#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal, johnb43 * Detonates ammunition from an object (e.g. vehicle or crate) until no ammo is left. * * Arguments: * 0: Object * 1: Destroy when finished * 2: Source * 3: Instigator * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [cursorObject, true, player, player] call ace_cookoff_fnc_detonateAmmunitionServer * * Public: No */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; params ["_object", "_destroyWhenFinished", "_source", "_instigator"]; if (isNull _object) exitWith {}; (_object getVariable QGVAR(cookoffMagazines)) params ["_magazines", "_totalAmmo"]; private _hasFinished = _totalAmmo <= 0 || {_magazines isEqualTo []}; // If the cook-off has finished or been interrupted, clean up the effects for boxes (no vehicle effects) if (_hasFinished || {underwater _object} || { if (GVAR(ammoCookoffDuration) == 0) exitWith {true}; if (_object isKindOf "ReammoBox_F") exitWith { !(GVAR(enableAmmobox) && {_object getVariable [QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff), true]}) }; !(GVAR(enableAmmoCookoff) && {_object getVariable [QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff), true]}) }) exitWith { if (_object isKindOf "ReammoBox_F") then { [QGVAR(cleanupEffects), _object] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; // Reset variable, so the box can cook-off again _object setVariable [QGVAR(isCookingOff), nil, true]; }; // Reset variables, so the object can detonate its ammo again _object setVariable [QGVAR(cookoffMagazines), nil]; _object setVariable [QGVAR(isAmmoDetonating), nil, true]; // If done, destroy the object if necessary if (_hasFinished && _destroyWhenFinished) then { _object setDamage [1, true, _source, _instigator]; }; }; private _magazineIndex = floor random (count _magazines); private _magazine = _magazines select _magazineIndex; _magazine params ["_magazineClassname", "_ammoCount", "_spawnProjectile"]; // Make sure ammo is at least 0 _ammoCount = _ammoCount max 0; // Remove some ammo, which will be detonated private _removed = _ammoCount min floor (1 + random (6 / GVAR(ammoCookoffDuration))); _ammoCount = _ammoCount - _removed; if (_ammoCount <= 0) then { _magazines deleteAt _magazineIndex; } else { _magazine set [1, _ammoCount]; // remove ammo that was detonated }; private _timeBetweenAmmoDetonation = ((random 10 / sqrt _totalAmmo) min MAX_TIME_BETWEEN_AMMO_DET) max 0.1; TRACE_2("",_totalAmmo,_timeBetweenAmmoDetonation); _totalAmmo = _totalAmmo - _removed; _object setVariable [QGVAR(cookoffMagazines), [_magazines, _totalAmmo]]; // Get magazine info, which is used to spawn projectiles private _configMagazine = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineClassname; private _ammo = getText (_configMagazine >> "ammo"); private _configAmmo = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo; private _simType = toLower getText (_configAmmo >> "simulation"); private _speed = linearConversion [0, 1, random 1, 1, 20, true]; private _effect2pos = _object selectionPosition "destructionEffect2"; // Spawns the projectiles, making them either fly in random directions or explode private _fnc_spawnProjectile = { // If the magazines are inside of the cargo (inventory), don't let their projectiles escape the interior of the vehicle if (!_spawnProjectile) exitWith {}; params ["_object", "_ammo", "_speed", "_flyAway"]; private _spawnPos = _object modelToWorld [-0.2 + random 0.4, -0.2 + random 0.4, random 3]; if (_spawnPos select 2 < 0) then { _spawnPos set [2, 0]; }; private _projectile = createVehicle [_ammo, _spawnPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (_flyAway) then { private _vectorAmmo = [-1 + random 2, -1 + random 2, -0.2 + random 1]; private _vectorVelocity = _vectorAmmo vectorMultiply _speed; _projectile setVectorDir _vectorVelocity; _projectile setVelocity _vectorVelocity; } else { _projectile setDamage 1; }; }; switch (_simType) do { case "shotbullet": { [QGVAR(playCookoffSound), [_object, _simType]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; if (random 1 < 0.6) then { [_object, _ammo, _speed, true] call _fnc_spawnProjectile; }; }; case "shotshell": { [QGVAR(playCookoffSound), [_object, _simType]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; if (random 1 < 0.15) then { [_object, _ammo, _speed, true] call _fnc_spawnProjectile; }; }; case "shotgrenade": { if (random 1 < 0.9) then { _speed = 0; }; [_object, _ammo, _speed, random 1 < 0.5] call _fnc_spawnProjectile; }; case "shotrocket"; case "shotmissile"; case "shotsubmunitions": { if (random 1 < 0.1) then { [QGVAR(playCookoffSound), [_object, _simType]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; [_object, _ammo, _speed, random 1 < 0.3] call _fnc_spawnProjectile; } else { createVehicle ["ACE_ammoExplosionLarge", _object modelToWorld _effect2pos, [], 0 , "CAN_COLLIDE"]; }; }; case "shotdirectionalbomb"; case "shotmine": { if (random 1 < 0.5) then { // Not all explosives detonate on destruction, some have scripted alternatives if (getNumber (_configAmmo >> "triggerWhenDestroyed") != 1) then { _ammo = getText (_configAmmo >> QEGVAR(explosives,explosive)); }; // If a scripted alternative doesn't exist use generic explosion if (_ammo != "") then { [_object, _ammo, 0, false] call _fnc_spawnProjectile; } else { createVehicle ["SmallSecondary", _object modelToWorld _effect2pos, [], 0 , "CAN_COLLIDE"]; }; }; }; case "shotilluminating": { if (random 1 < 0.15) then { [_object, _ammo, _speed, random 1 < 0.3] call _fnc_spawnProjectile; }; }; }; // Detonate the remaining ammo after a delay [FUNC(detonateAmmunitionServer), [_object, _destroyWhenFinished, _source, _instigator], _timeBetweenAmmoDetonation] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;