#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: johnb43 * Checks if a unit can interact with the vehicle crew inside. * * Arguments: * 0: Player * 1: Vehicle * * Return Value: * Unit can interact with vehicle crew * * Example: * [player, cursorObject] call ace_interaction_fnc_canInteractWithVehicleCrew * * Public: No */ params ["_player", "_vehicle"]; if (GVAR(interactWithEnemyCrew) == 2) exitWith { true }; if ((GVAR(interactWithEnemyCrew) == 1) && {_vehicle isKindOf "StaticWeapon"}) exitWith { true }; private _crew = crew _vehicle; // If vehicle is empty, quit if (_crew isEqualTo []) exitWith {true}; private _sidePlayer = side group _player; (_crew select {_x != _player && {!unitIsUAV _x}}) findIf { // ignore player and UAV units // Units must all be unconscious, captive or friendly (side group is used in case unit is captive/unconscious) for actions to show up !captive _x && {lifeState _x in ["HEALTHY", "INJURED"]} && {[_sidePlayer, side group _x] call BIS_fnc_sideIsEnemy} } == -1