class CfgAmmo { class BulletCore; class BulletBase: BulletCore { timeToLive=6; }; class ShotgunBase; class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition: BulletBase { //#00 Buckshot //vanilla values have been left as comments for reference purposes caliber = 0.525; //penetration of ~3mm RHA, ~9.6mm metal //caliber = 1; //too high, ~5.7mm of RHA (380*1*15/1000=5.7), ~18.25 metal //cost = 1; //hit = 20; //simulationStep = 0.0001; //cartridge = ""; //submunitionAmmo = "B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 9}; //#00 Buckshot generally has 9 pellets per shell //submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 18}; //submunitionConeAngle = 0.8; //triggerSpeedCoef[] = {0.85, 1}; triggerTime = 0.008; // Shot takes ~5-15 feet to start spreading out and the vanilla triggerTime is too short to allow that //triggerTime = 0.001; }; class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy: BulletBase { airFriction = -0.0030; //airFriction = -0.0067; caliber = 0.525; hit = 2.55; //vanilla hit is way too high //hit = 6; //indirectHit = 0; //indirectHitRange = 0; //typicalSpeed = 360; //deflecting = 35; }; class B_12Gauge_Pellets: ShotgunBase { //This doesn't seem to be used for anything, but I want to standardize the caliber with the other pellet classes. caliber = 0.525; //3mm RHA, probably still too high though as RHA is hardened. }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No0_Buck: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition { caliber = 0.5; submunitionAmmo = "ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No0_Buck_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 9}; submunitionConeAngle = 0.81; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No0_Buck_Deploy: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy { airFriction = -0.0033; caliber = 0.5; hit = 2.27; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No1_Buck: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition { caliber = 0.475; submunitionAmmo = "ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No1_Buck_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 11}; submunitionConeAngle = 0.83; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No1_Buck_Deploy: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy { airFriction = -0.0038; caliber = 0.475; hit = 1.86; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No2_Buck: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition { caliber = 0.45; submunitionAmmo = "ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No2_Buck_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 14}; submunitionConeAngle = 0.85; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No2_Buck_Deploy: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy { airFriction = -0.0048; caliber = 0.45; hit = 1.46; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No3_Buck: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition { caliber = 0.425; submunitionAmmo = "ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No3_Buck_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 18}; submunitionConeAngle = 0.87; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No3_Buck_Deploy: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy { airFriction = -0.0067; caliber = 0.425; hit = 1.13; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No4_Buck: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition { caliber = 0.4; submunitionAmmo = "ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No4_Buck_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 21}; submunitionConeAngle = 0.89; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No4_Buck_Deploy: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy { airFriction = -0.0085; caliber = 0.4; hit = 0.97; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No4_Bird: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition { caliber = 0.2; hit = 3; submunitionAmmo = "ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No4_Bird_Deploy"; submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 135}; submunitionConeAngle = 1.1; triggerSpeedCoef[] = {0.8, 1}; }; class ACE_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_No4_Bird_Deploy: B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy { caliber = 0.2; airFriction = -0.0800; hit = 0.15; }; class B_12Gauge_Slug: BulletBase { //caliber = 3; //too high, ~20mm of RHA (450*3*15/1000=20), ~64mm metal caliber = 1.037; //~7mm RHA, ~22.4mm metal, probably still too high though as RHA is hardened. }; class B_556x45_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00130094; tracerScale = 1; tracerStartTime=0.073; // M856 tracer burns out to 800m tracerEndTime=1.57123; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator ACE_caliber=5.69; ACE_bulletLength=23.012; ACE_bulletMass=4.0176; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-27.20, -26.44, -23.76, -21.00, -17.54, -13.10, -7.95, -1.62, 6.24, 15.48, 27.75}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.151}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={723, 764, 796, 825, 843, 866, 878, 892, 906, 915, 922, 900}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={210.82, 238.76, 269.24, 299.72, 330.2, 360.68, 391.16, 419.1, 449.58, 480.06, 508.0, 609.6}; }; class B_556x45_dual: B_556x45_Ball { airFriction = -0.00055; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {268}; // at 21°C, at 15°C 267 m/s according with the 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {457.2}; // according with the SDAR barrel length: }; class ACE_556x45_Ball_Mk262: B_556x45_Ball { airFriction=-0.00111805; ACE_caliber=5.69; ACE_bulletLength=23.012; ACE_bulletMass=4.9896; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.4; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.361}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={624, 816, 832, 838}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={190.5, 368.3, 457.2, 508.0}; }; class ACE_556x45_Ball_Mk318: B_556x45_Ball { airFriction=-0.0012588; ACE_caliber=5.69; ACE_bulletLength=23.012; ACE_bulletMass=4.0176; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.307}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={780, 886, 950}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 393.7, 508.0}; }; class ACE_556x45_Ball_M995_AP: B_556x45_Ball { airFriction=-0.00126182; caliber=1.6; ACE_caliber=5.69; ACE_bulletLength=23.012; ACE_bulletMass=4.5359237; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.310}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={820, 865, 880}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 368.3, 508.0}; }; class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red; class ACE_B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Dim: B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red { nvgOnly = 1; }; class B_545x39_Ball_F: BulletBase { airFriction = -0.001195; ACE_caliber = 5.6; // ACE_bulletLength = 21.59; ACE_bulletMass = 3.43; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.168}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; ACE_dragModel = 7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {743, 848, 891, 900}; // at 21°C, at 15°C {735, 840, 883, 892} according with the AKS initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {210, 314, 415, 508.0}; // respectively {AKS74U / AK105,AK12K / AK74 / default} }; class B_580x42_Ball_F: BulletBase { // DBP87 airFriction = -0.00121087; ACE_caliber = 6; ACE_bulletLength = 24; ACE_bulletMass = 4.15; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.156}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; ACE_dragModel = 7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {790, 930, 950}; ACE_barrelLengths[] = {369.0, 463.0, 600.0}; }; class ACE_580x42_DBP88_Ball: B_580x42_Ball_F { // DBP88 airFriction = -0.000968; typicalSpeed = 895; ACE_bulletLength = 28; // ACE_bulletMass = 5; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.21}; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {903}; // at 21°C, at 15°C 895 m/s according with the ACE_10Rnd_580x42_DBP88_Mag initSpeep ACE_barrelLengths[] = {640}; }; class B_65x39_Caseless: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00077363; tracerScale = 1.1; //1.0; ACE_caliber=6.706; ACE_bulletLength=32.893; ACE_bulletMass=7.9704; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.263}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={730, 760, 788, 800, 810, 830}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4, 762.0}; }; class B_65x39_Case_yellow; class ACE_65x39_Caseless_Tracer_Dim: B_65x39_Case_yellow { nvgOnly = 1; }; class B_65x39_Caseless_green; class ACE_65x39_Caseless_green_Tracer_Dim: B_65x39_Caseless_green { nvgOnly = 1; }; class ACE_65x47_Ball_Scenar: B_65x39_Caseless { airFriction=-0.00069003; caliber=0.9; ACE_caliber=6.706; ACE_bulletLength=34.646; ACE_bulletMass=9.0072; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.35; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.290}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={730, 760, 790, 820, 830}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class ACE_65_Creedmor_Ball: B_65x39_Caseless { airFriction=-0.00062437; caliber=1.1; ACE_caliber=6.706; ACE_bulletLength=36.22; ACE_bulletMass=9.072; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.3; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.317}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={750, 820, 840, 852, 860}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class SubmunitionBullet; class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless: SubmunitionBullet { tracerScale = 1.1; //1.0; }; class B_762x51_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00103711; tracerScale = 1.2; //0.6; tracerStartTime=0.073; // Based on the British L5A1 which burns out to 1000m tracerEndTime=2.15957; // Time in seconds calculated with ballistics calculator ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=28.956; ACE_bulletMass=9.4608; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.2}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={700, 800, 820, 833, 845}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={254.0, 406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow; class ACE_B_762x51_Tracer_Dim: B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow { nvgOnly = 1; }; class ACE_762x51_Ball_M118LR: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.00085157; caliber=1.8; hit=16; typicalSpeed=790; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=31.496; ACE_bulletMass=11.34; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.4; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.243}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={750, 780, 790, 794}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class ACE_762x51_Ball_Mk316_Mod_0: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.00084311; caliber=1.8; hit=16; typicalSpeed=790; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=31.496; ACE_bulletMass=11.34; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.45; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.243}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={775, 790, 805, 810}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class ACE_762x51_Ball_Mk319_Mod_0: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.00104515; caliber=1.5; hit=14; typicalSpeed=900; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=31.496; ACE_bulletMass=8.424; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.45; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.377}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={838, 892, 910}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={330.2, 406.4, 508.0}; }; class ACE_762x51_Ball_M993_AP: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.0010939; caliber=2.2; hit=11; typicalSpeed=910; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=31.496; ACE_bulletMass=8.22946157; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.359}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={875, 910, 930}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={330.2, 406.4, 508.0}; }; class ACE_762x51_Ball_Subsonic: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction = -0.00060194; caliber = 1; hit = 6; typicalSpeed = 320; visibleFire = 1; // B_762x51_Ball: 3 audibleFire = 5; // B_762x51_Ball: 45 dangerRadiusBulletClose = 4; // B_762x51_Ball: 8 suppressionRadiusBulletClose = 2; // B_762x51_Ball: 6 ACE_caliber = 7.823; ACE_bulletLength = 34.036; ACE_bulletMass = 12.96; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.235}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; ACE_dragModel = 7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {305, 325, 335, 340}; ACE_barrelLengths[] = {406.4, 508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; class CamShakeExplode { power = 2.2360699; // B_762x51_Ball: 2.8284299 duration = 0.4; // B_762x51_Ball: 0.6 frequency = 20; // B_762x51_Ball: 20 distance = 6.7082; // B_762x51_Ball: 8.48528 }; }; class ACE_762x67_Ball_Mk248_Mod_0: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.00072468; caliber=1.8; hit=17; typicalSpeed=900; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=34.366; ACE_bulletMass=12.312; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.45; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.268}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={865, 900, 924}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class ACE_762x67_Ball_Mk248_Mod_1: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.00063027; caliber=1.9; hit=18; typicalSpeed=867; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=37.821; ACE_bulletMass=14.256; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.45; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-5.3, -5.1, -4.6, -4.2, -3.4, -2.6, -1.4, -0.3, 1.4, 3.0, 5.2}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.310}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={847, 867, 877}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class ACE_762x67_Ball_Berger_Hybrid_OTM: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.000546; caliber=2.0; hit=19; typicalSpeed=853; ACE_caliber=7.823; ACE_bulletLength=40.691; ACE_bulletMass=14.904; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.35; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.368}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={800, 853, 884}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class B_762x54_Ball: B_762x51_Ball { airFriction=-0.00101071; typicalSpeed=835; ACE_caliber=7.925; ACE_bulletLength=28.956; ACE_bulletMass=9.8496; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.4}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={760, 795, 835, 865}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 604.5, 736.6}; }; class B_762x54_Tracer_Green; class ACE_762x54_Ball_7T2: B_762x54_Tracer_Green { airFriction=-0.00103739; typicalSpeed=800; tracerStartTime=0.073; // Based on the 7T2 which burns three seconds tracerEndTime=3; ACE_caliber=7.925; ACE_bulletLength=28.956; ACE_bulletMass=9.6552; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.395}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={735, 770, 809, 838}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={406.4, 508.0, 604.5, 736.6}; }; class B_762x39_Ball_F: BulletBase { airFriction = -0.001548; ACE_caliber = 7.92; // ACE_bulletLength = 28.956; ACE_bulletMass = 7.97; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.275}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; ACE_dragModel = 1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {658, 678, 723, 743, 753}; // at 21°C, at 15°C {650, 670, 715, 735, 745} according with the AKM,AK12,AK12U,RPK initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {254, 314, 415, 520, 590}; // respectively {default / AK104,AK15K / AK47,AKM,AK103,AK15 / SKS / RPK} }; class B_9x21_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00211064; tracerScale = 0.5; ACE_caliber=9.042; ACE_bulletLength=15.494; ACE_bulletMass=7.452; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.17}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={380, 390, 420, 435}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={93.5, 101.6, 127.0, 228.6}; }; class B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Green: B_9x21_Ball { tracerScale = 0.5; }; class ACE_9x19_Ball: B_9x21_Ball { airFriction=-0.00201185; ACE_caliber=9.017; ACE_bulletLength=15.494; ACE_bulletMass=8.0352; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.165}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={340, 370, 400}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6}; }; class B_93x64_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction = -0.000808; // According with the G1 BC 0.515 and the SVDK muzzle velocity 780 m/s ACE_caliber = 9.28; // ACE_bulletLength = 35.56; // Average length from bullets with similar mass and BC ACE_bulletMass = 17; // ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD = 0.4; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.515}; // Compromise as close as possible to these velocities and times of flight from this table (unknown measurement conditions) ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; // Better result with ICAO (15°C, 1013,25 hPa, 0%) than ASM conditions (15°C, 999,916 hPa, 78%) ACE_dragModel = 1; // Better result than an equivalent G7 BC ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {768, 788, 798}; // Default values - 82 m/s at 21°C, at 15°C {760, 780, 790} according with the 10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag and the 150Rnd_93x64_Mag initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {508.0, 620.0, 660.4}; }; class B_408_Ball: BulletBase { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00046249; tracerScale = 1.3; ACE_caliber=10.363; ACE_bulletLength=55.1942; ACE_bulletMass=27.1507; // 419 gr ACE_transonicStabilityCoef=1; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.2; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.434}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={867}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6}; }; class ACE_408_Ball: BulletBase { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00065414; typicalSpeed=1067; tracerScale = 1.3; ACE_caliber=10.363; ACE_bulletLength=41.4528; ACE_bulletMass=19.7637; // 305 gr ACE_transonicStabilityCoef=1; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.2; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.279}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={1067}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6}; }; class B_338_Ball: BulletBase { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00060841; ACE_caliber=8.585; ACE_bulletLength=39.573; ACE_bulletMass=16.2; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.3; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.322}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={880, 915, 925}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 660.4, 711.2}; }; class B_338_NM_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00053639; ACE_caliber=8.585; ACE_bulletLength=43.18; ACE_bulletMass=19.44; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.381}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={790, 807, 820}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 660.4}; }; class ACE_338_Ball: B_338_Ball { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00055706; typicalSpeed=826; ACE_caliber=8.585; ACE_bulletLength=44.0182; ACE_bulletMass=19.44; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.3; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.368}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={800, 820, 826, 830}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 609.6, 673.1, 711.2}; }; class ACE_338_Ball_API526: B_338_Ball { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.0006922; caliber=2.8; typicalSpeed=895; ACE_caliber=8.585; ACE_bulletLength=38.989; ACE_bulletMass=16.3941242; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.4; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.290}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ICAO"; ACE_dragModel=7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={880, 895, 900}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={508.0, 685.8, 711.2}; EGVAR(vehicle_damage,incendiary) = 1.0; }; class B_127x33_Ball: BulletBase { tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2; }; class B_127x54_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00019568; tracerScale = 1.3;// ACE_caliber=12.954; ACE_bulletLength=64.516; ACE_bulletMass=48.6; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={1.050}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={300}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={436.88}; }; class B_127x99_Ball: BulletBase { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00058679; tracerScale = 1.3; //1.2; ACE_caliber=12.954; ACE_bulletLength=58.674; ACE_bulletMass=41.9256; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.35; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.670}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={900}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6}; }; class ACE_127x99_API: B_127x99_Ball { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00058679; tracerScale = 1.3;// hit=25; caliber=4.0; ACE_caliber=12.954; ACE_bulletLength=58.674; ACE_bulletMass=41.9904; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.4; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.670}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={900}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6}; EGVAR(vehicle_damage,incendiary) = 1.0; }; class ACE_127x99_Ball_AMAX: B_127x99_Ball { timeToLive=10; airFriction=-0.00037397; caliber=3.0; ACE_caliber=12.954; ACE_bulletLength=64.516; ACE_bulletMass=48.6; ACE_muzzleVelocityVariationSD=0.2; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={1.050}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={860}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={736.6}; }; class B_127x108_Ball: BulletBase { timeToLive = 10; airFriction = -0.00065098; tracerScale = 1.3; //1.5; ACE_caliber = 12.979; ACE_bulletLength = 64.008; ACE_bulletMass = 48.276; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.80, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; // Muzzle Velocity shift 0 at 70°F (21°C), -8m/s at 15°C ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.63}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ASM"; ACE_dragModel = 1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {828}; // muzzle velocity 828 m/s at 21°C (70°F: Temp vs MV chart zero), 820 m/s at 15°C (ASM: 15°C, 999,916 hPa, 78%) according to 5Rnd_127x108_Mag initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {730}; // GM6 Lynx barrel length }; class B_127x108_APDS: B_127x108_Ball { ACE_caliber = 7.13; // Chinese 12.7x108mm APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) ACE_bulletLength = 34.08; // Chinese 12.7x108mm APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) ACE_bulletMass = 27.95; // Average value from "Norinco 2017 Weapon Systems", Type 54 12.7x108 mm Tungsten APDS ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-26.55, -25.47, -22.85, -20.12, -16.98, -12.8, -7.64, -1.53, 5.96, 15.17, 26.19}; // Muzzle Velocity shift 0 at 70°F (21°C), -8m/s at 15°C ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {1.052}; // Compromise based on bullet drops, times of flight and remaining velocities according to vanilla B_127x108_APDS airFriction -0.00036 ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; ACE_dragModel = 1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {1068}; // muzzle velocity 1068 m/s at 21°C (70°F: Temp vs MV chart zero), 1060 m/s at 15°C (ICAO: 15°C, 1013.25 hPa, 0%) according to 5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {730}; // GM6 Lynx barrel length }; class B_45ACP_Ball: BulletBase { airFriction=-0.00082143; tracerScale = 0.6; ACE_caliber=11.481; ACE_bulletLength=17.272; ACE_bulletMass=14.904; ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[]={-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[]={0.195}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[]={}; ACE_standardAtmosphere="ASM"; ACE_dragModel=1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[]={230, 250, 285}; ACE_barrelLengths[]={101.6, 127.0, 228.6}; }; class B_50BW_Ball_F: BulletBase { // airFriction = -0.002098; // According with the G1 BC 0.21 and the muzzle velocity 1800 ft/s: 549 m/s ACE_caliber = 4.55; // instead 12.7 to match with the .50BW adv. ballistics (twist rate 20") overwritten by the Katiba rifle twist 8" until a BI fix ACE_bulletLength = 24.13; ACE_bulletMass = 21.64; // 334 grains ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.21}; ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ASM"; ACE_dragModel = 1; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {550}; // at 21°C, at 15°C 549 m/s according with the 10Rnd_50BW_Mag_F initSpeep ACE_barrelLengths[] = {304.8}; // 12" }; class B_570x28_Ball: BulletBase { ACE_caliber = 5.7; // ACE_bulletLength = 21.6; // ACE_bulletMass = 2; // based on the SS190 ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts[] = {-2.655, -2.547, -2.285, -2.012, -1.698, -1.280, -0.764, -0.153, 0.596, 1.517, 2.619}; ACE_ballisticCoefficients[] = {0.084}; // ACE_velocityBoundaries[] = {}; ACE_standardAtmosphere = "ICAO"; ACE_dragModel = 7; ACE_muzzleVelocities[] = {716, 776}; // at 21°C, 715-775 m/s at 15°C according with the 50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03 initSpeed ACE_barrelLengths[] = {264, 407}; airFriction = -0.002619; // default BI value -0.001412 }; class B_19mm_HE: BulletBase { tracerScale = 1; }; class B_30mm_HE: B_19mm_HE { tracerScale = 2.5; }; class B_20mm: BulletBase { timeToLive=30; tracerScale = 1.5; //1; }; class B_25mm: BulletBase { timeToLive=30; tracerScale = 2.0; //1; }; class B_30mm_AP: BulletBase { timeToLive=30; tracerScale = 2.5; }; class B_35mm_AA: BulletBase { timeToLive=30; tracerScale = 2.75; //1.85; }; class ShellBase; class Sh_120mm_HE: ShellBase { tracerScale = 3; }; class Sh_120mm_APFSDS: ShellBase { tracerScale = 3; }; class Gatling_30mm_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F: BulletBase { tracerScale = 2.5; }; };