#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Returns a procedural texture that will display a custom map. * Needs to be run on all machines. * * Arguments: * 0: Position (default: center of map) * 1: Scale (1.0 fits entire map in x-dimension) (default: 1.25) * 2: Markers (default: []) * - 0: Position 2D/3D (default: [0, 0, 0]) * - 1: Text (default: "") * - 2: Marker Type or Icon Name (default: "mil_dot") * - 3: Color (default: [1, 0, 0, 1]) * 3: Map Type (0: Normal, 1: Topographic, 2: Satellite) or any custom class (even mission config) (default: 0) * 4: Code to run on init (will be passed [_map, _display, _displayID]) (default: {}) * 5: Resolution (default: 4096) * * Return Value: * Procedural Texture * * Example: * [] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage * [getPos player, 0.3, [], 1] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage * [[5000, 5000], 0.5, [[getpos player, "obj"]], 2, {}] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage * * Public: Yes */ params [ ["_pos", [worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2], [[]]], ["_scale", 1.25, [0]], ["_markers", [], [[]]], ["_mapType", 0, [0, ""]], // 2.14 may allow config type as well ["_userCode", {}, [{}]], ["_resolution", 4096, [0]] ]; TRACE_6("",_pos,_scale,count _markers,_mapType,_userCode isEqualTo {},_resolution); _markers = _markers apply { // convert marker array to draw command _x params [["_xPos", [0,0,0], [[]]], ["_xText", "", [""]], ["_xIcon", "mil_dot", [""]], ["_xColor", [1,0,0,1], [[]]]]; private _size = 0; private _config = configFile >> "CfgMarkers" >> _xIcon; if (isClass _config) then { _size = 0.5 * getNumber (_config >> "size"); _xIcon = getText (_config >> "icon"); // don't swap order } else { if (_xIcon != "") then { _size = 16 }; // could be a file or a CfgVehicleIcons class }; [_xIcon, _xColor, _xPos, _size, _size, 0, _xText, 0, 0.08] }; if (_mapType isEqualType 0) then { _mapType = [QGVAR(mapNormal), QGVAR(mapTopo), QGVAR(mapSat)] select _mapType; }; if ((!isClass (configFile >> _mapType)) && {(!isClass (missionConfigFile >> _mapType))}) then { ERROR_1("bad map type %1",_mapType); }; // set data in hash if (isNil QGVAR(mapData)) then { GVAR(mapData) = createHashMap; }; private _displayID = format ["ace_s_%1", count GVAR(mapData)]; TRACE_1("setting hash",_displayID); GVAR(mapData) set [_displayID, [_pos, _scale, _markers, _mapType, _userCode]]; // return texture name format ['#(rgb,%1,%1,1)ui("%2","%3")', _resolution, QGVAR(mapDisplay), _displayID]