All spalling in current version is local

This commit is contained in:
lambdatiger 2024-07-18 18:56:00 -05:00
parent 842b818aff
commit fbca98328e
3 changed files with 47 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ PREP(dev_clearTraces);
PREP(dev_debugAmmo); PREP(dev_debugAmmo);
PREP(dev_drawTrace); PREP(dev_drawTrace);
PREP(dev_fragCalcDump); PREP(dev_fragCalcDump);
PREP(dev_trackHitBox); PREP(dev_trackHitBox);
PREP(dev_trackObj); PREP(dev_trackObj);
PREP(doExplosions); PREP(doExplosions);
PREP(doReflections); PREP(doReflections);
PREP(doSpallLocal); PREP(doSpall);
PREP(findReflections); PREP(findReflections);
PREP(fired); PREP(fired);
PREP(frago); PREP(frago);

View File

@ -76,4 +76,48 @@ if (_explosive > 0) then {
_spallPolar set [0, _fragVelocity * 0.66]; _spallPolar set [0, _fragVelocity * 0.66];
}; };
[QGVAR(spallEvent), [_spallVelocity, _vm, _spallPos]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; // diag_log text format ["SPALL POWER: %1", _spallVelocity select 0];
private _spread = 15 + (random 25);
private _spallCount = 5 + (random 10);
for "_i" from 1 to _spallCount do {
private _elev = ((_spallVelocity select 2) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
private _dir = ((_spallVelocity select 1) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
if (abs _elev > 90) then {
_dir = _dir % 360;
private _vel = (_spallVelocity select 0) * 0.33 * _vm;
_vel = (_vel - (_vel * 0.25)) + (random (_vel * 0.5));
private _spallFragVect = [_vel, _dir, _elev] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
private _fragment = (selectRandomWeighted WEIGHTED_SIZE) createVehicle [0,0,10000];
_fragment setPosASL _spallPos;
_fragment setVelocity _spallFragVect;
[_fragment, "orange", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj);
_spread = 5 + (random 5);
_spallCount = 3 + (random 5);
for "_i" from 1 to _spallCount do {
private _elev = ((_spallVelocity select 2) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
private _dir = ((_spallVelocity select 1) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
if (abs _elev > 90) then {
_dir = _dir % 360;
private _vel = (_spallVelocity select 0) * 0.55 * _vm;
_vel = (_vel - (_vel * 0.25)) + (random (_vel * 0.5));
private _spallFragVect = [_vel, _dir, _elev] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
private _fragment = (selectRandomWeighted WEIGHTED_SIZE) createVehicle [0, 0, 10000];
_fragment setPosASL _spallPos;
_fragment setVelocity _spallFragVect;
[_fragment, "orange", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj);

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Jaynus, NouberNou, Lambda.Tiger,
* This function creates the requested spall on the server given a location, direction, and velocity.
* Arguments:
* 0: A spherical coordinate vector of spall velocity <ARRAY>
* 1: You're going to have to ask Nouber what this means <NUMBER>
* 2: The position (ASL) of the spalling point <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [[1000, 45, 60], 0.8, getPosASL ace_player] call ace_frag_fnc_doSpallServer
* Public: No
#define WEIGHTED_SIZE [QGVAR(spall_small), 4, QGVAR(spall_medium), 3, QGVAR(spall_large), 2, QGVAR(spall_huge), 1]
params ["_spallVelocity", "_vm", "_spallPos"];
// diag_log text format ["SPALL POWER: %1", _spallVelocity select 0];
private _spread = 15 + (random 25);
private _spallCount = 5 + (random 10);
for "_i" from 1 to _spallCount do {
private _elev = ((_spallVelocity select 2) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
private _dir = ((_spallVelocity select 1) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
if (abs _elev > 90) then {
_dir = _dir % 360;
private _vel = (_spallVelocity select 0) * 0.33 * _vm;
_vel = (_vel - (_vel * 0.25)) + (random (_vel * 0.5));
private _spallFragVect = [_vel, _dir, _elev] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
private _fragment = (selectRandomWeighted WEIGHTED_SIZE) createVehicle [0,0,10000];
_fragment setPosASL _spallPos;
_fragment setVelocity _spallFragVect;
[_fragment, "orange", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj);
_spread = 5 + (random 5);
_spallCount = 3 + (random 5);
for "_i" from 1 to _spallCount do {
private _elev = ((_spallVelocity select 2) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
private _dir = ((_spallVelocity select 1) - _spread) + (random (_spread * 2));
if (abs _elev > 90) then {
_dir = _dir % 360;
private _vel = (_spallVelocity select 0) * 0.55 * _vm;
_vel = (_vel - (_vel * 0.25)) + (random (_vel * 0.5));
private _spallFragVect = [_vel, _dir, _elev] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect;
private _fragment = (selectRandomWeighted WEIGHTED_SIZE) createVehicle [0, 0, 10000];
_fragment setPosASL _spallPos;
_fragment setVelocity _spallFragVect;
[_fragment, "orange", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj);