/* * Author: KoffeinFlummi * * Adjusts the direction of a shell. * * Arguments: * -> arguments of the FiredBIS EH * * Return Value: * None */ private ["_unit", "_weaponType", "_ammoType", "_magazineType", "_round", "_FCSMagazines", "_FCSElevation", "_offset"]; _unit = _this select 0; _weaponType = _this select 1; _ammoType = _this select 4; _magazineType = _this select 5; _round = _this select 6; _FCSMagazines = _unit getVariable "AGM_FCSMagazines"; _FCSElevation = _unit getVariable "AGM_FCSElevation"; if (AGM_player != gunner _unit) exitWith {}; if !(_magazineType in _FCSMagazines) exitWith {}; // GET ELEVATION OFFSET OF CURRENT MAGAZINE _offset = 0; { if (_x == _magazineType) exitWith { _offset = _FCSElevation select _forEachIndex; }; } forEach _FCSMagazines; [_round, (_unit getVariable "AGM_FCSAzimuth"), _offset, 0] call AGM_Core_fnc_changeProjectileDirection; // Air burst missile if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammoType >> "AGM_Airburst") == 1) then { _this spawn { _vehicle = _this select 0; _projectile = _this select 6; _distance = _vehicle getVariable ["AGM_FCSDistance", currentZeroing _vehicle]; if (_distance < 50) exitWith {}; if (_distance > 1500) exitWith {}; waitUntil {_projectile distance _vehicle > _distance || {!alive _projectile}}; if (!alive _projectile) exitWith {}; _position = getPosATL _projectile; _subMunition = createVehicle ["AGM_B_35mm_ABM_Helper", _position, [], 0, "FLY"]; _subMunition setPosATL _position; _subMunition setVelocity [0, 0, -10]; deleteVehicle _projectile; }; };