/* * Author: KoffeinFlummi * * Sends a civilian crowd away (chance of failure). * * Arguments: * 0: Unit to be sent away (Object) * * Return value: * none */ #define DISTANCE 50 #define RADIUS 10 private ["_unit", "_chance", "_x"]; _unit = _this select 0; AGM_player playActionNow "GestureGo"; if (count weapons AGM_player > 0) then { _chance = 0.8; } else { _chance = 0.5; }; { if (count (weapons _unit) == 0 and random 1 < _chance) then { [-2, { (_this select 0) setUnitPos "AUTO"; (_this select 0) doMove [(getPos (_this select 0) select 0) + DISTANCE * (eyeDirection (_this select 1) select 0), (getPos (_this select 0) select 1) + DISTANCE * (eyeDirection (_this select 1) select 1), 0]; }, [_x, AGM_player]] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; }; } foreach (_unit nearEntities ["Civilian", RADIUS]);