/* * Author: Ruthberg * Gather weather parameters and broadcast them to the clients * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [] call ace_weather_fnc_serverController * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" if (GVAR(useACEWeather)) then { // Use location based real world weather data [] call FUNC(updateAceWeather); } else { // Simply replicate the server weather on the clients if (GVAR(syncRain)) then { ACE_RAIN_PARAMS = [rain, rain, GVAR(serverUpdateInterval)]; publicVariable "ACE_RAIN_PARAMS"; }; if (GVAR(syncWind)) then { //Wind _dir is the "source" of the wind [eg: "northerly wind": _dir = 0 -> wind = [0,-1,0];] private _windDir = ((((wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1)) + 180) % 360); ACE_WIND_PARAMS = [_windDir, 0, vectorMagnitude wind, 0, GVAR(serverUpdateInterval)]; publicVariable "ACE_WIND_PARAMS"; }; if (GVAR(syncMisc)) then { ACE_MISC_PARAMS = [lightnings, rainbow, fogParams, GVAR(temperatureShift), GVAR(badWeatherShift), GVAR(humidityShift)]; publicVariable "ACE_MISC_PARAMS"; }; };