/* * Author: Rocko, Ruthberg * Handles lengthening and tilting of the ladder * * Arguments: * Amount scrolled * * Return Value: * Handled * * Example: * 1 call ace_tacticalladder_fnc_handleScrollWheel; * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" PARAMS_1(_scroll); if (isNull GVAR(ladder)) exitWith { false }; if (GETMVAR(ACE_Modifier,0) == 0) then { private ["_currentStep"]; // Lengthening if (_scroll > 0) then { _currentStep = GVAR(currentStep); if (_currentStep == 11) exitWith {}; _currentStep = _currentStep + 1; if (GVAR(ladder) animationPhase (format["extract_%1", _currentStep]) == 0) then { GVAR(ladder) animate [format["extract_%1", _currentStep], 1]; GVAR(currentStep) = _currentStep; }; }; if (_scroll < 0) then { _currentStep = GVAR(currentStep); if (_currentStep == 3) exitWith {}; if (GVAR(ladder) animationPhase (format["extract_%1", _currentStep]) == 1) then { GVAR(ladder) animate [format["extract_%1", _currentStep], 0]; GVAR(currentStep) = _currentStep - 1; }; }; } else { // Tilting GVAR(currentAngle) = 0 max (GVAR(currentAngle) + _scroll) min 90; GVAR(ladder) animate ["rotate", GVAR(currentAngle)]; }; true