.0 <NUMBER>
* 1: relativeHumidity - value between 0.0 and 1.0 <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: heat index <NUMBER>
* heat index <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#define __C7 0.000687678
#define __C8 0.000274954
params ["_t", "_rh"];
// Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_index
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
* Calculates the terrain roughness length at a given world position
* Arguments:
* 0: _this - world position <posASL>
* world position <posASL>
* Return Value:
* 0: roughness length <NUMBER>
* roughness length <NUMBER>
* Public: No
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
* Calculates the temperature based on altitude and weather
* Arguments:
* 0: height - meters <NUMBER>
* height - meters <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: temperature - degrees celsius <NUMBER>
* temperature - degrees celsius <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* 2: relativeHumidity - value between 0.0 and 1.0 <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: wet bulb <NUMBER>
* wet bulb <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
private ["_es", "_e", "_eDiff", "_eGuessPrev", "_cTempDelta", "_twGuess", "_eguess"];
params ["_temperature", "_pressure", "_relativeHumidity"];
// Source: http://cosmoquest.org/forum/showthread.php?155366-Calculating-Wet-Bulb-Temperature-from-RH-amp-Dry-Bulb
_es = 6.112 * exp((17.67 * _temperature) / (_temperature + 243.5));
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
* Arguments:
* 0: temperature - degrees celcius <NUMBER>
* 2: wind speed - m/s <NUMBER>
* 1: wind speed - m/s <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* 0: wind chill <NUMBER>
* wind chill <NUMBER>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_t", "_v"];
// Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_chill
@ -10,24 +10,26 @@
* 3: Account for obstacles <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* 0: wind speed - m/s <NUMBER>
* wind speed - m/s <NUMBER>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_windSpeed", "_windDir", "_height", "_newWindSpeed", "_windSource", "_roughnessLength"];
private ["_fnc_polar2vect", "_windSpeed", "_windDir", "_windDirAdjusted", "_height", "_newWindSpeed", "_windSource", "_roughnessLength"];
params ["_position", "_windGradientEnabled", "_terrainEffectEnabled", "_obstacleEffectEnabled"];
fnc_polar2vect = {
_fnc_polar2vect = {
private ["_mag2D"];
_mag2D = (_this select 0) * cos((_this select 2));
[_mag2D * sin((_this select 1)), _mag2D * cos((_this select 1)), (_this select 0) * sin((_this select 2))];
params ["_x", "_y", "_z"];
_mag2D = _x * cos(_z);
[_mag2D * sin(_y), _mag2D * cos(_y), _x * sin(_z)];
_windSpeed = vectorMagnitude ACE_wind;
_windDir = (ACE_wind select 0) atan2 (ACE_wind select 1);
_windDirAdjusted = _windDir + 180;
// Wind gradient
if (_windGradientEnabled) then {
@ -46,19 +48,19 @@ if (_terrainEffectEnabled) then {
if (_windSpeed > 0.05) then {
_newWindSpeed = 0;
_windSource = [100, _windDir + 180, _x] call fnc_polar2vect;
_windSource = [100, _windDirAdjusted, _x] call _fnc_polar2vect;
if (!(terrainIntersectASL [_position, _position vectorAdd _windSource])) exitWith {
_newWindSpeed = cos(_x * 9) * _windSpeed;
_windSource = [100, _windDir + 180 + _x, 0] call fnc_polar2vect;
_windSource = [100, _windDirAdjusted + _x, 0] call _fnc_polar2vect;
if (!(terrainIntersectASL [_position, _position vectorAdd _windSource])) exitWith {
_newWindSpeed = cos(_x * 9) * _windSpeed;
_windSource = [100, _windDir + 180 - _x, 0] call fnc_polar2vect;
_windSource = [100, _windDirAdjusted - _x, 0] call _fnc_polar2vect;
if (!(terrainIntersectASL [_position, _position vectorAdd _windSource])) exitWith {
_newWindSpeed = cos(_x * 9) * _windSpeed;
} forEach [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
} count [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
_windSpeed = _newWindSpeed;
@ -68,19 +70,19 @@ if (_obstacleEffectEnabled) then {
if (_windSpeed > 0.05) then {
_newWindSpeed = 0;
_windSource = [20, _windDir + 180, _x] call fnc_polar2vect;
_windSource = [20, _windDirAdjusted, _x] call _fnc_polar2vect;
if (!(lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd _windSource])) exitWith {
_newWindSpeed = cos(_x * 2) * _windSpeed;
_windSource = [20, _windDir + 180 + _x, 0] call fnc_polar2vect;
_windSource = [20, _windDirAdjusted + _x, 0] call _fnc_polar2vect;
if (!(lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd _windSource])) exitWith {
_newWindSpeed = cos(_x * 2) * _windSpeed;
_windSource = [20, _windDir + 180 - _x, 0] call fnc_polar2vect;
_windSource = [20, _windDirAdjusted - _x, 0] call _fnc_polar2vect;
if (!(lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd _windSource])) exitWith {
_newWindSpeed = cos(_x * 2) * _windSpeed;
} forEach [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45];
} count [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45];
_windSpeed = _newWindSpeed;
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_periodPercent", "_periodPosition"];
if (isNil "ACE_WIND_PARAMS") exitWith { [0, 0, 0] };
ACE_WIND_PARAMS params ["_dir", "_dirChange", "_spd", "_spdChange", "_period"];
private ["_periodPercent", "_periodPosition"];
_periodPosition = (ACE_time - GVAR(wind_period_start_time)) min _period;
_periodPercent = _periodPosition / _period;
@ -15,10 +15,7 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_logic", "_units", "_activated"];
_logic = _this select 0;
_units = _this select 1;
_activated = _this select 2;
params ["_logic", "_units", "_activated"];
if !(_activated) exitWith {};
@ -36,4 +33,4 @@ if !(_activated) exitWith {};
// Server weather update interval
[_logic, QGVAR(serverUpdateInterval), "serverUpdateInterval"] call EFUNC(common,readSettingFromModule);
GVAR(serverUpdateInterval) = 1 max GVAR(serverUpdateInterval) min 600;
GVAR(serverUpdateInterval) = 1 max GVAR(serverUpdateInterval) min 600;
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
if (!GVAR(syncRain)) exitWith {};
if (!isNil "ACE_RAIN_PARAMS") then {
ACE_RAIN_PARAMS params ["_oldRain", "_newRain", "_period"];
private ["_periodPosition", "_periodPercent"];
_periodPosition = (ACE_time - GVAR(rain_period_start_time)) min _period;
_periodPercent = (_periodPosition / _period) min 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import ntpath
import sys
import argparse
def check_sqf_syntax(filepath):
bad_count_file = 0
def pushClosing(t):
closing << Literal( closingFor[t[0]] )
def popClosing():
closing << closingStack.pop()
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
brackets_list = []
isInCommentBlock = False
checkIfInComment = False
ignoreTillEndOfLine = False
checkIfNextIsClosingBlock = False
isInString = False
lineNumber = 0
for c in content:
if c == '\n':
lineNumber += 1 # so we can print accurate line number information when we detect a possible error
if (isInString):
if (c == inStringType):
isInString = False
elif (isInCommentBlock == False): # if we are not in a comment block, we will check if we are at the start of one or count the () {} and []
if (checkIfInComment): # This means we have encountered a /, so we are now checking if this is an inline comment or a comment block
checkIfInComment = False
if c == '*': # if the next character after / is a *, we are at the start of a comment block
isInCommentBlock = True
if (c == '/'): # Otherwise, will check if we are in an line comment
ignoreTillEndOfLine = True # and an line comment is a / followed by another / (//) We won't care about anything that comes after it
if (isInCommentBlock == False):
if (ignoreTillEndOfLine): # we are in a line comment, just continue going through the characters until we find an end of line
if (c == '\n'):
ignoreTillEndOfLine = False
if (c == '"'):
isInString = True
inStringType = c
elif (c == '/'):
checkIfInComment = True
elif (c == '('):
elif (c == ')'):
if (brackets_list[-1] in ['{', '[']):
print "Possible missing bracket detected at )"
print filepath + "Line number: " + str(lineNumber)
bad_count_file += 1
elif (c == '['):
elif (c == ']'):
if (brackets_list[-1] in ['{', '(']):
print "Possible missing bracket detected at ]"
print filepath + "Line number: " + str(lineNumber)
bad_count_file += 1
elif (c == '{'):
elif (c == '}'):
if (brackets_list[-1] in ['(', '[']):
print "Possible missing bracket detected at }"
print filepath + "Line number: " + str(lineNumber)
bad_count_file += 1
if (c == '*'):
checkIfNextIsClosingBlock = True;
elif (checkIfNextIsClosingBlock):
if (c == '/'):
isInCommentBlock = False
elif (c != '*'):
checkIfNextIsClosingBlock = False
if brackets_list.count('[') != brackets_list.count(']'):
print "A possible missing [ or ] in file " + filepath + "[ = " + str(brackets_list.count('[')) + " ] =" + str(brackets_list.count(']'))
bad_count_file += 1
if brackets_list.count('(') != brackets_list.count(')'):
print "A possible missing ( or ) in file " + filepath + "( = " + str(brackets_list.count('(')) + " ) =" + str(brackets_list.count(')'))
bad_count_file += 1
if brackets_list.count('{') != brackets_list.count('}'):
print "A possible missing { or } in file " + filepath + "{ = " + str(brackets_list.count('{')) + " } =" + str(brackets_list.count('}'))
bad_count_file += 1
return bad_count_file
def main():
print("# Validate SQF files missing brackets #")
sqf_list = []
bad_count = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m','--module', help='only search specified module addon folder', required=False, default=".")
args = parser.parse_args()
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('../addons' + '/' + args.module):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.sqf'):
sqf_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
for filename in sqf_list:
bad_count = bad_count + check_sqf_syntax(filename)
print ("Bad Count {0}".format(bad_count))
return bad_count
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user