/* * Author: Ruthberg * Parses all input fields in the gun-, atmosphere- and target column, the result input fields and the muzzle velocity data input fields * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * call ace_atragmx_fnc_parse_input * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" // Muzzle velocity vs. temperature interpolation data { private _temperature = parseNumber(ctrlText _x); if (GVAR(currentUnit) != 2) then { _temperature = -50 max _temperature min 160; _temperature = (_temperature - 32) / 1.8; } else { _temperature = -50 max _temperature min 71; }; ((GVAR(workingMemory) select 18) select _forEachIndex) set [0, _temperature]; } forEach [160021, 160022, 160023, 160024, 160025, 160026, 160027]; { private _muzzleVelocity = abs(parseNumber(ctrlText _x)); if (_muzzleVelocity > 0) then { if (GVAR(currentUnit) != 2) then { _muzzleVelocity = 300 max _muzzleVelocity min 4500; _muzzleVelocity = _muzzleVelocity * 0.3048; } else { _muzzleVelocity = 100 max _muzzleVelocity min 1400; }; }; ((GVAR(workingMemory) select 18) select _forEachIndex) set [1, _muzzleVelocity]; } forEach [160031, 160032, 160033, 160034, 160035, 160036, 160037]; // C1 coefficient vs. distance interpolation data { private _distance = abs(parseNumber(ctrlText _x)); if (_distance > 0) then { if (GVAR(currentUnit) == 1) then { _distance = 25 max _distance min 4000; _distance = _distance * 0.9144; } else { _distance = 25 max _distance min 3700; }; }; ((GVAR(workingMemory) select 19) select _forEachIndex) set [0, _distance]; } forEach [170021, 170022, 170023, 170024, 170025, 170026, 170027]; { private _c1 = abs(parseNumber(ctrlText _x)); if (_c1 > 0) then { _c1 = 0.1 max _c1 min 2.0; }; ((GVAR(workingMemory) select 19) select _forEachIndex) set [1, _c1]; } forEach [170031, 170032, 170033, 170034, 170035, 170036, 170037]; GVAR(altitude) = parseNumber(ctrlText 130030); GVAR(temperature) = parseNumber(ctrlText 130040); GVAR(barometricPressure) = parseNumber(ctrlText 130050); GVAR(relativeHumidity) = parseNumber(ctrlText 130060) / 100; if (GVAR(currentUnit) != 2) then { GVAR(altitude) = -1000 max GVAR(altitude) min 20000; GVAR(temperature) = -50 max GVAR(temperature) min 160; GVAR(barometricPressure) = 10 max GVAR(barometricPressure) min 40; GVAR(altitude) = GVAR(altitude) * 0.3048; GVAR(temperature) = (GVAR(temperature) - 32) / 1.8; GVAR(barometricPressure) = GVAR(barometricPressure) * 33.86389; } else { GVAR(altitude) = -300 max GVAR(altitude) min 6100; GVAR(temperature) = -50 max GVAR(temperature) min 71; GVAR(barometricPressure) = 340 max GVAR(barometricPressure) min 1350; }; private _windSpeed1 = parseNumber(ctrlText 140020); private _windSpeed2 = parseNumber(ctrlText 140021); private _targetSpeed = parseNumber(ctrlText 140050); private _targetRange = parseNumber(ctrlText 140060); if (GVAR(currentUnit) != 2) then { _windSpeed1 = 0 max _windSpeed1 min 50; _windSpeed2 = 0 max _windSpeed2 min 50; _targetSpeed = 0 max _targetSpeed min 50; _windSpeed1 = _windSpeed1 * 0.44704; _windSpeed2 = _windSpeed2 * 0.44704; _targetSpeed = _targetSpeed * 0.44704; } else { _windSpeed1 = 0 max _windSpeed1 min 25; _windSpeed2 = 0 max _windSpeed2 min 25; _targetSpeed = 0 max _targetSpeed min 25; }; if (GVAR(currentUnit) == 1) then { _targetRange = 25 max _targetRange min 4000; _targetRange = _targetRange * 0.9144; } else { _targetRange = 25 max _targetRange min 3700; }; GVAR(latitude) set [GVAR(currentTarget), -90 max Round(parseNumber(ctrlText 140000)) min 90]; GVAR(directionOfFire) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 0 max abs(Round(parseNumber(ctrlText 140010))) min 359]; GVAR(windSpeed1) set [GVAR(currentTarget), _windSpeed1]; GVAR(windSpeed2) set [GVAR(currentTarget), _windSpeed2]; GVAR(windDirection) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 1 max Round(parseNumber(ctrlText 140030)) min 12]; GVAR(targetSpeed) set [GVAR(currentTarget), _targetSpeed]; GVAR(targetRange) set [GVAR(currentTarget), _targetRange]; private _inclinationAngleCosine = 0.5 max parseNumber(ctrlText 140041) min 1; private _inclinationAngleDegree = -60 max round(parseNumber(ctrlText 140040)) min 60; if (_inclinationAngleDegree != GVAR(inclinationAngle) select GVAR(currentTarget)) then { GVAR(inclinationAngle) set [GVAR(currentTarget), _inclinationAngleDegree]; } else { if (_inclinationAngleCosine != Round(cos(GVAR(inclinationAngle) select GVAR(currentTarget)) * 100) / 100) then { GVAR(inclinationAngle) set [GVAR(currentTarget), round(acos(_inclinationAngleCosine))]; }; }; if ((ctrlText 140051) == ">") then { GVAR(targetSpeedDirection) set [GVAR(currentTarget), +1]; } else { GVAR(targetSpeedDirection) set [GVAR(currentTarget), -1]; }; private _boreHeight = parseNumber(ctrlText 120000); private _bulletMass = parseNumber(ctrlText 120010); private _bulletDiameter = parseNumber(ctrlText 120020); private _airFriction = parseNumber(ctrlText 120030); if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]) then { _airFriction = 0.1 max _airFriction min 2; } else { _airFriction = _airFriction / -1000; }; private _rifleTwist = parseNumber(ctrlText 120040); private _muzzleVelocity = parseNumber(ctrlText 120050); private _zeroRange = parseNumber(ctrlText 120060); if (GVAR(currentUnit) != 2) then { _boreHeight = 0.1 max _boreHeight min 5; _bulletMass = 1 max _bulletMass min 1500; _bulletDiameter = 0.1 max _bulletDiameter min 1.0; _rifleTwist = 1 max _rifleTwist min 36; _muzzleVelocity = 300 max _muzzleVelocity min 4500; _boreHeight = _boreHeight * 2.54; _bulletMass = _bulletMass * 0.06479891; _bulletDiameter = _bulletDiameter * 2.54; _rifleTwist = _rifleTwist * 2.54; _muzzleVelocity = _muzzleVelocity * 0.3048; } else { _boreHeight = 0.1 max _boreHeight min 10; _bulletMass = 1 max _bulletMass min 100; _bulletDiameter = 0.1 max _bulletDiameter min 2.5; _rifleTwist = 1 max _rifleTwist min 75; _muzzleVelocity = 100 max _muzzleVelocity min 1400; }; _zeroRange = 25 max _zeroRange min 1000; if (GVAR(currentUnit) == 1) then { _zeroRange = _zeroRange * 0.9144; }; GVAR(workingMemory) set [5, _boreHeight]; GVAR(workingMemory) set [12, _bulletMass]; GVAR(workingMemory) set [13, _bulletDiameter * 10]; GVAR(workingMemory) set [14, _rifleTwist]; if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]) then { if (_airFriction != GVAR(workingMemory) select 15) then { (_airFriction - (GVAR(workingMemory) select 15)) call FUNC(shift_c1_ballistic_coefficient_data); }; GVAR(workingMemory) set [15, _airFriction]; } else { GVAR(workingMemory) set [4, _airFriction]; }; if (_muzzleVelocity != GVAR(workingMemory) select 1) then { (_muzzleVelocity - (GVAR(workingMemory) select 1)) call FUNC(shift_muzzle_velocity_data); }; GVAR(workingMemory) set [1, _muzzleVelocity]; GVAR(workingMemory) set [2, _zeroRange]; [] call FUNC(update_gun); [] call FUNC(update_gun_ammo_data); [] call FUNC(update_atmosphere); [] call FUNC(update_atmo_env_data); [] call FUNC(update_target); [] call FUNC(update_target_data); [] call FUNC(update_muzzle_velocity_data); [] call FUNC(update_c1_ballistic_coefficient_data); [] call FUNC(store_user_data);