#include "script_component.hpp" ["ace_settingsInitialized", { TRACE_2("ace_settingsInitialized",GVAR(advancedCorrections),GVAR(disableArtilleryComputer)); if (hasInterface) then { // Add hud overlay for actuall azimuth and elevation: GVAR(pfID) = -1; ["turret", LINKFUNC(turretChanged), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler; // Add ability to dynamically open rangetables: ["ace_interactMenuOpened", LINKFUNC(interactMenuOpened)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; }; if (GVAR(advancedCorrections)) then { [{ // add a frame later to allow other modules to set variables ["LandVehicle", "init", { params ["_vehicle"]; private _vehicleCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle; // config "ace_artillerytables_applyCorrections" [0 disabled, 1 enabled] falls back to artilleryScanner private _applyCorrections = if (isNumber (_vehicleCfg >> QGVAR(applyCorrections))) then { getNumber (_vehicleCfg >> QGVAR(applyCorrections)) } else { getNumber (_vehicleCfg >> "artilleryScanner") }; if (_applyCorrections != 1) exitWith {}; TRACE_2("adding firedEH",_vehicle,configName _vehicleCfg); _vehicle addEventHandler ["Fired", {call FUNC(firedEH)}]; }, true, [], true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; }, []] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame; }; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "dev\showShotInfo.sqf" #endif