/* * Author: Pabst Mirror * Builds a rangeTable line for a certian range, given muzzle velocity and air friction, returns [] if out of range. * * Arguments: * 0: Muzzle Velocity * 1: Air Friction * 2: Range To Hit * * Return Value: * Range Table Line Data (see return line) * * Example: * [300, -0.0001, 3000] call ace_mk6mortar_fnc_simulateCalcRangeTableLine * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define TIME_STEP (1/50) private ["_startTime", "_muzzleVelocity", "_rangeToHit", "_airFriction", "_vacElevation", "_radicand", "_maxElev", "_minElev", "_error", "_solutionElevation", "_lastTestResult", "_numberOfAttempts", "_lineElevation", "_lineTimeOfFlight", "_lineHeightElevation", "_lineHeightTimeDelta", "_lineCrosswindDeg", "_lineHeadwindMeters", "_lineTailWindMeters", "_result"]; _startTime = diag_tickTime; _muzzleVelocity = _this select 0; _rangeToHit = _this select 1; _airFriction = _this select 2; //Run Binary search for correct elevation _solution = [_rangeToHit, 0, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateFindSolution); if (_solution isEqualTo []) exitWith {[]}; //Real Elevation _lineElevation = _solution select 0; //Time Of Flight: _lineTimeOfFlight = _solution select 1; //Height Adjustment for -100m (another binary search) _solution = [_rangeToHit, -100, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateFindSolution); if (_solution isEqualTo []) exitWith {[]};//should never be triggered (lower elevation easier to hit) _lineHeightElevation = ((_solution select 0) - _lineElevation); _lineHeightTimeDelta = (_solution select 1) - _lineTimeOfFlight; //Compute for 10x and divide to minimize rounding errors //Crosswind _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, 0, 10, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineCrosswindDeg = (_lastTestResult select 2) / 10; //Headwind: _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, -10, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineHeadwindMeters = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10; //TailWind: _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1, 10, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineTailWindMeters = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10; //Air Temp Dec _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, (15 - 10), 1, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineTempDec = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10; //Air Temp Inc _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, (15 + 10), 1, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineTempInc = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10; //Air Density Dec _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 0.9, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineAirDensDec = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10; //Air Density Inc _lastTestResult = [_lineElevation, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 15, 1.1, 0, 0, 0, TIME_STEP] call FUNC(dev_simulateShot); _lineAirDensInc = (_rangeToHit - (_lastTestResult select 0)) / 10; // systemChat format ["debug: Range %1 - in %2 sec", _rangeToHit, (diag_tickTime - _startTime)]; [_rangeToHit, _lineElevation, _lineHeightElevation, _lineHeightTimeDelta, _lineTimeOfFlight, _lineCrosswindDeg, _lineHeadwindMeters, _lineTailWindMeters, _lineTempDec, _lineTempInc, _lineAirDensDec, _lineAirDensInc]