#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror, mharis001 * Dynamically adds actions to nearby water sources when interact_menu is opened. * Called by the "ace_interactMenuOpened" event. * * Arguments: * Interact Menu Type (0 - World, 1 - Self) <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [0] call ace_field_rations_fnc_addWaterSourceInteractions * * Public: No */ params ["_interactionType"]; // Ignore when self-interaction, mounted vehicle interaction, or water source actions are disabled if ( _interactionType != 0 || {vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player} || {XGVAR(waterSourceActions) == 0} ) exitWith {}; TRACE_1("Starting interact PFH",_interactionType); [{ BEGIN_COUNTER(interactEH); params ["_args", "_pfhID"]; _args params ["_setPosition", "_addedHelpers", "_sourcesHelped"]; if (!EGVAR(interact_menu,keyDown)) then { TRACE_1("Ending interact PFH",_pfhID); {detach _x; deleteVehicle _x} forEach _addedHelpers; [_pfhID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; } else { // Prevent rare error when ending mission with interact key down if (isNull ACE_player) exitWith {}; // Rescan if player has moved more than 5 meters from last position if (getPosASL ACE_player distanceSqr _setPosition > 25) then { BEGIN_COUNTER(updatePosition); { if (!(_x in _sourcesHelped) && {XGVAR(terrainObjectActions) || {!(_x call CBA_fnc_isTerrainObject)}}) then { private _waterRemaining = [_x] call FUNC(getRemainingWater); if (_waterRemaining != REFILL_WATER_DISABLED) then { private _offset = [_x] call FUNC(getActionOffset); private _helper = QGVAR(helper) createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; _helper setVariable [QGVAR(waterSource), _x]; _helper attachTo [_x, _offset]; _addedHelpers pushBack _helper; _sourcesHelped pushBack _x; TRACE_3("Added interaction helper",_x,typeOf _x,_waterRemaining); }; }; } forEach nearestObjects [ACE_player, [], 15]; _args set [0, getPosASL ACE_player]; END_COUNTER(updatePosition); }; }; END_COUNTER(interactEH); }, 0.5, [getPosASL ACE_player vectorAdd [-100, 0, 0], [], []]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;