#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Brandon (TCVM) * Sets up missile guidance state arrays (called from missileGuidance's onFired). * * Arguments: * Guidance Arg Array * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [] call ace_hot_fnc_onFired * * Public: No */ params ["_firedEH", "", "", "_seekerParams", "_stateParams"]; _firedEH params ["_shooter","_weapon","","","","","_projectile", "_gunner"]; _stateParams params ["", "_seekerStateParams", "_attackProfileStateParams"]; _seekerParams params ["", "", "_seekerMaxRange"]; private _config = ([_projectile] call CBA_fnc_getObjectConfig) >> "ace_missileguidance"; private _maxCorrectableDistance = [_config >> "correctionDistance", "NUMBER", DEFAULT_CORRECTION_DISTANCE] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; private _crosshairOffset = [_config >> "offsetFromCrosshair", "ARRAY", [0, 0, 0]] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; private _maxDistanceSqr = _seekerMaxRange * _seekerMaxRange; private _distanceAheadOfMissile = [_config >> "missileLeadDistance", "NUMBER", DEFAULT_LEAD_DISTANCE] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry; // AI don't know how to use the crosshair offset becauze they dum dum if ((_gunner != ACE_PLAYER) && {_gunner != (ACE_controlledUAV select 1)}) then { _crosshairOffset = [0, 0, 0]; }; if (_shooter isKindOf "Plane") then {WARNING("SACLOS fired from planes unsupported");}; private _turretPath = [_shooter, _weapon] call CBA_fnc_turretPathWeapon; private _turretConfig = [_shooter, _turretPath] call CBA_fnc_getTurret; private _wireCutSource = _shooter selectionPosition getText(_turretConfig >> "missileEnd"); _attackProfileStateParams set [0, _maxCorrectableDistance]; _attackProfileStateParams set [1, false]; // _wireCut _attackProfileStateParams set [2, [0, 0, 0]]; // _randomVector _attackProfileStateParams set [3, _crosshairOffset]; // crosshair offset _attackProfileStateParams set [4, _maxDistanceSqr]; // max distance squared used for wire cut _attackProfileStateParams set [5, _wireCutSource]; private _memoryPointGunnerOptics = getText(_turretConfig >> "memoryPointGunnerOptics"); private _animationSourceBody = getText(_turretConfig >> "animationSourceBody"); private _animationSourceGun = getText(_turretConfig >> "animationSourceGun"); _seekerStateParams set [0, _memoryPointGunnerOptics]; _seekerStateParams set [1, _animationSourceBody]; _seekerStateParams set [2, _animationSourceGun]; _seekerStateParams set [3, _distanceAheadOfMissile];