diff --git a/addons/respawn/CfgEventHandlers.hpp b/addons/respawn/CfgEventHandlers.hpp
index c4a50615d1..00b6f01cea 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/CfgEventHandlers.hpp
+++ b/addons/respawn/CfgEventHandlers.hpp
@@ -1,20 +1,75 @@
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class ADDON {
init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_preInit));
+class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE(call COMPILE_FILE(XEH_postInit));
+ };
class Extended_Killed_EventHandlers {
class CAManBase {
- class GVAR(HandleGear) {
+ class ADDON {
killed = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(handleKilled));
class Extended_Respawn_EventHandlers {
class CAManBase {
- class GVAR(HandleGear) {
+ class ADDON {
respawn = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(handleRespawn));
+class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_West {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_nato_CO.paa'; [ARR_3(_this select 0,'',west)] call FUNC(initRallypoint));
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_East {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_CSAT_CO.paa'; [ARR_3(_this select 0,'',east)] call FUNC(initRallypoint));
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_Independent {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_AAF_CO.paa'; [ARR_3(_this select 0,'',independent)] call FUNC(initRallypoint));
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_nato_CO.paa'; [ARR_3(_this select 0,'respawn_west',west)] call FUNC(initRallypoint));
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_CSAT_CO.paa'; [ARR_3(_this select 0,'respawn_east',east)] call FUNC(initRallypoint));
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base {
+ class ADDON {
+ init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_AAF_CO.paa'; [ARR_3(_this select 0,'respawn_guerrila',independent)] call FUNC(initRallypoint)); //respawn_civilian
+ };
+ };
+class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers {
+ // auto assign rallypoint leader
+ class CAManBase {
+ class ADDON {
+ serverInit = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(handleInitPostServer));
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/addons/respawn/CfgVehicles.hpp b/addons/respawn/CfgVehicles.hpp
index f6b8fc64c2..384376b00c 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/CfgVehicles.hpp
+++ b/addons/respawn/CfgVehicles.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class CfgVehicles {
class Module_F;
- class ACE_ModuleRespawn : Module_F {
+ class ACE_ModuleRespawn: Module_F {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
category = "ACE";
displayName = "Respawn System";
@@ -8,20 +8,24 @@ class CfgVehicles {
scope = 2;
isGlobal = 1;
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Respawn_ca.paa));
class Arguments {
class SavePreDeathGear {
displayName = "Save Gear?";
description = "Respawn with the gear a soldier had just before his death?";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes { name = "Yes"; value = 1; };
class No { default = 1; name = "No"; value = 0; };
class RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected {
displayName = "Remove bodies?";
description = "Remove player bodies after disconnect?";
typeName = "BOOL";
class values {
class Yes { default = 1; name = "Yes"; value = 1; };
class No { name = "No"; value = 0; };
@@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ class CfgVehicles {
- class ACE_ModuleFriendlyFire : Module_F {
+ class ACE_ModuleFriendlyFire: Module_F {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
category = "ACE";
displayName = "Friendly Fire Messages";
@@ -38,11 +42,11 @@ class CfgVehicles {
scope = 2;
isGlobal = 1;
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_FriendlyFire_ca.paa));
- class Arguments {
- };
+ class Arguments {};
- class ACE_ModuleRallypoint : Module_F {
+ class ACE_ModuleRallypoint: Module_F {
author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
category = "ACE";
displayName = "Rallypoint System";
@@ -50,174 +54,8 @@ class CfgVehicles {
scope = 2;
isGlobal = 1;
icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Rallypoint_ca.paa));
- class Arguments {
- };
- };
- // rallypoints
- class FlagCarrier;
- class Flag_NATO_F : FlagCarrier {
- class ACE_Actions;
- };
- class Flag_CSAT_F : FlagCarrier {
- class ACE_Actions;
- };
- class Flag_AAF_F : FlagCarrier {
- class ACE_Actions;
- };
- // static
- class ACE_Rallypoint_West : Flag_NATO_F {
- author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
- displayName = "Rallypoint West Base";
- vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
- class EventHandlers {
- init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_nato_CO.paa'; _this call FUNC(initRallypoint));
- };
- class ACE_Actions : ACE_Actions {
- class ACE_MainActions {
- distance = 5;
- condition = "true";
- selection = "";
- class ACE_Teleport {
- displayName = "Teleport to Rallypoint";
- distance = 4;
- condition = QUOTE(side group _player == west);
- statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, side group _player, false)] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
- showDisabled = 1;
- priority = 1;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class ACE_Rallypoint_East : Flag_CSAT_F {
- author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
- displayName = "Rallypoint East Base";
- vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
- class EventHandlers {
- init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_CSAT_CO.paa'; _this call FUNC(initRallypoint));
- };
- class ACE_Actions : ACE_Actions {
- class ACE_MainActions {
- distance = 5;
- condition = "true";
- selection = "";
- class ACE_Teleport {
- displayName = "Teleport to Rallypoint";
- distance = 4;
- condition = QUOTE(side group _player == east);
- statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, side group _player, false)] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
- showDisabled = 1;
- priority = 1;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class ACE_Rallypoint_Independent : Flag_AAF_F {
- author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
- displayName = "Rallypoint Independent Base";
- vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
- class EventHandlers {
- init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_AAF_CO.paa'; _this call FUNC(initRallypoint));
- };
- class ACE_Actions : ACE_Actions {
- class ACE_MainActions {
- distance = 5;
- condition = "true";
- selection = "";
- class ACE_Teleport {
- displayName = "Teleport to Rallypoint";
- distance = 4;
- condition = QUOTE(side group _player == independent);
- statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, side group _player, false)] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
- showDisabled = 1;
- priority = 1;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- // moveable
- class ACE_RallypointExit_West : Flag_NATO_F {
- author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
- displayName = "Rallypoint West";
- vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
- class EventHandlers {
- init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_nato_CO.paa'; _this call FUNC(initRallypoint));
- };
- class ACE_Actions : ACE_Actions {
- class ACE_MainActions {
- distance = 5;
- condition = "true";
- selection = "";
- class ACE_Teleport {
- displayName = "Teleport to Base";
- distance = 4;
- condition = QUOTE(side group _player == west);
- statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, side group _player, true)] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
- showDisabled = 1;
- priority = 1;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class ACE_RallypointExit_East : Flag_CSAT_F {
- author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
- displayName = "Rallypoint East";
- vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
- class EventHandlers {
- init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_CSAT_CO.paa'; _this call FUNC(initRallypoint));
- };
- class ACE_Actions : ACE_Actions {
- class ACE_MainActions {
- distance = 5;
- condition = "true";
- selection = "";
- class ACE_Teleport {
- displayName = "Teleport to Base";
- distance = 4;
- condition = QUOTE(side group _player == east);
- statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, side group _player, true)] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
- showDisabled = 1;
- priority = 1;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class ACE_RallypointExit_Independent : Flag_AAF_F {
- author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
- displayName = "Rallypoint Independent";
- vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
- class EventHandlers {
- init = QUOTE((_this select 0) setFlagTexture '\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_AAF_CO.paa'; _this call FUNC(initRallypoint));
- };
- class ACE_Actions : ACE_Actions {
- class ACE_MainActions {
- distance = 5;
- condition = "true";
- selection = "";
- class ACE_Teleport {
- displayName = "Teleport to Base";
- distance = 4;
- condition = QUOTE(side group _player == independent);
- statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player, side group _player, true)] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
- showDisabled = 1;
- priority = 1;
- };
- };
- };
+ class Arguments {};
// team leader
@@ -233,4 +71,140 @@ class CfgVehicles {
+ // rallypoints
+ class FlagCarrier;
+ class Flag_NATO_F: FlagCarrier {
+ class ACE_Actions;
+ };
+ class Flag_CSAT_F: FlagCarrier {
+ class ACE_Actions;
+ };
+ class Flag_AAF_F: FlagCarrier {
+ class ACE_Actions;
+ };
+ // static
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base: Flag_NATO_F {
+ author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_RallypointWestBase";
+ vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
+ class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
+ class ACE_Teleport {
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToRallypoint";
+ distance = 4;
+ condition = QUOTE(side group _player == west);
+ statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,side group _player,'ACE_Rallypoint_West')] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
+ position = "[0,0,-1]";
+ showDisabled = 1;
+ priority = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base: Flag_CSAT_F {
+ author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_RallypointEastBase";
+ vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
+ class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
+ class ACE_Teleport {
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToRallypoint";
+ distance = 4;
+ condition = QUOTE(side group _player == east);
+ statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,side group _player,'ACE_Rallypoint_East')] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
+ position = "[0,0,-1]";
+ showDisabled = 1;
+ priority = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base: Flag_AAF_F {
+ author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_RallypointIndependentBase";
+ vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
+ class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
+ class ACE_Teleport {
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToRallypoint";
+ distance = 4;
+ condition = QUOTE(side group _player == independent);
+ statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,side group _player,'ACE_Rallypoint_Independent')] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
+ position = "[0,0,-1]";
+ showDisabled = 1;
+ priority = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ // moveable
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_West: Flag_NATO_F {
+ author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_RallypointWest";
+ vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
+ class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
+ class ACE_Teleport {
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToBase";
+ distance = 4;
+ condition = QUOTE(side group _player == west);
+ statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,side group _player,'ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base')] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
+ position = "[0,0,-1]";
+ showDisabled = 1;
+ priority = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_East: Flag_CSAT_F {
+ author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_RallypointEast";
+ vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
+ class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
+ class ACE_Teleport {
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToBase";
+ distance = 4;
+ condition = QUOTE(side group _player == east);
+ statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,side group _player,'ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base')] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
+ position = "[0,0,-1]";
+ showDisabled = 1;
+ priority = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class ACE_Rallypoint_Independent: Flag_AAF_F {
+ author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam";
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_RallypointIndependent";
+ vehicleClass = QGVAR(Rallypoints);
+ class ACE_Actions: ACE_Actions {
+ class ACE_Teleport {
+ displayName = "$STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToBase";
+ distance = 4;
+ condition = QUOTE(side group _player == independent);
+ statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_player,side group _player,'ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base')] call FUNC(teleportToRallypoint));
+ position = "[0,0,-1]";
+ showDisabled = 1;
+ priority = 1;
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/addons/respawn/XEH_postInit.sqf b/addons/respawn/XEH_postInit.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ada5765e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/respawn/XEH_postInit.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// by commy2
+#include "script_component.hpp"
+["rallypointMoved", {_this call FUNC(updateRallypoint)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);
+["playerChanged", {_this call FUNC(handlePlayerChanged)}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler); // hide enemy rallypoint markers
diff --git a/addons/respawn/XEH_preInit.sqf b/addons/respawn/XEH_preInit.sqf
index f57e1f3714..dd116f108c 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/XEH_preInit.sqf
+++ b/addons/respawn/XEH_preInit.sqf
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ ADDON = false;
@@ -15,5 +17,6 @@ PREP(removeDisconnectedPlayer);
ADDON = true;
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleInitPostServer.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleInitPostServer.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8a0479717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleInitPostServer.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// by commy2
+// execute on server only!
+#include "script_component.hpp"
+private "_unit";
+_unit = _this select 0;
+private ["_group0", "_rallypoint"];
+_group0 = group _unit; // _group is a reserved veriable and shouldn't be used
+_rallypoint = [
+ objNull,
+ missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull],
+ missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull],
+ missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]
+] select ([west, east, independent] find side _group0) + 1;
+// exit if no moveable rallypoint is placed for that side
+if (isNull _rallypoint) exitWith {};
+// find leader
+private "_leaderVarName";
+_leaderVarName = _group0 getVariable [QGVAR(leaderVarName), ""];
+// exit if group already has a playable slot assigned as rallypoint leader
+if (_leaderVarName != "") exitWith {
+ // assign JIP unit as rallypoint leader
+ if (str _unit == _leaderVarName) then {
+ _unit setVariable ["ACE_canMoveRallypoint", true, true];
+ };
+// treat group leader
+_unit = leader _group0;
+_leaderVarName = vehicleVarName _unit;
+if (_leaderVarName == "") then {
+ private "_leaderID";
+ _leaderID = GETGVAR(NextLeaderID,0);
+ _leaderVarName = format [QUOTE(ACE_Rallypoint_Leader_%1), _leaderID];
+ _unit setVehicleVarName _leaderVarName;
+ GVAR(NextLeaderID) = _leaderID + 1;
+// prevent group from getting multiple leaders; use this to assign rallypoint moving ability on JIP
+_group0 setVariable [QGVAR(leaderVarName), _leaderVarName];
+_unit setVariable ["ACE_canMoveRallypoint", true, true];
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handlePlayerChanged.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handlePlayerChanged.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db699066bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handlePlayerChanged.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// by commy2
+#include "script_component.hpp"
+private "_newUnit";
+_newUnit = _this select 0;
+switch (side group _newUnit) do {
+ case (west): {
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ };
+ case (east): {
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ };
+ case (independent): {
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 1;
+ };
+ default {
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ ((missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent_Base", objNull]) getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""]) setMarkerAlphaLocal 0;
+ };
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleRespawn.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleRespawn.sqf
index a9fe3293ac..33a0ec09e5 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleRespawn.sqf
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_handleRespawn.sqf
@@ -25,3 +25,8 @@ _respawnedUnit = _this select 0;
if (GVAR(SavePreDeathGear)) then {
[_respawnedUnit, GVAR(unitGear)] call FUNC(restoreGear);
+// fix for setVariable public being lost on respawn for machines that JIP after the command was broadcasted
+if (_respawnedUnit getVariable ["ACE_canMoveRallypoint", false]) then {
+ _respawnedUnit setVariable ["ACE_canMoveRallypoint", true, true];
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_initRallypoint.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_initRallypoint.sqf
index cb4d55146f..44671b7c45 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_initRallypoint.sqf
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_initRallypoint.sqf
@@ -16,17 +16,58 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
-private ["_rallypoint", "_name"];
+private ["_rallypoint", "_respawnMarker", "_side"];
_rallypoint = _this select 0;
+_respawnMarker = _this select 1;
+_side = _this select 2;
-if (!local _rallypoint) exitWith {};
+private "_name";
_name = typeOf _rallypoint;
+// init visible marker
+if (hasInterface) then {
+ // fix init having wrong position, vars etc.
+ [_rallypoint, _respawnMarker, _side, _name] spawn {
+ _rallypoint = _this select 0;
+ _respawnMarker = _this select 1;
+ _side = _this select 2;
+ _name = _this select 3;
+ _marker = format ["ACE_Marker_%1", _name];
+ // exit if it already exist
+ if (_marker in allMapMarkers) exitWith {};
+ _marker = createMarkerLocal [_marker, getPosASL _rallypoint];
+ _type = ["selector_selectedFriendly", "selector_selectedEnemy"] select (_respawnMarker == "");
+ _marker setMarkerTypeLocal _type;
+ _marker setMarkerAlphaLocal ([0,1] select (_side == playerSide)); // playerSide to guarantee init
+ private "_markerDate";
+ _markerDate = _rallypoint getVariable [QGVAR(markerDate), ""];
+ _marker setMarkerTextLocal _markerDate;
+ _rallypoint setVariable [QGVAR(marker), _marker];
+ };
+if (!isServer) exitWith {};
if (isNil _name) then {
missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _rallypoint];
publicVariable _name;
+ _rallypoint setVariable [QGVAR(side), _side, true];
+ if (_respawnMarker != "" && {!(_respawnMarker in allMapMarkers)}) then {
+ createMarker [_respawnMarker, _rallypoint];
+ };
+ ["rallypointMoved", [_rallypoint, _side]] call EFUNC(common,globalEvent);
} else {
deleteVehicle _rallypoint;
diag_log text "[ACE] Respawn: ERROR Multiple Rallypoints of same type.";
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_moveRallypoint.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_moveRallypoint.sqf
index dcd4810844..62d2742ef9 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_moveRallypoint.sqf
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_moveRallypoint.sqf
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ _this spawn {
_rallypoint = [
missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull],
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_RallypointExit_East", objNull],
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_RallypointExit_Independent", objNull]
+ missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull],
+ missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]
] select ([west, east, independent] find _side) + 1;
if (isNull _rallypoint) exitWith {};
@@ -44,11 +44,9 @@ _this spawn {
_rallypoint setPosATL _position;
_unit reveal _rallypoint;
- /*
- _marker = format ["AGM_RallyPoint_%1", _side];
- _marker setMarkerPos _position;
- _marker setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1:%2", [date select 3, 2, 0] call CBA_fnc_FORMATNumber, [date select 4, 2, 0] call CBA_fnc_FORMATNumber];
- */
+ _rallypoint setVariable [QGVAR(markerDate), format ["%1:%2", date select 3, date select 4], true];
- [localize "STR_ACE_Respawn_Deploy"] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
+ ["rallypointMoved", [_rallypoint, _side, _position]] call EFUNC(common,globalEvent);
+ [localize "STR_ACE_Respawn_Deployed"] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_restoreGear.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_restoreGear.sqf
index 18afba344b..5a00e3425c 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_restoreGear.sqf
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_restoreGear.sqf
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ if (_goggles != "") then {
_unit addItemToVest _x;
}forEach _vestitems;
+private "_flagRemoveDummyBag";
+_flagRemoveDummyBag = false;
if(format["%1", _backpack] != "") then {
_unit addBackpack _backpack;
@@ -87,6 +89,12 @@ if(format["%1", _backpack] != "") then {
_unit addItemToBackpack _x;
} forEach _backpackitems;
+} else {
+ // dummy backpack to ensure mags being loaded
+ _unit addBackpack "B_Kitbag_Base";
+ _flagRemoveDummyBag = true;
@@ -138,6 +146,12 @@ if (_handgunweapon != "") then {
+// remove dummy bagpack
+if (_flagRemoveDummyBag) then {
+ removeBackpack _unit;
_assignedItems = _assignedItems - [_binocular];
// items
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_teleportToRallypoint.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_teleportToRallypoint.sqf
index 8d898441ee..82a1d68e05 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_teleportToRallypoint.sqf
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_teleportToRallypoint.sqf
@@ -18,30 +18,19 @@
#include "script_component.hpp"
-private ["_unit", "_side", "_toBase", "_rallypoint"];
+private ["_unit", "_side", "_rallypoint", "_toBase"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_side = _this select 1;
-_toBase = _this select 2;
+_rallypoint = _this select 2;
// rallypoint names are defined in CfgVehicles.hpp
-_rallypoint = ([
- [
- objNull,
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_RallypointExit_West", objNull],
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_RallypointExit_East", objNull],
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_RallypointExit_Independent", objNull]
- ],
- [
- objNull,
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_West", objNull],
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_East", objNull],
- missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_Rallypoint_Independent", objNull]
- ]
-] select _toBase) select ([west, east, independent] find _side) + 1;
+_toBase = _rallypoint find "_Base" != -1;
+_rallypoint = missionNamespace getVariable [_rallypoint, objNull],
if (isNull _rallypoint) exitWith {};
-_unit setPosASL (getPosASL _rallypoint);
+_unit setPosASL getPosASL _rallypoint;
[[localize "STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToRallypoint", localize "STR_ACE_Respawn_TeleportedToBase"] select _toBase] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
diff --git a/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_updateRallypoint.sqf b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_updateRallypoint.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..248955155a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/respawn/functions/fnc_updateRallypoint.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// by commy2
+#include "script_component.hpp"
+private ["_rallypoint", "_side", "_position"];
+_rallypoint = _this select 0;
+_side = _this select 1;
+_position = _this select 2;
+if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
+private ["_marker", "_markerDate"];
+_marker = _rallypoint getVariable [QGVAR(marker), ""];
+_markerDate = _rallypoint getVariable [QGVAR(markerDate), ""];
+_marker setMarkerPosLocal _position;
+_marker setMarkerTextLocal _markerDate;
diff --git a/addons/respawn/stringtable.xml b/addons/respawn/stringtable.xml
index 1220d87cae..af003b4c28 100644
--- a/addons/respawn/stringtable.xml
+++ b/addons/respawn/stringtable.xml
@@ -41,5 +41,29 @@
Odteleportován na rallypoint
Gyülekezőpontra teleportálva
+ Rallypoint West (Base)
+ Sammelpunkt West (Basis)
+ Rallypoint East (Base)
+ Sammelpunkt Ost (Basis)
+ Rallypoint Independent (Base)
+ Sammelpunkt Widerstand (Basis)
+ Rallypoint West
+ Sammelpunkt West
+ Rallypoint East
+ Sammelpunkt Ost
+ Rallypoint Independent
+ Sammelpunkt Widerstand