 * Author: commy2
 * Get the Defualt animation for the unit
 * Arguments:
 * 0: unit <OBJECT>
 * Return Value:
 * animation <STRING>
 * Example:
 * [bob] call ace_common_fnc_getDefaultAnim;
 * Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"

params ["_unit"];

private _anim = toLower animationState _unit;

// stance is broken for some animations.
private _stance = stance _unit;

if (_anim find "ppne" == 4) then {
    _stance = "PRONE";

if (_anim find "pknl" == 4) then {
    _stance = "CROUCH";

if (_anim find "perc" == 4) then {
    _stance = "STAND";

_anim = format ["AmovP%1M%2S%3W%4D%5",
    ["erc", "knl", "pne"] select (["STAND", "CROUCH", "PRONE"] find _stance) max 0,
    ["stp", "run"] select (vectorMagnitude velocity _unit > 1),
    [["ras", "low"] select weaponLowered _unit, "non"] select (currentWeapon _unit == ""),
    ["non", "rfl", "lnr", "pst", "bin"] select (["", primaryWeapon _unit, secondaryWeapon _unit, handgunWeapon _unit, binocular _unit] find currentWeapon _unit) max 0,
    ["non", _anim select [count _anim - 1, 1]] select (_anim select [count _anim - 2, 2] in ["df", "db", "dl", "dr"])

["", _anim] select isClass (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> _anim)