/* * Author: Jonpas * Makes a list from a string using comma as a delimiter, optionally remove whitespace and check each for object existence. * * Arguments: * 0: Text * 1: Remove Whitespace * 2: Check Nil * * Return Value: * Parsed List * * Example: * ["text", true, false] call ace_slideshow_fnc_makeList * * Public: No */ //#define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "script_component.hpp" PARAMS_3(_list,_removeWhitespace,_checkNil); private ["_splittedList", "_listNoWhitespace", "_nilCheckPassedList"]; // Split using comma delimiter _splittedList = [_list, ","] call BIS_fnc_splitString; // Remove whitespace _listNoWhitespace = []; if (_removeWhitespace) then { { _listNoWhitespace pushBack ([_x] call EFUNC(common,stringRemoveWhiteSpace)); } forEach _splittedList; _list = _listNoWhitespace; }; // Check for object existence _nilCheckPassedList = ""; if (_checkNil) then { { if !(isNil _x) then { if (_nilCheckPassedList == "") then { _nilCheckPassedList = _x; } else { _nilCheckPassedList = _nilCheckPassedList + "," + _x; }; }; } forEach _list; // Add Array characters and parse into array _list = "[" + _nilCheckPassedList + "]"; _list = [] call compile _list; }; TRACE_4("Lists",_splittedList,_listNoWhitespace,_nilCheckPassedList,_list); _list