#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: LinkIsGrim, johnb43 * Adds inventory and open backpack actions to uncon units. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [cursorTarget] call ace_medical_status_fnc_addInventoryActions * * Public: No */ if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; params ["_unit"]; // Gear Action - For Unconscious Units private _id = _unit addAction ["", { params ["_target", "_caller"]; _caller action ["Gear", _target]; }, nil, 5.1, true, true, "gear", toString { (_target isNotEqualTo ACE_player) && {(lifeState _target) isEqualTo "INCAPACITATED"} }, 2]; _unit setUserActionText [_id, localize "STR_ACTION_GEAR", "<img image='\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\gear_ca.paa' size='2.5' shadow=2 />"]; // Open Bag Action - For Dead Units _unit addAction ["OpenBag", { params ["_target", "_caller"]; _caller action ["OpenBag", _target]; }, nil, 5.2, true, true, "", toString { private _backpackContainer = backpackContainer _target; private _backpackConfig = configOf _backpackContainer; (_target isNotEqualTo ACE_player) && {!((lifeState _target) in ["HEALTHY", "INJURED", "INCAPACITATED"])} && {!isNull _backpackContainer} && {!lockedInventory _backpackContainer} && {maxLoad _backpackContainer > 0} && {getNumber (_backpackConfig >> "disableInventory") != 1} && {_target setUserActionText [_actionId, format [localize "STR_ACTION_OPEN_BAG", getText (_backpackConfig >> "displayName")]]; true} }, 2];