/* * Author: commy2 * * Returns all turned on lights of any vehicle or streetlamp. * * Arguments: * 0: A vehicle, not the classname (Object) * * Return Value: * All burning lights (Array) */ #include "script_component.hpp" PARAMS_1(_vehicle); if (!isLightOn _vehicle) exitWith {[]}; private ["_reflectorsWithSelections", "_lights", "_hitpoints"]; _reflectorsWithSelections = [[_vehicle], FUNC(getReflectorsWithSelections), uiNamespace, format [QEGVAR(cache,%1_%2), QUOTE(DFUNC(getReflectorsWithSelections)), typeOf _vehicle], 1E11] call FUNC(cachedCall); //_reflectorsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getReflectorsWithSelections); _lights = _reflectorsWithSelections select 0; _hitpoints = _reflectorsWithSelections select 1; private "_turnedOnLights"; _turnedOnLights = []; { if (_vehicle getHit _x <= 0.9) then { _turnedOnLights pushBack (_lights select _forEachIndex); }; } forEach _hitpoints; _turnedOnLights