/* * Author: Dslyecxi, Jonpas, SilentSpike * Handles drawing the currently selected or cooked throwable. * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * call ace_advanced_throwing_fnc_drawThrowable * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" if (dialog || {!(ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(inHand), false])} || {!([ACE_player, true] call FUNC(canPrepare))}) exitWith { [ACE_player, "In dialog or no throwable in hand or cannot prepare throwable"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode); }; private _primed = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(primed), false]; private _activeThrowable = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(activeThrowable), objNull]; // Exit if throwable died primed in hand if (isNull _activeThrowable && {_primed}) exitWith { [ACE_player, "Throwable died primed in hand"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode); }; private _throwable = currentThrowable ACE_player; // Inventory check if (_throwable isEqualTo [] && {!_primed}) exitWith { [ACE_player, "No valid throwables"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode); }; private _throwableMag = _throwable param [0, "#none"]; // If not primed, double check we actually have the magazine in inventory if ((!_primed) && {!((_throwableMag in (uniformItems ACE_player)) || {_throwableMag in (vestItems ACE_player)} || {_throwableMag in (backpackItems ACE_player)})}) exitWith { [ACE_player, "No valid throwable (glitched currentThrowable)"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode); }; // Get correct throw power for primed grenade if (_primed) then { private _ammoType = typeOf _activeThrowable; _throwableMag = GVAR(ammoMagLookup) getVariable _ammoType; if (isNil "_throwableMag") then { // What we're trying to throw must not be a normal throwable because it is not in our lookup hash (e.g. 40mm smoke) // Just use HandGrenade as it has an average initSpeed value _throwableMag = "HandGrenade"; }; }; // Some throwables have different classname for magazine and ammo // Primed magazine may be different, read speed before checking primed magazine! private _throwSpeed = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _throwableMag >> "initSpeed"); // Reduce power of throw over shoulder and to sides private _unitDirVisual = getDirVisual ACE_player; private _cameraDir = getCameraViewDirection ACE_player; _cameraDir = (_cameraDir select 0) atan2 (_cameraDir select 1); private _phi = abs (_cameraDir - _unitDirVisual) % 360; _phi = [_phi, 360 - _phi] select (_phi > 180); private _power = linearConversion [0, 180, _phi - 30, 1, 0.3, true]; ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(throwSpeed), _throwSpeed * _power]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL hintSilent format ["Heading: %1\nPower: %2\nSpeed: %3\nThrowMag: %4\nMuzzle: %5", _phi, _power, _throwSpeed * _power, _throwableMag, ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(activeMuzzle), ""]]; #endif private _throwableType = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _throwableMag >> "ammo"); if (!([ACE_player] call FUNC(canThrow)) && {!_primed}) exitWith { if (!isNull _activeThrowable) then { deleteVehicle _activeThrowable; // Restore muzzle ammo (setAmmo 1 has no impact if no appliccable throwable in inventory) ACE_player setAmmo [ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(activeMuzzle), ""], 1]; }; }; if (isNull _activeThrowable || {(_throwableType != typeOf _activeThrowable) && {!_primed}}) then { if (!isNull _activeThrowable) then { deleteVehicle _activeThrowable; // Restore muzzle ammo (setAmmo 1 has no impact if no appliccable throwable in inventory) ACE_player setAmmo [ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(activeMuzzle), ""], 1]; }; _activeThrowable = _throwableType createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; _activeThrowable enableSimulation false; ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(activeThrowable), _activeThrowable]; // Set muzzle ammo to 0 to block vanilla throwing (can only be 0 or 1) private _muzzle = _throwableMag call FUNC(getMuzzle); ACE_player setAmmo [_muzzle, 0]; ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(activeMuzzle), _muzzle]; }; // Exit in case of explosion in hand if (isNull _activeThrowable) exitWith { [ACE_player, "No active throwable (explosion in hand)"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode); }; // Exit if locality changed (someone took the throwable from hand) if (!local _activeThrowable && {ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(localityChanged), true]}) exitWith { [ACE_player, "Throwable locality changed"] call FUNC(exitThrowMode); }; // Set position private _posHeadRel = ACE_player selectionPosition "head"; private _leanCoef = (_posHeadRel select 0) - 0.15; // 0.15 counters the base offset // Don't take leaning into account when weapon is lowered due to jiggling when walking side-ways (bandaid) if (abs _leanCoef < 0.15 || {vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player} || {weaponLowered ACE_player}) then { _leanCoef = 0; }; private _posCameraWorld = AGLToASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]); _posHeadRel = _posHeadRel vectorAdd [-0.03, 0.01, 0.15]; // Bring closer to eyePos value private _posFin = AGLToASL (ACE_player modelToWorldVisual _posHeadRel); private _throwType = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(throwType), THROW_TYPE_DEFAULT]; // Orient it nicely, point towards player _activeThrowable setDir (_unitDirVisual + 90); private _pitch = [-30, -90] select (_throwType == "high"); [_activeThrowable, _pitch, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank; // Force drop mode if underwater if (underwater player) then { ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(dropMode), true]; }; if (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(dropMode), false]) then { _posFin = _posFin vectorAdd (AGLToASL (positionCameraToWorld [_leanCoef, 0, ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(dropDistance), DROP_DISTANCE_DEFAULT]])); // Even vanilla throwables go through glass, only "GEOM" LOD will stop it but that will also stop it when there is no glass in a window if (lineIntersects [_posCameraWorld, _posFin vectorDiff _posCameraWorld]) then { ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(dropDistance), ((ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(dropDistance), DROP_DISTANCE_DEFAULT]) - 0.1) max DROP_DISTANCE_DEFAULT]; }; } else { private _xAdjustBonus = [0, -0.075] select (_throwType == "high"); private _yAdjustBonus = [0, 0.1] select (_throwType == "high"); private _cameraOffset = [_leanCoef, 0, 0.3] vectorAdd [-0.1, -0.15, -0.03] vectorAdd [_xAdjustBonus, _yAdjustBonus, 0]; _posFin = _posFin vectorAdd (AGLToASL (positionCameraToWorld _cameraOffset)); if (vehicle ACE_player != ACE_player) then { // Counteract vehicle velocity including acceleration private _vectorDiff = (velocity (vehicle ACE_player)) vectorMultiply (time - (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(lastTick), time]) + 0.01); _posFin = _posFin vectorAdd _vectorDiff; ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(lastTick), time]; }; }; _activeThrowable setPosASL (_posFin vectorDiff _posCameraWorld);