/* * Author: Ir0n1E * Get weapon out of gunbag. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Target <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [player, target] call ace_gunbag_fnc_offGunbagCallback * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", "_target"]; private _gunbag = backpackContainer _target; private _state = _gunbag getVariable [QGVAR(gunbagWeapon), []]; if (_state isEqualTo []) exitWith { [localize LSTRING(empty)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; _state params ["_weapon", "_items", "_magazines"]; _unit addWeapon _weapon; // Game will auto add magazines from player's inventory, put these back in player inventory as they will be overwritten ([_unit, _weapon] call EFUNC(common,getWeaponState)) params ["", "", "_addedMags", "_addedAmmo"]; { if (((_x select 0) != "") && {(_addedMags select _forEachIndex) != ""}) then { TRACE_2("Re-adding mag",_x,_addedMags select _forEachIndex); _unit addMagazine [_addedMags select _forEachIndex, _addedAmmo select _forEachIndex]; }; } forEach _magazines; removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _unit; { _unit addWeaponItem [_weapon, _x]; } forEach (_items + _magazines); _unit selectWeapon _weapon; _magazines = _magazines apply {_x select 0}; private _mass = [_weapon, _items, _magazines] call FUNC(calculateMass); // remove virtual load [_target, _gunbag, -_mass] call EFUNC(movement,addLoadToUnitContainer); _gunbag setVariable [QGVAR(gunbagWeapon), [], true]; // play sound if (["ace_backpacks"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then { [_target, _gunbag] call EFUNC(backpacks,backpackOpened); };