Field Rations 戰地口糧 野战军粮 Poměrové pole Rations sur le terrain Feld Rationen Terepi adagok Razioni di campo フィールド レーション 전투식량 Racje polowe Rações de campo Полевые рационы Raciones de campo Gıda Ihtiyaçları Hunger %3Hunger%4 increases linearly with soldier's movement speed. Restore by eating food.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Pick up food.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Survival%4.<br/>%2Choose an item to consume. Thirst %3Thirst%4 increases linearly with soldier's movement speed. Restore by drinking liquids.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Pick up a drink.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Survival%4.<br/>%2Choose an item to consume. Medical Treatment Decrease Heart Rate %3Adenosine%4 is used to decrease heart rate.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select an appendage.<br/>%2Inject %3Adenosine%4. Bandages Close Wounds %3Bandages%4 stop bleeding and close wounds. Depending on your settings, bandages may reopen if surgery is not performed.<br/><br/>%2%3Field Dressing:%4<br/>%11<t color='#D9D900'>Average</t> In All Categories<br/>%2%3Packing Bandage:%4<br/>%11<t color='#D9D900'>Average</t> Treatment<br/>%11<t color='#E60000'>Higher</t> Reopen Chance<br/>%11<t color='#00CC00'>Longer</t> Reopen Delay<br/>%2%3Elastic Bandage:%4<br/>%11<t color='#00CC00'>Higher</t> Treatment<br/>%11<t color='#E60000'>Higher</t> Reopen Chance<br/>%11<t color='#E60000'>Shorter</t> Reopen Delay<br/>%2%3Quickclot:%4<br/>%11<t color='#E60000'>Lower</t> Treatment<br/>%11<t color='#00CC00'>Lower</t> Reopen Chance<br/>%11<t color='#00CC00'>Longer</t> Reopening Delay<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select a injured body part.<br/>%2Bandage body part by selecting desired %3Bandage%4 type. IV Fluids Restore Blood Volume %3IV fluids%4 restore lost blood volume. Blood, Plasma, and Saline are functionally the same.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select an appendage.<br/>%2Restore blood volume by selecting desired %3IV Fluid%4 type. Increase Heart Rate | Wake Up Faster %3Epinephrine%4 increases a patient's pulse as well as potentially decreasing the time between consciousnesss checks (effectively reducing the time needed for the patient to wake up).<br/><br/>%3Usage%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select an appendage.<br/>%2Inject %3Epinephrine%4. Restore Like New The %3Personal Aid Kit%4 is an item that allows a soldier to be fully healed. Independent of %3ACE Settings%4, it requires that the patient is in %3Stable Condition%4 before use.<br/><br/>%3Stable Condition%4 qualifies as:<br/>%2Unit is %3Alive%4.<br/>%2Unit is %3Conscious%4.<br/>%2Unit has no active %3Bleeding%4.<br/>%2Heart Rate >= 40.<br/>%2Systolic BP >= 60.<br/>%2Diastolic BP >= 50.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Move to appropriate location depending on %3ACE Settings%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select %3Advanced Treatments%4<br/>%2Select %3Use Personal Aid Kit%4. Fix Fractures A %3Splint%4 is used to fix fractures. The %3Splint%4 is consumed when used.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select an affected appendage.<br/>%2Select %3Apply Splint%4. Prevent Wounds From Reopening A %3Surgical Kit%4 is used to prevent wounds from reopening after being bandaged. Depending on settings, it can also clear trauma.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select %3Advanced Treatment%4.<br/>%2Select %3Use Surgical Kit%4. Stop Bleeding A %3Tourniquet%4 stops bleeding temporarily so that a wound(s) can be bandaged. Can only be used on limbs.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select an affected appendage.<br/>%2Select %3Apply Tourniquet%4. Portable, Precise, Rugged The %3Horus ATragMX%4 considers atmospheric conditions, gun data, ammunition, range, speed, and muzzle velocity to calculate precise aiming solutions with %3Come-Up%4 results - and even accounts for %3Coriolis%4 and %3Spin Drift%4 effects. %3ATragMX%4, loaded on a handheld computer made by %3TDS Recon%4, is easy to use and lightning fast. The %3Recon%4 meets the rigorous %3MIL-STD-810F%4 military standard for drops, vibration, humidity, altitude and extreme temperatures.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>Please visit the wiki page for more information. Bring Out Your Dead %3Body Bags%4 are used to transport dead bodies. They can be dragged and loaded into vehicles.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Approach a dead body.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] or [%3%14%4] and select %3Place Body In Bodybag%4. Take Prisoners %3Cable Ties%4 enable a soldier to capture and detain another soldier. Once apprehended, the captor gains the ability to inspect the prisoner's belongings, set them free, or accompany them to an alternate area. Transporting escorted prisoners is also possible, including loading them into vehicles if needed. Depending on your settings, units may need to surrender before being taken captive.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Approach the unit and use the [%3%13%4].<br/>%2The interaction is located around the hands in the form of a handcuffs icon.<br/>%2Repeat to release. Phone In An Explosion The %3Cellphone%4 is functionally a %3Clacker%4. Use it to connect and detonate an explosive device. Multiple devices can be linked to the cellphone and called within the phonebook.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Place an explosive.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4], select %3Explosives%4, and select %3Cellphone%4.<br/>%2Open the cellphone interface with [%3%12%4].<br/>%2Navigate the phone book with the arrows and select your calling number.<br/>%2Call the number to detonate. Portable Reading Lights %3Chemlight Shields%4 give you the ability to read your map, even in dark environments. However, when using %3Chemlight Shields%4, you will have a slight glow around you.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2elect %3Chemlights%4 and %3Prepare Chemlight Shield (Color)%4.<br/>%2Open %3Map%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Flashlights%4 where you will find your chemlight shield. Remote Detonation Use %3Clackers%4 to connect and detonate an explosive device. Multiple devices can be linked to a clacker and detonated on different channels.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Place an explosive.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4], select %3Explosives%4, and select the %3Clacker%4 you wish to link to.<br/>%2Open the ACE interface with [%3%12%4].<br/>%2Select %3Explosives%4 and select a %3Clacker%4.<br/>%2Select the %3Explosive%4 you wish to detonate. Navigate The %3DAGR%4 is a simpler version of the %3MicroDAGR GPS%4. It has similar features but lacks the topographic and satellite imaging functions of the %3MicroDAGR GPS%4.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3DAGR%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Configure%4 or %3Toggle%4.<br/><br/>The following menus are available when configuring your %3DAGR:%4<br/>%11%2Data View: WIP<br/>%11%2GoTo WP: Select a waypoint to track.<br/>%11%2WP List: Add/Edit/Remove waypoints.<br/>%11%2Connect To: Connect %3DAGR%4 to the %3Vector 21 Rangefinder%4.<br/>%11%2Options Explosive Revenge The %3Dead Man's Switch%4 is a device that allows a soldier to detonate an %3Explosive%4 when the soldier dies.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Explosives%4.<br/>%2Select %3Dead Man's Switch%4 and connect the desired %3Explosive%4.<br/>%2Repeat the process and disconnect to reverse. The %3Defusal Kit%4 allows defusal of explosives.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3Defusal Kit%4.<br/>%2Safely approach an %3Explosive%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] and select %3Defuse%4. Defuse Explosives Protect Your Hearing %3Ear Plugs%4 help prevent hearing damage from repeat loud noises near a soldier. Insert %3Ear Plugs%4 to lower volume of a soldier's environment and prevent %3Combat Deafness%4.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Insert %3Ear Plugs%4. Get To Cover The %3Entrenching Tool%4 allows soldiers to dig trenches to help defend their position. The soldier must be on soil in order to dig a trench.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip an %3Entrenching Tool%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select the type of trench you wish to build. Flashlights Illuminate Your Map %3Flashlights%4 give you the ability to read your map, even in dark environments. However, when using %3Flashlights%4, you will have a slight glow around you.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2On the map screen, use [%3%12%4] and select %3Flashlights%4.<br/>%2Select the %3Flashlight%4 you want to use and select %3On%4.<br/><br/>%3Available Flashlight Items%4:<br/>%2 Fulton MX-991<br/>%2 KSF-1<br/>%2 Maglite XL50<br/><br/>%3NOTE:%4<br/>Flashlight states are persistent. Observe From The Skies The %3High-Altitude Unit Navigated Tactical Imaging Round (HuntIR)%4 is designed to be fired from a grenade launcher. After being fired in the air, the built-in parachute will be deployed and the IR CMOS camera will activate, providing a video stream until it touches the ground or is shot down.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3HuntIR Monitor%4 and compatible ammunition.<br/>%2Fire the %3HuntIR Round%4 as high as possible over the area you want to observe.<br/>%2Open the %3HuntIR Monitor%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4], select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select %3Activate HuntIR Monitor%4. Track Your Team With Stealth The %3IR Strobe%4 is a throwable that emits an IR light pulse intermittently. The %3IR Strobe%4 can also be attached to a soldier, making it useful for tracking teammates under night vision devices.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select %3Attach%4 and select the %3IR Strobe%4. Pocket Weatherstation The %3Kestrel 4500 Pocket Weather Tracker%4 is a mini weather station useful for collecting the the following weather data:<br/>%2Heading and wind direction<br/>%2Crosswind and headwind<br/>%2Altitude and barometric pressure<br/>%2Wet bulb temperature<br/>%2Humidity and dewpoint<br/>%2Density altitude<br/>%2Wind chill and temperature<br/>%2Time and date<br/>%2Minimum, maximum, and average values<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3Kestrel%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select %3Open%4. Triangulate Your Position The %3Map Tools%4 are a set of tools that allows a soldier to measure distances and angles. Useful for land, and calculating firing solutions for artillery.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Open %3Map%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Map Tools%4.<br/>%2 The Tool can be moved by dragging with [%3Left-Click%4] while holding [%3ALT%4]. Advanced DAGR The %3MicroDAGR GPS%4 is an advanced version of the %3DAGR%4. It provides position, navigation, and timing (PNT) data to include:<br/>%2Compass and heading<br/>%2Date and hour synced to the mission<br/>%2Elevation (relative to sea level)<br/>%2Current speed<br/>%2GPS with topographic and satellite view<br/>%2Creating, naming, and deleting waypoints<br/>%2Friendly identification (Requires ACE BLUFOR Tracker Setting)<br/>Connection to the Vector-21 Rangefinder for data import (waypoint creation and grid reference of ranged targets)<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2For usage instructions, please visit the dedicated %3MicroDAGR%4 wiki. Range Tables Get A Firing Solution %3Range Tables%4 allow for a soldier to estimate accurate shot placement on direct or indirect targets (depending on asset). The %3Range Table%4 will automatically fill depending on the soldiers selected weapon/vehicle.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select the desired %3Range Table%4. Ropes Tow With Ease %3Ropes%4 have multiple uses including %3Towing%4 vehicles and %3Fast Roping%4 from helicopters.<br/><br/>%3Towing:%4<br/>%2Approach a vehicle.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] and select %3Towing%4.<br/>%2Select rope length.<br/>%2Select attachment point on towing vehicle.<br/>%2Select attachment on towed vehicle.<br/><br/>%3Available Rope Lengths:%4<br/>%2 3.2 meters<br/>%2 6.2 meters<br/>%2 12.2 meters<br/>%2 15.2 meters<br/>%2 18.3 meters<br/>%2 27.4 meters<br/>%2 36.6 meters Expand Your Fortifications %3Sandbags%4 are sacks made of sturdy material, filled with sand, used for a variety of purposes such as creating barriers or providing stability in construction projects. Useful in expanding larger placed fortifications.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3Sandbag (Empty)%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Deploy Sandbag%4.<br/>%2Follow on-screen instructions for placement. Lower Firearm Temperature %3Spare Barrels%4 allow a soldier to reduce their weapon's heat significantly. After a short delay, the weapon's barrel will be swapped and its heat reduced. A soldier may also check the temperature of any barrels within their inventory. Not all weapons support swapping barrels.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select %3Swap Barrel%4.<br/>%2Resume operation after barrel swap is complete. Spray Paint Tag Your Territory %3Spray Paint%4 is used to tag surfaces with various symbols.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Move close to a surface (wall, vehicle, ground, etc).<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Tag%4.<br/>%2Choose a symbol.<br/><br/>%3Available Colors:%4<br/>%2Black<br/>%2Blue<br/>%2Green<br/>%2Red Brace From Anywhere The %3SSWT Kit%4 is a deployable tripod that allows a soldier to brace their aim when deployed. Use it when you need an elevated shooting position and there are no other objects around.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Equipment%4.<br/>%2Select %3SSWT Kit%4 and follow the on screen prompts to place. Keep Eyes In The Sky %3UAV Batteries%4 are used to recharge a UAV's energy storage. Especially useful for small UAVs.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3UAV Battery%4<br/>%2Approach a %3UAV%4 with its %3Engine Off%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%13%4] and select %3Recharge%4. Making An Entrance %3Wirecutters%4 are a tool that allows a soldier to bypass wired fencing. Useful for creating backdoor entrances into secure areas.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Move close to a fence.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Cut Fence%4. Items 物品 Objets Objetos Oggetti Przedmioty Предметы Gegenstände Předměty Itens 물품 物品 アイテム Eşyalar ACE3 Build Fortifications The %3Fortify Tool%4 allows soldiers to build fortifications provided by their mission creator.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Pick up a %3FortifyTool%4.<br/>%2Use [%3%12%4] and select %3Fortify%4.<br/>%2Select an available fortification and follow the on screen prompts for placement. Breaking and Entering %3Lockpicks%4 are used to gain access to locked vehicles.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3Lockpick%4.<br/>%2Approach a %3Locked%4 vehicle.<br/>Use [%3%13%4] and select %3Lockpick Vehicle%4.<br/><br/><t underline='1'>%3Note:%4</t> Lockpicks and keys are only available via scripting or ACE Vehicle Key modules. Vehicle Keys Lock/Unlock Vehicles %3Vehicle Keys%4 are used to lock/unlock your vehicles. Vehicle keys can exist for the whole side, or keys can be created for a particular vehicle itself.<br/><br/>%3Usage:%4<br/>%2Equip a %3Vehicle Key%4.<br/>%2Approach the vehicle that the key belongs to.<br/>Use [%3%13%4] and select %3Lock/Unlock Vehicle%4.<br/><br/><t underline='1'>%3Note:%4</t> Lockpicks and keys are only available via scripting or ACE Vehicle Key modules.