#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal * Either kills a unit or puts the unit in a revivable state, depending on the settings. * * Arguments: * 0: The unit that will be killed * 1: Force Dead (ignore revive setting) (default: false) * 1: Delay setDamage for a frame (default: false) * * Return Value: * Did he died? * * Example: * [bob, false, false] call ace_medical_fnc_setDead * * Public: yes */ params ["_unit", ["_force", false], ["_delaySetDamage", false]]; if ((!alive _unit) || {_unit getVariable ["ACE_isDead", false]}) exitWith {true}; if (!local _unit) exitwith { [QGVAR(setDead), [_unit, _force], _unit] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; false; }; private _reviveVal = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(enableRevive), GVAR(enableRevive)]; if (((_reviveVal == 1 && {[_unit] call EFUNC(common,isPlayer)} || _reviveVal == 2)) && !_force) exitwith { if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(inReviveState), false]) exitwith { if (GVAR(amountOfReviveLives) > 0) then { private _lifesLeft = _unit getVariable[QGVAR(amountOfReviveLives), GVAR(amountOfReviveLives)]; if (_lifesLeft <= 0) then { [_unit, true] call FUNC(setDead); }; }; false; }; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(inReviveState), true, true]; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(reviveStartTime), CBA_missionTime]; [_unit, true] call FUNC(setUnconscious); // Run the loop that tracks the revive state [_unit ] call FUNC(reviveStateLoop); false; }; _unit setVariable ["ACE_isDead", true, true]; if (isPLayer _unit) then { _unit setVariable ["isDeadPlayer", true, true]; }; ["ace_killed", [_unit]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; //Delay a frame before killing the unit via scripted damage //to avoid triggering the "Killed" Event twice (and having the wrong killer) if (!_delaySetDamage) then { [_unit, 1] call FUNC(setStructuralDamage); } else { [FUNC(setStructuralDamage), [_unit, 1]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame; }; true;