/* * Author: CAA-Picard * Start linking the belt * * Argument: * 0: Player * 1: Target * * Return value: * None */ #include "script_component.hpp" EXPLODE_2_PVT(_this,_player,_target); if (vehicle _target != _target) exitWith {false}; private ["_magazineCfg","_magazineType"]; _magazineType = currentMagazine _target; _magazineCfg = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineType; if (getNumber (_magazineCfg >> "ACE_isBelt") == 0) exitWith {false}; // Check if the ammo is not empty or full private "_ammoCount"; _ammoCount = _target ammo currentWeapon _target; // Exit if the belt is full or empty if ((_ammoCount == 0) || (getNumber (_magazineCfg >> "count") - _ammoCount) == 0) exitWith {false}; // Check if the player has any of the same same magazines // Calculate max ammo it can link private "_maxAmmo"; _maxAmmo = 0; { _maxAmmo = _maxAmmo max (_x select 1); } forEach ([magazinesAmmo _player, {_this select 0 == _magazineType}] call EFUNC(common,filter)); if (_maxAmmo == 0) exitWith {}; // Condition to call each frame _condition = { EXPLODE_2_PVT((_this select 0),_player,_target); ([_player, _target, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) && ((_player distance _target) < 3) && ((speed _target) < 1) }; _onFinish = { EXPLODE_3_PVT((_this select 0),_player,_target,_magazine); // Raise event on remote unit ["linkedAmmo", [_target], [_target, _player, _magazine]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent); }; _onFailure = { EXPLODE_3_PVT((_this select 0),_player,_target,_magazine); [_caller, "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon", 1] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); // Add back the magazine with the former ammo count _player addMagazine _magazine; }; [_player, "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic5", 0] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); // Remove the magazine with maximum remaining ammo [_player, _magazineType, _maxAmmo] call EFUNC(common,removeSpecificMagazine); // Call progress bar [4, [_player, _target, [_magazineType, _maxAmmo]], _onFinish, _onFailure, (localize "STR_ACE_Reload_LinkingBelt"), _condition] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);