/* * Author: Glowbal * Calculate the total blood loss of a unit. * * Arguments: * 0: The Unit * * ReturnValue: * Total blood loss of unit * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define BLOODLOSS_SMALL_WOUNDS 0.025 #define BLOODLOSS_MEDIUM_WOUNDS 0.05 #define BLOODLOSS_LARGE_WOUNDS 0.1 /** * The default cardiac output when all stats are set to normal is 5.25. */ #define DEFAULT_CARDIAC_OUTPUT 5.25 private ["_totalBloodLoss","_tourniquets","_openWounds", "_value", "_cardiacOutput"]; // TODO Only use this calculation if medium or higher, otherwise use vanilla calculations (for basic medical). _totalBloodLoss = 0; _tourniquets = _this getvariable [QGVAR(tourniquets), [0,0,0,0,0,0]]; _openWounds = _this getvariable [QGVAR(openWounds), []]; //_cardiacOutput = [_this] call FUNC(getCardiacOutput); { if ((_tourniquets select (_x select 2)) < 1) then { _totalBloodLoss = _totalBloodLoss + ([BLOODLOSS_SMALL_WOUNDS, BLOODLOSS_MEDIUM_WOUNDS, BLOODLOSS_LARGE_WOUNDS] select (_x select 1)); // (((BLOODLOSS_SMALL_WOUNDS * (_x select 0))) + ((BLOODLOSS_MEDIUM_WOUNDS * (_x select 1))) + ((BLOODLOSS_LARGE_WOUNDS * (_x select 2))) * (_cardiacOutput / DEFAULT_CARDIAC_OUTPUT)); }; }foreach _openWounds; // cap the blood loss to be no greater as the current cardiac output //(_totalBloodLoss min _cardiacOutput); _totalBloodLoss;