/* Name: AGM_Interaction_fnc_showMenu Author: commy2 Garth de Wet (LH) aeroson Description: Parameters: 0: NUMBER - Menu type (0 - interaction, 1 - self-interaction, 2 - sub-interaction, 3 - sub-self-interaction) 1: OBJECT - Target object 2: STRING - Sub-Menu ClassName Returns: Nothing Example: [0, AGM_Interaction_Target] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_showMenu; [1, player] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_showMenu; [2, AGM_Interaction_Target, "AGM_Explosives"] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_showMenu; [3, player, "AGM_Explosives"] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_showMenu; */ private ["_player", "_vehicle", "_mainButtonAction", "_object", "_index", "_actions", "_result", "_menuType"]; #define DEFAULT_ICON "\AGM_Interaction\UI\dot_ca.paa" #define DEFAULT_DISTANCE 4 // seems to be 4 _player = AGM_player; _vehicle = vehicle _player; AGM_Interaction_MenuType = _this select 0; // 0 Interaction, 1 Self Interaction _mainButtonAction = [ {call AGM_Interaction_fnc_hideMenu}, {call AGM_Interaction_fnc_hideMenu}, {"Default" call AGM_Interaction_fnc_openMenu}, {"Default" call AGM_Interaction_fnc_openMenuSelf} ] select AGM_Interaction_MenuType; _menuType = AGM_Interaction_MenuType % 2; uiNamespace setVariable ["AGM_Interaction_CursorPosition", [controlNull, 0.5, 0.5, -1]]; AGM_Interaction_Target = _this select 1; _object = AGM_Interaction_Target; if (_menuType == 0 && {(isNull (_object) || {!([_object, 4] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_isInRange)})}) exitWith {};//call ([AGM_Interaction_fnc_onButtonDown, AGM_Interaction_fnc_onButtonDownSelf] select _menuType)}; if !([_player, _object] call AGM_Core_fnc_canInteractWith) exitWith {}; // add actions or self actions of AGM_Interaction_Target _parents = [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _object, true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents; _result = [_object, _parents, [], [], missionConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles", true, ["AGM_Actions", "AGM_SelfActions"] select _menuType, _this select 2] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_GetActions; _actions = ([_object, _parents, _result select 0, _result select 1,configFile >> "CfgVehicles", false, ["AGM_Actions", "AGM_SelfActions"] select _menuType, _this select 2] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_GetActions) select 0; // add self actions of vehicle _player if (_menuType == 1 && {_player != _vehicle}) then { _parents = [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle, true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents; _result = [_vehicle, _parents, [], [], missionConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles", true, ["AGM_Actions", "AGM_SelfActions"] select _menuType, _this select 2] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_GetActions; _actions = _actions + (([_vehicle, _parents, _result select 0, _result select 1,configFile >> "CfgVehicles", false, ["AGM_Actions", "AGM_SelfActions"] select _menuType, _this select 2] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_GetActions) select 0); }; // custom defined actions, stored in variable instead of cfg like above if (AGM_Interaction_MenuType < 2) then { private ["_customActions", "_customAction", "_displayName", "_distance","_condition","_statement","_showDisabled", "_priority"]; // add interactions or self interactions of AGM_Interaction_Target _customActions = (_object getVariable [["AGM_Interactions", "AGM_InteractionsSelf"] select _menuType, [-1, [], []]]) select 2; // add self interactions of vehicle _player if (_menuType == 1 && {_player != _vehicle}) then { _customActions = _customActions + ((_vehicle getVariable [["AGM_Interactions", "AGM_InteractionsSelf"] select _menuType, [-1, [], []]]) select 2); }; if(_menuType==0) then { private ["_distance"]; for "_index" from 0 to (count _customActions - 1) do { _customAction = _customActions select _index; _displayName = _customAction select 0; _distance = _customAction select 1; _condition = _customAction select 2; _statement = _customAction select 3; _showDisabled = _customAction select 4; _priority = _customAction select 5; if ((_showDisabled || {[_object, _player] call _condition}) && {[_object, _distance] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_isInRange || {_distance == 0}}) then { _actions pushBack [_displayName, _statement, _condition, _priority, [], DEFAULT_ICON, "", {true}, [], _distance, ""]; }; }; } else { // self interactions do not have distance for "_index" from 0 to (count _customActions - 1) do { _customAction = _customActions select _index; _displayName = _customAction select 0; _condition = _customAction select 1; _statement = _customAction select 2; _showDisabled = _customAction select 3; _priority = _customAction select 4; if (_showDisabled || {[_object, _player] call _condition}) then { _actions pushBack [_displayName, _statement, _condition, _priority, [], DEFAULT_ICON, "", {true}, [], DEFAULT_DISTANCE, ""]; }; }; }; }; if (count _actions == 0) exitWith {};//call ([AGM_Interaction_fnc_onButtonDown, AGM_Interaction_fnc_onButtonDownSelf] select _menuType)}; _actions call AGM_Interaction_fnc_sortOptionsByPriority; AGM_Interaction_Buttons = _actions; [_mainButtonAction, (_this select 2) != "", (profileNamespace getVariable ["AGM_Interaction_FlowMenu", false]), _menuType == 1, _object] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_initialiseInteraction;