#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: esteldunedain * Modify the visuals of a medical action point. * On Basic medical: modify the icon color based on damage on that body part. * * Arguments: * 0: The Patient Unit * 1: The Diagnosing Unit * 2: Body part index * 3: The action to modify * * ReturnValue: * None * * Public: No */ params ["_target", "_player", "_partIndex", "_actionData"]; private _bloodLossOnBodyPart = 0; // Add all bleeding from wounds on selection { _x params ["", "", "_bodyPartN", "_amountOf", "_bleeding"]; if (_bodyPartN == _partIndex) then { _bloodLossOnBodyPart = _bloodLossOnBodyPart + (20 * _amountOf * _bleeding); }; } forEach (_target getvariable [QEGVAR(medical,openWounds), []]); private _hasTourniquet = HAS_TOURNIQUET_APPLIED_ON(_target,_partIndex); switch (true) do { case (_bloodLossOnBodyPart >= 0.15): { if (_hasTourniquet) then { _actionData set [2, QPATHTOF(ui\ui\icons\medical_crossRed_t.paa)]; } else { _actionData set [2, QPATHTOF(ui\ui\icons\medical_crossRed.paa)]; }; }; case (_bloodLossOnBodyPart > 0): { if (_hasTourniquet) then { _actionData set [2, QPATHTOF(ui\ui\icons\medical_crossYellow_t.paa)]; } else { _actionData set [2, QPATHTOF(ui\ui\icons\medical_crossYellow.paa)]; }; }; default { if (_hasTourniquet) then { _actionData set [2, QPATHTOF(ui\ui\icons\medical_cross_t.paa)]; }; }; };