#define MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE 1.75 class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class ArgumentsBaseUnits { }; }; class ACE_Module; // TODO localization for all the modules class ACE_moduleMedicalSettings: ACE_Module { scope = 2; displayName = "Medical Settings [ACE]"; icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Medical_ca.paa)); category = "ACE_medical"; function = QUOTE(DFUNC(moduleMedicalSettings)); functionPriority = 1; isGlobal = 1; isTriggerActivated = 0; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; class Arguments { class level { displayName = "Medical Level"; description = "What is the medical simulation level?"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class normal { name = "Basic"; value = 1; default = 1; }; class full { name = "Advanced"; value = 2; }; }; }; class enableFor { displayName = "Enabled for"; description = "Select what units the medical system will be enabled for (Adv only)"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class playableUnits { name = "Players only."; value = 0; default = 1; }; class playableUnitsAndAI { name = "Players and AI"; value = 1; }; }; }; // TODO Disabled until the features are implemented /*class enableAirway { displayName = "Enable Airway"; description = "Enable Advanced medical Airway (Adv only)"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 0; }; class enableFractures { displayName = "Enable Fractures"; description = "Enable Advanced medical Fractures (Adv only)"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 0; };*/ class enableAdvancedWounds { displayName = "Enable Advanced wounds"; description = "Allow reopening of bandaged wounds? (Adv only)"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 0; }; class enableVehicleCrashes { displayName = "Vehicle Crashes"; description = "Do units take damage from a vehicle crash?"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class enableScreams { displayName = "Enable Screams"; description = "Enable screaming by injuried units"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class playerDamageThreshold { displayName = "Player Damage"; description = "What is the damage a player can take before being killed?"; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = 1; }; class AIDamageThreshold { displayName = "AI Damage"; description = "What is the damage an AI can take before being killed?"; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = 1; }; class enableUnsconsiousnessAI { displayName = "AI Unconsciousness"; description = "Allow AI to go unconscious"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class disable { name = "Disabled"; value = 0; }; class normal { name = "Enabled"; value = 1; default = 1; }; class full { name = "50/50"; value = 2; }; }; }; class preventInstaDeath { displayName = "Prevent instant death"; description = "Have a unit move to unconscious instead of death"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 0; }; class bleedingCoefficient { displayName = "Bleeding coefficient"; description = "Coefficient to modify the bleeding speed"; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = 1; }; }; class ModuleDescription { description = "Provides a medical system for both players and AI."; sync[] = {}; }; }; class ACE_moduleTreatmentConfiguration: ACE_Module { scope = 2; displayName = "Treatment Settings [ACE]"; icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Medical_ca.paa)); category = "ACE_medical"; function = QUOTE(FUNC(moduleTreatmentConfiguration)); functionPriority = 10; isGlobal = 2; isTriggerActivated = 0; isDisposable = 0; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; class Arguments { class medicSetting { displayName = "Medics setting"; description = "What is the level of detail prefered for medics?"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class disable { name = "Disable medics"; value = 0; }; class normal { name = "Normal"; value = 1; default = 1; }; class full { name = "Advanced"; value = 2; }; }; }; class maxReviveTime { displayName = "Max Revive time"; description = "Max amount of seconds a unit can spend in revive state"; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = 120; }; class amountOfReviveLives { displayName = "Max Revive lives"; description = "Max amount of lives a unit. 0 or -1 is disabled."; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = -1; }; class enableOverdosing { displayName = "Enable Overdosing"; description = "Enable overdosing of medications"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class allowLitterCreation { displayName = "Enable Litter"; description = "Enable litter being created upon treatment"; typeName = "BOOL"; defaultValue = 1; }; class litterCleanUpDelay { displayName = "Life time of litter objects"; description = "How long should litter objects stay? In seconds. -1 is forever."; typeName = "NUMBER"; defaultValue = 1800; }; class medicSetting_PAK { displayName = "Allow PAK"; description = "Who can use the PAK for full heal?"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class anyone { name = "Anyone"; value = 0; }; class Medic { name = "Medics only"; value = 1; default = 1; }; class Special { name = "Doctors only (Adv)"; value = 2; }; }; }; class consumeItem_PAK { displayName = "Remove PAK on use"; description = "Should PAK be removed on usage?"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class keep { name = "No"; value = 0; }; class remove { name = "Yes"; value = 1; default = 1; }; }; }; class medicSetting_SurgicalKit: medicSetting_PAK { displayName = "Allow Surgical kit"; description = "Who can use the surgical kit?"; }; class consumeItem_SurgicalKit: consumeItem_PAK { displayName = "Remove Surgical kit"; description = "Should Surgical kit be removed on usage?"; }; }; class ModuleDescription { description = "Configure the treatment settings from ACE Medical"; sync[] = {}; }; }; class ACE_moduleAssignMedicRoles: Module_F { scope = 2; displayName = "Set Medic Class [ACE]"; icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Medical_ca.paa)); category = "ACE_medical"; function = QUOTE(FUNC(moduleAssignMedicRoles)); functionPriority = 10; isGlobal = 2; isTriggerActivated = 0; isDisposable = 0; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; class Arguments { class EnableList { displayName = "List"; description = "List of unit names that will be classified as medic, separated by commas."; defaultValue = ""; typeName = "STRING"; }; class role { displayName = "Is Medic"; description = "Medics allow for more advanced treatment in case of Advanced Medic roles enabled"; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class none { name = "None"; value = 0; }; class medic { name = "Regular medic"; value = 1; default = 1; }; class doctor { name = "Doctor (Only Advanced Medics)"; value = 1; }; }; }; }; class ModuleDescription { description = "Assigns the ACE medic class to a unit"; sync[] = {}; }; }; class ACE_moduleAssignMedicVehicle: Module_F { scope = 2; displayName = "Set Medical Vehicle [ACE]"; icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Medical_ca.paa)); category = "ACE_medical"; function = QUOTE(FUNC(moduleAssignMedicalVehicle)); functionPriority = 10; isGlobal = 2; isTriggerActivated = 0; isDisposable = 0; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; class Arguments { class EnableList { displayName = "List"; description = "List of vehicles that will be classified as medical vehicle, separated by commas."; defaultValue = ""; typeName = "STRING"; }; class enabled { displayName = "Is Medical Vehicle"; description = "Whatever or not the objects in the list will be a medical vehicle."; typeName = "NUMBER"; class values { class none { name = "No"; value = 0; }; class medic { name = "Yes"; value = 1; default = 1; }; }; }; }; class ModuleDescription { description = "Assigns the ACE medic class to a unit"; sync[] = {}; }; }; class ACE_moduleAssignMedicalFacility: Module_F { scope = 2; displayName = "Set Medical Facility [ACE]"; icon = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\Icon_Module_Medical_ca.paa)); category = "ACE_medical"; function = QUOTE(FUNC(moduleAssignMedicalFacility)); functionPriority = 10; isGlobal = 2; isTriggerActivated = 0; isDisposable = 0; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; class Arguments { class enabled { displayName = "Is Medical Facility"; description = "Registers an object as a medical facility for CMS"; typeName = "BOOL"; }; }; class ModuleDescription { description = "Defines an object as a medical facility for CMS. This allows for more advanced treatments. Can be used on buildings and vehicles. "; sync[] = {}; }; }; #define ARM_LEG_ARMOR_DEFAULT 2 #define ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER 3 #define ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT 4 class Man; class CAManBase: Man { class HitPoints { class HitHead; class HitBody; // "DEACTIVE" DEFAULT HITPOINTS class HitHands { armor = 999; //armor = 2; explosionShielding = 0; //explosionShielding = 1; material = -1; minimalHit = 0; name = ""; passThrough = 1; radius = 0; //radius = 0.06; visual = "injury_hands"; }; class HitLegs { armor = 999; //armor = 2; explosionShielding = 0; //explosionShielding = 1; material = -1; minimalHit = 0; name = ""; passThrough = 1; radius = 0; //radius = 0.08; visual = "injury_legs"; }; class HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_DEFAULT; //2; explosionShielding = 1; material = -1; minimalHit = 0; name = "hand_l"; passThrough = 1; radius = 0.06; visual = "injury_hands"; }; class HitRightArm: HitLeftArm { name = "hand_r"; }; class HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_DEFAULT; //2; explosionShielding = 1; material = -1; minimalHit = 0; name = "leg_l"; passThrough = 1; radius = 0.08; visual = "injury_legs"; }; class HitRightLeg: HitLeftLeg { name = "leg_r"; }; }; class ACE_SelfActions { class Medical { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Medical"; runOnHover = 1; hotkey = "M"; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 0)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); class ACE_Head { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_Head"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 0)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); runOnHover = 1; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitHead"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class CheckPulse: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckPulse"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckBloodPressure"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_Torso { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_Torso"; distance = 5.0; condition = "true"; runOnHover = 1; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 1)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitBody"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class TriageCard { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_TriageCard"; distance = 2.0; condition = "true"; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_target, true)] call DFUNC(displayTriageCard)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\triageCard.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; }; class ACE_ArmLeft { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_ArmLeft"; runOnHover = 1; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 2)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitLeftArm"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class CheckPulse: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckPulse"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckBloodPressure"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_ArmRight { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_ArmRight"; runOnHover = 1; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 3)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitRightArm"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class CheckPulse: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckPulse"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckBloodPressure"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_LegLeft { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_LegLeft"; runOnHover = 1; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 4)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitLeftLeg"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_LegRight { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Interaction_LegRight"; runOnHover = 1; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 5)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitRightLeg"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); exceptions[] = {"isNotInside"}; statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; }; }; class ACE_Actions { class ACE_Head { runOnHover = 1; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 0)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); distance = MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitHead"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class CheckPulse: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckPulse"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckBloodPressure"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class CheckResponse: CheckPulse { displayName = "Check Response"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckResponse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'head', 'CheckResponse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_Torso { runOnHover = 1; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 1)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); distance = MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitBody"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; enableInside = 1; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PlaceInBodyBag { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_PlaceInBodyBag"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'BodyBag')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'BodyBag')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; enableInside = 1; }; class TriageCard { displayName = "Triage Card"; distance = 2.0; condition = "true"; statement = QUOTE([ARR_2(_target, true)] call DFUNC(displayTriageCard)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; enableInside = 1; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\triageCard.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; enableInside = 1; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class SurgicalKit: fieldDressing { displayName = "Use Surgical Kit"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'SurgicalKit')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'SurgicalKit')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\surgicalKit.paa); }; class PersonalAidKit: fieldDressing { displayName = "Use Personal Aid Kit"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'PersonalAidKit')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'PersonalAidKit')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CPR: fieldDressing { displayName = "CPR"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'CPR')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'body', 'CPR')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; }; class ACE_ArmLeft { runOnHover = 1; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 2)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); distance = MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitLeftArm"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class BloodIV: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\iv.paa); }; class BloodIV_500: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV_250: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PlasmaIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PlasmaIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_500: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_250: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_500: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_250: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class CheckPulse: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckPulse"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckBloodPressure"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_ArmRight { runOnHover = 1; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 3)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); distance = MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitRightArm"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\iv.paa); }; class BloodIV_500: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV_250: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_500: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_250: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_500: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_250: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class CheckPulse: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckPulse"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckPulse')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = ""; }; class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_CheckBloodPressure"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'CheckBloodPressure')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'hand_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_LegLeft { runOnHover = 1; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 4)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); distance = MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitLeftLeg"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\iv.paa); }; class BloodIV_500: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV_250: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_500: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_250: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_500: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_250: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_l', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; class ACE_LegRight { runOnHover = 1; statement = QUOTE([ARR_3(_target, true, 5)] call DFUNC(displayPatientInformation)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\medical_cross.paa); distance = MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE; class Bandage { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Bandage_HitRightLeg"; distance = 2.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Bandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 1; priority = 2; hotkey = "B"; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; // Advanced medical class FieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_FieldDressing"; distance = 5.0; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'FieldDressing')] call DFUNC(treatment)); showDisabled = 0; priority = 2; hotkey = ""; icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\bandage.paa); }; class PackingBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_PackingBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PackingBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\packingBandage.paa); }; class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_ElasticBandage"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'ElasticBandage')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class QuikClot: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_QuikClot"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'QuikClot')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Tourniquet: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Tourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Tourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\tourniquet.paa); }; class Morphine: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Morphine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Morphine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\autoInjector.paa); }; class Atropine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Atropine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Atropine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class Epinephrine: Morphine { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_Inject_Epinephrine"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'Epinephrine')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV: fieldDressing { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); icon = PATHTOF(UI\icons\iv.paa); }; class BloodIV_500: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class BloodIV_250: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Blood4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'BloodIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_500: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PlasmaIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class PlasmaIV_250: PlasmaIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Plasma4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'PlasmaIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV: BloodIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_1000"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'SalineIV')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_500: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_500"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'SalineIV_500')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class SalineIV_250: SalineIV { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_Saline4_250"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'SalineIV_250')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet { displayName = "$STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ACTIONS_RemoveTourniquet"; condition = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(canTreatCached)); statement = QUOTE([ARR_4(_player, _target, 'leg_r', 'RemoveTourniquet')] call DFUNC(treatment)); }; }; }; }; class SoldierWB: CAManBase {}; class SoldierEB: CAManBase {}; class SoldierGB: CAManBase {}; class B_Soldier_base_F: SoldierWB {}; class B_Soldier_04_f: B_Soldier_base_F { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead {}; class HitBody: HitBody {}; class HitHands: HitHands {}; class HitLegs: HitLegs {}; class HitLeftArm: HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightArm: HitRightArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitLeftLeg: HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightLeg: HitRightLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; }; }; class B_Soldier_05_f: B_Soldier_base_F { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead {}; class HitBody: HitBody {}; class HitHands: HitHands {}; class HitLegs: HitLegs {}; class HitLeftArm: HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightArm: HitRightArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitLeftLeg: HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightLeg: HitRightLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; }; }; class I_Soldier_base_F: SoldierGB {}; class I_Soldier_03_F: I_Soldier_base_F { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead {}; class HitBody: HitBody {}; class HitHands: HitHands {}; class HitLegs: HitLegs {}; class HitLeftArm: HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightArm: HitRightArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitLeftLeg: HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightLeg: HitRightLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; }; }; class I_Soldier_04_F: I_Soldier_base_F { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead {}; class HitBody: HitBody {}; class HitHands: HitHands {}; class HitLegs: HitLegs {}; class HitLeftArm: HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightArm: HitRightArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitLeftLeg: HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; class HitRightLeg: HitRightLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_BETTER; }; }; }; class O_Soldier_base_F: SoldierEB { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead {}; class HitBody: HitBody {}; class HitHands: HitHands {}; class HitLegs: HitLegs {}; class HitLeftArm: HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; class HitRightArm: HitRightArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; class HitLeftLeg: HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; class HitRightLeg: HitRightLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; }; }; class O_Soldier_02_F: O_Soldier_base_F { class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead {}; class HitBody: HitBody {}; class HitHands: HitHands {}; class HitLegs: HitLegs {}; class HitLeftArm: HitLeftArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; class HitRightArm: HitRightArm { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; class HitLeftLeg: HitLeftLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; class HitRightLeg: HitRightLeg { armor = ARM_LEG_ARMOR_CSAT; passThrough = 0.85; }; }; }; class MapBoard_altis_F; class ACE_bodyBag: MapBoard_altis_F { scope = 1; side = -1; model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\bodybag.p3d)); icon = ""; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_BODYBAG_DISPLAY; }; // Medical litter classes class Thing; class ACE_MedicalLitterBase: Thing { scope = 1; displayName = " "; destrType = "DestructNo"; model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\littergeneric.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage1: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\littergeneric_bandages1.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage2: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\littergeneric_bandages2.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage3: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\littergeneric_bandages3.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_packingBandage: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\litter_packingBandage.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_gloves: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\littergeneric_gloves.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_atropine: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\litter_atropine.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_epinephrine: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\litter_epinephrine.p3d)); }; class ACE_MedicalLitter_morphine: ACE_MedicalLitterBase { model = QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\litter_morphine.p3d)); }; class Item_Base_F; class ACE_fieldDressingItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_BANDAGE_BASIC_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_fieldDressing { name = "ACE_fieldDressing"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_packingBandageItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_PACKING_BANDAGE_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_packingBandage { name = "ACE_packingBandage"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_elasticBandageItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_BANDAGE_ELASTIC_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_elasticBandage { name = "ACE_elasticBandage"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_tourniquetItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_TOURNIQUET_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_tourniquet { name = "ACE_tourniquet"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_morphineItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_MORPHINE_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_morphine { name = "ACE_morphine"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_atropineItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_ATROPINE_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_atropine { name = "ACE_atropine"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_epinephrineItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_EPINEPHRINE_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_epinephrine { name = "ACE_epinephrine"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_plasmaIVItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_PLASMA_IV; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_plasmaIV { name = "ACE_plasmaIV"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_bloodIVItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_BLOOD_IV; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_bloodIV { name = "ACE_bloodIV"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_salineIVItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_SALINE_IV; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_salineIV { name = "ACE_salineIV"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_quikClotItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_QUIKCLOT_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_quikClot { name = "ACE_quikclot"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_personalAidKitItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_AID_KIT_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_personalAidKit { name = "ACE_personalAidKit"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_surgicalKitItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_SURGICALKIT_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_surgicalKit { name = "ACE_surgicalKit"; count = 1; }; }; }; class ACE_bodyBagItem: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = $STR_ACE_MEDICAL_BODYBAG_DISPLAY; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ACE_bodyBag { name = "ACE_bodyBag"; count = 1; }; }; }; class NATO_Box_Base; class ACE_medicalSupplyCrate: NATO_Box_Base { scope = 2; accuracy = 1000; displayName = "[ACE] Medical Supply Crate"; model = "\A3\weapons_F\AmmoBoxes\AmmoBox_F"; author = "$STR_ACE_Common_ACETeam"; class TransportItems { class ACE_fieldDressing { name = "ACE_fieldDressing"; count = 25; }; class ACE_packingBandage { name = "ACE_packingBandage"; count = 25; }; class ACE_elasticBandage { name = "ACE_elasticBandage"; count = 25; }; class ACE_tourniquet { name = "ACE_tourniquet"; count = 15; }; class ACE_morphine { name = "ACE_morphine"; count = 15; }; class ACE_atropine { name = "ACE_atropine"; count = 15; }; class ACE_epinephrine { name = "ACE_epinephrine"; count = 15; }; class ACE_plasmaIV { name = "ACE_plasmaIV"; count = 7; }; class ACE_plasmaIV_500 { name = "ACE_plasmaIV_500"; count = 7; }; class ACE_plasmaIV_250 { name = "ACE_plasmaIV_250"; count = 7; }; class ACE_salineIV { name = "ACE_salineIV"; count = 7; }; class ACE_salineIV_500 { name = "ACE_salineIV_500"; count = 7; }; class ACE_salineIV_250 { name = "ACE_salineIV_250"; count = 7; }; class ACE_bloodIV { name = "ACE_bloodIV"; count = 7; }; class ACE_bloodIV_500 { name = "ACE_bloodIV_500"; count = 7; }; class ACE_bloodIV_250 { name = "ACE_bloodIV_250"; count = 7; }; class ACE_quikClot { name = "ACE_quikclot"; count = 20; }; class ACE_personalAidKit { name = "ACE_personalAidKit"; count = 3; }; class ACE_surgicalKit { name = "ACE_surgicalKit"; count = 2; }; class ACE_bodyBag { name = "ACE_bodyBag"; count = 5; }; }; }; // Patient unload from vehicle actions class LandVehicle; class Car: LandVehicle { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class ACE_UnloadPatients { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_UnloadPatient"; condition = "true"; statement = ""; insertChildren = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addUnloadPatientActions)); }; }; }; }; class Tank: LandVehicle { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class ACE_UnloadPatients { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_UnloadPatient"; condition = "true"; statement = ""; insertChildren = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addUnloadPatientActions)); }; }; }; }; class Air; class Helicopter: Air { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class ACE_UnloadPatients { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_UnloadPatient"; condition = "true"; statement = ""; insertChildren = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addUnloadPatientActions)); }; }; }; }; class Plane: Air { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class ACE_UnloadPatients { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_UnloadPatient"; condition = "true"; statement = ""; insertChildren = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addUnloadPatientActions)); }; }; }; }; class Ship; class Ship_F: Ship { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class ACE_UnloadPatients { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_UnloadPatient"; condition = "true"; statement = ""; insertChildren = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addUnloadPatientActions)); }; }; }; }; class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class ACE_UnloadPatients { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_UnloadPatient"; condition = "true"; statement = ""; insertChildren = QUOTE(_this call FUNC(addUnloadPatientActions)); }; }; }; }; };