#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: mharis001, Glowbal, PabstMirror * Consumes an item. Creates a progress bar and handles relevant thirst/hunger values. * * Arguments: * 0: Target (not used) * 1: Player * 2: Item data * 0: Item classname * 1: Item config * 2: Is item magazine * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [objNull, ACE_player, "["ACE_WaterBottle_Empty", configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "ACE_WaterBottle_Empty", false]] call ace_field_rations_fnc_consumeItem * * Public: No */ params ["", "_player", "_consumeData"]; _consumeData params ["_consumeItem", "_config", "_isMagazine"]; TRACE_3("Consume item started",_player,_consumeItem,_config); // Get consume time for item private _consumeTime = getNumber (_config >> QXGVAR(consumeTime)); // Get restored values and replacement item private _thirstQuenched = XGVAR(thirstQuenched) * getNumber (_config >> QXGVAR(thirstQuenched)); private _hungerSatiated = XGVAR(hungerSatiated) * getNumber (_config >> QXGVAR(hungerSatiated)); private _replacementItem = getText (_config >> QXGVAR(replacementItem)); // Create consume text for item private _displayName = getText (_config >> "displayName"); private _consumeText = getText (_config >> QXGVAR(consumeText)); if (_consumeText == "") then { _consumeText = if (_hungerSatiated > 0) then { LLSTRING(EatingX); } else { LLSTRING(DrinkingX); }; }; // Format displayName onto consume text // Allows for common strings to be used for multiple items _consumeText = format [_consumeText, _displayName]; // Get consume animation and sound for item private _stanceIndex = ["STAND", "CROUCH", "PRONE"] find stance _player; // Handle in vehicle when stance is UNDEFINED if (vehicle _player != _player) then {_stanceIndex = 0}; private _consumeAnim = getArray (_config >> QXGVAR(consumeAnims)) param [_stanceIndex, "", [""]]; private _consumeSound = getArray (_config >> QXGVAR(consumeSounds)) param [_stanceIndex, "", [""]]; private _soundPlayed = if (_consumeAnim != "" && {vehicle _player == _player && {!(_player call EFUNC(common,isSwimming))}}) then { // Store current animation for resetting _player setVariable [QGVAR(previousAnim), animationState _player]; [_player, _consumeAnim, 1] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); false } else { // No animation to sync sound to if (_consumeSound != "") then { playSound _consumeSound; }; true }; private _fnc_onSuccess = { params ["_args"]; _args params ["_player", "_consumeItem", "_replacementItem", "_thirstQuenched", "_hungerSatiated", "", "", "", "_isMagazine"]; TRACE_1("Consume item successful",_args); // Remove consumed item if (_isMagazine) then { _player removeMagazineGlobal _consumeItem; } else { _player removeItem _consumeItem; }; // Add replacement item if needed if (_replacementItem != "") then { [_player, _replacementItem] call EFUNC(common,addToInventory); }; // Handle thirst and hunger values if (_thirstQuenched > 0) then { private _thirst = _player getVariable [QXGVAR(thirst), 0]; _player setVariable [QXGVAR(thirst), (_thirst - _thirstQuenched) max 0]; }; if (_hungerSatiated > 0) then { private _hunger = _player getVariable [QXGVAR(hunger), 0]; _player setVariable [QXGVAR(hunger), (_hunger - _hungerSatiated) max 0]; }; ["acex_rationConsumed", [_player, _consumeItem, _replacementItem, _thirstQuenched, _hungerSatiated, _isMagazine]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; _player setVariable [QGVAR(previousAnim), nil]; }; private _fnc_onFailure = { params ["_args"]; _args params ["_player"]; TRACE_1("Consume item failed",_args); // Reset animation if needed if (vehicle _player == _player && {!(_player call EFUNC(common,isSwimming))}) then { private _previousAnim = _player getVariable [QGVAR(previousAnim), ""]; if (_previousAnim != "") then { [_player, _previousAnim, 2] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); }; }; _player setVariable [QGVAR(previousAnim), nil]; }; private _fnc_condition = { params ["_args"]; _args params ["_player", "_consumeItem", "", "", "", "_consumeAnim", "_consumeSound", "_soundPlayed", "_isMagazine"]; // Attempt to sync sound with animation start if (!_soundPlayed && {_consumeSound != "" && {_consumeAnim == "" || {animationState _player == _consumeAnim}}}) then { playSound _consumeSound; _args set [7, true]; }; if (_isMagazine) exitWith { _consumeItem in magazines _player // return }; _consumeItem in (_player call EFUNC(common,uniqueItems)) // return }; [ _consumeTime, [ _player, _consumeItem, _replacementItem, _thirstQuenched, _hungerSatiated, _consumeAnim, _consumeSound, _soundPlayed, _isMagazine ], _fnc_onSuccess, _fnc_onFailure, _consumeText, _fnc_condition, ["isNotInside"] ] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);