#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Gathers onFired args for later use * * Arguments: * 0: Shooter (Man/Vehicle) * 4: Ammo * 6: Projectile * * Return Value: * Args * * Example: * [player, "", "", "", "ACE_Javelin_FGM148", "", theMissile] call ace_missileguidance_fnc_onFiredDeffered * * Public: No */ params ["_shooter","_weapon","","_mode","_ammo","","_projectile"]; // Bail if guidance is disabled for this ammo if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "enabled")) != 2) exitWith { ERROR("not enabled=2"); [] }; // MissileGuidance is enabled for this shot TRACE_4("enabled",_shooter,_ammo,_projectile,typeOf _shooter); private _config = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON); private _target = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(target), nil]; private _targetPos = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(targetPosition), nil]; private _seekerType = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(seekerType), nil]; private _attackProfile = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(attackProfile), nil]; if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "useModeForAttackProfile")) == 1) then { _attackProfile = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> _mode >> QGVAR(attackProfile)) }; private _lockMode = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(lockMode), nil]; private _laserCode = _shooter getVariable [QEGVAR(laser,code), ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_CODE]; private _laserInfo = [_laserCode, ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_WAVELENGTH, ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_WAVELENGTH]; TRACE_6("getVars",_target,_targetPos,_seekerType,_attackProfile,_lockMode,_laserCode); private _launchPos = getPosASL (vehicle _shooter); if (isNil "_seekerType" || {!(_seekerType in (getArray (_config >> "seekerTypes")))}) then { _seekerType = getText (_config >> "defaultSeekerType"); }; if (isNil "_attackProfile" || {!(_attackProfile in (getArray (_config >> "attackProfiles")))}) then { _attackProfile = getText (_config >> "defaultAttackProfile"); }; if (isNil "_lockMode" || {!(_lockMode in (getArray (_config >> "seekerLockModes")))}) then { _lockMode = getText (_config >> "defaultSeekerLockMode"); }; // If we didn't get a target, try to fall back on tab locking if (isNil "_target") then { if (!isPlayer _shooter) then { // This was an AI shot, lets still guide it on the AI target _target = _shooter getVariable [QGVAR(vanilla_target), nil]; TRACE_1("Detected AI Shooter!", _target); } else { private _canUseLock = getNumber (_config >> "canVanillaLock"); // @TODO: Get vanilla target if (_canUseLock > 0 || difficulty < 1) then { private _vanillaTarget = cursorTarget; TRACE_1("Using Vanilla Locking", _vanillaTarget); if (!isNil "_vanillaTarget") then { _target = _vanillaTarget; }; }; }; }; // Array for seek last target position private _seekLastTargetPos = (getNumber ( _config >> "seekLastTargetPos")) == 1; private _lastKnownPosState = [_seekLastTargetPos]; if (_seekLastTargetPos && {!isNil "_target"}) then { _lastKnownPosState set [1, (getPosASL _target)]; } else { _lastKnownPosState set [1, [0,0,0]]; }; TRACE_4("Beginning ACE guidance system",_target,_ammo,_seekerType,_attackProfile); private _args = [_this, [ _shooter, [_target, _targetPos, _launchPos], _seekerType, _attackProfile, _lockMode, _laserInfo ], [ getNumber ( _config >> "minDeflection" ), getNumber ( _config >> "maxDeflection" ), getNumber ( _config >> "incDeflection" ) ], [ getNumber ( _config >> "seekerAngle" ), getNumber ( _config >> "seekerAccuracy" ), getNumber ( _config >> "seekerMaxRange" ), getNumber ( _config >> "seekerMinRange" ) ], [ diag_tickTime, [], [], _lastKnownPosState] ]; private _onFiredFunc = getText (configFile >> QGVAR(SeekerTypes) >> _seekerType >> "onFired"); TRACE_1("",_onFiredFunc); if (_onFiredFunc != "") then { _args call (missionNamespace getVariable _onFiredFunc); }; _onFiredFunc = getText (configFile >> QGVAR(AttackProfiles) >> _attackProfile >> "onFired"); TRACE_1("",_onFiredFunc); if (_onFiredFunc != "") then { _args call (missionNamespace getVariable _onFiredFunc); }; // Run the "onFired" function passing the full guidance args array _onFiredFunc = getText (_config >> "onFired"); TRACE_1("",_onFiredFunc); if (_onFiredFunc != "") then { _args call (missionNamespace getVariable _onFiredFunc); }; // Reverse: // _args params ["_firedEH", "_launchParams", "_flightParams", "_seekerParams", "_stateParams"]; // _firedEH params ["_shooter","","","","_ammo","","_projectile"]; // _launchParams params ["_shooter","_targetLaunchParams","_seekerType","_attackProfile","_lockMode","_laserInfo"]; // _targetLaunchParams params ["_target", "_targetPos", "_launchPos"]; // _stateParams params ["_lastRunTime", "_seekerStateParams", "_attackProfileStateParams", "_lastKnownPosState"]; // _seekerParams params ["_seekerAngle", "_seekerAccuracy", "_seekerMaxRange", "_seekerMinRange"]; _args