/* Author: commy2 Garth de Wet (LH) Description: Parameters: 0: OBJECT - target 1: ARRAY - Parents of the target object 2: ARRAY - Actions 3: ARRAY - Patches 4: CONFIG - Parent config (ConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles"/MissionConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles") 5: BOOL - Is mission config file? 6: STRING - Classname ("ACE_Actions"/"ACE_SelfActions") 7: STRING - Sub-class Returns: Nothing Example: [player, [configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf player, true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents, [], [],configfile >> "CfgVehicles", false, "ACE_Actions"] call ACE_Interaction_fnc_GetActions; [player, [configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf player, true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents, [], [],configfile >> "CfgVehicles", false, "ACE_SelfActions"] call ACE_Interaction_fnc_GetActions; */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define DEFAULT_ICON PATHTOF(UI\dot_ca.paa) private ["_target", "_parents", "_actions", "_patches", "_baseConfig", "_actionType", "_i","_index", "_missionConfig", "_stdConfig"]; _target = _this select 0; _parents = _this select 1; _actions = _this select 2; _patches = _this select 3; _baseConfig = _this select 4; _missionConfig = _this select 5; _actionType = _this select 6; _subClass = _this select 7; _stdConfig = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _target >> _actionType); if (_subClass != "") then { _stdConfig = _stdConfig >> _subClass; }; _count = count _parents; for "_i" from 0 to (_count - 1) do { _config = _baseConfig >> _parents select _i >> _actionType; if (_subClass != "") then { _config = _config >> _subClass; }; _count = count _config; if (_count > 0) then { for "_index" from 0 to (_count - 1) do { private ["_action", "_displayName", "_distance","_condition","_statement","_showDisabled", "_priority", "_tooltip", "_hotkey", "_subMenu", "_conditionShow", "_exceptions", "_icon", "_actionToCache", "_cacheActions", "_cache", "_indexCache", "_configName"]; _action = if (_missionConfig) then {_config select _index} else {_stdConfig >> configName (_config select _index)}; _cache = missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(MenuCache), [[], [], []]]; if (count _action > 0) then { _configName = configName _action; _cacheConfigs = _cache select 0; _cacheActions = _cache select 1; _cacheIndices = _cache select 2; _indexCache = _cacheConfigs find _action; if (_indexCache == -1) then { _displayName = getText (_action >> "displayName"); _distance = getNumber (_action >> "distance"); _priority = getNumber (_action >> "priority"); _subMenu = getArray (_action >> "subMenu"); _tooltip = getText (_action >> "tooltip"); _hotkey = getText (_action >> "hotkey"); _enableInside = getNumber (_action >> "enableInside"); // Condition _condition = getText (_action >> "condition"); if (_condition == "") then {_condition = "true"}; _condition = _condition + format [QUOTE( && {%1 call EGVAR(core,canInteract)} && {[ACE_player, GVAR(Target)] call EFUNC(core,canInteractWith)} ), getArray (_action >> "exceptions")]; if (_enableInside != 1) then {_condition = _condition + " && {_player == _vehicle}"}; _condition = compile _condition; // Condition to show the action _conditionShow = getText (_action >> "conditionShow"); _conditionShow = if (_conditionShow == "") then {{true}} else {compile _conditionShow}; _showDisabled = getNumber (_action >> "showDisabled") == 1; if (isText (_action >> "conditionShow")) then { _showDisabled = [_object, _player] call _conditionShow; }; // Exceptions to the general conditions that have to be true _exceptions = getArray (_action >> "exceptions"); // statement _statement = getText (_action >> "statement"); _statement = compile _statement; if (profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(FlowMenu), false]) then { _statement = if (getText (_action >> "statement") == "" && {count _subMenu > 1}) then { compile format [QUOTE( call FUNC(hideMenu);if(%2 == 1)then{['%1'] call FUNC(openSubMenuSelf);}else{['%1'] call FUNC(openSubMenu);}; ), _subMenu select 0, _subMenu select 1]; } else { compile (QUOTE( call FUNC(hideMenu); ) + getText (_action >> "statement")); }; }; // icon _icon = getText (_action >> "Icon"); if (_icon == "") then { _icon = DEFAULT_ICON; }; _actionToCache = [_displayName, _statement, _condition, _priority, _subMenu, _icon, _tooltip, _conditionShow, _exceptions, _distance, _hotkey]; if (!(_configName in _patches) && {_showDisabled || {[_object, _player] call _condition}} && {_distance == 0 || {[_object, _distance] call FUNC(isInRange)}}) then { _actions pushBack _actionToCache; _patches pushBack _configName; }; _indexCache = _cacheActions find _actionToCache; if (_indexCache == -1) then { _indexCache = count _cacheActions; _cacheActions pushBack _actionToCache; }; _cacheConfigs pushBack _action; _cacheIndices pushBack _indexCache; _cache = [_cacheConfigs, _cacheActions, _cacheIndices]; ["InteractionMenu", _action, {format ["%1 loaded into cache", _this]}] call EFUNC(debug, log); } else { ["InteractionMenu", _action, {format ["%1 loaded from cache", _this]}] call EFUNC(debug, log); _cachedAction = _cacheActions select (_cacheIndices select _indexCache); _showDisabled = getNumber (_action >> "showDisabled") == 1; if (isText (_action >> "conditionShow")) then { _showDisabled = [_object, _player] call (_cachedAction select 7); }; if (!(_configName in _patches) && {_showDisabled || {[_object, _player] call (_cachedAction select 2)}} && {[_object, (_cachedAction select 9)] call FUNC(isInRange) || {(_cachedAction select 9) == 0}}) then { _actions pushBack _cachedAction; _patches pushBack _configName; }; }; }; GVAR(MenuCache) = _cache; }; }; }; [_actions, _patches]