/* * Author: Norrin, Rocko, Ruthberg * * Handles HuntIR projectiles * * Arguments: * 0: unit - Object the event handler is assigned to * 1: weapon - Fired weapon * 2: muzzle - Muzzle that was used * 3: mode - Current mode of the fired weapon * 4: ammo - Ammo used * 5: magazine - magazine name which was used * 6: projectile - Object of the projectile that was shot * * Return Value: * Nothing * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" PARAMS_7(_unit,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile); if (_ammo != "F_HuntIR") exitWith {}; [{ PARAMS_1(_projectile); "ACE_HuntIR_Propell" createVehicle (getPosATL _projectile); [{ PARAMS_1(_position); private ["_huntir"]; _huntir = createVehicle ["ACE_HuntIR", _position, [], 0, "FLY"]; _huntir setPosATL _position; _huntir setVariable [QGVAR(startTime), ACE_time, true]; _huntir addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_this call FUNC(handleDamage)}]; [{ EXPLODE_1_PVT(_this select 0,_huntir); if (isNull _huntir) exitWith { [_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; if (damage _huntir > 0) then { private ["_velocity"]; _velocity = velocity _huntir; _velocity set [2, -1 min -20 * sqrt(damage _huntir)]; _huntir setVelocity _velocity; _huntir setVectorUp [0, 0, 1]; }; }, 0, [_huntir]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; }, [getPosATL _projectile vectorAdd [0, 0, 50]], 2, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute); }, [_projectile], 5, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);