#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: tcvm * Checks hitpoint damage and determines if a vehicle should cookoff. * * Arguments: * 0: The vehicle * 1: Chance of detonation * 2: Vehicle ammo array * 3: How much explosive ammo is inside vehicle * 4: How much non-explosive ammo inside vehicle * 5: Person who instigated damage (default: objNull) * * Return Value: * Detonated * * Example: * [tank2, 0.5] call ace_vehicle_damage_fnc_handleDetonation; * * Public: No */ params ["_vehicle", "_chanceOfDetonate", "_vehicleAmmo", "_explosiveAmmoCount", "_nonExplosiveAmmoCount", ["_injurer", objNull]]; private _alreadyDetonating = _vehicle getVariable [QGVAR(detonating), false]; private _isKnockedOut = _explosiveAmmoCount > 0; if (!_alreadyDetonating && { _chanceOfDetonate >= random 1 }) exitWith { [_vehicle, _injurer, _vehicleAmmo] call FUNC(detonate); LOG_2("Detonating [%1] with a chance-to-detonate [%2]",_vehicle,_chanceOfDetonate); _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(detonating), true]; _isKnockedOut }; // Avoid RPT spam if (_alreadyDetonating) exitWith { _isKnockedOut }; LOG_2("[%1] No Detonation - Chance of detonation [%2]",_vehicle,_chanceOfDetonate); false