/* Usage: #include "\z\ace\addons\medical_engine\script_macros_config.hpp" class CfgVehicles { class My_AwesomeUnit_base; class My_AwesomeUnit: My_AwesomeUnit_base { class HitPoints { class HitHands; class HitLegs; ADD_ACE_HITPOINTS; }; }; }; */ // Our method for adding left and right arm and leg armor. Uses those selections // that are used for animations and therefore exist in all third party units. // This used to take the armor values as parameters; it now inherits the values // of `armor`, `passThrough` and `explosionShielding` from the existing hitpoints // for vanilla consistency. #define ADD_ACE_HITPOINTS\ class HitLeftArm: HitHands {\ material = -1;\ name = "hand_l";\ radius = 0.08;\ visual = "injury_hands";\ minimalHit = 0.01;\ };\ class HitRightArm: HitLeftArm {\ name = "hand_r";\ };\ class HitLeftLeg: HitLegs {\ material = -1;\ name = "leg_l";\ radius = 0.1;\ visual = "injury_legs";\ minimalHit = 0.01;\ };\ class HitRightLeg: HitLeftLeg {\ name = "leg_r";\ }